Rainbow Factory (what should end and continued...)

by ahadiachmad

The Cataclysm


"Oh hush" replied the mysterious Alicorn with what appeared to be a group of stars as a cutie mark.

"Now you looky here missy" Applejack snapped in Twilight's defense. The Alicorn had a sour look on her face as her horn began to glow "She asked you a question, and I thi..." Apple jack was cut short as she dropped to the floor unconscious without a warning.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?!?" The four ponies shrieked at the same time.

Rain, weak and badly beaten from the ambush, tried to stand, now that Rainbow wasn't perched on top of him. He festered all the strength he could and managed to push himself up. He stood there momentarily, trying to gain some stability. Once he felt he was ready he charged towards the villainous adversary as fast as his damaged body would allow him to travel. He was closing in now, less than 10 feet away.

Rainbow saw the brave Pegasus charging towards her master and jolted forward, reaching at least 80 miles per hour within her first second of take off. Rain was shut down before he could reach the Alicorn, as Rainbow's head made contact with his ribs. The already broken pony went soaring into the air from the impact of the blow, landing with a loud thud as his head hit first.

Rain began to cough up blood. Looking around, he knew there wasn't a fighting chance left. He was ready for the end. He wasn't upset at the fact that he was about to be destroyed by this vicious striped devil, but the fact that he was one of Equestria's last hope... and he was about to die. The only thing left to do was accept his fate and hope that the remaining few ponies could change the fate of the land.

The disheartened Pegasus looked at Rainbow with a crushed look. He still had no idea what was happening. He knew not that Rainbow wasn't in control of her own actions. The Alicorn in control turned about face from the four ponies to see Rain laying on the floor. She paced over to immobile pony. She looked deep into his eyes, as if reading his soul. She could see the heartache he was in. She could see how crushed he was over being taken down by Rainbow.

"You really care about this Pegasus don't you?" She smiled. Rain simply gazed up at her. Refusing to say a word. "Well then... I only see it fit then that she does you the honor of putting you out of your misery" She turned and began to walk back towards the others. "Rainbow.... come take care of this"

As Rainbow closed in on the motionless soldier, she paused momentarily. Tears began to run down her eyes, and she began to struggle. Rain could see she didn't want to do this. As the powerless Pegasus began to fight the binding magic, an aura began to form around the hellish red Pegasus. She was fighting with all of her strength. Was it possible she could overcome it and destroy the magic? Would this be different than the others the spell had effected? Could she be stronger than the rest of them and be the first one to beat this spell?

The aura around Dash was beginning to spark and crackle like a short circuiting wire. Rainbow began to scream in agonizing pain. Was this spell breaking really causing her this much pain? Even Twilight looked at this event in awe. Her eyes wide, and jaw hanging loosely, just as the other ponies around the room. The room began filling up with lightning. It was like a storm in there, but all the energy was being directed to the dark magic glow.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!" laughed the Alicorn. Go ahead and try. It's useless to break out of a spell whilst still in my presence" The smug Alicorn chuckled. Her horn began to glow again as she casted her spell, not redirecting all energy into her horn. "This power... IT FEELS EXCELLENT!!! With this kind of energy I can place them all under my command in one shot" She schemed to herself. She closed her eyes, and her horn began to glow brighter as her power increased. As she opened her eyes again, they were white with power, much like the power in Twilights eyes with the help of the Elements.

The room abruptly became still. Rainbow was now on the ground next to Rain, neither of them moving. All the energy streaks, all the shouting... silent. The zebra like Alicorn stood there momentarily oblivious to what had happened. Before she could look around to see what had happened, she was struck with a look of terror when her horn shattered into a million different pieces. The petrified, and now powerless Alicorn looked to the other ponies behind her and saw two familiar faces behind the concerned Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie, while AJ still lay there unconscious.

"Hello Constella" Twilight heard Celestia exclaim.

"PRINCESS!!!" Twilight delighted as she turned to see both Celestia and Luna. "Wait you the this mare?"

"Yes Twilight" Luna replied. "This is our younger sister"

"SISTER?!?!" Twilight yelled, puzzled. "I didn't know you guys had another sister"

"Well that's because we thought she was banished forever" Luna gritted her teeth. "How did you return to our land, you pathetic excuse for royalty?"

"That's not for you to know" chuckled Constella.

Celestia glared at her wicked sister. "We should have just killed you. We should have known you would find some way to return. I don't see how you can do this to us. We always loved you, and welcomed you. Even with your differences"

"IT WASN'T YOU GUYS I HATED! It was everypony else. They couldn't handle my differences. I was the best flyer ever to grace these lands... Like Rainbow here. I wanted her to create the perfect flyers, and get rid of the disgraces. You just got in the way. I needed something to test the new armies. It was never about my hatred for the Earth ponies. It was about creating the perfect group to serve under my command when I took my rightful place... AT THE THRONE!!!"

She lunged at the other two, but was too, cut short of reaching them. The Alicorn was bombarded in the side by a supersonic Rainbow Dash. Constella let out a painful screech, as her ribs shattered at once, and almost immediately again from the other side as she made contact with the wall, shattering a good portion of solid wall.

"No one controls Rainbow Dash" The now freed pony said as she spun around and kicked Constella in the side of the neck, crushing her neck and instantly killing her.