//------------------------------// // The Coronation of Sunset Shimmer - Part 1 // Story: Waking Nightmares: Magic Lives // by KnightMysterio //------------------------------// Waking Nightmares – Magic Lives An Equestria Girls fanfiction by Jonathan “KnightMysterio” Spires Chapter 4: The Coronation of Sunset Shimmer – Part 1 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Twenty minutes ago... Human world... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ “It's been almost a day since you've left...” Vice-Principal Luna said softly, staring at the statue. The night sky was above her, the moon shining down on her pale, bluish skin gently. She hesitantly touched the statue, feeling its surface ripple with magic as her hand passed through. She quickly drew it back, and sighed. “I don't even know how you're doing over in that world,” Luna said. “Are you happy? Are you a prisoner? Just what are those ponies doing to you?” She fidgeted nervously for a few moments, and shook her head. “I suppose I'll just have to wait until you come back from Equestria, I suppose,” Luna said. “Good night, dear sister...” “Excuse me,” said a voice. Vice-Principal Luna yelped, whirling. Beside her was a very familiar young woman in a lab coat, her hair up in a bun and a pair of glasses on her face. Luna stared. “Twilight? Princess Twilight, what are you doing here?” “Princess?” said the lab-coated, lavender-skinned young woman. “Er... Vice-Principal Luna, perhaps you're mistaking me for someone else? My name is Twilight Sparkle yes, but I'm not a Princess. I play for the Crystal Prep athletics team, the Shadowbolts.” She muttered. “Not that I actually want to... don't even like sports...” The name Crystal Prep snapped Luna out of her confusion, reminding her of the absurdly long, unbroken string of defeats their school had suffered against them. Crystal Prep... Yes, I remember now! She just started playing a couple years ago, the same year that Sunset first showed up... Luna stared at her. “Didn't even make the connection...” she said softly. The pony Twilight was so different in manner and demeanor from the young scientist before her that they might as well be different people entirely. Twilight Sparkle frowned. “Are you all right? What did you mean by 'didn't even make the connection?'” she asked. “Nothing,” Luna said quickly, unable to keep herself from glancing at the statue, Twilight taking note of it. “So... what brings you to Canterlot High at this time of night?” “Curiosity,” Twilight said, adjusting her glasses. “I've heard... wild rumors about this place. About magic, and a girl who's supposed to be dead showing up and turning into a demon. A trio of hypnotic singers brainwashing the entire student body, only to be bested by a giant magical winged unicorn. Rather... unusual, wouldn't you say?” Twilight narrowed her eyes, giving Luna a suspicious look. EEP! Luna thought, keeping her face as neutral as possible. I have no idea how to deal with this! “As for why I'm here this evening...” Twilight shrugged. “I'm considering transferring to Canterlot High fairly soon. I am not comfortable with Principal Cinch's requirements that all students participate in athletics. And she gives me the creeps.” “That one I'll believe,” Luna muttered. The head of the Crystal Prep school gave her the creeps as well. Twilight turned, looking at the statue. “You were talking to this statue earlier,” she said. “Why?” “No reason,” Luna said, trying not to panic, knowing that her evasiveness was probably making this Twilight Sparkle even more suspicious. “SO! Might be coming here soon. Finally got tired of that blowhard Cinch, eh?” Twilight Sparkle just nodded, studying the statue carefully. She took a step towards it. A trickle of nervous sweat made its way down Luna's face. “L-Let's go inside and talk,” she said. “I have some hot chocolate and marshmallows and...” Twilight Sparkle's face perked up briefly at the mention of hot chocolate, but she quickly turned her attention back to the statue. “Your sudden eagerness to get me away from the statue suggests that it is a key element in my investigations... Perhaps there is something unique about it?” “I have no idea what you mean,” Luna said in a voice as calm as she could manage (translation: borderline panicking). “Let's go inside and talk about your transfer, what to expect if you go through with