//------------------------------// // The Burdens // Story: The Adventures of Flux Capacitor from Gallifrey // by fluxcapacitor100 //------------------------------// The Hospital Fluxy is hooked up to heart monitor. She is passed out, and totally ratted out. The medic ponies soon find her irregular heart beat, being relayed by the heart monitor. thump thump thump thump As soon as they do, they take a scan to her heart. They find she has two hearts. They're appalled by this. They inspect the other aspects of her, finding she has also two livers and many other organs not even known to pony kind. "Is this mare even actually equine?!" "I'm sure these are all just tumors or something..." "Are you kidding me?! How do you explain the orange-ish blood? Not to mention, it has no type! We've got to report this to Princess Luna, maybe she knows about stuff from other worlds!" One of the medics swings the door open and stares at the ponies sitting outside in chair. They're the two stallions from before. "Are you two related to her?" "...Yeah!" "Then you two are aliens too!" "I find that very offensive, me and generations of my family have lived here in Hill Valley since the late 1800's!" The Pegasus whacks his friend. "Not that kind of alien!" "Listen, this hospital is for equines only. We've never seen anything like this, and we don't know how to properly treat her. We've stopped the bleeding, and stitched it up. That's what's important. But we're not going to do any more than what we have." Suddenly there's a ruckus going on in the room. There's a bit of yelling every now and then, and Flux slowly walks out with a bandage wrapped around her belly. She strides out and heads straight for the exit. The two stallions runs and catches up to her outside. "They say you're an alien but I don't believe that! Tell me, are you an alien?" The Unicorn says this confidently trying to convince himself that he's right. "...No, they're right. I'm an alien from another dimension, bonus!" The Unicorn and the Pegasus stop abruptly and look at her. Fluxy keeps walking for a moment and stops and turns around when she doesn't hear their hoofsteps. "Look, it's not as weird of a thing as you think. I look like any other equine on the outside, speak the same language, and have mostly similar behavior. I just can withstand more things than the lot of you equines. I have a normal name like you all-" "What's your name?" the Pegasus interrupts her. "...Flux Capacitor. Who are you all?" "Storm," the Pegasus replies in a refined tone. "Hi Fi!" The Unicorn reveals his identity. Hi Fi?! How could that be? Flux suddenly notices everything about him. The similar coat color, mane color, even slightly his mane style! And the most obvious giveaway, the dragon cutie mark! Flux hasn't really taken a good look at him until now. She has an obvious flustered look on her face. "...Flux are you okay? Why does your face look like that?" "He stayed! He actually stayed in Hill Valley! And you're his descendant!" Flux paces around a bit. "You! Hi Fi! I need to crash at your place so I can get...repairs!" Hi Fi now has the flustered look. "Yeah I suppose so..." "Do you have a garage and some scrap aluminum?" "Yes but-" "GREAT! Let's go!" Flux flares her clipped wings out and pushes off the ground. She gets a few feet in the air, and takes a hard fall. She starts out with a groan of pain and turns it more into a frustrated whine. Hi Fi rolls his eyes and walks to his house at a steady pace. Hi Fi leads Flux into his house. Flux looks around. There's one stallion, probably two years younger than Flux, sitting on a chair. He looks particularly bored. Two foals run across the living room; one colt and one filly, presumably twins. There's a scent of fur and...a small dragon? "HI FI!" The piercing voice of a cross mare rings through the back of the house. It startles Flux out of her shoes, metaphorically speaking. "Your stupid dragon burned the tip of my mane off-" The mare stops abruptly and takes a good look at Flux. "Who's this?" "...Flux. She needed a place to stay for a while so-" "She's not staying here," Hi Fi heats up a bit. "She's staying here because she's injured and she's...unwelcome to the hospital." "Fine, but she's your responsibility!" "She can be my responsibility~!" The 'bored' stallion is looking at Flux with a particularly fond gaze. Suddenly she feels extremely uncomfortable. "How about I take care of myself in...the garage!" Flux nervously exits the house and lets herself into the garage. She rushes over to a particularly large pile of aluminum. Some of it looks like armor...for a dragon? She lifts up some of the scraps and is ambushed by a small dragon. It looks like the same species as hers, but even smaller. Flux falls backwards by surprise, and the dragon stands right on her belly fur. It sends an electrical shock right at her and runs out the garage door. Oddly enough, she seemed to have taken no damage. Flux runs outside after the dragon. She lunges at it, but it takes flight right as she hits the ground. Flux angrily gives up, knowing she can't currently fly after it. She turns back to the garage and goes about her business, picking out good pieces of scrap metal and comparing them to her clipped