//------------------------------// // Step 1: Proper Calculation // Story: Golden Flash // by rikkuidol //------------------------------// ------------------- try to keep up RD! no fair! you got a head start! did i now? the golden manned filly suddenly stopped. why'd you stop? the rainbow manned filly said. let's see how much you've improved since the young fliers camp hah! i'll let you know that i've been practicing with gilda ever since! you meant slow-da? hehehe, anyways! let's start race from here to that small mountain near everfree, remember that place? said the golden manned filly you got it! just don't go near that old tree, they're fixing it to be some kind of cottage said the rainbow manned filly flash!? flash?! open your eyes please! it's all my fault!! flash please! be ok!! i shoud have been paying attention SOME PONY HELP!! screamed the rainblow manned filly -------------------- (dont cry) "it's not you fault..." (Please....don't cry) "it's never your fault..." (Rainbow.....) "i have to be perfect, calculate everything..." (dash.....) --------------------------- "Golden Flash!!" "whoa!! who?! what?! when?! where?!" "get your sorry flank over here!!" "yeah yeah!! you don't need to tell me twice!" said Golden Flash, and with that he flew from his quarters to the meeting room.. "what took you so long flash? had a bad dream? hehehe" said soarin "kinda?" said golden flash while looking half asleep, ever since the audition/recruitment 3 days ago, golden flash has been having strange dreams with a rainbow manned filly and his own every single night. golden flash being a said prodigy thought that it was from his childhood and was not sure if the filly in his dream was him and rainbow dash, before golden flash could finish his train of thought Spitfire slammed her hoof. "now listen closely both of you!" said spitfire with an authorative voice. "the first test finished in a way..." "we can clearly see that rainbow is wonderbolt material, she has her flaws, but a little practice and team coordination will fix that." said spitfire while studying rainbow dash's stats in a small black board. "soarin, what do you think? you our lead trickster/performer, think he'll be able to follow our tricks?" "hmmm, as far as im concerned, she'll be able to pull it off with proper training" said soarin with a contented look "i see, so you'll be the next one to test her, ok soarin?" said spitfire "i told her to meet us at the open field near everfree forest at 2pm and it's 10:52am, she has some more time to prepare" "flash, fetch her now and breif her,we'll meet you there at 2" "roger, see you guys there" said golden flash, and with that golden flash flew, heading to cloudsdalle ----------------------------- "omygoshomygoshomygoshomygosh, it's already 11!! ok! keept it cool dash! you got this! you already passed the 1st test" said rainbow dash while trotting back and fort in her room. "knock! knock!" "RD! you in there? got some news for you" said a familiar voice outside her door. "who's there? Golden Flash? that you?" said rainbow dash quizically "yeah it's me! c'mon out i've got some news for you regarding the second test" said golden flash "coming.." said rainbow dash trotting to the door and opened it, inviting Golden flash inside her house but he refused by raising a hoof. "what's up Flash? feelin' better now? what kind of news you got for me? what kind of test is it this time? is spitfire the next judge?" said an eager rainbow dash. "whoa whoa! slow down there RD! first we need to get to the spot near everfree forest, i'll tell you on the way..." said golden flash. and with that, both of them flew from cloudsdale to the spot near everfree forest. --------------------------------- At the meeting place "heh, i love this place... some crazy memories here" said rainbow dash "oh really? like what?" said golden flash "well...this was the place where we had our picnic me and the girls, that was one CRAZY picnic, a lot of crazy stuff happened" said rainbow dash "well now, what kind of crazy stuff?" said golden flash with a grin on his face. "well for one, twilight when coocoo with her problem being not being able to send a friendship report to princess celestia" said rainbow dash "and rarity bringing a sofa, that drama queen! haha.. but the one that bites the dust was the people of ponyville was fighting for a smartypants doll, "twilight's smarty pants doll" to be exact"said rainbow dash "hahaha, that is crazy but why and how?" said golden flash "well twilight said that if she can't find a problem to solve, so she made a problem to solve, well it back fired and the princess came to save the day and etc etc.. kinda long mushy story" said rainbow dash. "blehh, dont like much mushy