it!” Twilight Sparkle ignored her, walking up to the statue and gently touching its base. To her surprise, her hand passed through the surface of the statue, the surface of it rippling like water. Twilight Sparkle jumped back, startled. “Huh... A false wall,” Twilight Sparkle said, smirking. “A hologram to disguise the gateway to an underground lair?” Oh no, Luna thought. “Twilight Sparkle,” she said, her tone deadly serious. “Whatever you think is happening right now, you are wrong. Things are happening right now that you will not understand, and going through that statue will put you in grave danger. COME INSIDE. I will explain what I can. Do not take the risk, Twilight Sparkle. The unknown through that gateway is something that no one here can fully comprehend.” Twilight Sparkle just quirked an amused eyebrow. “You do realize that was the absolute worst thing you could have said to a scientist, right?” she said, more determined than ever to pass through this gate. “And while I wasn't fond of my time at Crystal Prep, what I DID learn from Cinch is this – if you want something, go for it! With RUTHLESS AGGRESSION!” Before Luna could stop her, Twilight Sparkle dashed into the portal. Her scream of fright as she fell through the gateway into the other world came soon after. Luna facepalmed. “Ooooh, Celestia's gonna kill me,” she said, leaping into the portal after her. Almost immediately, she felt her body start to dissolve, the change occurring almost immediately. Her body went numb, save for the feeling of something growing out of her forehead, back, and just above her rump, her fists clenching and her fingers seemingly fusing together, her entire skeleton restructuring itself to a form more suited for the world she was entering. Roughly, she was dumped out right next to Twilight Sparkle. She groaned, dazedly, picking herself back up onto her... hooves? Whu-oh... “Well, this is odd...” Luna understated, looking herself over. She was now a blue, horse-like being with black splotches on her back, the symbol of three party balloons on her rump, colored black, white, and gray. Her tail and mane looked like astral clouds of night, and she now sported a long horn on her forehead. She still had her shirt, although to her dismay, that was the only part of her clothing to remain. Next to her, Twilight Sparkle, having become a lavender unicorn wearing a lab coat and glasses, was starting to regain consciousness. And almost immediately, she started to panic. “Whu...” Twilight Sparkle said, dizzily trying to stand up on her hind hooves. “What... What!?” She fell over, looking at her hooves in shock. “What is this?! What happened to me?! Vice-Principal Luna, what's going on?!” Luna glared at her. “I told you to go inside the school, Sparkle!” she said. “Then we wouldn't be in this mess and... oooh, wings...” She had flared her wings unconsciously during the yelling, the feeling startling her. Well now. Wings too? she thought. “Quit being distracted, this is serious!” Twilight Sparkle almost shrieked. “We... uh oh...” The two humans-turned-pony turned, noticing the guards for the first time. The feminine-looking unicorn guard just stared at them, her jaw dropped in stunned shock. The masculine-looking unicorn laughed. “Wow, an instant victory!” he said. “By the way? Don't move.” Both guards pointed their lances at the two newcomers, who grinned nervously. “Well, this is certainly a fine mess you've gotten us into, Sparkle...” Vice-Principal Luna grumbled. “Just stay calm...” Twilight Sparkle said in a quiet voice. “We're not gonna be captured by these space aliens...” Luna frowned. “Sparkle, we've been launched into another world via a magic portal and turned into these 'space aliens.' How in blazes are you going to get away?” “Just stay calm,” Twilight Sparkle said tightly. “I have a plan. Also, don't say magic. It doesn't exist. We just have to wait until their backs are turned, and...” “You do know we can hear every word you two are saying, don't you?” the female guard asked. “I do,” Luna said, sighing. “I'm not sure she does, though.” Twilight Sparkle's eyes widened. And then she lunged at the two guards, desperate to get away, panic having overtaken her common sense. “NO SPACE ALIEN IS GONNA GET ME!!” The attack was clumsy. The two guards were able to knock her out easily. The male rubbed his temples, levitating the unconscious human-turned-unicorn. Luna watched in fascination as his horn glowed. The male turned to his companion and said, “Swift Saber, get the Princesses and our 'guests.' I have a feeling they're gonna want to see this.” The female nodded. “What are you going to do with that one, Power Words?” she asked. “Dump her in the brig,” he said, turning to Luna and adding, “and hopefully, just her.” Luna grinned nervously. