//------------------------------// // READY.... FIGHT!!!!!!! // Story: A Wish That Could Be // by Faithful Brony //------------------------------// "Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive and don't ever apologize for anything." Harry S Truman The arena was crowded, hundreds of young dragons made up the mass surrounding the entire arena. The seats were packed for what they thought was shaping to be a quick and decisive match. Many were chanting Rakharrs name as the announcer came out of a tunnel to begin the introductions. The battle field was set up with all sorts of debris like rocks and dead trees to give it a little more of a natural look. The announcer raised his claw to silence the crowd, and as quick as it began the noise went silent. "Dragonesses and gentledrakes, I welcome you to the weekly fight night that we enjoy so much. Today's contenders are bit different than normal. In one corner we have reigning champion and training master for the young warriors dragon militia, Rakharr!" As his name was called out he came from one tunnel on left side of the arena waving his arms and amping up the crowd. "In the other corner we have the human who recently moved in. He has gained quite a bit of infamy since making home in our great city. He is the only outsider to become adviser to our elders, Shojima!" Some of the crowd continued cheering but most elected to switch to booing. The majority of the them were being heavily influenced by Rakharr misguided way of thinking. Now it was time to prove he was wrong, ready for another lesson. When they made it to the middle the referee approached, them to begin the match. "As you know the rules are simple, this is a one on one fight. It ends when either one of you submits or until they are no long able to stand. of course as always their will be no low blows or killing, LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!" As soon as the ref threw the flag in the air he flew off and Rakharr attacked immediately. He threw a punch towards Russel only for him to dodge by diving to the left and recovering just as quick. Russel turned and leaped at Rakharr drop-kicking him; forcing the big lizard to stumble but failing to fully knock him over. Russel got back up but was promptly sent flying towards a rock when Rakharr spun and hit him with his tail. Russel slammed into the rock knocking the wind out of him and forcing him to his knees. Russel recovered after a few seconds but was not able to get up before Rakharr punched him sending him tumbling again. Russel ached all over but forced himself to get back up and began casting a spell. He built up an air current inside his hands and condensed it, as he waited for Rakharr to get close. Once in range, Russel blasted the air at him in a concentrated wave sending him tumbling backwards. He recovered however and was back to charging at Russel as if the attack hardly affected him. Russel ran towards cover as the drake fired a burst of flames at him. He managed to dodge it barely just as the flame hit the big rock he was hiding behind. Rakharr ran to the other side of the rock and was confused when his opponent was not there. He turned around only to see him on the other side of the arena not even focused on his opponent. Rakharr charged him and swiped his hand down at the target only for it to phase completely through; making the fake image dissipate. He turned around to search for the real target and saw him again at a completely different spot of the arena. Rakharr ran towards it and blew fire at the image only for it to dissipate as well. The angry dragon roared in frustration. every time an image of his opponent showed up and he attacked, it was a fake. Russel however was really hiding behind the tree on the far end of the area of combat out of harms way. Some of Rakharrs cronies saw this and started trying to get the angry dragons attention. When he finally turned around to look Russel stepped out from behind the tree. "Well this has been real fun watching you run around like a chicken with its head cut off. I think however its time to finish this," Russel said as he got into a snake style karate stance and urged Rakharr to come at him. "Hahaha, your attacks are nothing, you could never hurt me. Its futile how you think your going to win, time to put you out of your misery. BEGONE," Rakharr yelled as he charged at Russel raising his right claw ready to strike. As he swiped down with his claw to deal the crushing blow, Russel slid under it and the rest of his opponent completely. Russel quickly got up and ran for the middle of the arena and stood there waiting. Rakharr turned around and ran at him drawing a breath and shooting out a ball of fire. Russel dove to the right saving his life but got hit on his left leg receiving many burns up and down it. Russel yelled in pain but got up slowly none the less. Rakharr slammed his fist into the side of Russel causing him to lurch in pain. Russel could feel one of his ribs crack by the shear force of the punch and knock the wind out of him. Rakharr was about to deliver the finishing blow when Russel slammed his hand on the ground lighting up the arena. The light emanated a green aura and flashed brightly before settling down to a more consistent glow. Russel took this time to recover his breath. As soon as he felt he could get up he tried to slowly while holding his injured chest. Russel got up and decided to look upon his handy work. Rakharr was frozen in mid chop motion looking at him confused as to why he wasn't moving. "Now its time for me to explain. You see as you were running around trying to take me down, you had no clear battle plan which was your downfall. All that time I had you hitting those mirages I was secretly inscribing and drawing a powerful spell around us. The middle was made to be the focal point. It is designed to paralyze everything in place, minus the spellcaster of course. Once I was in the middle of the arena, all I had to do was channel my magic into the ground and activate it. Pretty ingenious if I do say so myself." "Release me you cheating rat," Rakharr yelled at Russel trying all his might to move but producing no results. "Ref, question, is it against the rules for me to use my magic?" "Uuummmm, technically we never established any rules on magic in the battle arena. so yes," the ref said feeling conflicted as dragons don't use unicorn magic. "You see, now shut up, I'm speaking. you'll get your