Sue Me, You're In Love


Depression. Err, kinda.


"You heard me. Fluttershy's in hospital."

"What... Happened to her?" Rarity sank more in her seat, looking even guiltier than before. Suspicious...

"She was attacked by someone. The school doesn't know who." Rainbow motioned to everyone sitting at the table, "it could be any one of us. The school just. Doesn't. Know." Rarity sank even more into her seat, if that was possible. You look down to see that you still had a full plate of food.

"I've lost my appetite." You get up, throw away what you haven't eaten, and left the cafeteria.

The day went by in a flash after that. You didn't know how many more days you would be without Fluttershy, but, you really missed her, you had to see her. After leaving school, you headed down to the local hospital. You got Flutters' room number, and went to see her. She looked absolutely dreadful. A cut all the way from her left forearm to her elbow, scratches all over her face, and a giant cut across the length of her right hand. You were saddened to see one of the kindest, heck maybe even the kindest girl in school like this. You walk over to her bed and look down at her sleeping body. You felt yourself tear up. You close your eyes and whisper, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you..." and fall to your knees. You start sobbing, and you stuff your face into Fluttershy's blanket.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you!" You scream into the blanket, still sobbing. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there at all!" You feel something shifting by the blanket, but you don't care. You just wanted to belt out your sadness and all the things you were sorry for. And, by the name of Jim Stallucci, you had a lot of things to be sorry for. You felt something rest upon your head, and this thing started to stroke your head.

"Shhhh.... It'll be alright..." You slowly lifted your head to see who spoke. When you saw who it was, you stood up and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, Fluttershy!" You say, wanting to tell it out as loud as you can, making the world know how sorry you were.

"No need to apologize..." She says, pulling away and smiling softly at you. You stare at Fluttershy quizzically, "I wasn't there to protect you! How could I possibly not be sorry for that?" She answers simply, "You don't need to be sorry because I didn't die." Your face grows into one of confusion. She notices your change in emotion, and motions to her bed. "Sit down, let me explain why I say that." You oblige, and sit down. Fluttershy takes a deep breath before speaking.

"You see, when I was attacked-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but, when were you attacked?"

"No need to apologize. I was attacked on Tuesday."

"You've been here for two days already?" You scratched your scalp, "shouldn't you have healed by now?"

Fluttershy shook her head before replying, "Recovering from the wounds I got doesn't happen instantly. It could be two weeks before I can get out of here..." You just realized that she was being more... Open, than usual. She wasn't acting as shy as she usually was. It was strange, considering who she was. And, because of her crush on you, you would have expected her to be twice as shy, not as open as a field.

"Anyway... It was after school on Tuesday, and Uhm, someone went at me with a knife. She was a girl... I felt like I recognized the voice... But I couldn't quite place who it was... You can see the wounds on my face and, Uhm, arms, but you haven't seen the worst of my wounds..." Fluttershy sighs, and looks at the blanket.

You were curious, so, you asked, "Where is this wound?" Fluttershy looks back up and you, and blushed furiously. "If I were to show you... Uhm..." You understood what she meant, and you gained a blush of her own. If she were implying what you thought she was implying, then, in order to see her wound, you would have to see her... chest. Stupid hospital outfits. "Oh, Uhm... Sorry I asked," you say, rubbing the back of your head nervously.

"Oh, no, it's quite fine. Just... Let's stop talking about this, Uhm, okay?"

You nodded furiously, but you wish you hadn't, that made your head hurt. "Sure." You look up at a clock that was hanging on the wall, and gasp. You had to be getting home soon. "I'm sorry Flutters, but I have to go." You stand up to leave, but Fluttershy grabs your arm. You look back at her, and she looks like she's about to have a breakdown. "Please... Don't go," she pleads silently, tears in her eyes. You smile softly and sit back down. She leans forward and hugs you tightly.

"I could never say no to someone like you," you say, stroking Fluttershy's hair. You pull away and say, "but, I will have to be going soon. I'll be sure to visit as much as I can, mkay?" Flutter shy wipes her eyes with her wrists, smiles and nods at you. "Thank you."

So, every day (or, at least, when you could) you visited Fluttershy. What? We're you expecting me to say that you also fought of a zombie apocalypse? Jeez, so demanding. I can make you do whatever I want in this story! No exceptions! So shut up and go back to your... Whatever youre doing. What was I talking about again? Oh, yeah, a story.

Oh yeah, did I mention that you helped Flutters out by helping pay off the hospital bill by getting a spider lady to put spiders on your face in an experiment to see if you actually swallow spiders in your sleep? Yeah, that was a thing that happened. And boy, where you terrified. Also... The spider lady seemed nice, too nice...

I'm getting off track. So, you went out and saw Fluttershy each day, talking about stuff. Topics went from what work you did that day or the best ways to prank call FedEx. Two weeks went by, and Fluttershy was out of hospital. You were ecstatic, happy that Flutters was out of hospital. But, there was one problem...

..her leg was broken. Her leg must've been broken by Flutters' attacker when she was, well, attacked. And, conveniently, she couldn't afford crutches or a wheelchair. So, she had to choose someone to help her around the school. And by some weird stroke of luck, she chose you! Fan-bucking-tastic!

Okay, so, it has now been two days since Flutters has left the hospital. Many blushes and awkward moments were had the previous two days! Hahaaa! And today seemed as normal as can be! Until history decided to repeat itself!

The guy with the chainsaw pretty much burst through the door. Except he had a gun. Yeah, I'm gonna stop right there.

You'll just have to wait to find out what happens! HAH!