Horizon's and Unseen Lands

by Victory Lane

The Letter

Lunarfall Garrison, Draenor

I sighed as I sighed off on the last of the reports from my soldiers from across Draenor, how long had it been sense me and the other hero's with the help of Grommash Hellscream, Exarc Yrel, and Archmage Khadgar had slain Archimonde and stopped both Gul'dan and the Fel Horde,a few months at least, and I was still getting reports of stragglers and fighting across the continent. As I set the reports to the side to dry I stood, stretching and hearing my old bones pop and groan, Lieutenant Thorn looked up from her paper work.

"All done commander?" she asked

"Aye Lieutenant, all done I think I'm going to check the mail then head to the Inn for a meal."

After a pause I said " You should join me, you never get out anymore and you look like you could use a good meal."

The Worgan woman Laughed. "Very well commander, I shall join you shortly."

I nodded and exited the keep the two guards on ether side of the short stair way saluting crisply.
I gave them both a nod and stopped at the postbox next to the stairs opening it and glancing inside, there was a letter inside near the back of the postbox with no return address, as i pulled it out Lieutenant Thorn stopped next to me.

"That's a bit odd innit Commander?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"Aye, but Ill read it anyway." I say pocketing the letter wile turning toward the Inn.

I sighed as i sat down glaceing over at Thorn, the poor woman hadn't eaten much or taken a break sense Baros had died two months ago, always going on about the security of the garrison or having nightmares of him dying in her arms but tonight she was going to have fun and a good meal.

As we both sat down i flagged down Peter, the slightly balding blonde man smiled broadly and came over with a pad of paper and a quill.

"Commander, Lieutenant what can i get you tonight?"

"My usual Peter and what ever Thorn wants my treat." I said with a smile.

As Thorn placed her order I opened the letter and read it over.

Greetings and salutations, Commander Jobah Cromwell,

You don't know me but i have followed your endeavors over the past five years and must say i quite impresses with what i have seen, I have also seen you grow weary with the war between the Alliance and and the Horde, and I offer you a job to do something with the rest of your life that's not all war and strife, a way to retire so to speak. I have with me two children that with time will become extremely important in the years and decades to come, but they need care and direction in there lives that I am incapable of giving them unfortunately.

So my offer is join me and help raise these two in a way that they will learn the lessons of truth, justice and generally being good people, However this would be a long term thing and the way I will bring you to both myself and the children will be one way. Time is not and issue so take the time you need to make your decision, if you decide to take my offer simply place the letter in a fire (any fire will do) and take the portal that opens.

I look forward to meeting you officially, Yours

As I finished reading the letter I paused, This SS. had been watching my for the past five years and was impressed with me? I was a mercenary for most of the past five years and he was impressed with my track record. That's an odd thing to say.

I placed the letter on the table and sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"What's the matter Commander? You look stressed all of a sudden." Thorn asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Its this letter Thorn take a look."

I slid the letter across the table to her and she took it reading it over. Raising her other eyebrow to match her first, she reread it two or three times before setting in back down.

She had a pensive look on her elongated face, then burst into a large wolfish grin.

"I think you should do it Commander, and i don't think the troops would think any less of you if you did i know i wouldn't."

I gaped at her. "You would be fine with me just up and retiring and going off to raise these children and in essence abandoning the Alliance?"

Thorn nodded. "Commander I know your past and I know your age. Your no spring chicken and eventually your age will slow you to a point were you would die to something, be it Horde Hero, Soldier or Monster out in the world. You deserve your retirement and some good memory's to go out on."

I looked at the letter then back to Thorn and sighed." I'll think about it, he said that time wasn't an issue. So ill take so time to think it through and make a decisions in one weeks time, hows that sound Thorn?"

She grinned and nodded. "Aye sounds good to me Commander."

We then had our meal making small talk about anything from the weather to the letter and what would happen if i did decide to do this, for the next several hours we did this and it was good to see Thorn loosen up and be more of who she used to be then who she currently was. It was nice to have the old Thorn back, but all things come to and end and as I began to feel the fatigue of the day weigh on my i yawned and stood and stretched placing the gold for our meals in Peter's hand then headed for the door and my quarters in the barracks Thorn following my to hers.

"If i do do this Thorn I think ill leave you in charge till the King Wrynn assigns a replacement." I said with another yawn.

The worgan woman stopped in her tracks. "M-Me?" she stammered

"Yes you Thorn you have been a great administrator and a good friend, you have experience leading troops and they all respect you i dont think that would be much of a stretch to think you would be able to.... hold down the fort." I chuckled at the last part of my statement as i looked back on the stunned worgan.

"I-I would be honored Commander."

"Then its settled, if I go through with this your in charge."

I let out another yawn and headed up the stairs as we entered the barracks giving a brief wave to the other soldiers under my command, closeting the door to my quarters behind me I looked in the mirror at my reflection.

An older woman looked back at me with red hair with streaks of gray throughout it, my eyes still the same pale blue as when I was a young girl on my fathers farm in the Redridge Mountans some fifty years ago. As i striped my Armor of Many Graces off and readied for bed i gave the letter another read. Maybe I will do this Light knows I wanted to but should I.