stories" said golden flash "you and me both flyboy" said rainbow dash with a grin "STOP calling me that! anyways we have like 2 more hours before they get here, ill give you some tips or rather a heads up about soarin" said golden flash "as you know we have lots of tricks and stuff, soarin is the leader on that, he may look like a goof, but he's the best when it comes to group performance" said golden flash. "I see, so you guys have different kinds of rolls huh?" said rainbow dash "well kind of, spitfire and soarin are kinda special, can't say much why though but they have direct contact with the princesses and stuff" said golden flash "anyways you just need to remember one thing..." "We Fly as One.." "We Soar as One.." "We Perform as One.." "We Are One.." "whoa.... isn't that the wonderbolt Golden Rule" said rainbow dash "yup.. we fly as if we are one pony" "speed, coordination, direction and the flawless finish that every pony in equestria love, we do it together so it's not just about speed and tricks, unity is what you need to be a wonderbolt...Got that?" said golden flash with a grin his face. "gotcha! so teach me already!" said an eager rainbow dash "alrighty, now pay attention..." said golden flash, and with that golden flash explained every single trick in the book that they perform from the simple ones to the grand things like the one from the Grand Galloping Gala. Rainbow dash got confused from time to time but she kept an eager face and was seemingly enjoying her time with Golden flash and so was golden flash they we're both engrossed in talking to each other that they did not notice that they we're so close together almost nuzzling each other infact. "so you got the jist of things RD?" said golden flash "yeah, i got most of them but the rest i can deal with.." said rainbow dash "well that's good, with you around i need to calculate more properly now..." said golden flash "calculate? whaddya mean?" said rainbow dash face to face with golden flash "you know i mean.. so that you don't get hurt or anything... just like......" golden flash stopped mid sentence and his mind went blank, it was like his mind is trying to say something. ----------------------- "be carefull dash" said a young fillies voice "I got this dont worry flash! you won remember? so i'm gonna try to fly! and reach that farthest branch!" the young filly was trying to reach the toppest branch atop a seemingly large tree, "dont over exert yourself dash! you still can't fly properl like me!" "ZIP it flash! i can do this...just...a little...more...whoa whoa whoa" when the rainbow manned filly was about to touch the top of the tree, her wings suddenly crammped due to it still being too young to fly. just when the filly was about to fall she was caught by the golden manned filly. "I...told...you...not...to...over..exert..yourself...hnnng.." "thanks flash! but can you carry us both...flash?..whoa..whoa...ahhhhhhhhh!!!" they both fell from a midair, just when they where about to fall the golden manned filly rolled mid air to cushon the fall of the rainbow manned filly "THUMP!" "ow ow ow... you ok there flash? thanks....flash?...flash?! you ok there?" apperantly the golden manned filly's head hit a small stone, there was blood coming out of the golden manned filly's head. but even still he was able to half way open his eyes and said "you ok dash?" "Flash? yeah im fine thanks to you but! what about you?! is...is..is that blood?? omygoshomygosh! IM so sorry flash!!!" "it's not your fault RD i was the one who told you to reach that high, hehe , i'd never thought you'd do it though...ughhh..." "shhhh..save your energy you block head, im gonna go get help...flash? flash? buddy?" tears was comming out of the eyes of the rainbow manned filly, as she was holding onto her getting cold friend. "flash?! flash?!!! wake up please?!" "HELP!!! somepony help!!!!" "it's all my fault!!" cried the rainbow manned filly "it's not your fault dash..." "never...." "i should have calculated properly on the fall" said the golden manned filly but was heard with deaf ears due to the other filly crying for help.. ----------------------------------- "Flash?......" "you Flash!!....." "Equestria to flash!! YO!" "Tsup" "huh? what?" golden flash snapped back to reality, he remembered but what the hay happend NEXT!!!, thought golden flash ".....you ok there flash?" said rainbow dash with a blush on her face "yeah... im good RD, why's your face red?" said golden flash "wha?...you mean...ughhhh!" "nothing!!!" gumbled rainbow dash. "we have a few more minutes right? im gonna go to fluttershy for a sec; see yah in a bit!" said rainbow dash "what the heck just happend?" said golden flash ---------------------------- To Be Continued