Rainbow Spark Rocks

by Shadow Master

Chapter 2: Message of Danger

Outside of Canterlot High, the grayish truck had arrived on the location. Upon reaching to its destination, it stopped and opened its door. They revealed to be Adagio Dazzle dressed in her dark purple shirt with sleeves of light purple and even her dark purple shorts, light purple lighter pants and high heels; Aria Blaze in her white sleeveless T-Shirt with sleeveless greenish vest, purple pants and high heels; and Sonata Dusk dressed in her darker color of office suit with pink skirt and boots. They came down from the truck.

"Remember girls..." The voice spoke darkly. Three girls turned and looked at the shadow figure as he continued, "find what were you looking for and achieve it. But most importantly, report anything that is related to this incident to us.."

Adagio smiled calmly, "Don't worry, my friend. Everything will go according to our plan. We'll make the world to adore us. And soon... they all will be yours to command. You have nothing to worry about."

Shadow's crimson eyes glowed darkly while showing his dark smile, "Good... Enjoy your school, girls..."

With the door shut, the grayish futuristic truck headed off. Three girls turned and glanced at the Canterlot High. They all smirked darkly and evilly as they headed straight to the area. They were about to get what they were looking for...

Heading to the Canterlot High's Lobby, Sunset Shimmer spotted three students coming through the entrance. She smiled calmly and happily.

"Hi. Are you the girls I'm supposed to show around?"

Three shadow figures emerged from the shadowy area as they smiled darkly. Adagio spoke calmly, "We are."

Sunset smiled as she introduced them to the school, "Canterlot High is a great school. You're really gonna love it."

"Oh, yes, we really sense there's something...-" Adagio smiled darkly, followed by the exciting Aria and Sonata smiled as well, "-magical about this place.

Three girls followed Sunset across the school hallways, rooms and classes as she introduced and explained about it. Spying on them was Flare Tiger was the orange 16-years-old American-Chinese girl with blazing-like hair with crimson and yellowish hair dressed in her gray T-Shirt with black vest, navy long pants and black sneakers. She followed them.

"I've seen them before but where..." Flare Tiger said in worry.

Three new girls remained calmly as they smiled. Spotting the musical showcase poster, Sunset gasped happily as she approached to it. She turned to them as she explained,

"We're having a big musical showcase this weekend! The whole school is pretty much rallying around it."

Adagio gasped, "A musical showcase?"

Sunset nodded her head, "I'm sure since you're new, Principal Celestia would let you sign up if you're interested."

Aria scoffed, "We have been known to sing from time to time."

"Hello?" Sonata exclaimed happily as she continued, "We sing, like, all the time! It's how we get people to do what we want."

Aria gasped in shock. Adagio growled in anger as she gestured her 'sliced on throat'. Sunset looked confuse and worry.

Sonata looked worry as she shrugged, "Wha-What did I say?"

Adagio sighed in annoyance, "What you meant to say was that being in a musical showcase sounds like a great way to meet other students."

Understood Adagio's talking, Sonata gasped as she spoke, "Ohhhh, yeah. Th-What she said I meant to say. That's what I meant. To say."

Aria scoffed as she muttered, "And what you would have said if you weren't the worst."

Sunset looked confuse, worry and concern about three new students. She felt her guts telling her that they were something else than being ordinary. She wasn't sure about it. Upon spotting three rubies Adagio and her friends were wearing them as necklace, she smiled in impress.

"Those are pretty. Where did you-!" Sunset spoke.

Her hand was about to touch Adagio's necklace, but grabbed by the latter. Sunset yelped in concern. Adagio's eyes widened in worry and shock as she nervously giggled while releasing her grab on Sunset's, " Sorry. These pendants mean an awful lot to us. We'd just hate for anything to happen to them. So, we should go now..."

As Adagio, Aria and Sonata were heading straight to another location, the third one spotted Laxtinct and Tailtech from the left's distance corner. They gasped in shock as they quickly acted normal by playing video games. Laxtinct took a hint on the girl again. He looked surprise and amazed by her appearance. She gasped in surprise as she turned and approached to the surprised Sunset Shimmer.

"Who- Who's that?" Sonata asked in surprise.

Surprised and puzzled Sunset looked at Laxtinct, "That kid? He's the new one from last year. He maybe random and crazy like someone I know." She then smiled, "but he's a good friend..."

Sonata sighed happily as she looked at the slow-motioned Laxtinct playing his video game, "Who wouldn't... He's such a dreamy prince from Mystic Realm..."

"Um..." Sunset looked worry and puzzle as she waved her hand in front of Sonata's face, "excuse me?"

