//------------------------------// // Time // Story: Rainbow Factory (what should end and continued...) // by ahadiachmad //------------------------------// "The troops are at the ready your highness" stated one of the guards "Excellent" replied Celestia "Your Highness" Glow started. "What about the Elements of Harmony? Whatever evil lies up there, won't they revert it back to its original state?" he questioned "You're right, but you see... We need all the ponies that represent the elements" she replied "Then that's what I can do. I can gather the ponies up while the others fight. We can save all the lives that we can." said Glow in an excited voice. "That is an excellent idea my little pony, but alas it will not work." "But... Why?" he questioned "Because the element of loyalty... is the Pegasus we must defeat." She exclaimed. L...loyalty... that means it's... MY GOD IT'S RAINBOW DASH!! He thought to himself. He had to do something about this. She was the pony he cared about for so long... Until forced to move to the big city of Fillydelphia, whilst Rainbow went away to Cloudsdale. He always wondered what she was doing up there. He thought to himself "WAKE UP! The hour is finally upon us." Scootaloo could hear Rainbow shout as she entered the room. "The hour for what?" Scootaloo questioned "For you to bear witness to the great power of the ONE TRUE PEGASUS!" She said with a chuckle "But why? Why keep me alive? Why not just kill me now" She muttered questioningly "Because! I want to show you what your "big sister" is about to accomplish "You're not my sister... You're not even my friend. I wish... I WISH I HAD NEVER MET YOU... I loved you. I trusted you" She said sobbingly. "And here I find out that this whole time y...you were lying to me. How could anypony... How could you do this? Rainbow, tired of these pitiful words, punched the little orange pony across her face. "That will be enough of your pathetic words. Get over it. We won, you lost, and you could have been part of it. I taught you every itsy bitsy thing I knew about flying. I was so confident in you. I was ready to have you at my side during this great moment, BUT YOU WENT AND FUCKED IT ALL UP!!! How could you?" "NO!!!! HOW COULD YOU!?!?! This isn't the Rainbow I used to know" "Shut up you pathetic creature! I was NEVER the pony you thought I was. Don't you get it. the pathetic Earth ponies are all going to die. Your friends Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell. Even my old friends... Those pathetic little saps." "You won't get away with this. As soon as you go down there they'll use the elements" "I AM AN ELEMENT YOU PATHETIC TWAT!!! I knew that whore of a princess sent Twilight to Ponyville for that reason. To locate the other elements. She knew she was the element of magic from the moment Twilight had her school interview. Why do you think she was her number one student? The other of the three ponies had their own personalities. It was just a matter of her leading Twilight in the right direction. The only one of the elements left was loyalty. So surely I could pull that simple emotion off." "You're not loyal. You're pathetic" Rainbow threw her hoof across Scootaloo's face once more. "Bitch! I'm loyal to my own kind! It was those un-loyal, sad excuses for Pegasus that betrayed us all. They treated the stupid no winged freaks as equals. We don't need them. THEY NEED US! We bring them their weather and keep them alive. We are their superiors!" she said with power and pride. "Now it is time. We must go now before they strike first. Guards put her in a cage or something and bring her along" She said as she exited the room. The guards unlocked the chains on the floor and yanked them causing Scootaloo to fall off the table, and dragged her along the ground. They pulled her into the next room and threw her into a square cage not much taller than she was, but twice as long. The four guards then hooked a few chains to the top of the cage and picked her up, they then purposefully began shaking the cage causing her fall and smack into each end of the cage. Her wings weren't broken, but there wasn't enough space to fly, even if she had the strength to. They proceeded to carry her out of the weather Factory. As they got closer to the exit, Scootaloo began hearing loud cheering. and chanting. The guard opened the door, and she could see a crowd of armored Pegasi. Rainbow was on the platform above giving orders and getting their war faces on. Once Rainbow got every pony quiet, she began. "THE TIME HAS FINALLY COME! WE HAVE RESPECTED THESE EARTH PONIES FOR FAR TOO LONG!" "YEAH!" Shouted the crowd. Scootaloo didn't understand this. The Pegasus ponies were always so kind. They complied and helped bring the weather. Wait a minute she said to herself. All the Pegasus she could see, they were... Factory employees. Were these ponies just that hateful against others. Thinking they are the ultimate race? OR was there something bigger there that she couldn't see?