//------------------------------// // Waking Up // Story: Dash's Decision // by Drac KeaganVA //------------------------------// Luna tossed and turned as she felt her body being lifted into the night air unwillingly. It was Tantalus again taking control of her. Transforming her into the dreaded Nightmare Moon. “No! Please…don’t do this! Sister…Tia…help…me…ahh…ha…haha…hahaha.!!! YES! I AM BACK!” Nightmare Moon cackled and her laughter echoed thru the night but went unheard by the sleeping Celestia and the guard. The magical Alicorn flew swiftly on silent wings and quickly cast a spell to gather a few winged followers. That spell had also reached a certain dark Pegasus in Ponyville… “Wow Thunderlane! Your stronger than I took you for.” Rainbow Dash said as she watched as he moved the furniture with ease alone. Big Mac was standing there with his hoof on his head wondering why he was there now. Thunderlane’s eyes flashed catlike and glowed for a brief second but not long enough for anypony to notice. The spell was in him now. He was under Nightmare Moon’s control and he did not even know it. With this spell came great strength and speed. “Like I said, I am stronger than anypony else I know.” Boasted Thunderlane as he showed off for Rainbow Dash trying to impress her. Big Mac rolled his eyes and let out a muffled nope under his breath. He was fed up with this show off and decided it was time to head home with his sisters. “Come on AJ, Applebloom, Thunderlane can do this alone.” He said with a hefty voice. “I reckon it is time to go. It is past your bedtime youngin’.” AJ said to her little sister. “Bye Twilight, Rainbow Dash have fun on your uh, date.” She said and they left along with Rarity and Sweetie Belle. The young fillies yawning on the way out the door. “Goodnight.” Chimed the two young ones in unison as they trotted out with heavy eyes. “Yeah. Thunderlane you have done enough. You two go and have a good time. I am getting sleepy myself. Thanks!” Twilight said to the two pegasi and walked them out. She watched as the two took off and flew in the direction of the train station. She wondered where Thunderlane was going to take her. She had a creeping feeling that something was wrong but had no clue it was as big as Nightmare Moon’s return. “So what are you hungry for?” Rainbow Dash asked Thunderlane as they landed at the Train station. Thunderlane bought two tickets to Maretropolis and handed them to the conductor. “I had more of an idea of a dinner and a show if that is ok with you Dash?” Thunderlane said with a coy smile. Dash had an inkling of an idea crawling into her mind and she began to get excited. “No way, you can’t mean the Wonderbolts show in Maretropolis? Really!?” the excited mare blurted out showing her giddy side. Thunderlane nodded and she flung her arms around his neck like a young school filly. Then she caught herself and drew back. “Whoops, uh sorry.” She said blushing. Thunderlane blushed and nuzzled her cheek a bit. “It’s fine Dash. You can do that anytime you like.” He said to her really enjoying this relationship blossoming rapidly. But Dash was not quite ready for that fast of a relationship. So she settled for holding hooves on the train ride. She fell asleep on his shoulder on the long ride and he nudged her awake as they approached the bright lights of the city. “Dash, were here.” He said sweetly to her. She fluttered her eyes open and she swiftly awoke as she saw the huge Wonderbolts sign as they pulled into the station and exited. There were signs everywhere and ponies all over the place in town for the big show. But Thunderlane just pulled Dash to the head of the line. For he had bought tickets with VIP Meet and Greet passes for Dash. Her mouth dropped wide open when she saw them. “Are you for real?” she squealed. Thunderlane nodded with half closed eyes as he saw how happy this made her. “Anything for you Rainbow Dash.” He said and kissed her on the cheek quickly. Rainbow Dash jerked back. “Whoa whoa buddy!” she yelled and placed a defensive hoof on his chest pushing him away. “Just because you wow me with these does not give you the right to kiss me! That is way too fast.” She said. Thunderlane was outraged. He went out of his way to buy the most expensive tickets there were and make sure she got to meet the Wonderbolts and she shoots him down when he kisses her cheek! How dare she! “Oh really? You think that was