Rainbow Factory (what should end and continued...)

by ahadiachmad

The Princess at Hand

The sun was now beginning to set. Many hours had passed since Twilight had received the letter, and there was still no sign of her escort party. The sky was getting dark, and it the temperature was dropping at exceptional rates extremely fast. What was happening? she thought to herself. It wasn't scheduled to get this frigid for at least 2 more months. The temperature continued to drop. What began as a sunny and warm summer day, was becoming a late falls night. Twilight looked to the sky. She could see clouds forming over Equestria. It blocked out what little sun was still shining in the sky. The temperature was still dropping, and snow began to drop. Twilight looked closely at these clouds with a gut feeling. She began to see movement in the clouds, like something flying. She looked harder and confirmed to herself that these were the infamous Windigoes.

"No. It can't be... NOT WINDIGOES!!!" She exclaimed "They haven't been seen in over 600 years!"

"Well there hasn't been such an act of hatred since then." Spike replied "This is a land of peace Twilight. No one in a million years would have thought anything this evil still existed still"

"HEY WATCH IT! That's Rainbow Dash we're talking about." She started to sob. "There HAS to be something wrong with her" There..." She sniffled. "There's no way she... could do something like this. I know her"

"Twilight snap out of it. I know you loved her. We all did, but there's nothing we can do about it. You know what has to be done. We have to find the missing element, and stop her." Just then the door was kicked in by a white Pegasus wearing gold armor.

"Miss Twilight Sparkle. We are your royal escort" He said quickly. "We apologize for the time we took. We were caught off guard by a swarm of Sky Pegasi. We lost only a few colts, but we overtook them. We must leave, and find an alternate route." Twilight and Spike quickly followed them outside, where there were easily 60 colts to guard them.

"WE MUST GO NOW. PROTECT THE MARE AT ALL COSTS!!!" Twilight then began to climb in a carriage.

"Wait!" She panicked. "I need to gather some books"

"Miss, we don't have time"

"I MUST. I have to do some studying to figure out what we're up against"

"WE KNOW WHAT WE'RE UP AGAINST! Some uptight little pricks that think they are the best, and we are dirt." Twilight ignored this comment and ran back into the house, grabbing at least 20 different books with her magic and placing them into the carriage before climbing in herself. The troops began taking off in flight. The snow was getting heavy now, and the blizzard was only getting worse as the battle raged on. Twilight was unsure as to where they were going, nor did she care at this point. From the minute they began moving, Twilight had her nose buried in her books. The golden carriage began descending, finally landing back on the ground.

"Twilight we're here" Spike announced. Twilight just sat there, reading her book and not flinching. "TWILIGHT! He screamed

"HUH!?!?! What?" She shrieked

"Weeeee... Aarreee.... Heeeerrrre..." He said slowly

"Oh right..." One guard came and opened the door. Twilight didn't even acknowledge this. She just picked her book up and carried it with her spell, reading it as she walked. One guard who Twilight didn't even get a look at, opened the front door to a small, yet secure building. She looked away from her book for a moment to see the other 4 ponies as well as Celestia standing there. Not saying a word.

"Guys... I think I know what's going on." Twilight said as she closed her book

"You mean other than the whole. Rainbow trying to kill us thing?" Questioned Applejack in a sarcastic voice.

"There's nothing we can do..." Fluttershy said softly. "We can't fight. All we were good for were the Elements... without Rainbow.... it's hopeless" She said with teary eyes. Pinkie Pie just sat there staring at the wall. Hair completely straight instead of her usual gleeful and luscious curls. She slowly turned her head with tears running down her cheeks.

"This can't be happening. Rainbow killing?" She cried. "It can't be. I can't do this you guys. This war... IT'S CREATING SO MUCH HATRED!!! and it's getting colder by the second . I can't... take much more of this"

"YOU GUYS!" said Twilight in an enthusiastic voice "I don't think this is Rainbow at all. I've been reading in this book. It describes everything that is happening right down to the Windigoes. It happened 1200 years ago"

"Well?" Questioned Rarity "What in the world does it say?" Everypony stared at her "What... I haven't said anything yet.

"Rarity!" AJ yelled "This is hardly the time to be thinking of yourself"


"Oh you just needed to get an word in edgewise"

"YOU GUYS ENOUGH!!!" Shrieked Twilight. They all fell silent. "Listen it says here that an Alicorn such as Celestia, has the magic to cast a powerful spell known as Purity. It makes the one whom the spell was cast upon feel the need for complete perfection at something. We know Rainbow. Flying was her life. What if that's what happened?" Celestia looked surprised.

"Twilight... What you're suggesting" The Princess exclaimed "That means Luna has reverted back to evil!"

"It looks like it. You two are the only Alicorns left in Equestria" Twilight replied. "It says here that the spell has been known to temporarily vanish, giving the pony a few moments of a their conscience, but it's only temporary"

"Is there any way to permanently stop it?" Questioned AJ

"You must shatter the magical horn of the Alicorn" replied Celestia quickly. She knew this spell. She had fear in her eye. "This won't be an easy task"