Oranges, Apples and Berries

by Alottapony94

A Colt or A Stallion?

"When I was a little bitty baby, my momma would rock me in the cradle, in them old, apple fields back home.
It was down in Ponyvilla, just about a mile from Texarkana, in them old, apple fields back home..."

In the big, wide expanses of Sweet Apple Acres, a pony was humming to himself as he worked. He was a young stallion, a tough workhorse with a dusty orange colour, slightly green tinged sandy blond hair, green eyes, and a muddy work vest that was the same colour as the dirt it was caked in. The song he was singing was the work song created by the two generations before him, but they were three big, even huge generations. The Apples were spread along the whole of Equestria now. Great-Grandfather Sweet Apple and Great-Grandmother Cinnamon Apple had a whopping total of fifteen little ponies together. Every of those children went on to have their own children, including Grampa Oaks with his wife Granny Sew. In the Apple family, family was everything, and from having a big family as fillies and colts, they went on to want to have a family as adults. But no-one had fifteen children in the second generation. That idea was normal, long ago. Now that ponies were more wary of their finances and what have you, children came in much smaller numbers.

Luckily, Applejack Buckerton Apple wasn’t alone in his farm work. He was with a respectable pony, his own uncle Happy Trails. His other uncle, Prairie Tune was grievously sick, to the point he was bed-ridden. They could both work pretty hard, but they never got as much done as when they had Prairie Tune. The work of apple bucking all the trees of the orchard between the two of them sometimes got too much for them, no matter how strong they were. Happy Trails was a red haired pony with an olive green body, green eyes and a cowpony hat, passed down through the generations. It originally belonged to Sweet Apple, the big kahuna, the absolute first owner of anything apple related. All the farms around Equestria, all the Apples…were his. Since this was the first farm he built, he passed the cowpony hat to Pokey Oaks, and Pokey Oaks passed it down to Applepie Smith’s husband Sunnyside. When Sunnyside was too sick to work, he passed the hat to Prairie Tune who passed it to Happy Trails when he got the mysterious sickness that rendered him bed-ridden. Hopefully, someday Happy Trails would be handing it over to Applepie Smith Apple’s son, Applejack.

“Hay, young Buckerton! Nice work, pardner.” Happy Trails commended his bucking skills which allowed him to clear out a row of apple trees within a few minutes, even when he wasn’t concentrating. “Ah’m possibly the best applebucker that anyone has ever laid eyes on.” Applejack stood proudly as he could. Happy Trails chuckled. “Now, don’t get ahead of yourself, nephew. Ah reckon there’s somepony who has equal or higher bucking skills.” Happy Trails replied. “There ain’t a pony who can match my skills. Ah am the king, undisputed.” Applejack argued. “Except Sweet Apple. He is the king undisputed. That pony could clear a whole orchard in five minutes flat.” Happy Trail counter-argued pointedly. “Ah bet he couldn’t. That’s probably just some old mare’s tail. You know how Applepie and her irritating little friend Minnie Pie love to chat all about their tall tales of the past. Silly Mares.” Applejack grumbled, and Happy Trails rolled his eyes.

“Why, Ah swear on rotten apples, young Buckerton! Your Mamma never lies. She’s never been able to pull off a single one. The way she told that story, Ah knew she wasn’t lying. You just got Sunnyside’s rotten temper. Haven’t you heard of Mare’s rights?” Happy Trails replied. “Mare’s rights, my hoof. That movement only started up a couple years ago. Mares are supposed to sow and cook and clean. Just look at the matriarchs in our history! They including Mamma Applepie were perfectly happy to do the mare’s work.” Applejack said. “And some of them were deeply unhappy. Minnie Pie always wanted to be a party planner, but she was whisked away to marry another farmer. Applepie, well sure she likes her cookin’ but my sis was also a gifted applebucker, our pa wouldn’t let her buck though after she turned a certain age. She always had to cook with our ma, she could of well gotten an applebucking cutie mark if she was just let outside. There’s many others ah could think of too. Equestria is changing, and for good.” Happy Trails argued.

“Enough of this soft talk. We’ve got to get back to work.” Applejack barked, obviously not wanting to hear more. He loved his uncle, but there were so many things that the two didn’t agree on. “You’re not the boss of me, young pardner. But that I do agree on. So many apples to buck, and not enough time in the day.” Happy Trails remarked. After a few more hours of applebucking, Applepie trotted over to the pair who were far up the mountains. “Applejack, Happy Trails! Come down here and get some cupcakes and apple juice!” Applepie called out. “Coming Mamma!” Applejack yelled, galloping down the hill to meet Applepie in the flat plains. Happy Trails ran after him. They both ate the cupcakes in a few big bites. “Mmm…sis, these are truly the best.” Happy Trails said after finishing his two cupcakes. “Yeah. Ah like these.” Applejack said with his mouth open, still chewing a cupcake. Applepie laughed good naturedly. “Now dear, don’t talk with your mouth full. That’s a silly thing for a twenty year old to be doing.” She grabbed a handkerchief and wiped the sides of his mouth. “Mamma…” He groaned. “Now dear, you’ll need to finish your duties earlier for today. I’ve arranged for Sue to visit, and you need a bath.” Applepie told him.

