Chronicles of an Evil Overlord

by Melancholy

Rule 57

Domination of Equestria - T-14 days.

“I have more here Master.”
“More!? Seriously, how much did she write about the damn thing?!”
“Seems this was a long term research project Master. There are many papers here.”
“Damn you, even now you vex me Twilight Sparkle.”

Now, where was I? Ah yes, page 304: Interlacing of the the spell drainage matrix.
It is essential that the interlacing is done in a concentric manner. Failure to do so properly will result in extensive feedback. For further information on the effects of anti-magic feedback, refer to page 211 of Appendix A.
Feedback huh?

“Servitor, where is Appendix A?”
“Just here master. Do you require Appendix B through D as well?”
“Not at the moment, just keep them there for now.”

Page 211...211...211, here.
Feedback inside of an anti-magic field is a very real risk. Any creature with sensitive magical conduits, such as most ponies, can feel discomfort ranging from itching to disabling agony depending on the strength of the pony's magical field and how badly interlaced the field has been setup. Below is a chart detailing interlace deviation to measured discomfort response in Ponies. For ethical reasons the tests do not go further than a ‘mild pain’ response in subjects, although higher responses have been observed by the testing team during interlacing malfunctions.

Disabling agony eh? Sounds positively delicious. Now, what’s the best way to make use of this little ‘feature’. Back to page 304 it seems.

Concentric interlacing allows for safe dissipation of the magical field. Feedback occurs when the magic is forced back into the magical conduits of a creature. This can be observed most strongly with spiral interlacing. No tests have been conducted with spiral interlacing for ethical reasons. Further hypothesis on spiral interlacing can be found on page 432 of Appendix F.

Appendix F?

“Servitor, do we have Appendix F?”
“No, I’m very sorry my Master, we have yet to find such an Appendix. I have A to D, and Appendix Q, but no others as yet.”
“I’m afraid so Master. Shall I prepare more tea?”
“Please do. And more lighting. I expect I’ll be here for a while longer.”

Overlord Rule No:57 Before employing any captured artifacts or machinery, I will carefully read the owner's manual.