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Now.... Pony world... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ “Thank you for not imprisoning me with her,” Vice-Principal Luna said, smiling at the guard. Power Words smiled. “Well, you proved to be much more cooperative than your friend, there,” he said. “YOUR ALIEN WAYS WILL NOT GET THE BEST OF ME!!!” Twilight Sparkle shrieked, hiding under her cell's cot. In the next cell over, the Dazzlings cracked up laughing again. “She's noisy,” Swift Saber said, the returning unicorn barely resisting the urge to poke the panicking human-turned-unicorn. “She's scared,” Vice-Principal Luna said, sighing. “Can't blame her... well, maybe a little. Since I told her NOT TO TOUCH THE DAMN STATUE!” She lapsed into the Royal Canterlot Voice unintentionally on the last word, putting her hooves to her mouth in shock. The force of the word knocked Twilight Sparkle and her bed up against the side of her cell, her already frazzled look now accompanied by a shocked stare. Power Words rubbed his ears, wincing. “Yeah. Future reference, alicorns have HUGE lunge capacity,” she said. Swift Saber glared at her with amusement. “YOU are noisy.” “Friggin' shouty royals...” Adagio muttered, she and her sisters visibly pained by the shout. “S-Sorry...” Vice-Principal Luna said. Swift Saber chuckled. “It's okay,” she said. “Anyway, our Luna and the others said they'd be here shortly, they just wanted to see the party guests off first.” “How's my Celestia doing?” Vice-Principal Luna asked. “Having a blast,” Swift Saber said, grinning. “Also, she told me to mention that she was going by Tia here. All the natives of your world are using nicknames.” Vice-Principal Luna nodded. “I think I remember the students saying that,” she said. “Well... It makes sense, nonetheless. I will go by Lulu for the duration of my stay.” “As you command, Princess Lulu,” Swift Saber and Power Words said in unison. The newly renamed alicorn grimaced. “Just... Just Lulu, please. I'm not royalty,” she said. Power Words chuckled. “Sorry. Reflex. We're supposed to be respectful to alicorns, as they're all royalty.” “Ah, but this is a party!” Celestia said, striding into the room with her counterpart behind her, the Rainbooms and former Element Bearers following behind her. “And parties are meant to be enjoyed!” Lulu turned, seeing her double standing in the doorway with all the others. “Oh wow...” Luna said. The native alicorn could feel her counterpart's magical aura, feel how almost exactly alike it was. “This is... verily, 'tis odd...” Luna said, staring back at her clone, not without amusement. “One would think she was a mirror pool clone, save for a few details.” “So... You're me on this world...” Lulu said softly. “You're what I look like here...” She looked Luna over some more, and said, “And if we look the same... Then I'm freakin' adorable.” Luna blinked. “Sister, we approve of our twin,” she said, earning a chuckle from both Celestias. The gathered ponies started to relax, the Pinkies giggling. “So how'd you get over here anyway?” Dashie asked, flying up to her. “Well...” Lulu said, quickly explaining her nickname in this world first. “A new friend of ours decided to show up and completely ignore my safety warnings about not touching the statue.” Princess Twilight Sparkle nodded. “Yes... The message said it was your world's version of me...” she said, stepping forward. “May I see her?” “YOU JUST STAY BACK, EVIL ALIENS!” screamed the other Twilight from inside the jail. The laughter of the Dazzlings followed soon after. “Well, if you can pull her out of hiding,” Swift Saber quipped. Princess Twilight giggled, and went into the holding area. True to what they had said, the other Twilight was hiding underneath her bed. “Not supposed to be this way...” Twilight muttered. “Just wanted to get away... Just wanted to feel like I accomplished something without being bullied into it.” Princess Twilight opened the cell and