Missing Ditzy

by Shizuo35

How Ahuizotl and I Met

Ahuizotl... the villain in my books but my friend in real life. I actually have been at his cottage for... maybe a couple hours now. He basically fixed this entire place up almost on his own. Almost. I actually helped him. On the outside of this place is a dark cobble stone wall just to be separated from all who dare enter this four bedroom, three and a half bath wonder home. He put it up after we started the book series. First day my books sold out I had to hide him out at my place making everypony think it was just some sort of ghost. I spread the rumor about the area this place is in so the thrill seekers, the triple dog dared and the stupid so called ghost catchers just bugger off. Where I'm at right now is a room he always kept just for me incase anypony figured out my pen name is fake and my real identity. I actually made duplicates of all my pictures I had of me and my sister made. Ditzy kept originals, the copies were hung up in the room. Ahuizotl gave me a big bed so... I had no trouble falling asleep. Anyways where I met him.... Ah yes just a few days after my nineteenth birthday Ditzy and I were messing around with an explorers kit my gardener gave me. He actually included his favorite machete in it. We left that inside because we were running around taking turns pretending to be a hunter and an animal. We used a toy dart rifle and wore the pith helmet I am known to wear in my books along with my survivalist vest. That I left inside too. That thing is equipped with sharp knives, trip wire, antibiotic pills, a strap for a canteen and a few packages of seeds if I'm ever stuck somewhere and kinda don't wanna move. Ditzy had the toy rifle and my helmet. I was the animal and believe it or not that wall eyed expression she has isn't as a bad of a shot. She nailed me either dead center cutie mark, right between the eyes or when my tail swishes with the wind. This shot however nailed me in the back of the head. I gave a laugh looking back at her. "Jeez! That was the fourth first shot today!" I said. "Your cutie mark should be a bulls eye not bubbles!"

Ditzy laughed as I shook the dart from my mane and reloading it in to the clip. This thing was fun as anything I didn't have as a little filly. "Darts is like bubbles!" She said. "Which way the wind blows it goes too!" I gave a sigh cocking the gun and making sure its little plastic scope was aligned right.

"Well I guess you do know which way the wind blows... You want to be the animal again or do you wanna run inside and get something to eat? I'm getting hungry... Pancakes don't really go and fill me up as much as I thought." As a little filly I was always wanting pancakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Before my father got sick he made us what ever we wanted. He was a chef. He made the best food for the most popular restaurant in Ponyville, The Silver Stable. He actually passed down his recipe to his protégé before he was bedridden. I think I forgot to mention it but about a week or two after his passing the restaurant closed down because everyone thought nopony would be tasting his succulent food anymore. But in short my father made pancakes with chocolate chips, tofu bacon, even blueberries and strawberries too! He even made latkas! Potato pancakes. Those were my favorite out of all the ones he made. Anyways Ditzy's stomach growled.

"Tummy makin' rumblies for food! You think you can make haybuggas?" Ah hayburgers... Ditzy's favorite. Catsup and mustard on hay and an all wheat bun! You know... this time I made an exception that really helps with this story. How? Just wait and see. I gave Ditzy a nod putting the toy sniper on my back holding it down with my wings. She cheered and had my helmet fall over her eyes. I gave a laugh and brought it over onto my head before we both hurried to the house. Just as we did I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye of something sitting in the bushes just watching us. Either that or it was just a hallucination from fatigue because we were playing for hours. Yeeeeaaahhhh no.... After lunch Ditzy passed out after eating four hayburgers and me having nothing else to do went out to take a little flight around. Not only for my thoughts thinking of another thing me and Ditzy could do but I was looking for that suspicious shadow I saw. Give ya four seconds to guess what it was. Four... three.... two... two and a half.... and one. Did ya guess? ...You're kidding right? That wasn't just a figment of my imagination but.... oh forget it I got a story to tell.

So I flew over the forest trying to find a good spot to land. Didn't really get my hooves on the ground as much as tree branches but at that time I practiced free run parkour. Some days I would fly over to a guard training post and they let me train myself to do that free run fun because at the time I wanted to be a guard but... Yeah guess who changed my idea. Ahuizotl! Anyways I hopped from branch to branch to maybe get an overhead attack on maybe a possible predator. I stopped and balanced myself on a thick branch trying to listen for something that could help me. Well... That branch I was on wasn't as sturdy as I thought and it snapped. I fell so fast I couldn't catch myself with my wings. I landed all dazed and confused just not even getting up but... I hear someone coming. "Goodness are you alright?!" They said. I rolled onto my side and looked into the bushes and I find myself staring Ahuizotl in the face as he's running towards me. I was actually so scared I screamed before just passing out because I didn't really know what or who the hell he even was.

