If Sins Be Forgiven…

by Milliardo5

IV. Lessons To Learn

Monday came so fast that Sunset almost never made it to school. She looked at the clock: 6 a.m. She was still sleepy, and the bed wouldn’t let her get up. Not that she wanted to. She was about to go back to sleep when she realized it’s the first day of school.

Startled, she immediately got up, and tried to take the few steps to the bathroom. It was total agony for her, but thankfully she managed to somehow make it.

How could I even forget this day? She thought as she fixed her hair up and brushed her teeth. She then went out and opened the cabinet, looking for something nice to wear. She got a black pair of jeans and a blue shirt. Walking down towards the kitchen, she thought of the day ahead.

Of course, there would be classes. That’s a given. She wondered who will the teachers be. Naturally as well she’d see the group. And Sonata. She wondered if Adagio and Aria would be around, since she hasn’t heard from Sonata if they’d be back at school.

She drank her coffee while waiting for the bread to toast. All things considered, she reasoned, things had worked well so far, though Applejack still had reservations about Sonata.

It will straighten itself out, she figured as she ate her toast and then went out to walk towards school. A couple of buses passed her, headed towards Canterlot High. She didn’t notice them as she walked on, lost in thought. A few more minutes passed before she looked up and saw the school.

Unlike last Saturday, now the campus looked busy with people either milling about or else walking straight in. The group agreed to meet at the school canteen later, so she didn’t expect to bump into any of them unless they’re going at the same time she did.

She did see Flash though. Flash Sentry, one of the boys at school, had become one of her friends as well. Perhaps not as close as the Rainbooms, but still they had been more than just mere acquaintances.

“Nice to see you”, Flash greeted. Flash looked especially handsome that day, his blue hair neatly done.
“Hey there”, she greeted back.

“So how was summer?” he asked as she stopped to chat.

“It was mostly so-so”, she replied. “I did a few things, but then got bored.”

“That’s too bad”, he said. “I didn’t get to see you back then.” She was about to comment that Canterlot’s a big city when she heard an excited voice greet her.

“Hey there!” Pinkie greeted. She was smiling broadly. Sunset made a little wave, then saw that she was with Sonata, who smiled and also waved at her.

“Hey, I see you made a new friend”, Flash said as the two walked towards them.

“She’s really nice, once you get to know her”, was all she said as Pinkie and Sonata came over towards them.

“I can’t wait for tacos!” Sonata said excitedly.

“Tacos don’t happen until tomorrow”, Sunset remarked. Sonata’s excitement died down a bit.

“Oh”, she said, a bit disappointed.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get busy like we planned, and you won’t notice that it’s Tuesday already”, Pinkie assured her. Taco Tuesdays were something of an event in Canterlot High, which most of the school looked forward to. Sonata beamed at Pinkie when she said that.

“So, you guys ready?” Sunset asked them.

“Yes, oh yes!” both Pinkie and Sonata yelled, clapping their hands as they did so.

“Well, looks like it’s time to go in”, Flash announced, and they all went together inside.

“So, what’s your committee’s plans?” Sunset asked Pinkie as they went inside.

“Oh, we have lots of things in store”, Pinkie said simply. “It’s going to be great, that’s for sure!”

“We’re going to decorate the gym with balloons later this week”, Sonata added.

“Sounds like a plan”, Sunset nodded. “Well, see you guys later.” She waved at them as she went to her class. The others waved back as well as they headed off to theirs.

For the most part the group never had much of a chance to talk between classes as they rushed about going from one class to the other. Every now and then Sunset would catch a glimpse of some of them, but there wasn’t any chance for any of them to just as much as stop and chat since all of them were more focused on getting to the next class.

And besides, we’ll meet at lunch anyway, she reasoned as she went to her next class.

The whole morning passed uneventfully, though some moments in her class had some sort of excitement. Sunset was looking forward more to lunch than anything else though.

And it’s not like there’s much to do at first day of school, she observed dryly as most of her teachers simply gave the introductions for the class and what to expect for the rest of the year. As soon as lunchtime came she headed quickly towards the school canteen.

She already saw them seated at a table. Pinkie and Sonata were laughing and chatting, while Rarity was discussing something to Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were just seated, listening to them when Sunset approached them.

“Sit over here darling”, Rarity motioned to her as she went near. There was a place just next to Rarity. Sunset took it and sat down. She was seated just across Pinkie and Sonata, who were still busy chatting.

“I was just telling Fluttershy here about that lovely skirt I found in New York”, Rarity said, turning to her. “I’ll bring it tomorrow so you can see it as well.”

“So how did your day go?” Sunset asked her.

“Oh, the usual first day”, Rarity casually remarked. “First days aren’t exactly exciting, just boring introductions.”

