//------------------------------// // He does // Story: Discord Explains // by AlexMalkavian //------------------------------// It was pretty usual day in Ponyville. All the birds and the trees were doing what they usually do, and so did Fluttershy — she was busy with giving breakfast to animals at the backyard of her cottage. While she was feeding animals at her backyard, Discord was busy in the kitchen. He wanted to try this recipe for some time, but for now he had some problems with key ingredient. His work was interrupted by three still blank-flank fillies running into the house. “Hi, Fluttershy!” the Crusaders shouted, before spotting the absence of the yellow pegasus. “Looks like she’s not home,” Scootaloo stated. “She’s in the garden,” Discord said, coming out of kitchen with a bowl of cocoa-colored mix in his mismatched arms, and wearing lovely-crafted apron with inscription ‘Cook the kiss’. “Oh, hi, Discord,” Apple Bloom said. “What’cha cooking?” “This? It’s my new invention, I call it ‘chuckolate’,” the draconequus answered. “A what?” asked Sweetie Belle perplexedly. “Oh, it’s still not in dictionaries yet, but it will be as soon as I’ll get it right,” Discord said. “You see, chuckolate is chuckling chocolate. The problem is I can’t get the right amount of chuckle, and the one I tried to cook with Fluttershy’s help appeared to be too soft.” He extended his hand to the kitchen. It rustled in the icebox for a bit and then came back with a thawing chocolate in paw. Almost true to his words, it was giggling softly with Fluttershy’s voice. “As you see,” Discord continued, “Fluttershy’s laughter is too soft. So I’m decided to make the next batch with Pinkie’s.” “Em... Should we ask what have you done with Fluttershy?” Sweetie asked doubtfully. “Why, I just took a sample of her laugh!” Draconequus looked appalled. “And, of course, only with her permission. As I already said, You can find her in the backyard. Though—” Discord cringed, “—I would not recommend to do it right now. She’s with Angel Bunny, if you catch my drift.” The Cutie Mark Crusaders took off their eyes of draconequus, who indeed was drifting on nonexistent wind, and exchanged wary looks. They all knew the temper of the inappropriately named bunny. “Well, we just wanted to ask her about something...” the unicorn filly said hesitantly. “Oh, so maybe I can help you,” Discord said, throwing the Fluttershy-voiced chuckolate into his mouth and licking his fingers. “So what was that you wanted to ask?” * * * Fluttershy just finished feeding her animals when she heard voices from inside of her cottage through its thin walls. Said voices unmistakably belonged to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Oh, Discord will help them, she thought. That’s, until she heard what was that thing the Cutie Mark Crusaders wanted to ask about. “So, we were heading to Everfree forest,” Scootaloo said. “Scootaloo was towing us in wagon by her scooter,” Apple Bloom added. “And when we were passing the market, our wagon hit somepony’s cart,” Sweetie Belle said. “Totally accidentally!” all three fillies announced in unison. “And then that pony said some phrase we didn't exactly understand,” finished Sweetie Belle. “Hmm, so what was that phrase he said?” Discord queried. “Well, he shouted somethin’ like ‘Go buck yourselves!’”Apple Bloom replied. That’s when Fluttershy became worried. Oh my, she thought, and hurried to the door of her cottage, fearing what Discord can say to the three fillies. “Hmm...” She still could hear the draconequus’ voice from the inside. “I think it will be easier to show it than to explain in words.” Then Fluttershy heard Discord clicking fingers loudly, and a popping sound after that. “Hello, me,” said Discord. “Why hello there, handsome,” he answered to himself. “So, you see me and me here,” he addressed to the Crusaders again. “And it’s done kinda like this... Would you please bend over and raise your tail a little, Me-Number-Two?” “Oh, sure, Me-Number-One!” the second Discord’s voice replied readily. Fluttershy heard some unrecognizable sound and then: “Ouch! Be gentlier, that’s my butt — and yours, after all!” She began to ran even quicker, beginning to wonder if her cottage’s perimeter really was that big. “Oh, sorry, me,” Discord said again. “Like that?” At that point Fluttershy ran into her cottage, blowing the door from its hinges. “DISCORD!” she shouted, totally unexpectedly for her character. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE SHOWING THIS THREE LITTLE... Oh...” She suddenly stopped, seeing definitely not the scene she was dreading. Yes, the second Discord was bent over, and the first Discord was standing behind him...  bucking him with his hoofed left leg. “So... that’s all?” asked Scootaloo. “That’s stupid,” said Apple Bloom. “And impossible,” added Sweetie Belle. “Ponies just can’t duplicate themselves.” “Oh...” Discord sighed, glancing towards Fluttershy. “I guess it’s true. But that’s how it is. So now that you know the answer, do you want something else?” “No, probably not,” Sweetie answered. She turned and ran out of cottage along with other two Crusaders. “Hi, Fluttershy!” they shouted, running past stunned mare; and then, “Bye Fluttershy!” * * * After three fillies went their way, Fluttershy came to her senses. “So what was the problem, Fluttershy?” Discord asked innocently. “Oh, that was nothing...” the pegasus mumbled, hiding behind her mane. “It’s just... Hearing your speech I imagined something completely different.” “Oh,” a playful smile appeared on draconequus’ lips. “Maybe you were imagining something like that?” He hugged his other self from back, rubbing his hand and paw all over his alter ego’s front side, tactically covering his groin. “Oh Fluttershy, you naughty filly,” said Discord-Number-Two, “I didn’t know you‘re interested in stuff like this.” “Discord!” Fluttershy squeaked. “Oh, or maybe you like it like this?” the first Discord asked, and then clicked his fingers. The second Discord suddenly gain more feminine appearance. “Hi, I’m Eris,” she said while creating a swings latched somewhere at the ceiling and getting sat on them. “And just so you know,” Discord-Number-One added, climbing onto the swings behind Eris, ”we both swing both ways!” “DISCORD!!!” Fluttershy shouted. Only squeaking of swings and giggle of two draconequii was an answer to her.