Anyways when I woke up I was thinking I was having some sort of nightmare yet my side was hurting. I saw a patch of gauze taped to my side. Not to mention I was on Ditzy's bed. I never slept in Ditzy's bed unless she was in it. I managed to roll out of the bed barely missing the injury I had sustained and I went for the door. As I walked out everything felt empty. I'd normally be greeted by the doctor or the gardener or on most occasions Ditzy. "Hello? Ditzy? Doc? Is anypony here?" I said.

As I walked towards the stairs I heard a door open up. "Daring? We's in kitchen!" Ditzy called out.

"We? Who's in there with you? Is it the doctor?" I got no answer from her. I walked over to the stairs and looked over to the kitchen door which was opened just a smidge. Slowly I descended feeling as if who ever brought me in here or what ever I saw in the woods (YES IT WAS AHUIZOTL I DONT KNOW THAT YET AT THIS POINT NOW DO I?!) had trapped the steps and just waited for me to trip over it injuring myself so they could go after the fortune, the valuables and what ever me and Ditzy have to offer if you know what. "Ditzy? Ditzy! Answer me when I'm talking to you!" Still nothing. I ended up hopping the railing to the steps and gliding down with my wings. Once I landed I hurried to the kitchen. The thick warm smell of caramel hit my nose. I actually don't like caramel and we usually keep that stuff out of the house! I peeked through the opening and I saw Ditzy and the doctor. At this time he was actually starting to show signs of aging. It was surprising he stayed with me and Ditzy as long as he did. Anyways they were sitting at the table eating caramel apples! To be honest I'm allergic to caramel. Its one of the sugar types there is in it. We have found out which one it is and apparently its just a sweetener made from a plant somewhere in southern Equestrian rainforests. I actually carried an epi-pen with me just to help me have enough time to make an antidote to counteract the allergic reaction. Ahuizotl helped me one time blah blah blah do you really even need to know? Sorry I'm just a bit tired... Anyways Ditzy saw me out of the corner of her eye and sprang up.

"DARING! You's okay!" She came right out and hugged me being careful of my wound which.... started to sting a bit now that I was up and moving. "We was scared when we heard you scream but a nice guy gotcha inside! You gotta meet him!" She looked back at the doctor. One of her eyes was kinda trained on me and I could only look right into it. I kinda wish I could read her mind instead of going with a know of the layout of the land. "Mr. Ahuizotl! My sister's finally awake!"

I actually thought if this was one of my sisters little times of confusion but not even a second later I see what I saw out in the forest. A large black panther with a hand for a tail, a long tuft of fur tied in a ponytail and two more hands almost looking like along with a gold earing in his ear. I screamed and pushed Ditzy away before falling back. "Woah! Woah PLEASE! No more screaming" He said as he approached as I screamed some more trying to back away. "Come on I know I'm scary looking but I just want to be your friend! I was going to approach you while you and your lovely sister here were playing but I didn't want this to happen!"

Ahuizotl reached towards me and I smacked his creepy hand away from me feeling scared like hell. "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK!" I yelled.

Yeah probably shouldn't have said that. Ditzy pounced on me giving me a mean look. "DA-RING!" She yelled. "You say sorry to him! You nice to me even I look like this!" Yep.... That right there was the shot in the arm I needed but... it didn't take full effect.

Ahuizotl sighed pulling Ditzy off of me. "Oh it's fine... I'm not really hurt by that stuff although it is the only reaction I get when I'm trying to make friends." He said. "Now why don't you go on in there and finish your candied apple? I can try and gain your sisters trust on my own." Ditzy gave a nod as he set her at his side. She gave me a disgruntled look just before going back into the kitchen. Ahuizotl looked at me and all I could do was hold my tongue fearing I would say something that would come back to bite me in the ass. He sat down just feet away from me just giving a worried look. "Uh... Daring is it? I know you're freaked out by my appearance and everypony is. Your sister screamed a bit but the doctor seems to know of me."

I scrambled to my hooves crossing my haunches sitting down. "D-Doc?" I pretty much called out. "Can y-you come out here please?!" The doctor came right out with a candied apple in his mouth. "Why does he say he knows of you and WHY are you eating a candied apple?! WITH CARAMEL?!"