Adagio came in between Sunset and Sonata as she spoke, "Excuse her! She's an idiot! Gotta go!"

Adagio quickly took Sonata's hand as she quickly escaped and ran away from Sunset Shimmer. Sunset looked worry, concern and puzzled by the new student's reaction. She wondered if they had learned about her.

From Laxtinct's and Tailtech's location, Flare Tiger approached to her friends as she spoke.

"Did you guys see that?" Flare Tiger asked in worry.

Tailtech nodded his head, "Whoever they were, something was not right with them." He held the detector device up as he checked on the reading, "ever since those girls came in, I'm getting the strange reading... This is the same as the previous incident..."

"Then, don't you mean that they're extraterrestrial beings?"

"I don't know. But it's worth to learn and know about these girls. I don't trust them..."

Laxtinct sighed happily, "I don't know... but I'm in love with a new student girl... The one with cute ponytail... She maybe older or 1,000 years older than me, she's still amazing and beautiful... I wonder if she could be my girlfriend."

Tailtech groaned in annoyance before having his foreheads slapped. Flare Tiger gasped in worry as she grew suspicious and worry of what Laxtinct had said.

Flare Tiger's eyes narrowed in determination, "Come on... Let's check out about them..."

Three students got up and followed three mysterious students. They were about to find out more about these students...

As far and hidden away from any students, Adagio and her friends hidden within the closet as they were having some chats.

Adagio turned and glared at worry Sonata, "What were you thinking?!"

"What? All I want was just talk with Laxtinct... I haven't seen him like over thousand years..." Sonata said innocently while puzzled.

Aria groaned in annoyance, "That stupid Mystic Pony again?! Have you forgotten what he did to us?! He let his friends banished us here! I blame him for that!"

Sonata groaned, "You always blame him for everything! What do you know about him than I do?!” She sighed in relief as she place her two hands together on her chest while saying romantically, “He maybe not be the smartest or the greatest pony, but he’ll always be in my heart."

Adagio groaned in anger as she grabbed Sonata's shirt to her, "Let me explain properly. That is a Human, not pony! But Aria's right, your boyfriend is responsible of everything and especially our downfall. So, I say forget about him. If I see you date with him, I will have your head! Got it?!"

Sonata gulped in worry, "Got it..."

Adagio smiled, "Good... Let's go now. To the principal's office and then to cafeteria. This is our chance of taking our Equestrian Magic back."

Aria sighed in annoyance, "Let me guess. We're gonna use the same trick again? We're gonna use our voices make those students want something so badly, they'll fight to get it? So, we can feed off their negative energy? That's some plan..."

Adagio groaned, "It won't be the same as the times before! There is Equestrian magic here. Their negative energy will give us the power we need to get this entire world to do our bidding."

"But we can get lunch after though, right? It's Taco Tuesday," Sonata said happily, "and then I could have it with my prince..."

Adagio groaned in annoyance, "What did I just said about dating with that idiot?!"

"Sorry," Sonata said embarrassingly.

Adagio sighed in annoyance, "Just follow my lead. Let's go..."

Adagio got out from the closet, both Aria and Sonata came out as they followed her to another location for something they were after.

At the cafeteria, students were chatting with each other while eating their own foods. Sunset returned to her friends' sides. She sat on her seat down. Applejack turned to Sunset Shimmer as she asked.

"So, how was the tour?"

Sunset sighed, "I don't know. I mean, these girls, they were... There was something off about them." Main Five and Crusaders looked at her as they wondered of what she meant. She continued, "I can't put my finger on it. They just acted sort of... strange around me."

She sighed, "Maybe someone already talked to them. Told them about what I did." Sunset looked down, "So much for making a good first impression.

Main Five and Crusaders looked at each other as they were having same thoughts and worry about her welfare. And so far none had appreciated her redemption and reformed.

The cafeteria's doors were opened in two as Adagio and her friends entered. They vocalized gently and calmly that echoed across the area. Upon hearing the strange voices; Main Five, Crusaders and Sunset turned to the front as they found three new students entering the area while singing.

Everyone in the cafeteria stopped their chatting and eating as they turned and looked at three singing girls. They marched separately yet in one straight line as they continued singing. Everyone stared at them in surprise and amazed.

Adagio: We heard you want to get together
We heard you want to rock the school

While walking in one straight line, Adagio touched and patted on each and every one's heads gently and calmly as they were surprised by her.

Adagio: We thought of something that is better
Something that changes all the rules
Why pretend we're all the same

Adagio and her friends had been gathered at the middle as they raised their hands up while their rubies glowed darkly and reddishly.

Adagio: When some of us shine brighter?

