//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Lost One // by EntropicBankai //------------------------------// Well, I'm not exactly sure how to start my story. I guess I can start when it all went down. It was a fall afternoon, a lovely day. Everybody was smiling and laughing. I hated it. Everything in my life was horrible, especially today. My name is James, and I am 16 years old. The day started out okay, but then I got a text from my girlfriend saying she broke up with me. She broke up with me through text! Who does that?! This didn't help that I have been depressed since my dog died last week. Anyways, I was walking along and around the corner of a building I saw this glowing light, and decided to check it out. What I saw confused the hell out of me. There was a glowing orb with lightning coming out of it, gradually getting more intense. I started to back up when it exploded into a cloudy vortex sucking me in. I tried to grab hold of something, but there was nothing to hold onto, and I got sucked into the vortex. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Shh! I think it is waking up!" "Stand back!" Oh god what happened? All I remember is that thing sucking me in. I think i heard people talking, but couldn't open my eyes. "Hello? Is someone there?" I heard gasps around me. "It can talk!" "What do you mean 'it' can talk? I'm human! Of course I can talk!" It felt like I was on a metal table. This has to be the weirdest hospital I've ever been in. And now that I think about it, I feel a slight breeze. "So it is as I thought. We are going to remove your blindfold now, please do not panic." What could they possibly mean? At least that explains why I couldn't see. As my blindfold was removed, light flooded my vision and I couldn't see anything. The light went away and I saw I was staring at the roof of a large tent. Must be a temporary medic tent. But why? I looked around and saw what I could only describe as colorful horses. Upon closer examination I noticed some had wings and horns. "Woah this can't be possible, I have to be dreaming. There are strangely colored horses, some with wings and some with horns!" I noticed one of them had both, and it's mane was flowing in the wind. It had a white coat and it's mane was made up of 3 colors. I also noticed it was taller than all the others. "Please stay calm, I know this must be startling for you," the white one said. "WHAT THE FUCK HORSES CAN'T TALK OR HAVE WINGS OR-" I couldn't talk anymore, like someone put a hand over my mouth, but all I saw was a yellow glow. "I said please remain calm," the white one, who I assume is a she, said. "I am Princess Celestia, and you have somehow arrived in the land of Equestria. Now, if you promise to remain calm, I will remove the silencing spell. Do you understand?" I nodded, and the yellow glow disappeared. "Good, now tell me, what is your name?" "James, my name is James." "Okay James, do you know how you got here?" "I remember seeing a glowing orb with lightning coming out of it, then it exploded into a cloudy vortex and it sucked me in, then I woke up here. " "Interesting," Celestia said. "I felt a magical imbalance in this area." "Is that how you found me?" "That and the huge storm centered around this area." "Yea I would think that would probably draw some attention to it." "We will be trying to create another portal to get you home, but for now my student Twilight Sparkle will be helping you and housing you." Then, a purple unicorn came out from behind Celestia. "WOW! A real live human! This will be so exciting!" "What do you mean 'real live'? Am I mythical beast or something?" Celestia spoke up, "I can tell you later, when you meet with my sister. Now Twilight will take you to her home. I would suggest you brace yourself." She smiled. "What do you mean bra-" *POP* "FUCK" I was dizzy and my ears hurt like hell. "What the hell was that?" "Sorry, teleportation. It has quite an effect the first time." Said who I assumed to be Twilight. "Wait, teleportation? That isn't possible." I started to look around where I was, and it seemed like a library. "Yes, all unicorns can control magic." "Wait, magic?" "Yes, all ponies possess magic, but only unicorns can control it. Earth ponies have the magic of agriculture and strength and pegasi have the magic of being light and able to stand on clouds." Damn this is a lot to take in... "Deep breath in, deep breath out." "What do you mean?" "Well its just that my old world didn't have all this crazy magic." "WHAT?!?!" Twilight Screamed "Jeez, you don't have to yell..." "I just can't imagine what a would would be like without magic!" "Well, we managed cause of these!" I said as I showed off my hands. Twilight came up to them and started looking at them. "Interesting," She said,"I'll have to examine you fully later." "Yea..." I thought about what she would do to me, and it did not bring pleasant thoughts. "Where am I anyways, I thought Celestia said you were bringing me to your house. This looks like a library." "You are correct. This is both my house, and the town library." "You must really like books huh?" "Yea, you could say that." "What time is it, I'm quite tired." "11:30 at night. You were asleep for quite a while." "Damn. Can you show me where I am gonna be sleeping?" "Sure, follow me please." I followed Twilight down some stairs into what seemed to be he basement, where I saw a small cot on the floor. "They usually don't make beds that large, but I tried my best." "Eh, I've had worse. I'm going to go to bed. I have a lot to think about."