Ahuizotl popped the caramel apple out of the doctors mouth with his... hand tail... giving him room to talk. "Sorry Daring but.... I just couldn't help myself!" He said. "I just love those! I know you're allergic to the sweetener that's used but I haven't had anything this sweet in a long time!"

"And about this freak?!" I pointed to Ahuizotl. The doctor sat next to him taking his.... claw I guess? His anatomy is kinda weird.

"Daring do not call him a freak! This is Ahuizotl and he's a black panther that has been cursed to walk the earth for as long as time goes on. I don't know of the curse personally and he doesn't really remember what it was." He didn't remember until a rockslide caused a blockade trapping me in a tunnel. I was honestly so scared of not getting out when I did get free I tackled Ahuizotl and he hit his head but that was around book two. "Now apologize!" I gave a sigh getting to my hooves.

"Well... Ahuizotl I'm sorry for calling you a freak... You just... Freaked me out rushing to me when I fell and... seeing you near my family just kinda scares me too.... I mean... For all I know you're trying to poison them but you just didn't know about my allergies..."

Ahuizotl gave a sigh. "I know my presence scares you but you have to trust me I just want to try and make some friends without them freaking out like you did." He said averting his gaze. "... Just at the sight of me ponies scream and run always judging me by the way I look... They don't even get a chance to know the real me...." Believe it or not he started to cry. The doctor hugged him and... Well... I guess I had to do so as well. It was lukewarm. I half trusted him. Half trust is just trusting him but not letting him near any valuables, secrets and what not but who would I talk to? Sure Ditzy but.... well... let me say what really went on with that.

Later the doctor had me and Ditzy run out and gather ingredients for a four cheese lasagna which Ahuizotl was going to cook. I was walking just to enjoy the sun set and the cool air but I was kinda pissed and kinda scared. Ditzy looked over at me and rested her wing on my back. "You and Mr. Zotl gotsta be friends after dinner Daring!" She said. "He even offered to make cupcakes for us for dessert!"

I sighed and flipped Ditzy's wing off with my wing. "Ditzy I don't trust him still..." I said. "...There's just something about him that just... It just makes me think he's trying to rob us blind.... I mean he was hiding in the forest watching us and rushed over to me when I got hurt and he brought my number one allergy into the house.... He's lucky I only get watery eyed when I smell caramel otherwise I'm swelling up like a balloon."

"He's only bein' nice to us after making me scream and cry. He no know 'bouts your ickysickies! 'Sides we gots your sicky stickin the kitchen for just incase!"

"But he doesnt know that Ditzy! He could slip some of that caramel into my food and I'm gasping for air while while you're trying to stop him from taking the safe!" Ditzy groaned a bit.

"DA-riiiiiiiiing! Mr. Ahuizotl is a nice uh... kitty thing... He not gonna give pain to us!"

"...Okay Ditzy.... You live in your world and I'm gonna stay safe behind my own little magic barrier watching him and the first move he makes to hurt you I'm hurting him!" What? I didn't say my relationship with him started out well. Ditzy smacked me in the back of the head with her wing.

"No! You gotsta be nice to Mr. Zotl! Docs gonna send you to your room without dinner!"

"Oh who gives a flying flail if I get dinner or not. I'm not gonna be subjected to any poison he might have hidden! Ditzy why don't you just grab a hayburger and save yourself? The doctor says as long as you eat something no matter what he wont be mad. Please just do this for me so i'll be happy! ....you do want me happy don't you....?" Ditzy whimpered a bit. I knew I struck a nerve because she knows I've been there for her and that she's been there for me whenever I needed it. I helped her go to the bathroom after the accident, she helped me get comfortable in her bed when it was stormy out and the hard rain kept me up. I didnt really like hard rain but she loved it. Book five I was cooped up in a cave during a storm and I just couldn't sleep until Ahuizotl and his posse came in. I had a fire going to stay warm and they dried off by it. It was kinda nice being surrounded by warm bodies in cold rain. With that part I just wrote about being trapped in a rockslide and had to dig my way out only to end up in the arms of Ahuizotl. Anyways Ditzy sighed.

"...Yes I wanna see sissy smile! But... I don't wanna see Mr. Zotl sad either.... Maybe we get something for everypony? Maybe like a pizza?" I rolled my eyes just out of Ditzy's view.

