Scorched Earth, Frozen Skies

by Hyper Mind

Chapter 2: Ice Torn Asunder

Rainbow Dash walked warily through the Ponyville Square. It had been three days since the hostile takeover of Ponyville. With the Elements separated by the smoke belching terrors that Kho-Dei had erected-the names of which Rainbow Dash did not know nor particularly care about-And the Equestrian Military blocked by those same forces, any hopes of retaking Ponyville for Equestria were non-existant.
Or were they?
Rainbow Dash noticed a Cloaked Pony lurking around a nearby alleyway. The pony slipped in. Curious, Rainbow Dash waited for the guards positioned nearby to look away. Then she followed the sound of the pony's footsteps. She eventually reached the...Ponyville Post Office. The post office was shut down(no mailpony could get through enemy lines). Rainbow Dash looked through the window and saw three of the ponies she would be least used to seeing in a room together.
Time Turner, Ditzy Doo-Or "Derpy Hooves", as she was affectionately known- and...some light blue pegasus mare. Was it her reflection? No, this Pony had a lighter blue coat. She was listening to Time Turner.
"...rally the townsponies to revolution. With the help of your people, we can drive Kho-Dei out of Ponyville!"