//------------------------------// // Chapter One ~ The New Girl // Story: The Letter // by Aurora Hooves //------------------------------// Hello, my name is Rose Hearts, but you can call me Rose. So, the first thing you should know, is that I have no pony in my life. No friends, no family. Only my teacher, Ms. Cherilee. She's kind, and is the closest thing to a mother I have. Besides her, I stay at the local orphanage. The mare who runs the place goes by Miss. Bale. She is an old pony, and often very cranky. Although, I feel sympathy for her. Running an orphanage on her own, full of children, it can't be easy. The orphanage isn't so bad, despite not being spoken to. I have a comfy bed, I'm being fed, I have nothing to complain about. I don't think I need friends, anyway. I mean, I've made it this far on my own. Plus, I get good grades. Everything is looking good for me. Well, I'm on my way to school now...another lonely day. What could happen? It seems okay. Ponies are taking their seats, and guess where I sit. In the back left corner. I'm fine there, considering no-pony bothers me. Looks like the teacher is about to talk, I should listen now. "Good morning, class! Ready for another day of learning?" Ms. Cherilee smiled, and many of the other fillies said nothing. She cleared her throat, "Well, today we have a new student joining us, all the way from Cloudsdale! Class, this is Firefly." Firefly walked into the classroom. She grinned as she over-looked the class. "Teacher, where do I sit?" she asked. "Hmm. Oh! You can sit by Rose Hearts, she's right back there." Ms. Cherilee told her. Of course. What else would I expect? Not like she was going to speak to me anyways. I heard some of the other kids gossiping things about me. For instance, how I was on mute. How I was an outcast, and a loser. None of those things were true...well, maybe the loser part. I'm not really good at anything. I don't even have my cutiemark. Firefly? She had one, like everypony else in the room. It looked like a star, bursting out light. As she sat down by me, she gave me a smile. "Hi! My name is Firefly, and you're Rose Hearts?" I looked up from my desk and observed her eyes. Yep. She was definitely talking to me. I didn't bother to reply, thinking she'd hate me like the rest of the class. Firefly eventually spoke a few moments later, "Oh, okay. I can see you don't wanna talk right now. Maybe we can at recess!" I just rolled my eyes and went back to finishing up the last bit of my homework. Firefly, on the other hoof, sat up and was paying attention to the teacher. "Class, I have some very exciting news for you all! We're going on a field-trip to the Ponyville Art Museum tomorrow!" Ms. Cherilee exclaimed. As soon as she said museum, I'm sure that dropped everypony's mood. I was more glad about it than anypony, I don't get treated to go places like that at the orphanage. "Anyway, I will be collecting your homework now, so just set it on your desk." she said. A unicorn in the class by the name of Harvest Tricks, levitated the papers with her magic and set it gently on the teacher's desk. After listening to a boring lecture on the history of Equestria, doing some algebra, and reading a book, it was time for recess. I was the last one out the door, as usual. I went to my normal spot, back behind the school house, and I began reading a book on plants and flowers. "Hiya!" Firefly jumped up and scared me. She giggled, "Sorry, didn't meant to startle you. I was wondering if you were okay to talk now?" I looked at my book, then the ground, and then back up at Firefly. I sighed, "Hello, my name is Rose Hearts, but you can call me Rose." Firefly gasped in delight, "You can talk! I knew it! Wait...why didn't you speak earlier?" I replied to her, "Well, normally the other kids don't talk to me. So I never spoke to them." "Haven't you ever tried? Are any of them your friends?" Firefly questioned. "When I first started going here, I tried to speak to a lot of ponies by going up to them first. They either walked away or completely pretended they didn't hear me, and I know I'm not quiet...well, at least not when it comes to talking." I told her. "And no, none of them are my friends." Firefly frowned, "That's so sad! Oh! I can be your friend, if you want." I was surprised by what she just said. I never had a friend before, but I wasn't quite sure I could trust her. I just met this pony, after all. I decided to get up and walk away. Firefly was probably staring at me, wondering what was wrong. The bell had rang not long after, anyway. We both went inside for lunch, and she sat with me, again. "Do you have to follow me around everywhere I go?" I asked, getting a bit annoyed. "Rose, I just wanted to let you know, I feel your pain." she said, taking an apple out of her lunch-bag. I scoffed, "You don't know my pain. You aren't me. Why don't you just go sit with the popular fillies and colts? Or better, hangout with them?" Firefly looked at me, a bit more strict than before, "I don't have any friends either. All of my friends are back up in Clousdale, miles from here up in the sky. I saw you, and you looked like you needed a friend, but if you don't want me around, I guess I'll just go." Firefly picked up her lunch-bag, and walked away. She didn't sit with the popular kids, but with some of the smarter, nerdy ones. I began to shed tears. Somepony finally noticed me. Somepony finally believed in me. I turned her away. Whatever, I don't need friendship. Like I said, I can handle myself. Tomorrow is Friday, and also the field-trip. I don't need her...right?