"Fine.... Pizza it is but we still gotta get the ingredients for lasagna and just act like we didn't want him to trouble himself..." So Ditzy and I went by the pizza place after we grabbed the ingredients and just ordered a plain cheese. Didn't wanna get my favorite pineapple and mango pizza. Tropical bliss. Plus... not every pony likes a sweet taste with pizza. They're more hot peppers and cilantro. When we got home we didn't see Ahuizotl or the doctor. That kinda scared me. Nothing looked damaged or missing from the entry way so that kept me from freaking out. I set the pizza on the table just as Ditzy emptied her saddle bags onto the counter pouring out pasta noodles, cans of tomato sauce, parmesan, sharp cheddar, provolone, and just a bit of pepper jack cheese to give things a little kick and some spices to help with everything so it tastes better. I looked to Ditzy as I grabbed a few plates from the cabinet. "You think you can go find the doctor and Ahuizotl? I'll get things ready out here." Ditzy gave a nod and rushed out of the kitchen. I set the plates on the table in a few places at the table and sat at my spot. Six pony table, four ponies sat at it every night. Always the same position. Me and Ditzy sat almost head of the table with the doctor and gardener sitting next to us on either side they wanted. The doctor mostly sat on my side and... right where my mother sat was Ahuizotl.

That whole dinner I didn't speak. Not to Ditzy, not to the doctor, not to the gardener and not even to Ahuizotl. Didn't trust him still. I even kept my tail off the side of my chair so he wouldn't yank at it with his crazy hand tail. But here is the thing that happened here... Ice cream. After dinner the Doctor had me, Ditzy, the gardener and Ahuizotl out in the main hall. "Who wants ice cream? My treat!" He said.

Ditzy gasped and flew up in the air. "OOH! Me me me!" She said. "I wants ice creamy wif sprinkles!" The doctor looked to Ahuizotl and me because the gardener was already at his side. Never turns down a snack.

"Daring? Ahui? You two want in?"

Ahuizotl shook his head. "None for me thanks. Sensitive teeth." He said. I wanted to call him out but I had to give my own answer.

I took a deep breath and sighed averting my gaze. "Wish I could but the pizza got me not feeling so well.... Stomach is feeling a little off." I said. "You guys go on without me I'll be fine here. Just need to lie down is all."

The doctor gave a sigh. "Lucky you I still know your favorite ice cream." He said. "I'll be nice and get it for you so you can have it tomorrow alright?" I gave a nod and started for the stairs.

I heard Ahuizotl behind me say "Don't worry I'll go ahead and make her something to soothe her stomach. Tea with a hint of freshly squeezed orange." Believe it or not (which I know you will believe it) I zoned out of the conversation as I disappeared into my room and sat on my bed thinking why I wanted to stay at my home with a possible psycho who wants to freaking rob us blind. That sit in my room turned into a lie down and being curled up freaking out. The sunset faded away leaving the entire room in darkness. I didn't even bother to turn on a light because I actually liked being in the dark to help calm myself. Maybe after about fifteen minutes of me laying in the dark I get a knock on my door. "Daring? It's Ahuizotl. I have your tea ready. May I come in?"

To be honest I felt as if the doctor would be outside of the door but I knew he would be half way down the road towards Ponyville by now. Lucky him the ice cream shop that he goes to has a pony there who can freeze any frozen treat for at least twelve hours. Flash Frozen as she is known. Anyways I gave a huff as I sat back up almost ready for a quick fight. "...Why not? It's not like this teeny stomach bug is contagious." I said. The door opened and he walked in with a tea cup steaming hot. He flipped on the light nearly stunning me but I've woken up with the sun in my eyes a few times for that to be toned down. "...look I know what you're doing here and I don't trust you...." He looked at me just as he set the tea cup down on the desk. Did I mention that or not? Feels like I did... Anyways he looked to me after setting the tea cup down.

"Why don't you? Is it because of the way I look?" I shook my head.

"What were you doing in the forest? This home is supposed to be secluded!" Ahuizotl sighed sitting on Ditzy's bed.

"Oh... that's why you don't trust me... just because I was creeping about inside your family's domain... I have a fairly good reason for that! Can I explain myself please?"

"I suppose.... but I want you to keep your hands where I can see them!" He folded his hands putting his tail hand on his head.

