//------------------------------// // Wingless. // Story: Adventures with the Son of Chaos and Harmony. // by Godmutt //------------------------------// Soma woke up with a pain in his side. He yawned, eyes still closed. With a sleepy tone to his voice, he whispered, "Brush.. Is the storm over?.." No answer. Then he opened his eyes. After looking around, the past day came flooding back to him. His wings were hurting. He looked down to his sides, to see the matted fur, coated with congealed blood. "Oh my Celestia.. Nononono.." There was still flesh and bone showing from where the wings had been cut off. There was a cackling laughter behind him, and his wings were levitated in front of him, both covered in his crimson blood. The feathers were straightened out, nothing out of place.. There were bits of muscle hanging down from the joint, like stray pieces of string on a scarf or blanket.. He shuddered at the thought of returning home after this. His mother would rampage across Equestria, and his dad would start up chocolate milk storms in every corner of the world. He turned his head to look at Brush, to see she was right next to him, shackled to the floor. Her eyes were completely jet black. --- Brush had beaten a beast-thing. She'd spat a ball of wet flames at the creature's face, and as it tried to claw away the fire, she doused it in her blue flames. There were more, and one of them had scratched up her sides. There was spilled blood everywhere, so much that the air around the emerald dragon stunk of blood, and decay. After that, when there were no beasts left, Nightshade had picked her up in her black aura, and carried her back to the cavern where Soma was, and chained her to the cold stone ground. All the while, the disturbed alicorn slowly sapped away at Brush's memories. --- Nightshade sat down on her bed. It was made of pony skin, stuffed with the manes and coats of multiple groups of mares and stallions. But never did she ever let a filly or colt be harmed due to her, or her minions. She had a soft spot for the little ones. She looked around the room. On the other side was was the emerald dragon who had caused her so much pain and strife. Next to her was the prince. He had passed out immediately after his loss of a wing. The knife had cut straight through the bone, due to her magic heating it to the point of the steel hissing from the heat. But the stallion didn't notice. He had been crying. Nightshade had almost felt bad for ridding him of the chance to get a marefriend. No pony would want a draconequus with no wings. Not to mention, the magic blocker on his horn lasts for an unknown amount of time. Even SHE didn't know how long it could last. So that was definitely a big hint that he wouldn't be able to gain a marefriend. Slowly lying back against her soft blanket of fur, she could hear the creaking of her wings. She'd made them from various times ponies brought in any sort of metals. using her magic, she had melded the metal to be this way. Various joints, sharp edges, and a smooth underside, so that she wouldn't be hurt when she curled up for the night. The ends of the metal were sharpened to the point where they could cut through rock, in any circumstance. She'd tested it before. It worked. She slowly rose from her bed of past lives, and levitated the wings away. She walked over to Soma, stood behind him, and whispered in his ear, "You're mine, now. You'll never get out. You'll be my minion from now on." She watched as he shuddered, then yelled at her, "WE'LL GET OUT, AND YOU WON'T STOP US!!" She laughed at him. He was blubbering like a colt. Tears streaming down his face like crocodile tears, she felt a pang of guilt, but it wasn't much, so she didn't thing anything of it. He struggled even harder than the last time, causing the raised table to shake. She pulled a leaver to the right of the prince, and the table was slowly lowered, and tilted back to look like a normal flat table. "Soma, don't struggle. You'll only hurt yourself. Or rather, you'll make me want to hurt you more." "Let me go." "No." "Then let Brush go." "She's already too far gone for any saving." She watched as he turned to face the dragon, his eyes filled with fear, like a sheep nose to nose with a wolf. The dragon hadn't moved a muscle. He looked back to Nightshade, and whispered, "Why would you do this to us?.." She laughed and said in her boldest voice, "Because you would make a great pillowcase!" --- Nothing. She saw nothing. She couldn't move. She was in a black room. She could hear him. Soma was there. But she still couldn't see him. "Brush.. Is the storm over?.." She couldn't respond, no matter how hard she tried. She tried and tried and tried, as hard as she possibly could. She felt the tears coming to her eyes, like a dam about to overflow. There was the clicking of hooves again. It came from the same direction as soma's voice. There was whispering, then a burst of frightening laughter, and a mare who yelled out, "You'd make a great pillowcase!" She was scared. Vey scared. And the fact that she couldn't move wasn't helping. There was a sharp pain in her back, and then a warm feeling spreading over. The pain was still there, though. Almost like a knife or a dagger digging into her back, and then twisting around. The warmth slowly spread down her back. The pain was nearly unbearable for her. She began to cry. She still couldn't do anything. Nothing at all. The pain continued. It was as if somepony had dug a knife into her ribcage, then jerked it around. The warmth began to pool up around her. It was wet. Likely her blood. Soon, she began to feel numb. Her tears still flowed.