Aria and Sonata: Shine brighter...

Approached to a brown haired boy, she smiled while gently touched his chin. She then departed before leaving him a thought about it.

Adagio smirked: Here's a chance to find your flame
Are you a loser or a fighter?

The Dazzlings gathered on the middle as they sang and performed their gestures together again. And soon students glared at each other as they were suspicious and suspecting on their rivals and enemies. They smirked darkly as they sat on their chairs and gave the students the thumbs down.

Dazzlings: Me and you, you and me
Why don't we see who is better?
We don't have to be one and the same thing
Oh, what's so wrong with a little competition?
Are you afraid of failing the audition?

Adagio approached to Trixie as she gave an encouragement. The latter smiled proudly.

Adagio: You're a star and you should know it

Aria and Sonata helped and carried Adagio to climb on the table as the latter marched towards the rocker with blue sunglasses. She lowered down as she gave him a lift for his chin up. He smiled happily while looking at her. Adagio got down as she headed to the middle again with her Dazzling members.

Adagio: Yeah, you rise above the rest
It doesn't matter who you hurt
If you're just proving you're the best

Dazzlings smirked darkly as they began encouraged and convinced everyone in the room to change their 'Mane Event' to a 'better' event: 'Battle of the Band'. And soon, everyone slowly had their joy and harmonic expression with each other turned into aggressive, hatred, angered and raged expression as each other. They shouted and argued against each other.

The Dazzling's eyes slowly glowed darker as well as having their eyes turned into dark green...

Dazzlings: Ah, ahh-ahh
Battle! You wanna win it
Let's have a battle, battle of the bands
Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it
Let's have a battle, battle, battle
Battle of the bands

Naomi the fashion girl with sunglasses exclaimed in anger, "I can beat you!"

Dazzlings: Battle!

Cherry Crash the funky girl with greenish spiky hair scoffed, "Ha! You wish!"

Dazzlings: Battle!

Trixie awed in upset as she stood up, "I so want this!"

Dazzlings: Battle!

Captain Planet the boy with greenish sash on his forehead exclaimed in anger, "Not if I get it first!"

Dazzlings smirked darkly as they continued singing along with the corrupted, controlled and darker students. The students continued arguing and shouting at each other about 'winning the competition' while glaring at each other.

Dazzlings and students: Me and you, you and me
Why don't we see who is better?
We don't have to be one and the same thing
Oh, what's so wrong with a little competition?
I'm going up and winning the audition

Dazzlings and their corrupted students cried and cheered wildly as they were rallied to rise up for the challenge. Main Five, Crusaders and Sunset were in deep shock and concern about the situation.

Seeing the event before in her life, Sunset had her eyes narrowed in suspicious. The Dazzlings continued singing and rallying them to support the event.

Dazzlings and students: Battle! We wanna win it
Let's have a battle, battle of the bands
Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it
Let's have a battle, battle, battle
Battle of the bands!

As the students continued arguing and shouting at each other, he greenish thick fog emerged from the ground as well as the students' bodies. They were slowly absorbed by the Dazzlings.

Main Five, Crusaders and Sunset looked worry and concern about the situation they were facing and dealing with.

"Ohhhh. They're that kind of 'off'." Pinkie exclaimed in worry.

From the cafeteria's entrance, three familiar people were spying and looking at the event. They were in concern and shock about the event. As they looked at each other for the moment, they firmly nodded their heads in agreement. Another danger has begun...

Sunset, Main Five and Crusaders were heading straight to Principal Celestia's Office.

"Those three are definitely in possession of some kind of dark magic." Sunset explained in worry, "How else could you explain what happened back there?"

Applejack nodded her head, "Don't worry, y'all. We'll let Principal Celestia know all about this and those girls will be kicked to the curb in no time. Last thing she needs is another CHS event almost ruined by some power-crazed lunatic."

"Er... Sis..." Apple Bloom said in concern as she pointed at Sunset Shimmer.

Applejack gasped before gulped in worry, "Er, no offense."

Sunset Shimmer sighed in defeat, "None taken."

Upon arriving to Principal's office, the gang of Rainbooms and Crusaders explained to both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna about the situation they were having. But the latter looked shocked and unimpressed by their story.

Principal Celestia spoke, "Dark magic? I find that very hard to believe. Those girls came into my office earlier and were absolutely delightful."

Vice Principal Luna nodded her head in agreement, "Perhaps Sunset Shimmer is just eager to make someone else out to be a bad element, so that her actions at the Fall Formal will become old news."

Sunset looked down in pain and upset. Rarity and Sweetie Belle got in to defend her.

