Forward again, and again, and again.

by Zaravan

Bonus Chapter 001: Notes on IAF Economical Doctrine

The IAF, due to lacking dedicated industrial factories to produce equipment, rely on trade with allied nations and kingdoms, one particular strategy is key to amassing funds to procure equipment for the IAF, detailed as follows: As many medieval-era kingdoms use actual gold as currency, most commonly as coins, it's raw worth is taken for granted, however, most kingdoms using gold specie lack the technology or simply lack equipment worth trading to the IAF for use. But, with more 'modern' allied nations, gold is far more valuable as a source of hard currency that has a set worth, unlike the paper money used in day-to-day transactions. As such, IAF personnel often gather as much gold as they can find, scavenge, or barter from medieval kingdoms, then use the hard specie to purchase food, weaponry, and fuel from modern nations.

Using gold specie is key in bartering with allied nations, without it, the IAF would be robbed of a massive amount of imported equipment for use on the frontlines. They would otherwise have to requisition resources from 'occupied provinces' (See: Notes on IAF Occupational Doctrine.) which make up only a tiny sliver in imported equipment for the IAF.