sat down by the bed, smiling. “...Do you want to talk about it?” Twilight peered nervously out from underneath the bed, staring at her alicorn counterpart. “...You're the other me,” she said softly. “The one that was sighted at those 'magical' events.” Princess Twilight nodded. “Sunset, would you come in here please?” she said. Sunset nodded, the golden alicorn joining her fellow former student by the cell. Twilight stared at her. “...And you're supposed to be dead,” she said flatly. “Same event in both worlds, different outcome,” Sunset said, smiling weakly and shrugging. “Here it was my parents that died...” “...and in my world it was you that died,” Twilight said. Sunset nodded. Princess Twilight smiled. “You mentioned wanting to feel like you accomplished something without being bullied into it...” Twilight chuckled weakly. “My family's attended Crystal Prep for generations. My brother went there... he's supportive in his own way, and a good person, but he's still a prime example of Crystal Prep's 'absolute victory' stance on everything. The faculty, the staff, they all push personal accomplishment above all else. Do whatever it takes to win. Better yourself, and who cares what others think? Dean Cadance, my old babysitter, was better about it than others. She actually gave a damn about us... Cinch was the worst about it... she's obsessed with maintaining the school's reputation, with HER reputation. Every day, I'd do my best to help the school, but the kids...” Princess Twilight sighed. “They made you pay for being the smartest kid in class,” she said softly. “Huh boy,” Sunset said, scowling. “That brings up some unpleasant memories.” Twilight just nodded. “When the magic events started, I was already starting to consider transferring... I talked to Cadance and my brother about... almost didn't, really. Glad I did, though. Cadance always cared for the students well-being and... well, Shining Armor's my BBBFF. Of course he cares about me. He's the one who convinced me to stand up to Principal Cinch, and get me to start considering a transfer.” Sunset blinked. “Um...” Princess Twilight beamed. “Big Brother Best Friend Forever,” she explained. “I use it too.” Sunset giggled. Twilight grinned nervously. “I guess... I'm sorry I panicked,” she said, crawling out from underneath the bed. “It's just... This is so much more than I was expecting...” Princess Twilight smiled benevolently. Sunset was taken aback, because in that moment, Princess Twilight so very, very much resembled Princess Celestia. “I know it's a lot to take in. And it can be scary too, moving so fast and learning so much at once. But you don't have to go it alone,” Princess Twilight said. The purple alicorn turned, gesturing to the humans-turned-ponies near the entrance, who had all subconsciously grouped up. “You have a lot of wonderful people here who'd love to help you get through it all, and be your friends.” “Of course,” Sunset agreed, nodding. Dashie nodded. “You know it,” she said, smiling. “Certainly I always enjoy meeting new people,” Rares added. “Aw shucks,” AJ said. “Ah'm always willin' to make a new pal.” Flutters smiled. “I'd certainly enjoy being your friend,” she said. “Sure sure! Be glad ta meet you! Oooh, and I have to plan your 'Welcome to Canterlot High' party!” Pinkamena said. “And Tia and I will be happy to assist you in your transition,” Lulu said, Tia nodding in agreement. Twilight grinned. “Thank you...” she said. “And... um... Sorry for calling you evil space aliens.” “Technically you're the alien,” Swift Saber said. “But eh, don't worry about it. I've been called worse.” Power Words nodded. “Don't worry about it. All part of the job,” he said. Pinkamena bounced up to her. “One more thing I just remembered! So things don't get confusing, could ya pick a nickname here so we don't call both of you Twilight? We all did!” Twilight blinked, startled by Pinkamena's exuberance. “Oh... um... I guess... calling me Twily would be okay... My brother and Cadance use that nickname a lot...” she said, blushing a little. Princess Twilight smiled, nuzzling her. “Twily it is, then,” she said. Celestia stepped forward. “Well, my little ponies, this has been a lovely party. But my sister and I must perform our duties for the evening. And we have a coronation to get ready for tomorrow,” she said. The Equestrian natives all nodded, they and the visitors