wings. Flux finds a good set of aluminum. She finds a chop saw and uses it to cut the metal to the right sizes and angles. She then proceeds to take the cover off her wings, revealing a weird, confusing, and annoying set of black metal pieces that make up the spines of her wings. Flux presses a button on both of her wings. It releases the 'feathers' from the spines so she can work freely with them. She puts on a welding mask and gets to fixing the feathers. Hi Fi wakes up. He's under the covers on top his bed. He stretches and literally throws himself off the bed. He stands up shortly afterwards, and takes a long walk to the kitchen. Hi Fi opens the pantry in search for something breakfast related. "Goodness, I wonder what that mare eats?" Hi Fi goes out to the garage, feeling guilty he forgot that she was in there. "Flux?" He walks into the garage and sees Flux curled up and sleeping on the floor. His dragon is curled up laying on her, where her feathers are absent. It's just a wing spine. Hi Fi walks over and shakes her awake. She looks kind of alarmed at first, then recovers when she realizes that Hi Fi is familiar. Flux looks at the wall clock. "Three hours? I overslept!" Flux gets up, waking the dragon. She does a good stretch and walks out the garage and back in Hi Fi's house. She starts rummaging through his food supply. "Where are all your apples?" Hi Fi opens a compartment of the fridge and pulls out a bag of red apples. Flux is very displeased with this. "This is no good. Green apples are the best, you only have the red ones. We must go to the market at once!" Flux jumps on Hi Fi's back and kicks him lightly to get him going. He sighs and painfully drags to the public market. Flux and Hi Fi arrive at the market. She flares just her wing spines out and flaps them down. She has used her hooves to push her up. She shortly afterwards hits the ground with a thump. "Oof!" Hi Fi can't help being amused by this. Flux goes about her business buying some green apples with bits she keeps in her cutie mark pocket. They go back to the house, and Flux ravages the apples. "So what's the deal with your wings? The feathers?" Flux gives him an astonished look. "You don't think those are real, do you? They don't even look real." He looks slightly embarrassed. "So did you lose your real wings or something and so some ponies made a pair for you?" "No way. I made them myself in an act of arrogance. I'm an Earth Pony, not a Pegasus." "You made them? I doubt they even work!" Hi Fi and Flux both turn to hear the unannounced entrance of Hi Fi's adoptive step son. Flux challenges him back. "Son, I'm in the business for inventing. I get paid for inventing things. Anything I make will very likely work fine." "You're probably not even smart enough to be in school! You're only good for lookin' pretty!" Flux gasps in disbelief. She reprises in anger. "You wayward, ill-nurtured scut! You just watch me fix these wings up! And when I do, I can fly away from this beslubbering scene!" Flux stomps her hoof at the last syllable. She runs on out to the garage and goes back to her studies. A few days later Flux strides straight out of the back door of Hi Fi's house. The inhabitants of it promptly follow her out. Flux turns and faces them. "Well, beloved temporary family, I have finally fully recovered from my crash landing here! And, I am very much able to fly away from here, out of your lives, contrary to 'popular belief.'" Flux glares at the son of the family when she says the last part. He already starts to protest. "We all know you're wrong! Those wings are not aerodynamically possible, most likely! Who really thinks..." She stretches out her wings as he blabbers on. She takes an attack stance, flaps her wings a lot for a charge, and flies straight for him. She grabs him and takes a sharp turn into the sky. "Ahhhh!" The Unicorn shrieks in terror. He's holding onto Flux like his life depends upon it. And, at their altitude, it does. "Who's not aerodynamically possible now?" "I-I'm sorry! You were right! J-Just get me down from here!" As soon as she hears his apology, she slows down her flying. She calmly and gracefully descends back down to the ground, and safely lets him go. His mother is absolutely horrified. "How dare you? You could've killed him!" "But I didn't, did I? Anyway, if you don't like it, no worries." She pauses to look up at something in the sky. "'Cuz I have no need to stay here!" Flux promptly flies away from the scene. Hi Fi turns in concern to see Flux and his friend Storm and a dragon that looks similar to his own. Storm and Flux are having their own conversation in the sky. "What are you doing here?" "Well Hi Fi's dragon got loose and so I followed it here...but now I see it's just one that looks similar to his..." "Yeah, that's because it's my dragon!" "I didn't know you had a pet dragon! What's his name?" "I just got him a week ago...or...something like that. So I haven't got a name for him yet." Flux suddenly looks a little bit uncertain. She mutters to herself. "How does this whole time thing work now..." "What was that? Something about time?" "I said nothing of the sort! Now, shoo! I'll be on my way!" She flies in the direction of the forest she crashed in, and