OC's unite!


Ohhh Original Chapter Name

If you're gonna f#@$ up might as f@$# up that leaves ponies wonder, how the f$#@ did you manage to do that

In ponyville two pegasus were flying over town, one looked determined and the other one kind of angry

The one following the mysterious pegasus was the rainbow pegasus pony we all know and love also known as Rainbow Dash, the self proclaimed fastest flyer in Equestria. She was currently following the mysterious grey pegasus

"I said NO, Dash!" yelled the mysterious pegasus

"Come on dude" Dash replied "you need to make some friends"


Who is this pegasus you ask? Well his name is Blackout, a grey pegasus pony with a black mane with almost unnoticeable white stripes, he has a average body type and face and a brown eye and three cards as a cutie mark.

His talent is using cards. Like throwing them, shuffling them, playing with them, or just simply coning ponies.

This is the part were it gets weird, his left eye is pitch black with a white pinprick and a scar under it. Don't ask but is a brain problem he has after he got stabbed in the eye a long time ago, said problem almost makes hin fearless and careless and overall crazy

He also has a trench coat jacket, he loved it he found some red and blue pills in the pockets when he bought it, but he cleaned it afterwards...or threw them at some randome place in nightmare night, he thinks he saw some fillies eat some of them....meh whatever.

But enough of him or possible dangerous/toxic pills, let's see the current situation going on.

"Come on man! Why not?" Dash asked

Blackout turned back "I have a lot of shit to do, so for now, f#@$ off!" he turned forward, only to get facefucked by a wall

*SMACK!* aaand he fell to the ground *THUD*

"ahhh, Mr.Ground, how are you? And the kids? Ahh, ok good s@!t man. Hey, are you going to see the game tonight?-" his mental conversation with the dirt was rudely interrupted by the sound of hooves hitting the ground

"Come on man" said Dash "you need friends, you can't be all alone"

"And why can't i?" Blackout replied, still facing the ground

"Cause its not healthy, and having friends can be fun"

Blackout was still facing the dirt thinking if that could be good for him, he had the mane six as friends but they don't hang out or stuff like that
So he was thinking about it....on the floor of course

Rainbow kept talking "Look, if you don't want to go to pinkie's party then don't, but still try to make friends" she told him "now i have to go, im getting late to the party, see ya later Blackout" and with that she flew of leaving Blackout to his own business...on the floor still.

"Friends...that could be fun" Blackout said outloud "yeah, why the f!@# not?" he got up more determined than ever "yeah, let's do this" but then he stopped. Where was he going to make friends?....Ptt of course, he was in Ponyville, the friendliest town in Equestria.

So he marched to town with a goal in his fucked up mind: make as much friends as possible

So he went to town to make some friends....not before tripping and falling over his face...again

"Ahh Mr.ground, how are you?..."

Later..................................................................ok now.

To make friends, he needs some advice. What better pony then the princess of friendship herself? Princess Twilight Sparkle

He was currently in front of her castle, the tree of harmony, debating to himself if he would knock or sleep on the roof again.

That roof was the most comfortable roof ever

Speaking of daddy issues. He started to knock calmly on the massive door and called out in a cherry tone "Ohhh Twi-Twi...."

He knocked again. But this time banging on the door and yelled "TWILIGHT! OPEN THE FU#$@!G DOOR!"

The massive door opened quickly "OK OK! What do you need!" she said quickly. But Blackout didn't respond, instead he stood there with a blank look on his stupid face

Awkward silence took over


Deciding to end this silence, Twilight spoke "Oh, hi uhhhhh....?"


"Blackout! What do you need?" She said kindly

"Oh, uhhh" he sighed "I need advice on making new friends" he responded kind of nervously

"Oh Blackout. Of course i can help you" she replied in a kind tone

"But I would like the short version of "how to make friends for dummies" please" He quickly responded almost cutting her off

"Hmmmm" She had her hoof on her chin in thought while she examined him closely. To his hoofs, his colors, his clothing, his cutie mark, his mane, his shape and finally his black eye, focused at the white pinprick looking back at her

"Well..." She started "you are pretty weird"

"Well I am a bit weird"

"You fell asleep on the castles roof one day"

"Well ok. I am VERY weird. But what are you trying to say?"

"Is that some ponies like weird. Take Pinkie Pie for example, the craziest and weirdest known I have ever known, and yet look at her now, everypony loves her and everypony is her friend" she finished, looking at Blackout

Blackout was looking back at her with a confused look "...Soooo you're telling me, toooo.... Be myself?" he sorta guessed

"That is correct" she answered back

"So. How am i gonna do that?" he questioned

"No matter how many friends you have or make, never change"

The black pony paused for a moment, then his eyes went wide in understanding

"Oooooh. Now I get it. So I just do that and I'll make friends" he answered back finally understanding

"Yes, just like that!"

"Thank you Twilight! Now, I must go and make some friends!"

Twilight stood there as he ran off in direction to ponyville, to make friends... Not before tripping and falling on his face. He laid there for a moment grumbling nonsense to himself and got up and flew way

Twilight stood there before sighing and walked back to the castle

"I said before and I'll say again: this town is full of crazy ponies"

She looked back at ponyville and smiled

"And I hope it never changes"