following the two elder princesses outside. Twily, still not used to her four-legged form, tripped over her labcoat, a small, round device falling out. “What's this?” Twilight asked, picking it up with her magic. Almost immediately, the device glowed, starting to drain away her aura. Sunset immediately swatted it away, the drain reversing and Twilight's magic flowing back into her body. The device hit the far wall with enough force to break. “Explain,” Sunset demanded. Twily whimpered. “I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's just... It's a device I invented to collect and study the strange energies around Canterlot High. I didn't know it could drain living beings...”: “I'm fine,” Twilight said, quickly recovering from the brief mana drain, retrieving the pieces of the device and giving them back to Twily. “But... in the future, you need to be cautious around magic. If you misuse it, it can destroy you, or turn you into a monster. Sunset, you're the most familiar with magic. Can you teach her once you get back to the other world?” Sunset nodded, looking worried. “I suppose so,” she said. “I'm still trying to figure out how it works in that world... I've got some ideas for tests...” Celestia nodded. “I place my faith and trust in you, Sunset. Young Twily, no blame is placed on you for what happened. But now we must attend to our duties. You may come watch, if you want,” she said, she and Luna turning to walk outside. Sunset grinned. “C'mon, this is cool,” she said. The group filed out, leaving the Dazzlings and the two guards. “Alone again,” Swift Saber said, melodramatically posing. “Naturally,” Power Words said, chuckling. Inside the cage, Aria Blaze stared thoughtfully after Twily as she walked out with the others. Adagio poked her. “What's with you?” Aria shrugged. “I dunno,” she said. “I just think that the little nerdy version of Twilight is... kinda cute. In a dorky way.” Sonata giggled. “Aria thinks Nerdlight is adorkable,” she said in a sing-songy voice. “Aria has a crush!” “I do not!” Aria barked, glaring at Sonata. “Seriously?” Adagio said, baffled. “On her? And then there's the fact that you never seemed to show interest whenever someone was flirting with us...” Aria scowled. “I had to compete against your hotness and Sonata's dim-witted cuteness. I got nothing to compete with that,” she muttered, laying down on the cell's cot and staring at the wall. “Probably doesn't even matter this time around... Bet she's not even into girls...” Adagio frowned, not sure what to say. She'd never brought up anything like this before. She looked to Sonata, only to find that the cerulean former Siren was flitting her wings mischievously, a sly smile on her face. “Huh boy...” Adagio said. “Sonata's got a dumb 'Gonna be a matchmaker' expression on her face, doesn't she?” Aria grumbled. “Eeyup,” Adagio said. “You're the worst, Sonata,” Aria muttered. “We'll see if you still say that once my romantic mastery puts you and Nerdlight together and you're makin' smoochy smoochy under the stars!” Sonata cackled. “Dagi, do me a favor and smother Sonata?” Aria said, holding up the cot's pillow. “Solve your own problems,” Adagio said with a grin. “I cannot be killed, for the world loves me and has made me immortal!” Sonata said, letting out an evil laugh. “The Great God of Tacos, Texmexicoatl, has made me her avatar and...” “In case you haven't noticed, lamebrain,” Aria growled, “we're their enemies. I doubt they'll give us a chance.” Sonata giggled. “They're a bunch of friendship geeks,” she said. “So long as we behave I betcha anything I can get you and Nerdlight on a date in a week.” “You say that like we'll be sent back to the human world,” Aria muttered. “Well, it makes sense that they would, right? Here there's a chance we can gain our magic back. I think. But magic's borderline crippled in the human world. We'll be trapped in normal forms and have to feed like the natives do,” Sonata said. Adagio quirked an eyebrow. “Way to make our depressing situation sound like an actual good thing, salsa-breath... And besides, you fed like that anyway. I just don't understand your obsession with tacos...” she said. Sonata giggled. “I'll convert you to the Religion of Texmex later. Point is, don't give up hope on actually getting a chance at romance, Aria!” she said. Adagio looked thoughtful for moment, and nodded. “As terrifying