//------------------------------// // Captured // Story: Rainbow Factory (what should end and continued...) // by ahadiachmad //------------------------------// The dark green Pegasus opened his eyes slowly. The world around him was blurred, like looking through teary eyes. They were no longer outside on the bare clouds, but instead in a faintly lit room; his armor missing. He tried getting up, but quickly realized his legs wouldn't move. Trying to see through the dark, he noticed that his front legs were tied together and clamped to the floor. Trying to move his hind legs, he could feel those tied and clamped as well. He wondered if this was the weather Factory, or if he had been taken somewhere else. He tried to look around to see if he could spot the rest of the party. "Guys?" He shouted. "Sound off" "Steel Scream" Said one of the ponies. He was a light brown Pegasus with a simple black mane, his armor had been stripped of him as well. "Brilliant Charge" Stated another pony. This pony was a faded orange color, the color orange that would result from leaving a photograph of a bright carrot in the sun too long, and a short brown mane. "Divine Haste" Said a third pony who was a very bright white, with a matching buzzed mane. "Stormy Showers" Said a final light blue pony, only slightly darker than Rainbow's original color. The five laid there expecting more to answer, but to their surprise no other pony responded. It was just the five of them. "Nopony else?" Rain questioned. Suddenly a rush of light, too bright for Rain's dilated eyes, forced him to turn his head. "Hey you five!" Rain could hear as he turned his head to see two sets of hoofs walk in from a door " SHUT THE HELL UP!" Glow could now see that his holding cell was "L" shaped, with the heavily armored ponies entering from the door around the corner. They proceeded around the corner, to where Rain and his party was, and then violently struck the nearest pony. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT WITH US?!?! WHY ARE YOU FILTHY PEGASI DOING THIS?" Shouted Steel. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!?" Rain could see a guard pass beside of him and go straight for the pony who made the remark. He tried turning around, but he couldn't turn his head around. "Filthy? You call Us the filthy ones? WE ARE THE PURE ONES! We are trying to get back what is rightfully ours. The way it was supposed to be before that shitty little Hearth's warming bullshit holiday. Those ground creatures need us to grow their crops and stay alive. Why should we? What purpose do they serve? This world would be so much better with only the wingéd master race. "They supply you with the food to keep you alive." Quipped Steel. The guard, clearly unhappy about this comment, thrust the small spear attached to his hoof through the pony on the ground. "YOU THINK WE'RE FUCKING IDIOTS?!?! WE KNOW HOW TO GROW, YOU LITTLE SHIT!"He screamed as he twisted the spear. The pony, still alive screamed in agonizing pain. The guard then yanked the spear up and proceeded to head towards the door. "NOW KEEP QUIET!!!" The one guard screamed as the two exited the room. "STEEL!" Rain panicked in a hushed voice. "Are you okay?" "Y...yeah. I... I'm f...fine. I shhhhould pull thhhhrough." replied Steel, gargling blood. Though he tried to sound positive, Rain could tell he wouldn't make it, and he knew Steel had realized by now, that there wasn't much time left. "Promise me you will return to get me." Rain heard one of the soldiers speak. "Who just said that?" Rain questioned "It is I, Divine Haste" Stated the pony proudly. "I refuse to let you do anything stupid" Rain replied protectively "I'm not asking for your permission. I simply want the comfort of knowing you will return for me" "And why exactly won't you be joining us?" Rain whispered puzzlingly "Well, cause I w...won't be walking much after thi-ahhhhhhhhhhhh." Rain could hear him scream as he heard a loud crack of a leg snapping. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" Rain yelled in a whispering voice. "I've...just...gotta get, the chains lose enough. NNNNNNGGGGGGGG" The pony moaned quieter this time, as he intentionally shattered another leg into pieces. Rain could hear the agony, as the brave white Pegasus muffled the shrieks he let out with each passing snap. "I... I'm coming guys..." Divine said in a voice that hurt just to hear. He began to combine a sort of hop, with a roll as he pulled lose of of the chains with ease and proceeded to hop on his side towards the door. "When I get to the door, I need to guys to get the guards in here" He whispered quietly It took the poor pony more than three minutes just to reach the door. Three minutes may not be that long for some, but for Divine it was three whole minutes of trying to move on four completely shattered legs, knowing if he made a peep all would be in vain. As he finally reached the door, he gave a faint nod to Rain and the other ponies. Then, looking up at the door, he rammed his head against the wooden door shaking it violently. "Hey guys, I'm free!" shouted Rain in joy, lying of course. "Let me get you guys out" He hoped this pathetic fib would help attract the guards. He knew it was either this foolish plan, or simply dying in shame. Sure enough the guards burst through the door looking to stab any loud mouth pony. Divine, from behind the door, mustered all his strength and flung his limp body once the guards moved past him. His shambled body crashed into the nearest guard, and together they landed with a thud. The other guard, oblivious to what was going on, turned about face just in time to see Divine grab his cohort's spear-laden hoof with his mouth. Before he could register what Divine was plotting, he felt his throat tear as he saw the flash of the blood-soaked blade glide past him. Suddenly, the blade was turned on its master, as Divine thrust it through the guard's thin bronze helm. There then was a silence as everypony tried to comprehend what just happened. Rain and his fellow captives couldn't believe that a shot in the dark chance at freedom had actually succeeded. Rain looked at Brilliant first, then Stormy, expecting one of them to say something. He didn't know they were doing the same. "Wha...what do we now?" Rain finally peeped. "Wait, Divine, see if there's a key or something on one of their bodies!" suggested Steel "I..I'll try." Divine moaned, still in agonizing pain. Divine began to nudge the guards with his nose, flipping them over. He was having trouble seeing in the dimly lit room. The little light coming from the open door made things a little better, but not enough. "Wait I think I found them" He said in joy. The accomplishment he made over powered the pain he was suffering. "OH MY GOD! Bring them here. We need to get out fast. Divine began to approach Rain, leaping as fast as he could, not complaining about the pain once. Once he finally reached his finish line he used his teeth to hold the keys, and unlocked Rain from the torturous chains. Rain then got the keys from his savior's mouth and proceeded to unlock the reaming ponies. He came to Steel first. He looked down into the Pegasus' face and saw that he was longer moving.... He paused for a moment. "RAIN COME ON!" hurried Brilliant "More guards are sure to come soon" "He didn't make it guys" Rain said quietly as he slowly turned around" The Pegasus then ran over to Stormy and unlocked him and Brilliant. "He did not die in vain" Stormy stated as he rubbed his hoofs. "Now come on lets go. I'll help Divine" "NO!" Divine screamed at them. "You guys go without me. I will just slow you down. I'll be much more useful down here where I can at least be a distraction." The three ponies saluted the soon to fall soldier and ran out the door. "Okay now what do we do? How do we find the exit, and where do we go?" "Nowhere" Smiled Rain. "We're already here"