"Sunset would never do such a thing! You should know that!" Rarity defended.

Sweetie Belle nodded, "Yeah! Sunset is becoming more good person than the bad. She even apologized the mistake she had made."

Rainbow shook her head hard, "We saw all of this go down in the cafeteria too!"

"But isn't your band supposed to be part of the Musical Showcase," Principal Celestia asked calmly. Rainbow Dash nodded her head in admit, "Perhaps you're all just worried that the Dazzlings will steal your spotlight."

"The 'Dazzlings'?" Applejack asked in worry.

Vice-Principal Luna nodded her head, "It's the name of their musical group. That's why they came by my office earlier today – to sign up for the Showcase."

Principal Celestia smiled, "They even sang a little song to Vice Principal Luna and I."

Applejack gasped in worry, "They did?"

Principal Celestia nodded her head, "Yes. And we think having a Battle of the Bands instead is a marvelous idea."

Both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna's eyes glowed darkly yet greenish. Main Five, Crusaders and Sunset gasped in fear and worry. They were too late to warn them about the situation. The whole school had been under the Dazzlings' control. What can be done...

In the classroom, Shadow Dragon the 17-years-old pale Chinese teenage boy with spiky black and green haired dressed in black T-Shirt with white sleeves and Golden Dragon symbol on it, and blue jean was sitting on the teacher's seat. He was discussing and chatting with his team called Dragon Strike Force.

Blazefist the crimson 18-years-old Chinese teenage boy with black spiky hair dressed in brown coat with crimson scarf, pants and black sneakers leaned against the teacher's desk. Aquastroke the cyan Chinese Teenage Girl dressed in black singlet with her tummy shown, navy longs pants with her black jacket tied around and navy sneakers sat on the desk. Terrorcreep the 15-years-old pale European boy with black straight short hair dressed in black coat, cyan suit and black long pants was standing on the ceiling. Shorty Thinking the light-orange 16-years-old Chinese Boy with light brown short hair dressed in crimson shirt with scientist coat and brown pants was siting on the student's desk. Saber Dragoon the light yellowish 16-years-old Chinese boy dressed in dark green T-shirt with brown shirt, silver long pants and greenish sneakers leaned on the entrance's corner. Icy the light blue 8-years-old girl with blond hair in braided dressed in light cyan dress and worn the small blue jacket and blue shoes was leaning against the chalkboard.

Ever since they were sent to Canterlot High, they were searching and looking for Twilight and her friends from the Equesrtia. Their mission was to bring them back to Pentagon for Azure Phoenix for interrogation and questioning of their purpose. They had been doing it since the beginning of the year.

Shadow Dragon sighed, "Alright, guys; what do we have?"

Blazefist sighed, "I'm afraid it's nothing. And we've asked lots of students about the incident, and they said it was prank or joke only. I get the feeling that they were hiding something from us. Laxtinct asked Pinkie since they both were birthday partners, but all she did was talking and talking. He had forgotten of what needed to do."

"Yeah, you weren't kidding," Aqua said in disappointment before sighed, "I was with Rainbow Dash. I asked her if there was anything happen at Canterlot High."

Blazefist's left-eyed raised up, "Did she answered?"

Aqua sighed as she shook her head. Terrorcreep sighed as well, "Since I was Fluttershy's boyfriend, I asked her about the incident. But she kindly denied in telling me about it and not to mention: she was too soft for me to hear. I can't blame her for that..."

"Being Apple Family's Partner, I've asked her to be honest about the incident," Saber spoke calmly, "And so far, she claimed that it was a prank. She was completely honest, and not a single lie."

Shorty sighed, "Rarity didn't tell me much, despite me being her father's former partner..."

Shadow Dragon groaned in defeat as he slammed his head on the desk, "Damn it. This is hopeless... Those students had no idea of what they were doing. We need to find, capture and interrogate the intruders about their purpose! Does anyone had a good plan?!"

Everyone hatted in concern as they thought of how they captured 'mysterious doubles'.

Terrorcreep sighed, "Well... There is another way. If we follow Main Five and 'Sunset Shimmer', they can lead us straight to the portal. And that is where we will capture them..."

Aqua huffed, "Well, too bad for that, Vampire boy. Those girls won't be so stupid to let us follow them to the portal, unless there is danger occur at Canterlot High."

"Speaking of danger, where are Laxtinct, Flare Tiger and Tailtech," Blazefist said in concern before groaning, "I swear if my brother was the one messing things up, I'm so gonna give him piece of my mind."

Saber had his eyes rolled over, "Knowing your brother and Flare, they would probably make some excuses about their lateness. We should never had make Laxtinct our spy. Flare Tiger had been odd lately..."

