Bringing evil ideas to Equestria

by reader8363

Getting a new pet and home, and catching a spy

I followed Discord to Fluttershy’s house, he kept looking back at me, like I was going to do something or run off and take control of another pony. I began to think about the testing yesterday, the results surprised me a little, I didn’t think it would work.

I was lost in thought, I didn’t know Discord stopped, until I ran into him. He turned around, and said, “When I leading you somewhere, don’t be lost in thought. We’re here.”

I looked behind Discord, and saw Fluttershy’s house, it looked like the picture people showed me. I walked and knocked on the door. Fluttershy, open the door a crack and said, “Hello, who’s there?

Discord pushed me out of the way, and said, to me, “I should’ve knocked, she is shy around new ponies.” Then he turned to Fluttershy. “Sorry for my friend, he’s a bit...enthusiastic about meeting new ponies.”

Fluttershy opened the door all the way, once she saw Discord standing, and said, “Discord, came to have tea with me, you should have told me that you were coming.”

Discord rubbed the back of his head, and  said, “I thought it would be a surprise, plus I wasn’t expecting to come, but my friend really wanted to meet you.”

Fluttershy said, as I got in view of her, “Ok, um, I didn’t catch your name.”

I bowed and said, “My name is Eric. It’s a pleasure to meet the element of kindness.”

Fluttershy said, “Eric, do you want to have some tea with me and Discord?”

I said, ignoring the look Discord, “I’ll be honored, to join you for tea.”

Fluttershy moved aside, to let me and Discord enter. As She went to get some tea going, Discord grab me and said, “You better not change Fluttershy’s personality, or I will make your life a living hell.”

I said, as I teleported him off of me, “I won’t. I’m only going to make her act like a pet, be she will still be the same.”

Fluttershy came in, carrying a tray with three cups. She said, as she set the tray down, “Who will be the same.”

I said, as grabbed a cup, “oh, nothing.” I took a gulp, that was close, if she heard our conversation, she would have ask a lot more questions. Might as well ask, just to see her opinion. I set the cup down and said, “Fluttershy, I was wondering, just an idea, since it wouldn’t happen, but what do you think of becoming a pet?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widen, and she started to cough. Discord went behind her, and started patting her back, while glaring at me. After she was done coughing, she said, “I don’t know, I never thought about it, I guess, if my owner did the same things I do for angel, I would like it.”

I said, as finished the rest of my tea, “Sorry for the time, besides, where is angel?”

Fluttershy said, “I think he is upstair, sleeping.”

I said, as I set the empty cup down, “I think I can help you overcome your fear, all you have to do is look into my eyes.”

Fluttershy looked at Discord, who nodded in encouragement, then she looked at me. She dropped the cup, as her eyes became glazed and unfocused. I levitated the cup, before it hit the ground, and placed it on the table. Then started to slowly turned her head left, right, up, and down, Until Discord stepped in front of me, and said, “Just put her under control. You acting like this is making me feel weird.”

I released her head from my magic and said, “You will be my pet. You will obey all my commands, without hesitation. When I say awake, you will go back to normal, but you will obey me and call me Master. When I say Sleep, you will return to this mindless state. Once you go outside the base, you will return to normal, but still obey me. You will live with me, until I say so. Do you understand?”

Fluttershy said, in a monotone voice, “Yes Master.”

I turned to Discord and said, “Is that okay with you.?” He nodded. Then I levitated her cup and said, “Awake, you dropped your cup.”

She shook her head, then said, as she grabbed her cup, “thank you. Must be getting tired. I’m sorry to cut this short, but I need to get some sleep.”

I said, as I stood up, “It’s okay, Discord and I need to be going. See ya Fluttershy.” As we walked out, I saw the sun going down and the moon coming up. I ran home to get prepared for Luna to come to our base, with some news.

When I got there, I slowly walked to the bedroom to see everypony sleeping. I closed the door, and walked to the kitchen to get some dinner. After I got my dinner, I heard Luna say, “Sorry Master, I couldn’t betray my sister.”

I turned to her, and said, as I placed dinner down, “I guess I have to work on you a lot, Sleep.” Her eyes became glazed and unfocused. “Whenever you disobey me, you will expect me to punish you. Awake.”

Luna shook her head, and said, as she bowed, “Please punish me master, I disobeyed you.” I smiled and materialized a whip with three strips of leather with a 1/16 of an inch spike all over. I swung it and it connected with her face, leaving three deep scratches across her cheek. She recoiled from it. After nine swing, I let the magic go. She said, as she tried to get up, “I’m sorry Master.”

I said, as I turned away, “go clean yourself up, we don’t want anypony asking question now do we. After you are done, make your way to the front room.”

She said, once she was up, “No master, yes master.” Then made her way to the bathroom. After she got done, she walked to the front room. When she got there she said, “What did you want to speak to me about Master.”

I said, as I sat on the couch, “Is there a place close to ponyville, that can hold an army of ponies, this house is getting crowded, that monster won’t attack any of my army?

Luna said, with a slight hesitation, “There is our old castle, and I can teach you a spell that will keep monster away from your army.”

I sat back on the couch, no wonder why she hesitated, she is offering her old castle, and it close to the tree of harmony. I leaned a hoof out, she flinched as I put a hoof on her head. Then was confused, when I started rubbing her head. I said, as I took my hoof off of her head, “You gave up your old castle for me. You’re slowly becoming a part of my army.”

Then I saw a shadow of something quickly running off. I teleport at the neighbor's house, where the pony, that was staring into the window, ran into me. Luna teleported next to me, and use some kind of magic, that dispelled the cloak off of the changeling. It hissed at me and tried to run away, but I used magic to drag the changeling back to me. I said, as I brought my face closer to it, “Go tell Chrysalis to come to Luna’s and Celestia’s old castle, in the everfree forest, and bring no changelings with her. I want to talk to her.” Then I dropped the changeling, and it ran off. I turned to Luna and said, “Come on let’s go inside, so you can  teach me the spell.”