Rainbow Factory (what should end and continued...)

by ahadiachmad

The Truth

"You have requested to be in my presence?" asked Princess Celestia

"Yes your highness" replied a dark green Pegasus with a black and purple streaked mane, and the cutie mark of a glow stick

"What is your name?" asked Celestia

"Chaser, Rain Chaser. My friends usually just call me Glow" stated the pony

"Now tell me. What is it you wish to speak to me about that was so urgent?"

"You see your highness... I was in Cloudsdale the other day, and while there, I happened to catch a gander at the ongoing flight school test. I noticed three extremely upset ponies who had failed. They were headed towards the west gate. One of these ponies I happened to know vaguely. She used to be associated with a Pegasus I used to... well... know very well."

"I'm not understanding where you're going with this"

"Well you see princess. This little pony lived in Ponyville for quite some time, as well as her one little friend, and since then I have not seen either of the two ponies around Ponyville. I was wondering where they were sent."

"This isn't exactly what I'd call urgent my little one. You see, I am extremely busy, and cannot keep track of every single pony in all of Equestria, so I have entrusted responsibility of Cloudsdale to a high up Pegasus I know and trust. She has taken control over Cloudsdale for me, so I needn't worry about it. I'm sure she has simply sent the little ones who fail back to study again to pass the test at a later time."

"So you have no control over Cloudsdale?"

"Well of course I will always have control. It IS part of Equestria of course." remarked the princess "Now if you don't mind I have some things I must atten...."

"PRINCESS CELESTIA!" interrupted a bloody guard who managed to escape

"My goodness what in Equestria happened to you"

"Your highness, it's the weather Factory. The Pegasus you gave power to... She's killing the ponies who have failed the flight test." one guard said through a busted lip

"FOR WHAT PURPOSE?!?!?" she questioned

"We are unsure. While completing out task we heard commotion coming from the Rainbow room. We quickly killed power and began a further investigation, but we believe they have possibly found an alternative to getting the spectra"

"From the beloved little ponies?" she questioned in heart break "This will not be tolerated! I must put a stop to this!"

"PRINCESS NO!!! It appears as though the pony in charge has been driven to insanity. She knew who we were and she would stop at nothing to kill us. We believe that the other guards have been taken captive, if not killed already. We cannot allow you to risk your life and the fate of all of Equestria."

"You are right. Gather up the armies and take care of this. We will not tolerate such behavior in MY KINGDOM!!!!" Glow, still standing there in awe and disbelief finally got the courage up to speak up.

"Princess if I could make a request" he began

"This isn't the time or place for such a reque..."

"I'm sorry to interrupt" Interrupted Rain. "but there are many lives at stake here and I wish to join in on the fight. I knew something was wrong and I must do something about it"

"DID YOU INTERUPT THE PRINCESS!?!?!" screamed one of the guards by the throne jolting forward as he placed the spear to the ponies throat

"It's quite alright good sir" exclaimed the princess. "He's right. We need all the help we can get to win this fight against Cloudsdale. Who knows how the numbers are up there, and this Pegasus did come to me first with this concern. You are of course welcome to join, but do know that your life is at risk here."

" I am quite aware of this and I humblely give my service to your highness."

"Then you will forever be in the gratitude of Canterlot"

Meanwhile the army of Cloudsdale gathered.

"IT IS TIME!" Shouted Rainbow "We knew this day would finally come. The day when we go to war with the pegasi who support the ways of those pathetic wingless earth ponies, and what do we consider those sad excuses for ponies?"

"A DISGRACE!" Shouted the many armored ponies

"THAT'S RIGHT! A DISGRACE!" replied Rainbow "These pretentious creatures depend on US to supply them with the weather to keep them alive and we've been complying for far too long. WE ARE THE PEGASUS! PROUD AND THE MIGHTY! WE HAVE THE LUXURY OF OUR OWN WEATHER TO KEEP US ALIVE!!! It is time... To go to clean up the dirt on the ground"

Little Scootaloo, still in agonizing pain opened her eyes. She was now on a table, in a separate room still chained up and unable to escape. Why was she kept alive? Had Rainbow only done this so she could kill her with her own hoofs? If so why hadn't she done it earlier? Why wait and keep her alive this long? Was it torture? Or was it pity? Is it possible she would be released? The pony could hear the armies shouting and getting enthusiastic in the room next to her. What was happening? Was all of Equestria about to be destroyed by these monstrous creatures? All she could do now is lie there and try to cope with the pain of 3 broken legs and the bones still sticking from her now patched up holes in her skin, and pray.