BANG! Everyone turned to the door's entrance, they saw the panting Laxtinct, Flare Tiger and Tailtech standing before them. They were sweating and looking very tired and exhausted as well.

"Where were you three?!" Shadow Dragon demanded in anger and upset.

Laxtinct panted, "Okay... This time... I'm not making up..." He took a deep breath as he explained, "I was there to keep an eye on Sunset Shimmer when she had a tour for these three people called Adagio Dazzling, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk throughout the school. And it may sound weird but that sweet Sonata tell Sunset Shimmer about something 'we sing all the time! It's how we get people do what we want!' And when Sunset tried to touch Adagio's necklace, Adagio quickly grabbed hers and show her angry face while saying it was awfully important to them! It sound suspicious and weird like it was too important to give or use for something."

Terrorcreep groaned in annoyance, "That is very stupid, Lax. It's probably a private. Girls are very extremely sensitive and upset when their private got invaded."

Aqua groaned in annoyance, "Excuse me?!"

Flare Tiger growled, "Guys! We're not finish! When those girls came to cafeteria, they started singing! And the students acted strangely!"

"Strangely? How strange?" Saber asked suspiciously.

Shorty nodded his head, "It's that gotta to do something with mysterious doubles?"

Tailtech nodded his head as he shown his laptop to his allies about the graph's reading, "All of the students started to argue and fight about winning the 'Battle of the Band'! And the next thing, the greenish aura smoke appeared! And they were absorbed by the new students! Those three girls... They're not normal. And it's possible to tell. They're Siren-types Aliens or Mutants. The readings shared the similarity with Azure Phoenix's report."

Everyone mumbled and muttered in concern and feared as they wondered of what they can do to stop the alien invasion. Shadow Dragon remained calm and firm as he had some thoughts to think. Blazefist turned and noticed his best friend was in thinking.

Blazefist spoke, "Got the plan? Do we need to inform Azure Phoenix to start the invasion?"

Shadow Dragon shook his head calmly, "We'll inform him about the situation and the latest intruders. I have the plan to get those intruders back here." He cleared his throat calmly as he caught everyone's attention, "There is way to kill two birds with one stone. We're gonna use this situation to our advantage. We're gonna leave this to the hands of 'Main Five and Sunset'."

Everyone gasped in shock and worry while Blazefist nodded his head calmly. He understood Shadow Dragon's plans and past.

Flare Tiger gulped in worry, "He can't be serious... He wouldn't do such a thing."

"Look... I know what Rainbow Dash did was stupid for not telling me about the aliens and sometimes doing crazy stunts," Aqua said in concern, "but letting her deal with those Sirens was out of the questions! I won't put her in danger! No way. I don't want her to get killed. She was like a sister to me!"

Shorty nodded his head, "Agreed! Rarity and I had been friends when I worked for her father's company! I'm not willingly put her at risk to deal with those monsters! It is completely illogical!"

"They're right. We can't let the girls do it! It's like putting the world into the faith of teenagers. And I can't let Applejack do it. Her family and mine had been together for very long time. If she died, and the only person I blame is me." Saber Dragoon said in denial.

"No! No! No! No! NO! No way I'm gonna give Pinkie Pie some damn problems to deal with! She and I are like best buddies! I don't want her to lose her life to Sonata Dusk!" Laxtinct exclaimed in worry before took a deep breath, "Aw man... Sonata Dusk... She's so pretty and good..."

Terrorcreep dropped to the ground and glared at Shadow Dragon, "As Fluttershy's boyfriend, I refused to let her be involved with those monsters! Do it, I'll kill you."

Tailtech nodded his head, "Don't do it. If you involve the Crusaders to help Main Five and Sunset in this, we're gonna put the world in danger."

Icy nodded her head, "Please... Reconsider your planning. Don't put lives in danger."

Blazefist looked at Shadow Dragon as he spoke, "You better clarify this before things got messy."

Shadow Dragon nodded his head calmly, "They won't. All they need to do... is ask some help from their 'friends' and then we'll deal with them at once. And this time, we're gonna watch everything from here. If those creatures are indeed... dangerous to be trusted, then we are at war. Azure Phoenix will send all the help we need to deal with this mess. With Autobots behind of our back, we will win this fight till the end."

Everyone but three team members looked concern and reluctant. They looked at each other for the moment before they nodded their heads in agreement.

"Good enough. Dismiss, everyone," Shadow Dragon spoke calmly, "If you find anything that Main Five and their friends can reached to the intruders, report to me. So we can finish of what we had started."

