//------------------------------// // Run // Story: You have to be joking // by Moonlit Path //------------------------------// "Why should we believe you?" Luna asked impatently "Because I am telling you the truth." The cangeling snapped back. "What happened?" Twilight asked trying to make sense of what was going on in front of her. A changeling was tied up, in the middle of her living room, Spike standing guard infront of her, and Luna getting angry, and she was on the other side of the room. "You are finally awake Twilight Sparkle. I was worried the shock was too much." Luna told her finally calming down a little. "What is going on?" Twilight looked at the changeling and spike, then to Luna and back at the changeling. "I'll let her explain. I honestly still don't believe her, her story is just to out there." Luna addmited "I was in my bedroom with Twilight when a changeling attacked us, and changed me into a changeling. I am Celestia." The bug explained as calmly as possible. Thinking fast to make sure that she really was Celestia, she remembered something that only she they would know. "If you really are Celestia, then would you want a pet egg?" "Only if it includes a cup of coffee" the changeling giggled "It really is you!" Twilight ran up hugging her, letting tears run down her eyes. "I was so worried, I thought they had, you had" she started hyperventalating again. "I am sorry Twilight, I would have explained it if I wasn't attacked." Twilight untied her, and Celestia hugged her back. "If you really are Celestia, then how do we get you back to noraml?" Luna asked very confused "I have a feeling that we need to find the Changeling hive." Spike finally spoke up, "If there isn't any doubt she is the real princess, then what are we waiting for?" "Where is the Changeling Hive?" Twilight asked "That is the problem" Celestia admitted. "Wait there is one that called himself D13 and he offered to take me there. Maybe I should take him up on his offer?" Everypony in the room looked at each other nevously at the idea. "Wouldn't it be risky? I mean, they would know something is up if you just ask to be taken to the hive." Twilight asked trying to get through the shock that it was even suggested. Luna jumped a little as a idea came to her "Wait did you say D13?" "Yes. That is what he called himself" Celestia confirmed. Luna sighed in relief for a moment. "I've heard about him before. He is from a hive composed of complete idiots that Chrysalis didn't want. I think we will be safe." "So, you have decided to join me?" "D13 where did you come from?" Celestia asked catching her breath after the mini heart attack the changeling gave her "I have been here the whole time. Do you really want to go to the hive? I am sure the Queen would be so happy!" D13 said jumping up and down like Pinkie Pie. "On one condition" everypony looked at each other wondering what was going through Celestias head. "You have to reverse the spell and turn me back into a alicorn." "Deal" He said quickly. It sounded like a good idea to him. In the mean time the others just smiled. "He really is a idiot, isn't he?" Twilight whispered to Luna "Yes, yes he is." Luna confirmed. "Only you though, your friends can't go." The changeling asserted and Celestia nodded her head. She knew that even if they weren't invited they would still follow. They said a quick good bye and the two changelings left, and Spike went upstairs to take a nap. "Luna?" "Yes Twilight?" "Do you think we should follow her?" Twilight asked nervously Luna looked at her curiously "Why wouldn't we?" "Because D13 said only she was allowed" Twilight deadpanned looking down at the ground. "Twilight?" "Yes Luna?" "Lets go." and with that Luna cast a invisability spell over them and they left to follow. "Doesn't it fell like this is going by really fast?" Luna whispered from their hiding spot. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked curiously "Today feels rushed. I mean in less then ten minutes we discovered who she was, found Celestia, found out what happened, figured out how to fix our situation, lost Celestia again, and now we are going to a changeling hive." "When you put it that way, I supose it does. But compared to the the rest of the time since it happened it is a nice change of pace." Twilight admitted. "So where are we going?" "To the hive" D13 looked at her like she was crazy. Celestia just gave him a 'are you serious?' look. "I mean, where is the hive?" D13 finally understood. "The hive is in canterlot." "You are more random then Pinkie Pie." Celestia said facehoofing "I know Pinkie Pie!" "How?" "Don't worry about it." D13 told her hopping away "They are so alike. It is almost as if." Celestia shook her head clearing the though. "That is impossible. A lot of ponies or changelings in this case; are like her." She assured herself "We are here!" The changeling announced "Thank you. Now can you please change me back?" Celestia asked impatently "Not quite yet. First we need to go inside!" and with that D13 cast a spell so Celestia couldn't see, and guided her inside. Sighing Celestia followed. This was her only hope of getting back to normal. After a minute of walking she could feel herself teliport, luckly the teliportation caught Luna and Twilight also. "Where are we now?" Celestia asked "You will see, I will be back." "I just want to go back to normal, then go back, eat, take a bath, and go to bed." She groaned to herself. "Follow me." The chagneling commanded and Celestia obliged "We will turn you back on one condition." "What is that?" Celestia asked curiously "If you promise to have a little fun in the Future." "What do you mean." "She means you work to hard." a familiar voice laughed "and you too can drop you invisability" "What are you doing here Discord. Where are we, why aren't we at the changeling hive?" Twilight asked with a mix of annoyed, frustrated, confused in her voice. Discord snapped his tallons and everypony changed back to normal. Celestia returned to her white alicorn self, D13 turned into Pinkie Pie, and other changelings turned into the rest of the mane 6, Shining Armor, and Cadance. "What is going on?" Celestia growled "You three work too hard. We thought it would be a nice change of pace" Shining Armor replied "So this is a prank on us?" Luna deadpanned and everyponys smiles told them all they needed to know. "Who's plan was this?" Twilight asked firmly "That would be mine" Cadance smiled. "I planned it, got your freinds in on the plan, and Discord helped with the illusions and chagning Celestiainto a changeling." she explained "Cadance?" "Yes Luna?" "Run"