“Why do Ah have to go along with Sue? She’s boring, and Ah don’t even like her! She has eyes for Clyde, anyway!” Applejack complained. “Ah had to go along with Sunnyside, as Minnie had to go along with Jimmy. It’s for the good of the farm. Now that Sunny is no longer with us, my brother is grievously sick and Happy Trails is no longer getting any younger, it’s time to be adult. We need a bunch of strong stallions in the future to work the farm. It’s your job to have little colts so that we can maintain this farm.” Applepie ordered him. “But why Sue?” Applejack reinforced. “Because it’s a sound arrangement. The Pies and The Apples have worked in harmony sharing their soil for years.” Applepie told him. “If you agree to this, you can be the farm owner, wouldn’t that be nice?” Happy Trails proposed. “Ah’ll be the farm owner, just not with Sue. But Ah guess Ah can humour her for a while.” Applejack stubbornly said, trotting inside. Applepie groaned as soon as he was out of earshot. “Dang nab it. My boy is as stubborn as a mule.” Applepie complained to Happy Trails. “Ah agree. He reminds me of Prairie Tune when he was on his feet. Don’t worry, when he realizes his responsibility, he’ll come around.” Happy Trails comforted her, and went off to buck more apples. “Ah’m not so sure.” Applepie lamented to herself, finally deciding she needed to check up on the house’s presentation and give Prairie some medicine before the Pies, Jimmy, Minnie and Sue came to visit about the arrangement of marriage.

The Pies soon arrived, entering the front room to get through to the kitchen table. Minnie Pie was Applepie’s best friend of many, many years, an all pink mare with a distant long curly mane, and purple eyes. Jimmy Pie was a serious looking stallion, with a light grey colour, yellow eyes and a short brown mane. Sue Pie was off-white coloured, with blue eyes and had her grey-bluish mane up in a bun style. Sue was only a young teenager of thirteen. “Hello Applejack.” Her voice droned, lifelessly. “Howdy, Sue.” Applejack had about the same enthusiasm about him. “Minnie!” Applepie exclaimed. “Applepie!” Minnie shouted, bouncing to meet up and hug with her friend. “Hay Jimster, how’s that business going?” Happy Trails tried to start up a conversation. “Fine.” Jimmy droned. “You ain’t gonna give more of an answer?” Happy Trails nudged him. “I believe the word you are looking for is elaborate, and no.” Jimmy said. “Well…um…how ‘bout them rocks? They sure are…rocky.” Happy Trails started lamely, and Jimmy sighed exasperatedly.

“Sue, have you heard how well Applejack applebucks?” Minnie asked. “No I don’t think I have.” Sue answered, looking off into space. “He applebucks really really well, don’t you?!” Minnie said over-excitedly. “Ah am the king of applebucking.” Applejack boasted. “Oh really, well you sure aren’t the king of wooing young mares. That ego needs to be deflated, and quickly.” Sue growled. “Sue! I’ll tell you father on you!” Minnie warned. “Uh, fine. Yes, you are the king of applebucking.” Sue deadpanned, and Minnie bounced in the air, going “Yay!”. “So, how about them trees? Aren’t they green and leafy?” Happy Trails tried a fourth attempt at conversation. “Isn’t it clear that I’m not interested in talking to you?” Jimmy snapped, in annoyance. “Ok.” Happy Trails said timidly. “Pie’s on everypony!” Applepie announced, and everypony swarmed to grab a piece of delicious apple pie for lunch. It was gone almost as soon as it was taken out of the oven. But then the awkwardness, save for Minnie and Applepie who were very happy to be in each other’s company, began stewing again.

“You are such a pain in my flank. Why do I have to marry you?” Sue rhetorically asked with a complaining tone of voice. “Because Ah have a good firm flank baby.” Applejack teased with a sleazy smile. “Ew! You sleaze. My life is ruined.” Sue growled. Happy Trails tried smiling friendly at Jimmy but he glared back, and then avoided his gaze. “Applepie, does Prairie Tune need checking up on?” Happy Trails yelled out to her. “Ah’m sure that Ma Sew is handling it.” Applepie answered, referring to Sew and Sow, her elderly mother. “Alright then.” Happy Trails was hoping he could get away from the family, but no such luck. “Did your parents accidently fill your head with air when you grew up? Did they drop you because with that accent and crude way of speaking, I can assume your ego is too big for the rest of your brain.” Sue said quietly with snark. “Did they blow your butt up with air, and put a stick in it, made you carry it around permanently?” Applejack returned quietly. “I am not fat!” Sue argued. “One of us definitely is, and Ah’m not.” Applejack said.

They argued back and forth until the end of the short visit. “I think we have a lady’s agreement.” Minnie said, shaking hands with Applepie. “Sue, are you ready to return home? Sue?!” Minnie and Applepie approached the two. “If I ever have to marry you, I will simply die on the spot!” Sue dramatically announced. “Well, Ah hope Ah’m not getting with that ugly mug. A king deserves better.” Applejack shouted. “Fine!” Sue exclaimed. “Fine!” Applejack exclaimed, and they simultaneously turned their backs to each other. “Uhhhggghh…” Minnie said as she gasped, then fell as she fainted. “Maybe this isn’t a great agreement. But it’s for the best.” Applepie sighed to herself. Once they revived Minnie successfully, the Pies went home, the majority put off by the Apple family.

Applepie wondered if her son would ever get married successfully. His actions proved he was still a colt, not what they all needed and expected him to be…a stallion.**