//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: The Nick of Time // Story: Rainbow Factory (what should end and continued...) // by ahadiachmad //------------------------------// "Oh so you DO remember me?" Dr. Atmosphere questioned undoubtedly. "I was told that you had stormed out of here all crazy like" He said as he walked down the stairs from the platform he stood upon. "HOW IN EQUESTRIA DID YOU KNOW THAT?" She screamed "Oh. I was told by the lovely Constella." "NO! There's no way. I killed her. I snapped her neck" "Oh yes. Well you killed her physical body. But if an Alicorn is killed before their ascension, then they are forced to live on as a spirit for a hundred years before ascending to a place known as Darsidia. A place where the shamed and disgraceful Alicorns are forever damned to. If their magic has not been disrupted then for those hundred years you might as well call them a God, but you... You went and shattered her horn... But wait" He paused for a moment and gave a curious look. "You should have known this. The princess'.... They told you about this, did they not?" Rainbow just stood there in disbelief. "THEY DIDN'T... DID THEY?" He began to laugh insanely. Rainbow just stood there. Growing more red in the face. "NO!" She shrieked. "I can't believe you. You're a filthy liar" She ran at him with all her might. She was cut short when a wall of electricity zapped her, sending her flying backwards. The power hungry pony laughed at her demise. "You think I'm stupid? I wouldn't bring youuuuuu iiiin" his voice slowed down like playing a tape in slow motion before coming to a complete halt. He ceased to move. Rainbow looked around in confusion. The steam that was leaking from the pipes was motionless. Time around her had frozen while she was still in control of her actions. "niiii uuuuuuoy gnirb t'ndnlow I ?diputs m'I kniht uoy" he repeated backwards before busting out laughing how he had done before. The electrical wall sparked as it did when she hit it, but she did not feel the shock. He began to walk backwards up the stairs then through the door on the other side of the platform. The room went still again. all sounds were frozen. Not even the sound of her own breath echoed throughout the room. Rainbow looked around the room, hoping to find an answer to what had caused this. She turned around just in time to see the door behind her get kicked in. The sound of the crash couldn't be passed through the air while time was frozen. Not a sound came from anything except for the sound of Scootaloo's voice as she snarled "Hello... SISTER!" "Scootaloo I'm so sorry. You must know... It wasn't" "Don't you say another God damned thing" Scootaloo snapped at her. "You don't get to talk. Not after what you did." "Scoot you don't under.." Scootaloo shoved her hoof against Rainbow's mouth with incredible force and keeping them there, preventing her from speaking" "You're just trying to weasel your way out of this, because you know how this is going to end. Well let me just tell you. You will NOT deny me the satisfaction of ending you once and for all" Rainbow wanted to fight back so badly, but she couldn't. She was already beaten up from the previous battles as well as her run in with the Thunderbirds. Things were looking dark for Rainbow. She deserved what she had coming. She had done all those cruel things to one of her best friends, and even worse to thousands of innocent ponies. She became teary and gazed deeply into Scootaloo's eyes, showing just how much sorry she had. Scootaloo paused for a moment. Things began rushing through her head. Memories of the true Rainbow Dash. Seeing her eyes had returned o their natural rose color, replacing the sickly grey color that had taken over. She knew... Her sister was in there. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Oh Dashie... I thought you were gone" She removed her hoof from her mouth to allow her to reply. "Oh Scoot. I'm so sorry. You must know... That wasn't me. Please bel..." Scootaloo gently placed her hoof back to Rainbow's mouth to hush her as she smiled. "I know Dash. I realize that now. I knew that the time we had together was real" She began to sob tears of joy. "I love you so much big sis" Rainbow hugged her friend to comfort her, and placed her head against the side of hers. "I know ya do kid... I know ya do..." She smiled "I love you too little rascal. "OH GAG!!!" Exclaimed Discord "That'll be enough of this Soap Opera. I'm tiring of it." Discord snapped his fingers resuming time. Dr. Atmosphere immediately entered from the door onto the platform. He shot a glance over at the two. "Oh Rainbow Dash. You're earlier than I expected. And you brought the runaway with you. Excellent" he laughed. "So I heard you took off out of here all crazy like" "That will be enough Dr. Atmosphere" Rainbow shouted. "OH! So you remember now?" "Every... little... thing" She snarled "Ooh. Even your greatest moments? The feeling of pleasure you had when you crushed their bones with your own hands all those times, instead of simply letting the machine do it?" "Don't listen to him Dashie" Chimed Scootaloo. "And you... Why are you defending this cunt? Look at what she did to you" "IT WASN'T HER!" "Sure it was. All the spell did was strengthen her mind, make her tougher. She made the choices all on her own" "No" Shouted Rainbow "NONE OF IT'S TRUE! I swear on my own grave" she looked to Dr. Atmosphere "I swear that I will fucking rip you to pieces" She began to charge at him then stopped, remembering the invisible electrical barrier. "Ooh. This is getting juicy" Discord's voice echoed "WHO THE HELL IS THAT!?" Shouted Atmosphere "Let's make it even juicier" He laughed as the room began to melt. Dr Atmosphere jumped from the platform as to turned to goo, landing in inches of the goo that used to be the room. They were now outside on the clouds. Rainbow looked to the evil stallion, noticing that the electrical barrier had been melted away. "Let's see what evil you still withhold Rainbow" Said Discord in a chuckle. Rainbow bolted at the mad colt ready to unleash hell and she would stop at nothing to see this truly evil beast suffer.