speaks when she's far enough from Storm, who has landed and is speaking with Hi Fi. "I presume Lorean is all busted up? It would've been nice to stay there and fix it, but not after that mess! And we would've been at risk of being found out. I'll have to find some other place to work in private...A place like...my house!" The two of them don't know that they're being followed by Hi Fi and Storm. Hi Fi is struggling to hold onto Storm, and they're both struggling to not bicker loudly. Flux's dragon does a speaking thing in her mind. It's what comes with the whole "ability linking" thing. He's actually up and running well. He was able to get himself to your future self for fixing. "Woah! H-How are you doing that?!" The ability share. Also, you may not have noticed, but you have the ability to attack things with lightning. Because that's what I can do. "No way! I'm gonna try that out!" Flux kinda tries a few different methods of attack before one of them works. A bolt of blue lightning shoots through the atmosphere and to the Earth. Somewhere, it hits a crazed stallion who looks as if he had become used to being struck by lightning. "TWELVE TIMES! I'VE BEEN HIT TWELVE TIMES NOW! WOOHOO!" "...Wonder what lucky object is gonna receive that...but I suppose we should head in the direction of my house?" Storm is just close enough to hear those words, and hides in a puffy cloud just in time to avoid the sight of Flux and her dragon. "Is it me, or does she seems completely based off of an entire movie trilogy?" Storm shrugs. "S'ppose we should follow her?" Flux lands behind her garage, out of sight of the house. She looks a bit worried. "Could you get Lorean? I...don't know if I exactly want to see myself in however many years." Her dragon flies straight up to the door and enters. She talks to herself. "I should really think of a name for him..." Flux is interrupted by the rough landing of Storm. Hi Fi is happy to fall off. "What do you two think you're doing?! Get outta here!" "I was just concerned for your safety so I f-" Hi Fi is interrupted by the front door of the house swinging open. Flux grabs the two of them and shoves them against the garage wall. She breathes heavily. "...So I fixed the car to the best of my ability. I wasn't exactly the main producer of it, most the help came from a friend. Also, I know that the lot of you aren't planning on taking back those two stallions. But it's crucial that you take them back. History has to happen. Got it?" Flux carefully peers around the corner. She is closely followed by Hi Fi and Storm, of which she whacks them both back with her wing. "What are you hiding?!" "We have a right to know!" Flux pushes Storm to the ground and pins Hi Fi down. She has a hoof over his mouth. Her eyes have oddly turned a bright, menacing yellow, and are giving Hi Fi a death stare. "If either of you two so much as look around that corner then Mother Superious help me-" Flux stops in surprise to hear that her words are being perfectly copied at the same time she says them. She turns around to see herself leaning against the garage. Flux turns around with a slight maniacal look in her eyes. "Buh-bye!" She bolts into the air. Her future self looks up and starts counting down. "And three...two...one...oomph!" The younger Flux is hit by a bird as soon as her older self's countdown is done. She hits the ground hard. Storm and Hi Fi are pretty much freaking out. "It's decided, we're going with you wherever you go now!" Hi Fi seems pretty eager to leave his entire family. Storm debates him. "What do you mean 'go with her'?" "We all know at this point she's a time traveler! Her older self is here, so it must mean she's from the past! Think about what we could change about our futures, Storm! C'mon!" Flux stops him. "Woah okay let's slow down here! There is no way you're going to the past with that kind of mindset! I suppose you'll just hafta stay here with your wife and kids!" The eldest Flux combats her. "Sweetie, I would be a different pony today if you hadn't taken these two nutjobs back in time. You're gonna get some stuff out of it. You're also gonna lose a little something...a few things...but for the most part, it's all good. Besides, history has to happen, right?" "Fine! Let's just get on with it...give me my car back!" "Our car." She opens the garage and pushes out the repaired Lorean. Flux gets in the driver seat, and her dragon forces himself in the small space behind it. Hi Fi and Storm struggle to get in on the other side. Storm falls out of the car. "I should just leave him behind!" Her older self goes back in the garage and comes out with a rope. "That won't be necessary. Storm, on the roof! now!" Storm reluctantly jumps on top of the car. "Is this safe..." "Don't be ridiculous! You've done crazier things than this! Or, you will, but...there's two...now...well it worked when I first did it, and that's all that matters!" She tightly ties him to the roof of Lorean. She looks around and whispers to him. "Look out for Hi Fi back there...and, well, yourself." She flies out of the way and mutters to herself. "Ruining my own life..." Flux gives herself a positive signal for them to go. "Date set, time circuits on...time for an adventure!"