Today I Honestly Don't Know

by TodayIWriteFanfics

The Twentieth Chapter

Pinkie Pie jumped into the air, confetti appearing out of nowhere.

"Yay! It's the twentieth chapter already!!" she shouted.

Applejack tilted her head to the side. "Hate ta break it to ya, but this ain't some kinda story," she said.

Pinkie froze in midair. She suddenly went up in Applejack's face, moving faster then should have been physically possible. Putting one hoof over Applejack's mouth, she gave her a dark glare.

"You know nothing," she said, hissing.

Then she bounced away. "La la la la la!"

Applejack stood there, confused.

Suddenly, an anvil landed on her head. A grey pegasus winced as it made impact. "Oops," she said.