Neon the abnormal dragon

by Beastly Dragon

The dragon that appeared in Ponyville

Neon opens his eyes looking at the blue sky. "Huh, it wor-ACK!" He hits the dirt floor with a SMACK! Slowly getting up he slowly looks around the new world hes in. Now somewhat familiar with his surroundings he walks into a random direction. All he can see are apple trees and baskets under them either full of apples or just empty.

After a few minutes of spinning around in circles and licking trees (I have no idea why he does that) he suddenly hears something hitting a tree. Cautiously peeking behind the apple tree he was licking, he sees an orange mammal bucking a tree. Apples fall from the tree and land in the baskets below. She wipes her brow and turns around only to see a green reptile staring at her. Purple slitted eyes looking into emerald green eyes. None of them move an inch 'I think she can see me.' "Ummm, may I help ya?" She speaks in a southern accent. 'she can see me.'

"Uh, h-hello." He greets the mammal. This is the first contact with another being that hasn't ran away or attempt to kill him.

"Howdy stranger, the names Applejack." she tips her stetson and crosses her forelegs. "And who ya might be?" she questions the dragon.

"My name is Neon Light." He smiles.

"Nice to meet ya." She extends her hoof which Neon gladly shakes. "Are ya new here?" She asks giving a friendly smile.

"Yeah I guess, also what is 'here'" Applejack just chuckles.

"Ponyville ya silly" She explains. "Well actually yer in Sweet apple acres."

"Oh, that explains a lot." He looks around.

"Ya ain't here to steal any of our goods are ya?" She eyes done Neon.

"N-no" He shrinks in fear.

"Alright, I believe ya." Her scowl turns to the friendly smile. Neon smiles as well.

"May I ask ya somtin?" She raises an eye brow.

"Uh, okay?" He also raises his eye brow.

"whats a dragon like you doin here in Ponyville?"

'Of the look of it, this planet have dragons. Also she wouldn't believe me if I said I'm from another planet.' "I heard Ponyville was a great place to live sooooo I came here to see my for myself."

Her face turns serious. "Sugar cube. I know yer liein'" 'WHAT!?'

'Might as well tell the truth.' "I fell from the sky and I now have no idea where the fuck I am." He looks down at the ground and draws little circles in the dirt.

Applejack just sits beside him and pats him on the back "Its okay, everypony get lost now an then."

'Did she say everypony?'

"Since yer here,want to go see Ponyville and greet my friends?"

Neon shrugs "Eh, have nothing better to do."

"Just follow me." Applejack gets up and takes the lead with Neon in tow.

"HOLY SHIT!" Neon yells as he takes sight of the town. they were other ponies like Applejack except they were a different color and had wings or a horn. Neon looks all around taking in the view. It wasn't like Dracgis (His home planet). It was more...alive, It was all cheerful like came out of Ghost's nightmares.

"Pretty isn't it?" Neon snaps out of his thoughts and looks at the mare.

"Huh? Y-yeah it is." He stutterers And looks back at the town. Neon takes notice of Applejack heading towards the town and runs after her.

After a while following a dirt road Neon still takes in the view around him. Now arriving to the town Ponies were EVERYWHERE! Beyond him all he see are three species of ponies: winged,horn,and ground. When walking most of the ponies waved at them or would look at Neon funny. It wasn't the first time this happens to him so he just ignores it.

Applejack heads towards a shop that looks like to be made out of sweets. Inside were baked goods, so much cakes all over the god damn place. Like if Fang was here, this entire place would of been consumed with in a second. With out noticing, Neon bumps into somepony that seems to be shaking. He slowly looks what was vibrating only to see a pink earth pony smiling and hoping.


"Um Pinkie, I think you're scaring him." Applejack looks back at the dragon that has the face of 'what the fuck just happened'. "Why don't ya introduce yourself to him?" She removes her hoof out of Pinkie's mouth and moves back.

Pinkie pie happily trots towards Neon and shakes his claw "HIA!! My name is Pinkamena diane pie but all of my friends call me Pinkie pie. Whats your name?". She still smiles with those eyes (EYES OF MURDER I TELL YOU HWHAT!).

"My name is Neon Light, but my friends call me distraction." Pinkie giggles at his nickname.

"Why do they call you that?" Neon looks back at that time.

Neon sits behind a gun crate waiting for Ghost's orders. He looks back at Ghost which starts to give him directions by shifting his claws into 3D pictures of Neon wildly waving his arms. Neon nods understanding and gets into position. Ghost dashes behind other gun crates while Neon jumps on the crate and grabbing the Machines attention.