“Same for me, too”, Sunset agreed. “Glad the day’s almost coming to an end.” She was about to turn her attention to Pinkie and Sonata when she caught sight of three people coming towards their seat. She quickly motioned to both Pinkie and Sonata. They stopped talking as the trio neared their place.

“Well, well, look what we have here”, the voice said, dripping with sarcasm. Pinkie, Sonata, and Applejack turned to look at the one talking. There, standing near them, were Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and a new girl they haven’t seen before.

“So, looks like you found a new friend”, Adagio continued, smirking at them while looking pointedly at Sonata. “Just be careful about your new friend—she might be a snake as well.” Her voice was dripping with malice as she continued to taunt them, especially at Sonata. Rainbow Dash stood up and addressed her.

“We don’t want trouble with your group, Adagio”, she warned her. Sunset also stood and motioned for Dash to back down, and then looked at Adagio.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“I just heard you have a new friend, so I went to check it out”, Adagio shot back, her smirk still on her face. She turned her attention back to Sonata, who still looked at her. “And just so you know, we have a new friend as well. Meet Crescenda Beat.” Crescenda grinned, but it was with the same malice that Adagio had.

“So we don’t need little tramps like you!” she went on, drawing her face close to Sonata. At that Sunset went over her to get some distance between her and Sonata.

“Back off, Adagio”, she warned her calmly. “You know you’re outnumbered here.”

Adagio’s smirk came off, and now she was just seething at them.

“Your little group won’t get away with what you did the last time”, she gave her own warning to them. “We may have lost our powers, but we can still hurt you in many ways.”

“Just try”, Sunset said coldly, her arms folded. Adagio gave once last contemptuous look at them, then turned and stalked away. The two followed her as she went off seething with rage. Sunset went back to her seat and sighed, putting a hand on her forehead. Although she expected it, she still didn’t relish having to meet Adagio and her group on the first day.

“Looks like trouble”, Applejack commented as the trio went out of the canteen.

“Don’t you worry, we’re here to protect you”, Pinkie said, smiling at Sonata.

“How in blazes are we supposed to do that?” Applejack retorted. She still had some mistrust over Sonata, although with what she just witnessed she’s slowly coming around to at least having her near their group.

“We’ll just have to do it, whatever it takes”, Sunset said, still rubbing her forehead.

“Well, if I’m any sort of trouble…” Sonata began, but Rarity quickly cut her off.

“Nonsense darling”, she said as she patted her hand. “You’re safe here with us.”

“I’m here to watch over her”, Pinkie added cheerfully.

“Good call, Pinkie”, Sunset nodded. “I think it’s best you’re near her, just in case Adagio tries anything funny.”

“Oh, she can’t do that, I’m the one who’s funny”, Pinkie continued to smile as she said that, and the others just groaned at that. Except Sonata. She smiled back at Pinkie.

“I can be funny, too”, she said to her, and they slapped their hands together.

“Looks like this is going to be one long year”, Applejack just sighed as Pinkie and Sonata giggled silly.

The rest of the day went back to being uneventful, and Sunset was just glad when her last class was over and she could finally slide off her seat and get home. She saw the group waiting for her at the hallway.

“Been waiting for you, darling”, Rarity said as she came over to them. Sunset looked around, pleased that everyone was there.

“I don’t think Adagio would try anything with us around”, Rainbow Dash said.

“She does threaten, but I don’t think she’ll be foolish enough to move with many people around”, agreed Sunset.

“When we had powers, she would probably still try”, commented Sonata. “But now that it’s gone, you might be right that she won’t.”
“Of course she won’t”, Pinkie chimed in. “I’m right here!”

“It’s like you’re my sister”, exclaimed Sonata.

“Hhmm…now that’s a nice idea”, Pinkie grinned happily. Sunset smiled. She could see that the two were bonding along nicely, and that Pinkie seemed to have a good influence over Sonata. She didn’t see any problem about her—for a long time Sonata had the unfortunate luck of being with the wrong people. With the right people with her, she reasoned to herself, Sonata can truly shine on her own.

They parted ways at a corner near Canterlot High, each of them going to their own homes. Pinkie as usual volunteered to take Sonata home, and both Fluttershy and Rarity went along with them. As her usual routine, Sunset went home alone to gather her thoughts for the day. Although they held off Adagio and her pals, she knew that they’d bump into her more often.

In their quarters, Adagio still fumed at the incident earlier at lunch in Canterlot High. Silently Aria and new member Crescenda just watched as Adagio continued to vent her anger out.

“I have been humiliated by them!” she raged while pacing about. “They don’t realize what Adagio can do to them! And that little tramp—wait until I get my hands on her!” Crescenda just yawned.

“Yeah, you did boot her off in the first place”, she casually said. Adagio stopped pacing, turned and then calmly went towards her.