"Yes sir!" Dragon Strike Force saluted.

With the discussion had ended, Dragon Strike Force stood up from their seating positions as they were leaving the classroom.

Flare Tiger looked worry and concern, "Cousin... This ain't what Iris wanted. She never wanted you to become like this. You've gotta overcome that nightmares, and move on..."

Main Five, Crusaders and Sunset had been gathered at Canterlot High's Horse Statue. They were all looked worry and scared.

"I can't believe they got to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna too." Fluttershy said in worry and scared.

Rainbow looked upset, "They've gotten to everybody."

"Not everybody," Pinkie giggled happily.

Understand what Pinkie Pie meant, Applejack nodded her head and spoke, "Pinkie Pie's right. We were there when the Dazzlings were singin' and we weren't affected. It was like we were protected somehow."

Rainbow smirked proudly, "So let's take them down! It's not like we haven't tangled with dark magic before and totally whooped its sorry butt!" Realized her error, Rainbow turned to Sunset as she apologized, "Uh, no offense."

Sunset Shimmer looked upset and annoyed as she sighed, "None taken. Again."

"But that was when Twilight was here. There may be some kind of magic inside us," Fluttershy said in concern, "but it only comes out when we play music. I sure don't know how to use it to... whoop anybody's butt."

Feared Fluttershy was right, Rarity sighed as she spoke, "If only we could get a message to Twilight. Maybe she could tell us how to break the spell the Dazzlings have cast on our friends."

"Well, that's not gonna happen. The portal closed," Rainbow spoke in disappointment as she knocked on the Horse Statue's box down for three times.

"So, how now?" Sweetie Belle asked in worry.

"We can't give up now!" Apple Bloom said in worry.

"And I get the feeling they don't exactly have cell phones where she's from," Scootaloo said in disappointment.

Scootaloo's sentence struck Sunset's head as she knew the answer, "I may have an idea how we can get in touch with Princess Twilight!"

The girls turned and glanced at her. She turned and took her bag as she was searching for something. Taking the book out with her Cutie Mark, Sunset showed it in front of them.

Sunset explained, "When I was Princess Celestia's student back in Equestria, she gave me this. Even after I abandoned my studies, I held onto it. Deep down, I guess I knew I was making a big mistake, and I wanted to still have a way to reach out to her. Maybe it still works."

Rarity sighed while her having eyes rolled over, "That's a book, darling. What do you mean, 'maybe still works'?"

While Rarity had doubts, Sunset continued her explanation, "It used to be that if I wrote something here, it would appear in the pages of a book back in Princess Celestia's library. I get a message to her, then she could get a message to Princess Twilight."

"So what are you waiting for? Get to writing!" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly.

Sunset Shimmer sighed as she opened the book. She took her pen out as she readied to write it, "Been a long time since I've written these words. -" Sunset wrote the book's page, "-'Dear Princess Celestia...'."

Spying on what had happen from the bushes, both Tailtech and Icy looked at each other. They nodded their heads in agreement. They pressed their com-link in contacting Shadow Dragon about the latest report they had found out from Main Five, Crusaders and Sunset.

From distance to Canterlot High, a crimson car called Pagani Huayra parked neared to the house's roadside. An eye came out from one of car's light eye, it turned and glared at the statue where Main Five, Crusaders and Sunset were standing.

"Lord Galvatron," The voice spoke darkly and calmly, "I have found something interesting. Subject Sunset is trying to contact her ally from another world."

Galvatron's voice sighed calmly, "Well done, Stinger... Keep your optic on them. They maybe the key to find her. Their 'magic'... is truly incredible and interesting Energon Source. If I had those, the army of Decepticons will be unstoppable..."

"Understood... I'm honored that Dark Curse manage to salvage my parts and reformatted them to better form. And now... I want my revenge on Bumblebee..."

"You will have it... But for now, keep an eye on them. The Dazzlings may have their own objective, but both Decepticons and Dark Terrorists had our own to deal with. If Subject Twilight returns, captured her and returned to the Base. She will be perfect source of locating more raw Energon Source at her world."

Stinger huffed, "It will be done, my master. Stinger out."

With his com-link shut off, Stinger turned and kept its sharp eye on Main Five, Crusaders and Sunset as they continued contacting Twilight through Sunset's book.

Within the large and dark laboratory, Galvatron pressed the computer's buttons in shutting the contact with Stinger. He turned and glanced at Blackout's Model but blue armored yet a bit muscular robot with five wing blades.

"Soundwave... What were those Dazzlings doing now?" Galvatron asked.

Soundwave spoke darkly, "The control of Canterlot High students, staffs and teachers is 90% under Dazzlings' controls. The resistance is 10%. They were only nine of them."

