The New Elements of Harmony

by omegafan101

Chapter 1: The Six New Elements

Twilight Sparkle and her six students were hidden in an underground bunker, were none of Tirek and Hatred’s dark minions can find them. Twilight’s six students were supposed to be the New Elements of Harmony, but she didn’t know who represented which Element. But she knew that she could trust them in defeating Tirek and Hatred.

Apple Bloom, younger sister of the Element of Honesty.

Sweetie Belle, younger sister of the Element of Generosity.

Scootaloo, adopted Younger sister of the Element of Loyalty.

Babs Seed, cousin of Apple Bloom and the Element of Honesty.

Dinky Doo, Daughter of the great heroes Derpy Hooves and Dr. Whooves.

And Button Mash, one of Sweetie Belle’s most trusted friends.

It’s been many years and all of them have grown to full mares and stallion.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all share the same cutie mark, representing their ability to help others find and understand their cutie marks.

Babs Seed’s cutie mark is a pair of scissors, representing her mane styling ability.

Dinky’s cutie mark is five golden stars, representing her unique magic ability.

And Button Mash’s cutie mark is a joy stick, representing his gaming ability.

“I’m bored!” said Button Mash, “I thought we were supposed to be heroes, not sit around in a secret base.

“Would you shut up Button!?” Sweetie Belle said, “You’re acting like a little kid.”

“Look,” Twilight started, “I know you want to fight Tirek and Hatred-“

“You’re damn right we do!” Scootaloo said, cutting of Twilight, “I’ll make them pay for what they did to Rainbow Dash!”

“But,” Twilight said, continuing her previous statement, “They’re just to strong for you. You still need more training.”

Dinky stepped up to Twilight “Miss Twilight, with all due respect, there’s nothing left to for us to learn. Don’t you think it’s time we stop Tirek and Hatred?”

Twilight had to think, she knew her students were ready, but didn’t want to send them out yet, out of fear that they would suffer the same fate as her friends. “Alright,” she said, “I guess you’re ready…”

"All right!” Apple Bloom screamed.

“So how do we find the Elements?” Babs asked.

The Elements of Harmony had been scattered across all of Equestria after the Tree of Harmony was destroyed. Not even Twilight knew where they were. Twilight began to speak, “It won’t be very easy, but Dinky may be able to cast a spell that can help you track them one at a time.”

“Right, you taught me it a while ago,” Dinky said, “If I can just concentrate…” Dinky horn lit up, she was concentrating as hard as the could until a burst of magic was produced, “It’s… Somewhere in the Crystal Empire…” She said, tired from the spell. “I don’t know which one it is or it’s exact location, that’s all I can tell you.”

“That’s all right,” Twilight said, helping her student up. “Alright everyone, I guess this is goodbye.”

“You’re not coming with us?” Button Mash asked.

Twilight shook her head, “I’d only get in your way, I have complete faith in you that you can stop Tirek and Hatred and avenge all who perished.”

The six heroes gave their teacher one last hug before leaving. “Well, I guess this is it…” Apple Bloom said, as the six came back onto the surface, ready to end the suffering.

“Good luck my students…” Twilight started to cry, “I believe in you…”