"Alright.... Years ago I met that doctor of yours... he healed me after I had gotten hurt and taught me some skills to help myself pop a bone back into place or give stitches to myself or someone who does trust me. I tracked him here and I wanted to see if he could teach me anything else but I saw you and your sister playing in the forest and I got hesitant. I didn't mean to scare you when you fell but you had a gash in your side which I sewed up and patched myself with some of the doctors supplies... I was actually surprised to see you up and walking... Tell me did you feel any pain in your side while you were walking?" I shook my head. I gotta be honest I did feel a bit of pinching. Nothing too too bad. "Well that's good... the anesthetic is still working but it will wear off by morning... this wont prove much but poke at your side. See if you feel any sort of stinging." I hesitantly poked at my side and gasped, cringing at the stinging pain I felt. "See? I stitched you up while you were out.... Do you trust me now?" I actually gave it some thought not being able to think straight because of the stinging. After the stinging went away I looked to Ahuizotl.

"...Well... I'm sorry I ever doubted you... Thank you for doing that you fre- I mean... Ahuizotl... You can actually move now... and maybe give me the tea now... My stomach is feeling a bit weird now actually..." Yeah... three slices of pizza and well... I put some red pepper on my pizza and I'm not really used to spicy foods. Ahuizotl smiled and got up from Ditzy's bed grabbing my tea from the desk and gave it to me. I sipped from it and... it seemed sweet... too sweet. I coughed a bit. "Um... Ahui.... what uh... what did you put in this tea....?"

"Well.... I made it fresh. Your gardener handed over some bitter tea leaves and I thought it could've used some sweetener so I used some left over sweetener from the caramel apples." My heart dropped and I dropped the tea cup shattering it feeling myself puff up.

"....W-was it the one made from a plant in... southern Equestria....?" He gave a nod and I started coughing. "YOU JACK ASS I'M HIGHLY ALERGIC TO IT!" I actually fell off my bed taking as many big breaths as I could knowing my throat was closing up. Ahuizotl started to freak out a bit.

"I-I didn't know! Can I help in any way?"

"....Kitchen medkit.... purple epipen...." I could only force that out trying to gasp for ore air. He said nothing as he ran right out of the room leaving me to just pass out... I thought I was dead... my throat was closed up, I couldn't breathe and.... my life flashed before my eyes... everything that I went through, all those thoughts of Ditzy crying after mom had left both from pain and knowing the fact we would be alone here without parental guidance, the bed wetting and her just not doing anything to help me... Those memories were the ones that went on the longest.... When everything went dark again... I thought I'd wake up in the clouds with my father... thinking he'd be there to greet me... No... What I see is Ahuizotl, the doctor and Ditzy sitting nearby inside of a hospital room... my... my own fathers room....

Ditzy was hugging Ahuizotl crying.... The doctor looking over some charts... He looked up and saw me just looking at them with my still puffy eyes. He quickly glanced over at them. "She's waking up!" He said. He came to my bedside and shined a light in my eye holding it open as best he could. "...Pupils dialated... heart rate normal.... Don't speak but can you breathe alright?" I nodded. "That's good... You were lucky Ahuizotl found your epipen when you told him.... Ditzy was afraid she was gonna lose you.... Hell I was almost in here with you.... Nearly fainted... You wanna see Ditzy?" I nodded and he backed up looking at Ditzy and Ahui. "Ditzy sweetie? Daring wants to see you."

Ditzy broke away from Ahuizotl and just seeing her face as she came over made me glad I was still going. "....D-daring...." She said. "....I... I don't want you to see poppa... stay with me....." I teared up and nuzzled her. Couldn't do much else with swelled arms. You ever try bending your arm with a bee sting? It felt like that.

Ahuizotl got up and came to my bedside resting one of his hands on Ditzy's shoulder. "...Sorry about the screw up Daring..." He said. "Good thing you told me where your shot was... I was afraid you wouldn't survive... Even though you cant say anything I'm just going to assume you're greatful..." That I was. I basically owed him my life. I basically did save his life during book one. I grabbed the treasure and the temple started to crumble and his tail got caught under a chunk of debris and I moved it but... we actually bonded so close its actually hard for me to trash him in my books. I always send him a first edition before getting out another fake one to a fan which I always see multiple entries for from what are now two holders of The Elements of Harmony. During my last book I actually met them and... gotta say the blue one was REALLY annoying but around there Ahuizotl and I agreed on a no holding back race meaning we could do whatever we wanted but he got a bit too bad and strapped me to a wall. Glad that blue mare saved my ass from being burned alive or what ever the danger was... I actually forgot but I ended up smacking some sense into Ahuizotl after we already got things done... jack ass.... Anyways... I should get to sleep... it got a bit late while I was talking... Ahui's making some home made pasta... yum.