"Nine? Who? And how?"

"Unknown... No Mutant Genes can be found in those nine Human females, but unknown energy source was protecting them."

"Hmm... There is one way explanation of how they resisted the girls' controls..."

"Conclusion had been made: Subject Twilight from Another World. Her powers had been infected and affected these flawed specimen in complete immune against the Dazzlings' controls."

Galvatron chuckled darkly, "Excellent conclusion, Soundwave. I was glad that I put Stinger in keeping an eye on Subject Sunset and these girls. They are the key of bringing Subject Twilight here. And to our success..."

Soundwave nodded his head, "What of Dark Curse? He was the one who had rebuilt and resurrected Stinger, Barricade as Breakdown, Bonecrusher and Brawl as Lugnut and me."

"Inform him that everything has gone according to our plans. If Dazzling had powerful source in taking control of this world's populace, then we can proceed Protocol Control. If not," Galvatron smirked darkly, "then we proceed to Protocol Extinction."

"As you command, Lord Galvatron," Soundwave said darkly.

Soundwave turned to monitor as he typed and response to Dark Curse. Galvatron smirked darkly and evilly as the plan that Decepticons and Dark Terrorists had made...

At Friendship Rainbow Kingdom, Shadow Dragon was sitting on the carpet as he meditated within the empty room. He was facing at the walls, with his eyes closed. As the door was opened, Nyx entered the room. She giggled happily as she slowly sneaked behind of him. Upon reaching to him, she stood herself up while raising her hooves up for readied to do something.

"Don't even think about it, Nyx," Shadow Dragon spoke.

Nyx awed in upset as she stood down. She headed to the front of her adopted father as she asked, "How did you know I was there, dad?"

Shadow Dragon opened his eyes. He nuzzled her head gently, "Silly, girl. I'm your father. I taught you everything, but not good enough I'm afraid. I'm gotta say... Lance was very good in sneaking around."

"Is there anyway you can help me to improve my sneaky skills?"

"One: beware of your sneaky brother."

Nyx looked confuse, "Huh? Sneaky brother?"

"Peek-a-boo!" Lance's voice exclaimed happily. Nyx yelped in shock as she got knocked to the ground. She looked up and found Lance smiling at her. He chuckled happily as he blew on her stomach loudly while she giggled happily. He smiled as he nuzzled her face gently, "Got you again."

Nyx giggled happily, "Thanks a lot, bro! How did you do that? I mean you are a Pegasus, shouldn't your wings flapped very loud?"

"It's Mystic Pegasus, Nyx. I used my Stealth Magic to hide myself."

"I knew that..."

"Yeah... Always fall for the oldest book's trick, sis."

"Very funny, Lance. I wonder how mommy handled her big brother before. Shining Armor sure likes to tease her when they were kids but they're still good. I don't mind to have one."

Lance smirked, "Bet having a little sister like is fun!"

Shadow Dragon's eyes rolled over, "Okay, kids. Knock it off. Come on, let's find tour mother."

"Okay, dad!" Lance and Nyx exclaimed in agreement.

Shadow Dragon stood up and exited the meditation chamber. Lance and Nyx followed him out as well.

Entering the library, Shadow Dragon and two children spotted and found Twilight and her friends were checking on books as they were making sure that everything was in library. Since her old home: Golden Oak Library and all of the books were destroyed by Tirek, Princess Celestia sent some of her old books to her.

"Twilight," Shadow Dragon called.

Twilight turned to her back and found Shadow Dragon, Nyx and Lance approaching to her. She approached to him as she gave him a nuzzle, "Hey, Shadow Dragon. How's your meditation?"

Shadow Dragon stretched himself out, "Feels great and good. Meditation makes me calm down from the stress like Mystic War. I'm glad that War is over. I can finally relax and enjoy my time with you."

Twilight giggled happily, "I'm glad you like it, Shadow."

Shadow Dragon smiled as he nuzzled her head gently, "You know you can call me 'Dragon Hope'?"

"I know... But I'm still trying to get used to it. I felt Shadow Dragon was good name to call you than just Dragon Hope. No offense, your first name was good name. So, why do you have two names again?"

"Well... My father named me as Dragon Hope because he believed in me having faith and hope to defend the lives. Shadow Dragon is my Fallen and Dark Name when I joined Dark Curse and Dark Mystic Ponies. And I chose that name as the curse because of betraying my own kin and allies for the sake of revenge. It was very personal, Twilight. But now... Thanks to you, I finally accept it as good name to use. And I found my peace..."