"ATTENTION ALL BITCHES, I WILL LIKE TO SAY THAT ALL YOU ARE JUST PIECES OF RUSTED SCRAP METAL!" Neon yells at the top of his lungs grabbing his groin and giving them the bird.

Ghost idly typing away on a tablet trying to hack into the Machines' computer while in the background noises of Neon screaming and gun fire can be heard. Neon's bleeding out body lands at the entrance of the door trying to claw away from the Machines. "Your doing great buddy." Ghost says not looking away from the tablet. A metallic hand grasp Neon's tail and drags him back to the crossfire.

Neon shakes his head vigorously and looks back at the pink mare which is still smiling. "Reasons" He replies.

"Well it was fun meeting you Neon but I need to bake these orders sooo bye." She bounces away going behind the counter.

AJ and Neon exited out of sugar cube corner and head towards a building that reminded Neon of those weird marry go round. Within entering the building the number one thing that caught Neon eye were the floating gems. 'They're a spoopy ghost in here' Is Neon's first thought.

"HORRID! BLAND! TOO BRIGHT! TOO DARK!" A polish voice is heard in the middle of the room as a white mare unicorn with a purple mane and red glasses rested on her snout. "Oh what am I going to do!?" She brings her hoof to her forehead in a dramatic position.

Applejack coughs trying to get The unicorn attention. Rarity spins around seeing Applejack and a mysterious green dragon by her side. Her eyes grew the size of dinner plates when she saw him "IDEA!" She says in a sing song voice and rushes towards Neon. She tries to get every detail of his body. 'I don't like where this is going' Neon eyes her nervously. A spoopy measuring tape starts to extend and take his measures. It goes back from once it came and Rarity is now at a sewing machine doing what she does best.

Applejack coughs louder getting Rarity's attention again. She blushes and trots towards them "I'm so deeply apologize Applejack, I know it isn't very lady like of me to introduce myself to your friend here." She smiles "My name is Rarity I'm the owner of this store, I am very pleased to meet you Mr..."

"Neon Light"

"Neon light." She gently shakes his claw. "It is nice to see a new face but I must get these orders done, also later if you have time can you please come back so I can make clothing for you."

"Um, sure?"

"EXCELLENT! I promise you won't regret this." She smiles gleefully.

They both once again head towards another destination. This time it was outside of Ponyville. Applejack warned Neon how this mare can get shy and easily scared.

Once arriving at a cottage their was small wooden houses all over the place. Also small animal ran all over the place as well. Applejack knocks on the door. It creeks a little bit as light blue eyes look out of the crack. "H-hello?" A quiet voice can be heard (not really) on the other side. "O-oh its you Applejack."

She slowly opens only to see that AJ was not alone. but this wasn't a pony, he was a dragon! she tackles him and looks him deep in the eyes. "Y-your a dragon? I haven't seen a dragon like you before." She blushes. "My name is Fluttershy. Whats your name?" She starts to look at his every detail.

"Uuuh, my name is Neon Light, pleased to meet you." He feels uneasy about this. She hugs him and starts to nuzzle his chest.

"We're gonna have so much foals." she whispers.

'What the ever loving fuck?!' Neon quickly rises and drags Applejack walking to town. "IT WAS FUN MEETING YOU BUT I THINK I HEAR THE NOPES NOPEING THE FUCK OUT OF NOPES."

"W-WAIT WHAT ABOUT OUR LOVE!?" She tries to scream.


The yellow mare let her head hang and trots into her home letting her sexual dreams take over.

Neon kept on dragging Applejack still saying nope. Its bad enough for one female trying to get his junk but TWO is too much. Back on his home planet, Their is a dragon name Rose. She is a darker green dragon with two oak like horns growing out of her head. She is a pyro which is ironic because her body is like of plants.

A blue blur tackles Neon. His eyes spinning spirals as he shook his head getting his sense back. He looks whats on top of him. A dazed cyan Pegasus mare with rainbow hair was on top of him. Like Neon she shook her head getting back to reality. Slowly looking what she has crashed into nearly made her jump out of her skin. "OH MY CELESTIA A DRAGON!" She screams. She changes into a "brave" stance "A-as that I totally mean I can beat a dragon with my bear hooves." Neon jumps up and looks her deep in her rose eyes.

"SQUARE UP!" Neon shouted

"W-what?" the Pegasus questions him.

"THAT MEANS FIGHT ME SCRUB!" His claws extended out of his digits and orange electricity starts to spark out of his back.

