//------------------------------// // The Wendigo. // Story: Adventures with the Son of Chaos and Harmony. // by Godmutt //------------------------------// Nightshade smiled. She was the only one to ever remain pony, and not become a wendigo. And now they were loyal to her. Perhaps it was the fact that she was utterly terrifying? And now they'd caught the dragon, and she'd gotten the chance to take the prince. He was strapped onto the experiment wall. She was going to feed her little minions tonight. In bits and pieces. She laughed with her high pitched bubbly giggle. She walked to the prince. He couldn't be any more than thirteen. She was well over a millennium old. But she didn't look a day over thirty. She lifted his wing, inspecting each feather. She yanked one out. The prince twitched, but remained unconscious. She pulled another one near the base of the wing. He pulled his wing back to his side. She grinned. She walked back behind him, to her instrument table. She picked up her serrated knife, and walked back to the draconequus. She gently pressed the knife against the joint of his wing. He woke up then. He was shuddering. "H-Hey!! Stop that!!" "No. My Wendigos need a treat. You will be delicious to them." He started struggling against the leather. "Let me go!!" She shook her head. She pressed the knife into his wing joint. It cut through the feathers like a spoon through butter. He winced, and with a voice on the verge of tears he whimpered "Y-You won't keep me here.." She laughed and said quietly "I won't, but THEY will." Laughing once more, she pressed the knife into his wing, causing droplets of his crimson blood to form on his side. He struggled his hardest, then froze. She watched him as he shut his eyes as tight as possible, and his horn began to spark. She laughed, and said in a sharp, harsh voice, "You fool. I put a magic blocker on your horn. You won't be able to do magic, or fly away from me." She chuckled as he squirmed against the leather straps. "Stop moving, or this will hurt a LOT more." He looked at her, straight in her eyes, and said with a voice full of malice "Let. Me. Go." She laughed, and brought her knife up, and behind her back. He took a deep breath, bracing himself for unimaginable pain. She looked at him as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Maybe.. I could keep him?.." Nightshade thought to herself. She laughed at the thought of keeping a prince with her. Not to mention, the Wendigos would eat him in two seconds flat. One of them screeched. It was very faint. Soma didn't hear it, thankfully. She turned her head to look directly at the wing joint. "This knife isn't dull enough. This will cut through immediately." He looked at her with a tilted head. "If it's dull, it will tear the skin, causing more pain. Your screams will attract my pets." -- Brush froze. She looked to her wing, and blew a small stream of fire to her right, only to see a white face a few feet from hers. It was one of the monsters. It had seen her this time. It screeched, but it was a weak noise, hardly louder than a normal mare's screaming. She blew a large burst of flame towards it, and folded her wings. It screeched again in pain. She ran. The thing followed her.