//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Mechanical Gods // Story: Scorched Earth, Frozen Skies // by Hyper Mind //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash opened the door. "What's all this talk about revolution?" She asked. She was quickly surrounded by more light blue ponies. "Whoa, cool it guys, I'm on your side!" "Cooling it can be arranged." A unicorn stallion with the same color coat as the rest approached. "I am Frozendew, head of the Stormwind Tribe. Who are you, kat-svir*?" Rainbow looked confused. "I'm Rainbow Dash, only Pony to perform a sonic rainboom twice." She said, smiling. Frozendew made a motion oddly similar to a curtsy. "Tesuni vir, Rainbow Dash." "I didnt understand half of what you just said." She replied bluntly. "My apologies. I am not as fluent in Equestrian as I would like." "Are you not from around here?" She asked. Frozendew nodded. "We are from very far to the north. We have lived there in seclusion for an eon. Though it shames us, over time, much of our tribe ceased to be mortal, instead becoming what you call 'Windigos'."He said. "We would not be here, were it not for the God of the Machines, Kho-Dei. His smoke is making the ice melt. This we cannot allow. So we are here to drive him back however we can."