Forward again, and again, and again.

by Zaravan

The first entry, or: How i learned how many men a bat-lion thing can eviscerate.

Another day, another dimension. We've only been in this godforsaken forest a day and we got a hell of a welcome, like usual, the first thing we did was set up a camp in the clearing we arrived in, not much anyways, the only defenses we have are some trenches to take cover in if we get attacked. Usually, we'd then break out the campfires, we wanted to hurry anyways, this forest felt, or, should i say, feels wrong. The sky is almost covered, you wouldn't think there was a sun, but we'd seen it peek through a small hole in the tree cover every so often. Otherwise, the forest is unnaturally dark, and the air itself feels damp and heavy, even though we're pretty sure it hasn't rained recently. We were trying to get some fires going too cook the rations we brought with us, mostly spam. We'd already set up a few electrical lamps and we had finished our foxholes and trenches, when we heard it, a rustling, and a low growl, like a lion, but i thought that impossible as we were in a forest, or i would have, if i were not a veteran of i think, three deployments. We slowly got our submachine guns and started looking around very carefully, we knew a predator when we heard one. I saw it first, and by god i'll never forget what happened next. It pounced.

I'd thought myself dead, torn apart before i could raise my gun, but i had misjudged it's leap, and instead it landed among several of us gathered near a campfire, it moved unnaturally fast for it's size, it tore two apart with it's razor claws, and bit another in half with it's massive jaw. Another was struck with it's tail, but god as my witness it was not a regular lion's tail, it was a scorpion's. The poor bastard was impaled on it. Now i will say we weren't standing around like idiots, we were firing all we had at the damn thing, but nine millimeter just wasn't cutting it, the thing just got mad, and swiped a huge chunk out of the chest of another of us. It leaped again, and that's when i realized it had the wing of, what else, a goddamned bat. and used it's momentum to crush another man into the dirt, it wasn't pretty. long story short, we'd managed to finally put the damn thing down after what seemed to be a hundred bullets, but i really think the two molotovs really did it. We'd lost twelve men to the monster's rampage, out of the hundred or so who deployed originally, we'll get more reinforcements eventually, the portal will open again and we'll get more ammo and replacements. But we need to stay alert now. I can hear all manner of unnatural noises, we're putting sentries on duty, five men to a true direction, North, South, East, West. I'm on the west set of trenches. I'm going to have to keep my eyes peeled, who knows what's out there? We'll send out patrols come morning.

I just hope we last that long.