as the idea is, Sonata's got a point. And even if we don't get sent back to the human world, you're prettier than you think you are, Aria.” Aria glared at her. “You insult the two of us daily,” she said. “I'm your big sister. I'm supposed to be domineering and mean to you. Besides, I only mean about...” she paused, thinking about it. “...about a fifth of what I say to you.” “SO comforting,” Aria grumped. Adagio grinned. “Trust me. When have I ever steered you wrong?” Sonata and Aria just stared at her. “Sonata, do me a favor and smother Dagi?” Aria said after a moment, giving her the cot's pillow. “I shall smother her with TICKLES!” Sonata cackled, tackling her older sister, the air soon filled with Adagio's laughter and frustrated snarls. Aria just picked up the pillow Sonata dropped and lay down for a nap. Power Words and Swift Saber just watched the exchange with amusement. For bad guys, they were absurdly cute... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Meanwhile... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Everypony gathered outside the castle, Celestia and Luna taking to the sky. Sunset whispered something to Twilight, who giggled and nodded, the both of them turning to Twily. “W-What are you going to do?” the unicorn asked nervously. “Just temporarily expand your perceptions a little. This will show you what's happening as Celestia and Luna make full use of their talents,” Sunset said, she and Twilight touching their glowing horns to Twily's head. She felt a tingling sensation in her eyes, an aura spreading out from Twily to everypony there... ...And then it began. It started with Princess Celestia. She suddenly began glowing all over as her power flared, a fiery hand of energy reaching out and pushing the sun down over the horizon, completing the sunset. The alicorn of the sun blazed as bright as her namesake as she ended the day. Princess Luna's turn was next. Instead of a bright, fiery light, darkness flowed over her body like water, reaching off into the distance. Before the shocked eyes of the humans-turned-ponies, the moon was pulled into view, rising with a soft gentle glow. Luna then gestured, the stars igniting in the sky with a glittering sparkle, forming intricate, beautiful patterns. The visitors watched in awe as the two royal alicorns lowered themselves to the ground, the perception spell fading, the enhanced auras fading to no more than just glowing horns as the sisters landed. “Wow...” Tia said softly. Lulu just nodded, too stunned to say anything more. The other transformed humans were in similar states of awe. Twily, however, had a starry eyed grin on her face. “I have so many questions...” she almost squeed. Celestia and Luna traded amused smirks. Twilight and Sunset smiled at each other. “Bringing back some memories?” Sunset asked. “That was pretty much my expression when I saw Princess Celestia raising the sun for the first time,” Twilight said. She turned to the gathered visitors and said, “My castle is much larger on the inside than it is on the outside. There's several guest rooms if you wish to stay the evening.” “Oooh, that's right,” Dashie said. “We didn't ever work out where we was gonna stay on this little field trip...” “I suppose that staying with you will be all right,” Tia said. “A guarded castle, that should be safe enough...” Applejack came forward. “You sure, Twi? Ah can arrange a space for at least some of them?” Fluttershy nodded. “And I'm sure that Discord can make new rooms in my house for them to stay in. That will most likely not drive them insane... I think... Um... Forget I said anything...” she said, blushing and backing off. The native Equestrians shared a nervous giggle. “I have the space in this castle,” Twilight said. “I might as well use it. Plus, it'll be a good place to meet the chariots to take us to Canterlot tomorrow...” “Yeah...” Sunset said, shaking her head in disbelief. “My coronation...” Celestia nuzzled her. “You've more than earned it, in my view,” she said. “My student, my friend, my precious Sunset. For my own mistakes, this is the least I can do for you.” Twily blinked. Coronation? This was the first she'd heard of it. Sunset sighed, smiling. “I... Thank you, Celestia. I just... I'm not sure I deserve it...” Luna stepped forward, smiling benevolently. “You've more than made up for your past mistakes. You have learned how