fast huh? Well maybe I will just take another mare that appreciates a little physical interaction!” Thunderlane yelled in her face and jerked the ticket from her wing. Dash looked crushed. Maybe she overreacted a bit. “Wait, no! I…I’m sorry. I’ve never had a colt friend and I…I’m not exactly sure how to act. Okay, now let’s just go and watch the show and have a good time, please?” she begged the angry stallion. Thunderlane’s eyes flashed green again and cat like, and Dash thought she noticed but passed it off as the reflection of the city lights. Thunderlane smiled and handed the ticket back to her and a little devilish laugh escaped his mouth. “Hehe, sure Dash. Let’s go. We are right up top. The best seats. Follow me.” He said and led on. Rainbow Dash sighed and followed, embarrassed at both of their behavior. She thought she saw Lightning Dust in the crowd when they reached their seats just a row or two down. But she could not be sure. Thunderlane got them some food and drinks and the show began. Rainbow Dash was astounded at all the aerial acrobatics that was performed and then at the end when things was at the best part something went wrong. Soarin, her secret celebrity crush, suddenly began a free fall. At first, all thought it was part of the show but when Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts, broke rank to go and try to catch him, it was clear he was in peril. Fleetfoot, her right wing mare was right on her flank, but they just were not fast enough. Rainbow Dash clasped her hooves over her mouth. “Oh no!” she said and bolted from her set in a streak of rainbow as she raced thru the sky to Soarin’s aid. “Rainbow, what in Equestria are you doing?” Thunderlane yelled after her. He was outraged that she had left him to save another colt. Rainbow raced with all her might and caught Soarin just before he hit the ground and took all the brunt as they both hit the ground in a tumble of dust and rocks. Gasps from the crowd could be heard. Then another mare came flashing across to their aid too. It was Lightning Dust. She managed to push Spitfire and Fleetfoot out of the way of hitting the now unconscious Soarin and Rainbow Dash. There was now a jumble of ponies on the air field. A total of two injured. Dash and Soarin. “Are they okay?” she asked as she noticed a couple possible broken wings, plus some bumps and bruises. “Hey we need an ambulance over here!” she yelled and Spitfire and Fleetfoot took off to guide the paramedic ponies to them. The next thing Rainbow Dash knew she was waking up in a hospital to an annoying beeping sound and a pounding headache. Everything around her echoed. Her vision was even a bit blurry. Her whole body ached and her left wing was wrapped up tight in a splint. It was broken, no doubt about that. She looked over to her left to see Soarin in a bed next to her, in a very similar condition. But his wings were not broken, only sprained. She had spared him that and saved his life she would find out from the doctor. But he was out cold still. Then she heard a familiar voice calling her name, but it was not pleasant. “Rainbow Dash.” His voice echoed some in her head. “Rainbow Dash, can you hear me?” It was Thunderlane. He was there, standing next to Lightning Dust looking at her with a stern glare. “Thunderlane?” “Uh yeah! Just what the hell were you doing? I suppose you wanna be with Soarin instead of me!? And you know what? That is fine because I found me a new mare, Lightning Dust.” Rainbow was confused. All she did was react. Yes she did have a crush on him but she had no idea about the feelings, if any, that Soarin had for her. “Wait a minute! Thunderlane you have it all wrong! I just reacted. I would have done that if it were anypony!” Dash pleaded with Thunderlane to listen to her but he seemed to have made up his mind. “Come on Thunderlane. She is just jealous of me. She has been since Wonderbolt Academy. Paybacks Rainbow Dash. Don’t they just blow?” She said with a flap of her wings as she brushed them roughly, slapping Dash across her face with her feathers. Rainbow growled and tried to get out of bed but was stopped by pain. “Haha, see ya, loser!” Lightning Dust boasted as her eyes flashed green and catlike just like Thunderlane’s did a few days ago, what was up with that? She left with a wing wrapped around Thunderlane as they walked out of the hospital together passing by Spitfire and Fleetfoot…