"I'm glad you like it. I'm truly honored and happy that you accept Nyx as her adopted father and me as Lance's mother. Wow... It feels like I'm having my own family before I could get married. This is quite interesting."

"Yeah, I know... And once we're done with the library, you and I had some unfinished business," Shadow Dragon winked at her.

Twilight giggled happily, "Oh you... I definitely like it. But go easy on me when we're on bed together, okay?"

Shadow Dragon and Twilight laughed together happily as they gave each other a kiss gently and passionately. Mane Five, Nyx, Lance and Spike awed happily in seeing them both together.

BUZZ! Spike turned his back as he heard something buzzing noise. He spotted the pinkish glowing yet vibrating book on the eastern book shelf. He took it out before turned to Twilight and his friends.

"Twilight," Spike called. Twilight departed from kissing Shadow Dragon as she and her friends turned to Spike. He held the book up, "You've gotta check this out."

Twilight levitated the book as she opened and flipped it in checking on what was going on. Shadow Dragon, Mane Five, Lance, Nyx and Spike turned and looked at her. She shown worry and concern yet surprise as she read the book carefully.

"What is it, Twilight," Fluttershy asked.

Twilight spoke in concern, "It looks like a message to Princess Celestia from my friends at Canterlot High."

"How is that possible," Rarity asked in worry.

"I have no idea, but -" Twilight's eyes widened in worry and fear as she spoke, "- it sounds like they need my help."

"Twilight... Who are your friends? Where they came from?" Shadow Dragon asked in worry and serious.

Twilight turned to Shadow Dragon, "My friends were another version of this world's but they had hands and long legs, and they don't have tails, pony ears, hooves, horns or wings like us."

Shadow Dragon gasped in worry, "Human..."

"Do you know anything about them," Twilight asked.

Shadow Dragon sighed in worry, "Yes, Twilight. The friends you had described... They were called the Humans. And you had your right to befriend with them, but there were some can be evil and twisted enemies."

"Like ours?"

"Yes. But don't worry, if those Humans you had mention can be trusted, I can rest at ease. So, what was the problem?"

"I don't know. The message Sunset had wrote... might be something to do with one of Equestria's Encyclopedia. I had the feeling that it's not going to be a good one."

"Let's find out. To the Library. It might have the answer you were looking for."

Twilight nodded her head. She and all of her friends headed straight to the Library as they began researching on what Twilight was talking about from Sunset's Message...

At KSI Headquarter's Basement Area, Yaeger Family were having family time, discussion and chats with four Autobots, who had returned from their mission. Azure Phoenix entered the area as he was heading straight to them.

Cade Yeager turned to Azure Phoenix. He quickly got up and saluted to the latter, "Mr. Secretary! What can I do for you?"

Azure Phoenix cleared his throat, "I need the Autobots' help."

"Oh yeah? What is it now?" Crosshairs demanded, "Better hope it's not 'End our Military Joint' again. I'm pretty sick of that."

Hound nodded his head, "Yeah... That was very mean and unfriendly too."

Azure shook his head gently, "No... This one is different. And I need you to help Dragon Strike Force from Canterlot High. And this is something that all of you must keep Decepticons from reaching Subject Twilight."

"Really? Who is this Subject Twilight?" Drift asked in concern.

"Something tells me it's not a good one," Bumblebee beeped in concern.

Azure Phoenix nodded his head as he held and pressed the remote's button. The HD screen lowered down and revealed Equestria Twilight, Nyx and Spike in Human Versions at Canterlot High's Pony Statue while another picture revealed Twilight was teaching with Nyx on Maths. Autobots, Tessa and Shane looked confuse and surprise.

Cade looked suspicious and concern, "This must be them you mention from the U.N Headquarter?"

Azure Phoenix nodded his head, "Yes... If they fell right on Decepticons' or Dark Terrorists' hands, there is no telling of what secrets and plan they were copping up for. No matter what, bring them here..."

Crosshairs huffed, "Whoever they are, they better worth our time. Hopefully, those Cons won't bother us since they were looking for more destructive and terrifying powers to conquer the Earth."

Drift nodded, "Indeed, but we must be weary and aware of the situation. Otherwise, everything would have become more difficult for us to deal with it."

"Well, we'd better get started," Hound exclaimed.

Bumblebee nodded his head in agreement.

Azure Phoenix nodded his head, "Good enough. All you need to do is wait for Shadow Dragon's signal. When that happens, take the subjects here for both interrogation and answers."

Autobots nodded their heads in agreement. Cade, Tessa and Shane looked worry and concern about Azure's mission and decision in taking subject from another world to here for answers. What would happen next...

To be continued...

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