The Nightmares Fear

by LunarGaurd

The Master of Combat and Fighting Stars



When that pony shouted from directly behind me, my eyes flashed white with pain and I collapsed on the ground with my ears folding back against my head while I covered them with my hooves.

Once my ears stopped ringing and I could moderately hear again I finally opened my eyes, uncovered my ears, and stood back up again. The girls all have very concerned looks on there face while I'm just looking at them in rage.

"Who. The hell. Said that?" I asked with barley contained rage.

"Oh dear. Art thou-er, Are you okay?" A voice from behind me said.

That voice, I thought. It sounds familiar. I decided to turn around so I can look at the pony I'm gonna beat into the next millennium, but that mindset got exterminated with extreme prejudice when I saw Princess Luna herself standing there with a worried face.

I was dumbstruck. "P-P-P-Princess Luna!" I stammered, dipping into a deep bow. My mind instantly went back to what I read about the Royal Canterlot syntax as I remembered the Royal Canterlot Greeting for Princess Luna.

I walked forward silently wile still bowed. When I reached her hooves I grabbed one in mine and softly kissed it. Gently returning her hoof to the ground I backed up to a respectful distance and spoke in Old-Equestrian,"Your Highness, Goddess of the Moon, Queen of Dreams, and Master of Combat. It is my high honor to be in your presence." With that said I stayed silent and unmoving, even as I heard the whispers of the girls behind me, for it is forbidden to rise without the consent of the addressed Princess.

"Rise." She said in a slightly shocked tone.

After doing as she said, I speak in the humblest tone I can manage. "I'm very sorry for my disrespect, your highness. I wish to beg for your forgiveness."

She took a moment to respond. "What disrespect?"


I'm currently more than a little shocked here. "W-w-w-well..." I started but never finished.

"aaaaahhhhhh!" my ears started to twitch in the direction of the sound. Or in other words, to the right.

"aaaaaaahhhhhh!" Now I turned my head to look at the source of the noise. As I did, my vision sort of... Zoomed in, like a tunnel, and I clearly saw a white earth pony with a jet black mane and tail flying wildly through the air. The pony also appears to be a stallion with three baby blue quarter notes as a cutie mark. "AAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

"Shit." I whispered as my vision un-tunneled and I got confused looks from the others.

"Are you okay Spectral?" Twilight asked. The question gets an interesting reaction from Luna, because she becomes wide-eyed with horror.

"Y-y-y-you, your Spectral?" She asked while backing up a little bit. "I-,I'm sorry for-" She's tearing up now. "I must go!" With that she took of at lightning fast speeds before she teleports away. Presumably back to her chambers in the Canterlot Castle, leaving behind six stunned ponies with me.

Fluttershy was about to say something when the pony flying through the air from earlier decided to make himself known once again.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLPP MMMMMMMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" With the sound of him calling for help I took off running in his direction, finding his now descending body rather quickly.

Now almost at him, I jump into the air and catch him. I lock my body as we fall to the ground and slide/bounce for about 20 feet before stopping. I get up before him and ask him of he's alright, but he either didn't hear me or ignores me, because he just gets up and takes of running. He's still screaming but it's coherent words this time. "I JUST WANTED SOME ICE-CREEEEEAAAAAMMM!!!!!"


What the fuck? I think. I stand there for a second and watch him run confused before I hear hooves pounding on the ground approaching. I turn and see Twilight and the others running/flying towards me.

I'm about to call out to them before I hear a roar come from the horizon, where I can see a few houses in the glow of the dawn. I also see some smoke plumes rising into the sky. Somehow sensing that there are many ponies in danger I start sprinting towards the town, ignoring the cries from the ponies behind me.

I soon arrive at the center of town (I still don't know how fast I can run, but after my studies I know it is fast!). When I stopped to asses the situation I became quite surprised.

An Ursa Minor is destroying the town. I knew that they are real from the book, Not so Mythical Monsters, but to see one in-person is shocking. The thing is the size of a house on all fours, twice that when on two. It seemed to sense me like all animals apparently do, and it's eyes locked onto me while growling threateningly. I guess he's not running away like most other animals.

Knowing this I growled back and got ready to fight.

We both stood there, waiting for the other to make the first move.

Of course I had more patients after spending three and a half years isolated in a forest, so it made the first move.

It charged at me, quickly getting in front of me and trying to squish me with its front paws but I rolled to the side before bucking it in the ankle, knocking it over onto its side. This gave me the the opportunity to buck its knees and brake them, witch I took but only got one knee and forced a howl of pain from it before it smacked me with its other leg and scored a home run.

And by that I mean he sent me flying through one building and into another. When I landed I felt two things and thought another. The first feeling is of pain and the other is HOT (Temperature wise not sexy wise). I also thought one word, and that word is FUCKER!!!!

Opening my eyes I also understood why I'm so hot. THE FUCKING BUILDING IS ON FIRE!!!!

Now, I know that I probably can't be harmed by it but there is that instant sense of panic when you realize that your surrounded by fire, so I kinda screamed.

BIG mistake. My scream alerted the ursa to my position and the next thing I know is getting smacked by a big blue paw that sent me flying (again).

It felt like I was weightless forever until I had a very painful landing that sent me bouncing about ten times before I finally slid back first into a tree.

I stayed there for a minute. Savoring the pain before I tasted copper, putting a large smile on my face. The pain. The blood. This is wonderful. I think, But that damn ursa is gonna pay. I don't take to kindly to being bitch-slapped my an over-grown teddy.

As I try and stand, the pain flares in my right hind leg and left four leg, ans wall as my chest and back, implying that I have multiple broken bones in various places. I can already hear the ursa thundering towards me and I can barley see it approaching.

Alright you mother fucker. It's obvious I can't beat you in a battle of strength, and you're to resilient to out smart. So that leaves me with one option... I regretfully must resort to magic. But first..... I looked around, making sure nopony is near me, and sense there isn't....

I can finally let loose.

"hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha!!! YOU HAVE MADE THE WORST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE!!!! AND IT WILL BE YOUR LAST YOU OVER GROWN TEDDY!!" I closed my eyes and looked inside myself. It's been six months sense I've done this but I still remember what it felt like. The power, the bone chilling cold, and how amazing I felt afterwards. My magic star has grown 50% larger.

I grew an evil smile as I feel the cold sensation spread throughout my body. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy this.

I have an arsenal of spells at my disposal. I just need to decide witch one to cast.

First off, should I cast a Fire, Water, Ice, Lava, Ground, Air, Shadow, Hate, or Demonic, the most powerful of dark magic.

Shadow sounds fun.

I drew power from my star as I open my eyes. Time seems to slow down as I cast my spell.

The Tendrils of Fear.

A black runic circle appears in front of the ursa with an un-holy red glow, and as he steps into the circle, twelve jet black tentacles wrap around it holding him in place. Tendrils of shadow start to creep there way into the bear, plunging it into its worst fear.

Its screams of pure terror filled me with happiness. My cold smile burst into an evil grin, showing off my sharp teeth as I let out an evil cackle.

The fear being injected into the baby ursa became to much as its heart stopped beating.

Its screams died out and it fell limp. The Tendrils of fear receded back into the ground with there job done and the rune disappeared. Leaving the cold carcass of the Ursa-Minor so rot away.

I just sat there.

I sat there and relished in the lingering sent of fear in the air.

The fear that was born of my power.

Right now I couldn't feel more invincible.

I feel like I could take on all of Equestria at this moment.

My untamed abilities are full of potential.

After all, I was given this magic by Nightmare Moon herself for the sole purpose of killing Celestia.

Maby I shou-

"Impressive." A female voice said behind me.