great a magic friendship can be, and overcome a powerful threat in the form of the Sirens. Methinks thou hast earned a royal station, and a chance to represent Equestria in the other world.” Twilight nodded in agreement, as did Dashie, AJ, Rares, Pinkamena, and Flutters. Sunset blushed, tearing up a little. “Thank you...” Rares spoke up. She couldn't help it. “Besides, I've always wanted to design dresses for royalty, and now I have a chance!” “Oooh, so jealous,” Rarity said. “Hyu-mans wear clothes more often so you'll actually be able to convince your princess to model for you!” Everypony cracked up at that. They all said their goodbyes for the evening, Luna and Celestia teleporting back to Canterlot (although not before Celestia absconded with the majority of the leftover cake). Twilight, after putting a sleepy Spike to bed, guided the others to the guest rooms, pairing each of them off. Tia and Lulu took one room, Sunset and Twily another, AJ and Rares in another, Pinkamena and Dashie in another, and Flutters alone, the yellow pegasus content to just sleep with her bunny. As Flutters was settling down for the night, though, she got a visitor. Discord, in pink pajamas with a cap and bunny slippers, appeared in the bed next to her. “Oh!” Flutters said, startled by his appearance. “It's all right, my dear Doubleshy,” the draconequus said, grinning playfully. “You made quite an impression on me when we met earlier, and I decided to keep you company this evening, give you a little entertainment before bed.” Flutters smiled, blushing a little. “There's multiple ways someone could take that,” she said. It took a moment for Discord to get it. When he did, he laughed. “Oh, tish tosh. I don't even have that anatomy. At the moment,” he said. “No, for all my faults, I am a gentleman, my dear. Now, let's see... something pleasant... Ah, here we go. This took place during my bad old days, but trust me, Grogar deserves every bit of comic misery I inflicted on him...” Flutters smiled, contentedly listening as Discord told a hilarious story about a rival warlord. She could tell he was leaving some parts out, but she didn't mind. She truly liked this strange creature. In another room, Rares and AJ were sharing a bed, the two engaged lovers cuddling close after a few minutes of awkwardness as they tried to figure out how to position themselves. “Well. Certainly is a lot happenin' at once,” AJ said. Rares nodded, kissing AJ on the cheek. “Indeed, my love,” she said. “First we save the world from the Dazzlings, and then we get to watch our friend become a princess!” “You certainly seemed excited fer makin' 'Princess Sunset' yer new model,” AJ teased. “You that excited about seeing her with her clothes off?” Rares blushed. “Oh, phooey. You know you're the only one for me,” she said. “I just get starstruck from time to time. Especially if it's one of my friends who's becoming said star.” AJ shook her head. “Y'all amaze me sometimes,” she said. Rares blinked, smiling. “How so, darling?” “You handle things so easily,” AJ said. “All this... Magic, and bein' a pony... Ah'm still tryin' to wrap my head around most of it.” “Maybe if you took your hat off more, things could actually get in your head,” Rares teased, giggling. AJ laughed, and kissed her. Rares smiled, and added, “Still, there's a very good reason I'm 'handling this so well.' I have your strength to bolster my own.” AJ blushed, grinning. In another room, Pinkamena had already fallen asleep, snoring happily. Dashie just stared at her, shaking her head after a moment and staring out the window. She knew that there were more important things she should be focusing on. More important questions she should be asking. But right now? Only one thing was on Dashie's mind: Would she be able to find a way to fly as easily as she did here back home? The sky was addictive to her. The feel of the wind in her mane and feathers... she'd never felt such pleasure before. She silently prayed that the magic of her own world would grant her that wish. And the more she thought about it, the more scared she got. Because for the briefest moment, the thought of abandoning her world just so she could stay and fly passed through her head. She quickly dismissed it as a selfish thought, but it wouldn't go away... In another room, Sunset was showing Twily the basics of magic, teaching her how to levitate small