“My dear Crescenda”, she began, “if there’s one thing you should learn in this group is to never, ever contradict me!” Crescenda though was unfazed.

“I didn’t even contradict you—you said so yourself that you took her off your group”, she corrected Adagio. That drove her totally mad, for a moment turning her rage over to Crescenda before controlling it. She breathed hard as she regained her composure.

“I think that little tramp should be taught a lesson before anything else”, she declared.

“What for? You don’t want her around anyway”, Crescenda stated. Adagio shot a glance at Aria. Aria just shrugged.

“Listen, we work as a team”, Adagio lectured at Crescenda. “Don’t even try to think that you can act like that around me.”

“Hey, I never did ask to be in your group”, Crescenda objected. “She was the one who invited me.” She pointed at Aria.

“I’m only returning the favor”, explained Aria. “I had to put up with that tramp for years; now you have to deal with what I put up through all that time.” Adagio shook her head. She knew she had to get a grip on the two before their group fell apart.

“Okay, let me again lay it down to both of you: I am in charge here”, she told them, facing them and slamming her hands on the table. “You will do as you’re told, or it’s the boot for the both of you!”

“We’re still talking world domination here, right?” Aria said, just to make things clear.

“Right now that’s not on my mind”, Adagio clarified. “All I want is to get back at them, and I am including that tramp along on my revenge!”

“I still don’t get that part of including her in your plans”, Crescenda said.

“It’s because she really hasn’t contributed much to our past plans”, Aria responded. “She’s just there with us, if you get my point. And she’s the reason why we were defeated.” Aria managed to add the last one to put the blame on Sonata, as she never felt that Sonata belonged with them and it was a mistake for Adagio to include her. As well it was her machination that led to Adagio forcing Sonata out.

“She has joined them, so she’s one of them”, Adagio explained it more simply. “That’s all there is to it, and she will go down with the rest of them!”

“Why not then trick her into causing them to break up?” Crescenda again asked. Adagio smiled evilly at that thought.

“It’s been done before, but there is always something in destroying friendships”, she hissed with delight. “I like how you think. You might yet prove to be worthy of our group…” Then, she drew her face closer to Crescenda, “As long as you follow my lead!” Crescenda just stared back at her, still unmoved.

“Sure. Whatever you say”, she finally replied without much emotion. Adagio drew back, satisfied.

“I see we’re getting into some understanding”, she finally said, satisfied that Crescenda was at least playing her role. “Now, we come to the fun part, where we destroy their group…”

Sonata was looking forward to Taco Tuesday, and now that day has arrived. After a rather mundane morning, Sunset went to the canteen to meet the group for lunch. After their run-in with Adagio and her pals, she’s more than they’d be back again to disturb them. Slipping into the canteen though, she couldn’t see a sign of them.

Probably spending their time skulking somewhere else, she thought, though she pushed that away from her mind as she saw the group at their usual table. She went over and looked at them. Someone wasn’t with them.

“So where’s Sonata?” she asked them. Applejack pointed at the line that has formed for the tacos.

“She’s right there”, she motioned, and Sunset turned to see Sonata first in line for the tacos.

I should have guessed, she told herself as she sat down with the group. While seated, she watched as Sonata eagerly took the first of the tacos, helping herself to two of them before going to their table. Her eyes were gleaming as she sat down and just looked happily at the couple of tacos sitting on the plate right in front of her.

“I have to admit, they look tasty”, Rainbow Dash acknowledged as Sonata helped herself to one of them. She ate happily while the others talked.

“So, any sign of Adagio or her cronies?” Applejack asked. The others shook their heads. She wondered about that. “Funny, I would’ve thought they’d show in one of our classes.”

“I wonder about that as well”, Sunset said, though she also thought of the possibility that their classes would have been at a different time from hers. Still though, one of them should have seen Adagio or the other two in one of their classes.

“Maybe they didn’t decide to go back here after all”, Pinkie reasoned.

Doubtful, but possible, Sunset admitted to herself, though she also thought it was highly unlikely that they'd just drop out of school.

“I think I’ll go and dig up what I can about it”, Rainbow Dash said, and the others agreed. Meanwhile, Sonata had already finished her first taco. She took the second one, and then surprisingly offered it to Pinkie. Her eyes widened at Sonata’s gesture.

“Really for me?” she said, not knowing what to say.

“For realsies”, Sonata said, beaming widely. “It’s for my ‘sister’.” Pinkie took it, still not knowing what to say. That moment was not lost on Sunset or the others. They could see Sonata learning more the true nature of friendship.

Later, that night, Sunset wrote what happened in the canteen. She wrote that as much as Sonata was learning, she was in a way also teaching the others the value of friendship and the power of giving to others. She realized that it was much more than anything she learned in class that day, that one gesture could make all the difference on another. She knew that Sonata was on her way to becoming the real person she was meant to be.