Not noticing the orange sparks the mare was about to charge at Neon but Applejack ran between them stopping the battle. "What in tarnation are you two doin?" Applejack yelled at the both of them.


"I didn't 'attack' you, I was doing my super awesome stunts." She flies and performs a somersault. "AND I'M NOT A 'BIATCH'!" She looks at Applejack. "Why are you with this jerk?" She points a hoof at Neon which still has his claws extended out.

"One, this 'jerk' got here and have no idea where he is. Two, hes actually a pretty swell fella. Why don't ya introduce yourself to im?" The cyan mare looked at the drake and trots towards him.

She spits on her hoof and present it to him. "Rainbow dash." She says in a calm tone. Neon looks at her hoof and slits his tongue spitting blood on his claw. They both shake.

"Neon Light." He says with the same tone Rainbow had.

"Was that necessary sugar cube?" Applejack looks at Neon's mouth which had a little bit of blood dripping.

"Yes it was." He wipes away the blood stream.

"It was 'fun' meeting you but I need to practice on my totally awesome stunts." She flies away leaving a rainbow trail behind.

As the both lose sight of Rainbow dash they continue on their trek to the town.

Finally arriving at a giant tree with a sign that said "Golden Oaks Library". Applejack knocks on the door. "I'm coming hold on a sec!" a child's voice can be heard from inside. The doors open and a little purple reptile looks up to see Applejack and a dragon on his fours. "Um Twilight, Applejack is here and some weird guy." The small reptile yells. Hoof steps can be heard and a stressed out lavender unicorn comes down the stairs and looks at the two.

"Applejack what are you doing here? And who is this friend you got here?" She looks at Neon which is talking to the small reptile.

"That there is Neon, landed in mah farm and now is lost. I think he might want to stay here." Twilight looks back at Neon who is telling some weird story to Spike.

"-And then I cut it's head clean off." Neon stands in glory.

"WOE! YOUR JOB SOUNDS AMAZING!" Spike looks at Neon in awe as if hes some sort of hero. "I don't know what these 'Machines' creatures you talk about but you sound brave."

"Me? Brave? You should see my bro Fang."

Fang roars in rage as he rips a huge turret from the ground and throws it at a group of Machines trying to kill the Grey berserk. "YOU ARE NO MATCH AGAINST ME!" He spits a torrent of fire at everything in front of him.

"I should tell the time I drop kicked a mutation off a cliff." Before Neon can tell his amazing tale, Twilight levitated Spike onto her back.

"Sorry boys but Spike and I have to go to one of Pinkie parties." Spike hangs head wanting to hear more of Neon's tales.

"Yeah, I think I should head somewhere I can sleep." Before he can leave AJ tugs his tail back.

"Heck you ain't, you can't just go out there and sleep." She has the face of a mother that found out her child had an F on their report card.

He didn't want to say no, this mare truly cares for him I guess. "Okay where should I sleep then?"

"Well you can sleep at the barn if you like." Her cheeks turn red for some reason. "O-or you can sleep with me."

"I'll sleep in teh barn thank you very much." Her blush goes away with a hint of sadness. They headed back at Sweet Apple Acres, arriving at the barn Neon stopped He felt this many times, its the same felling when a horde of mutations are going to ambush him. But this is a different planet. Eh, its like he always said: "I regret nothing". As entering It was dark. "What the fu-"

"SURPRISE" A bunch of ponies hiding jumped scaring the ever loving crap out of Neon, which is now in his 'attack' mode. The pink pony he was first introduce hops at his face.

"WERE YOU SURPRISE?wereyouwereyouwereyou?" Neon's face was emotionless.

"Yes,yes I was." 'I wonder if these creatures are effected to electricity?' She squeals in delight. he looks around him, other than ponies their was snacks,games,music and some other stuff.

Neon calms down and the party starts. He continued his story to Spike and some other ponies listened in. Most were disgusted at his history, some just didn't believe him. After all everybody had fun. Neon smiles "I think i'm going to like this world."

"What was that?" Spike looked at him

"Nothing Spike." 'A great world indeed'.

"Sssss when is our next plan of attack?" A changeling looks at the other.

"Be patient fool. The queen says we need more time." They head towards the hatchling center. When arriving, blood was everywhere. "What is the meaning of this?" Chomping sound and another sickening sound is heard in the shadows.

"Show yourself at once intruder!" One of the changeling spoke

The creature stopped eating and looks back with four green eyes. It had a black exoskeleton and small mandibles. Four insect wings erupts from the creatures spine. It lets out a horrifying screech.