The Djinni's Tale

by Snake Staff


Some few days later, at a manor house in the unicorn capital of Heavenspire, a letter arrived. A dignified-looking elder stallion received it. When he saw the seal upon the wax, his brow furrowed in irritation. Still, he reluctantly broke the scroll open and took in the content.

Dear Sparky,

So, a noble now, are you? Nice house in Heavenspire close to the palace and everything? Virgin lands to claim in the name of the crown, for the glory of the newest house? You’ve done pretty well for yourself, and for our family. No wonder Mom always liked you best.

No, I’m not going to ask you for money again. In fact, it’s pretty much the opposite. If you’re getting this letter, it means I’m gone and won’t be coming back. No more embarrassing the family, no more showing up unannounced in the middle of the night with strange mares in tow. I’m sure you’ll be relieved to hear it, though I’ll flatter myself to think you’ll still be a little sad to see me go. Whatever the case, I’m sure you’ll keep a stiff upper lip about it. Dignity of the family and honor of the house and all that. Dad would be proud.

Anyway, onto the main point of this. I’m sure it will take local clerks some time to check the status of my estate and make everything official, but to sum up my will in one brief statement: you get everything I owned. You deserve it. You were always willing to give me a hoof in between good finds. Even if you were, as I always suspected, just bribing me to keep quiet and well away from respectable society.

Tell your kids and grandkids that I’m gone, alright? I know you never liked me being around them, but they should at least know that their dear old uncle won’t be coming to any more family get-togethers. I always did like your children, by the way. Don’t know if this will matter, but seeing your foals sometimes made me regret that I never had any. But I bet I couldn’t have raised them half as well as you. They turned out great. They’ll go places. As my one last wager I’ll bet that even your distant descendants will go places, and that they’ll do our family proud. With you as a forebearer, how can they not?

And, one last thing: I love you. Take care.

For the last time, your big brother,
-Sunlight Sparkle