turn soon enough. You have been the one chosen to train your cities youngest fighters and yet you have neglected to even properly do that. Your soldiers are ill prepared and if they were to be in a state of war they would lose terribly. You think your hot stuff and yet you show no humility or acceptance when an outsider is willing to offer you help simply because they are not dragon. You know what that displays, that you're racist, arrogant, and have an over abundance of pride. When your facing someone in battle, you must respect them as your equal or you will underestimate them. That would surely be your downfall. As you can see I have just displayed exactly how. I came in here with little knowledge on your species or how to use magic; and with the little I did know I was able to distract and subdue you without even throwing a punch. With all your powers you were defeated and that is why I want to help you. Your race was powerful once but It fell because of the way it treated life. You have a chance to become powerful again but for a different reason, to be protectors. You can be the kind of creature that can defend his brothers and sisters in battle as well as save the innocent from being harmed. You have a chance to set a real legacy for your people. you need to be willing to take a chance and work with me so you can learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually as a result. so, will you take my hand and accept what I have to offer you? That is a choice I will leave to you, Russel said finishing what he was saying. He slamming his fist down on the ground forcing energy into his punch releasing the spell holding Rakharr in place. He was now able to move again and retracting his fist to begin rubbing the soreness he felt in his wrist. Rakharrs face showed the gears turning in his head; contemplating what Russel said. "I guess I was wrong about a lot of things. You have showed only kindness and help towards us yet I have batted your hand away at every turn. You, an outsider cares for my people as if they were your own and have offered much. All you asked for in return was sanctuary and I have done the most out of anyone to drive you out. I was wrong about you and especially wrong about myself. I would like to formally say I'm sorry. We have always turned outsiders away because we never thought they could prove helpful. I think its time to make some changes around here starting with this. I ask that you please consider accepting my apology," Rakharr asked extending his hand out and gripping Russel's? "I always have room for forgiveness. I hope that in the future you will be as eager to learn as the rest of the students that we will be teaching. I accept your apology and look forward to working together in the future," Russel said as he shook Rakharrs clawed hand. Russel let go and threw up a magic ball of white light signaling his surrender. The crowd went into an uproar. some were a little angry about the outcome and others were just excited that Rakharr won. Many flew down to the ring some awaiting to see what would happen next. "Everyone, Shojima will not be removed from our city. I was wrong to continue following the old ways that we have always done. We could benefit from an outsiders wisdom and he can give us just that. We were once a great people and he made me believe that we can be great again. I ask you all that we stop trying to push him out and accept him in to our city." Rakharr turned around, got down on one knee and put his fist to the ground in a show of respect. Some followed suit immediately, other were a little hesitant at first but eventually did the same. All of them did this and Russel felt he finally got out of them what he was searching for. Russel bowed to them and they all raised with him. He then put his finger up to his throat and amplified his voice with his magic. "You will see just how strong you can become. In the months ahead we will build a better world, not just for dragon but for every species on this planet. We will stop the bad from happening and allow the good to flourish. You can make this world a better place for every generation to come if we all work together. The strength of the dragon race has not died. not just you but everyone on this world will see exactly what I see in you now. It will be hard, and it will test you but I'm confident that you will succeed. We will need to build allies because friends can be your greatest power. Today is a new day for all, lets begin building this new world. We will start with this city," Russel finished then removed his finger and rubbed his sore throat. "So what are we going to start with," Rakharr asked wondering how the plan would unfold. "Well first things first, if I'm going to help you I need a bit of an upgrade first. This body is, limited, even at its fullest capabilities for the things that I have planned. Can you find Saheir, I'm going to need both your help for this," Russel requested of the dragon. "I will find her at once," Rakharr said as he began searching around for Saheir. The rest of the dragons dispersed and went back to the things that they normally do during the day. Russel headed back to his chamber to wait for Rakharr and Saheir to show up. "Are you sure that everyone will be ready to accept this new path. Some of the species on this planet may have a bit of a disagreement with this new world you plan on building. Some creature thrive off chaos," the AI said bringing up an important question. "I know I can bring together all the zebra tribes and forge them a long lasting friendship with the dragons nation. Once I've explained it to the princesses of Equestria than I'm sure they will eventually join us too. Once they join many more races will follow. the ones that don't I'm sure I can find out what I need to know about them to convinced them. If they still choose chaos then they are the enemy. I am on the side of life and the preservation of it, but if something living threatens life than it must be eliminated. The path to heaven wasn't made with good intention but that doesn't mean it can't start with it. Whatever bad may come then we will deal with it. But lets not focus on that right now. I've got to focus on the good that we can do and hope it makes up for the bad that will come. We have a lot to do," Russel said as he arrived at his den. Russel began writing a list of things that he would need to get started, and it was going to require a lot.