objects. In this instance, a piece of cake leftover from the party. “You're thinking too much,” Sunset admonished gently. “This isn't like the science of your world. You just have to let it flow through you.” Twily frowned, giving the piece of cake she was trying to levitate a frustrated glare. She concentrated, trying to focus and let the magical energies she felt inside herself 'just flow.' But every time she tried, she would start wondering about the various mechanics behind the magic, causing what little glow that came to her horn to fade. Sunset sighed, yawning. “Well... maybe this is too much for when we're about to go to bed,” she said. Twily sighed. “I suppose... It's frustrating not to be able to understand something...” she said. Sunset smiled. “I'll be more than willing to teach you,” she said. “Your world may not have much magic, but it has enough to work with.” She lay down. “Now if only I can figure out how to work with it...” Twily hesitated. “...I have a lot of equipment at home,” she said. “I used it to make the amulet that hurt Princess Twilight earlier.” Sunset looked thoughtful. “...That might work,” she said. “If we can capture and analyze some of the magical energy...” The two intelligent ponies began to talk, discussing how to adapt magic to science and vice versa. And as they spoke, both began to feel more and ease, a bond beginning to form. In the last of the guest rooms, Tia and Lulu were conversing. “So that's what this tattoo on my butt is,” Lulu said, looking at the dark balloons adorning her flank. “Huh...” Tia nodded. “Most likely they represent your ability to organize fun school events,” she said. “Certainly the students have never had any complaints.” Lulu smiled. “Sometimes you have to be a bit childish to understand what children need,” she said. Tia laughed. “Probably why you and the Pinkies get along so well,” she said. Lulu giggled. She then sighed. “...Do you really think it's okay for Sunset to become a princess? She's been through a lot,” she said. “And we haven't been much help to her...” “Because we haven't tried to understand her or her culture,” Tia said. “All we know of her is the bully that showed up at our school a few years ago and started taking over. When she actually started to reform, we did little to keep her from being bullied back.” She shook her head. “That's done with. No matter what they've done, I'm never ignoring the plight of a student again.” “A noble thought, sister, but it still doesn't answer my question,” Lulu said. Tia sighed, looking thoughtful for a moment. “...I don't know,” she admitted. “As I said, we know nothing of Sunset's culture or upbringing. Plus, there's a mother-daughter relationship between Sunset and Celestia that I didn't know about. The best we can do in this situation, I think, is trust both Sunset, the Princesses, and Twilight.” Lulu snickered. “Which one? We've got two now,” she said. Tia rolled her eyes. “You know which,” she said. Lulu smiled. “Still... with all the questions still up in the air,” she said, “there is one thing I'm dead certain of.” “What's that?” Tia asked. “Tomorrow is going to be FANTASTIC,” Lulu said cheerfully. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Elsewhere... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ “Confirmed, my lord. Celestia's lost student, Sunset Shimmer, has returned as an alicorn. That's the reason for tomorrow's coronation ceremony.” “Blast. Another one?” “There's more. Our spies have reported that she's brought over several others from the other world, including the counterparts of Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, and Luna. The first is a unicorn, but the latter two are alicorns like this world's versions.” “Damnation... More of those upstart heroes...” “Relax, old boy. Everything's planned out.” “We're dealing with six alicorns, you fool. Seven if you include Cadance, my own informants have told me she's coming to the coronation tomorrow.” “Which only means we'll have seven to kill instead of four. I have all of this planned out, old friend.” “But will the mythril weapons be enough? It took us so much to get them. If we can't use them to...” “Calm down. We've bribed the appropriate guards, and our people will be in position tomorrow. Tomorrow, the only thing being crowned will be a unicorn king. As it was before, and as it will be again.” TO BE CONTINUED...