//------------------------------// // Still Life Will Grow Anew // Story: Remembrance of Thy King // by Broman //------------------------------// A Pegasus Day Guard stood atop a rolling, green hill looking down on a shimmering lake under Mt. Canterhorn. A calm, warm breeze that hugged the area greeted the pony as he surveyed the land in his armor, which seemed to glow in the receding daylight. This was Lt Quiver, second in command of the royal army. Strapped on the back of his saddle he carried a longbow and a single arrow. Quiver observed the landscape, taking in everything that he could see. He breathed once, taking it all in. The land was quiet and at peace, however, this quiet and peace was not for happy folk that lived in the lands. Instead, it is one of sadness, one of grief. It is one where a whole nation is brought to its knees by a terrible tragedy that gripped their hearts and thrust them into a cusp of war that was nearing their very doorstep. The death of their leaders that shook their nation to the very core. Quiver knew in his heart what this was and he had to see it through. He looked downward and saw a formation of ponies, many garbed in black clothing, heading downward toward the lake below. Among the ponies he saw thousands of guards, all garbed in the same golden uniform, and were heading down the path as well. Behind them he saw the regal sisters, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, both garbed in silk robes that were also black. Alongside them they were attended by unicorn known as Queen Amore, the ruler of the Crystal Empire. Queen Amore was a powerful leader in the northern edges of Equestria. Her land in the north was surrounded by towering mountains and many wild winter storms. In its center, however, lies the very heart of the Crystal Empire. A lush green paradise that they have made their own. The Crystal ponies who live there craft the finest gems and mine the finest crystals for their use. Queen Amore rules over her subjects with love and kindness, offering her doors to the needy and to the weak. Her friendship with Equestria has remained steadfast and the Princesses always were in high elation when she came to visit. She was the embodiment of love and her compassionate rule is well known by the whole of Equestria’s citizens. She comforted the young Princesses as they walked, offering solace words that ease their tender hearts, yet it was the best that she could do for them. Celestia was looking down the road, a downcast expression on her face as she walked. Nearly a week ago she was so filled with life and passion, she always wanted to help those in need and walk among the cities streets and greeting everyone she met. Now, she is broken, part of herself lost to that tragic day. The day when she and her sister lost their father and uncle. To her side Princess Luna, much smaller than her sister and Queen Amore, was visibly shaking. Quiver felt a pang of guilt to see the young Princess tremble in such despair, that he felt the urge to comfort her. She was there when it happened, saw first hoof when the blow was stuck. A young life such as hers should never see someone die like that, she was too innocent for it. Yet it did, and the ones who murdered their family only laughed at their state. Quiver’s hooves gripped tightly into the ground as he remembered the laughter; he would silence anyone who laughed at her despair. As they passed on by, the next part of the formation came along behind them. It was a large pallet that was at least a dozen feet in length, adorned with fine flowers and bedding. The pallet was being carried by a pair of Unicorn, Earth Pony, and Pegasus guards, acting as pallbearers for the dead. On top of the wooden pallet laid two bodies, the very ones whom the nation did grieve. It was their King and beloved leaders, King Solaris, and his brother, Prince Osiris. Quiver watched the formation pass him by but he could only stare at the two bodies before him. King Solaris was garbed in his battle armor, a bright golden plate that shined brighter than the guards. His hooves were overlapped on his large broad sword that bore the symbol of the sun on the pommel. A small sun shaped necklace was also looped over it, likely a parting gift from their children. His plated helmet was placed on the side of the king’s head, allowing his pure red mane to be spread out among the pallet. King Solaris, that nopony knew was possible, was an Alicorn. Many years ago he was merely an Earth Pony, leading along with the other nobles with Chancellor Puddinghead and his secretary Cookie. When the three main leaders joined to form a coalition he was called upon to serve as their king. After ten years of rule, however, there was never much improvement between the tribes and both King Bullion and Commander Hurricane from the Unicorn and Pegasus Tribes, respectively, never saw eye to eye. It was only when a Changeling Invasion from the Badlands, a deadly force they thought was frozen in the dead of winter, threatened their very existence and to their young fledgling nation. History books and legends were vague in how he actually became an Alicorn. Some say that he traveled into the deepest place within the Everfree Forest and found a powerful artifact, others claim that it was the gods themselves that blessed him with this divine gift. Despite the disputes, the scholars did agree that were it not for his ascension and the rally of the honor guard, later reformed into the Royal guard, then the Changeling Invasion would have slain them all. Quiver took a deep breath and sighed. He recalled the tales, but they were just under five hundred years ago, where Solaris created the Golden Age of Equestria. He always thought, always believed, that it would forever last. Yet now, after this terrible tragedy, he could not help but think that it was possible. In all accounts, no matter how many times Quiver told himself, he could imagine the king was merely asleep on that pallet. What a fool he was to believe such things. He turned his attention to the brother, Prince Osiris. He was positioned on the other side of King Solaris. Unlike his brother Osiris, known as the lord of Silence, was garbed in a deep silver armor, which stood out more than anything else in the land of Equestria. The armor was gifted by the Thestrals, bat ponies that lived in the northern sections of the Everfree, later known as the Hollow Shades. It was Osiris himself who helped these strange ponies and gifted them the land, in return they pledged their services and even their loyalty to him. In his overlapped hooves he held his crafted swords, as he had called them. Instead, they were sharp curved scythes, blades that were both strange and beautiful, fitting for a prince such as Osiris. Around his hooves and just like his brother, he also had a necklace in the shape of the moon. His plated helmet was placed on the side of his head, allowing his deep blue mane to be spread out. Just as his brother, Osiris was also an Alicorn. During the founding he was a unicorn, part of a noble house that served under King Bullion and his only daughter, Princess Platinum. He, at first, had challenged Solaris to a duel that consisted the two and Commander Hurricane, whom he sought his control over who should lead the three tribes. It was a battle that no one thought possible yet Solaris prevailed over the both of them and instead of slaying them he spared their lives and sought to unite all ponies. In a controversial move that went against the traditions of each of the tribes Osiris allowed his sister, later queen of Equestria, Selena Dusk to marry King Solaris. Nopony knew as to why he would allow such a bond to form, and one that would go against the very rules of the tribes and the beginnings of their founding nation. Some say it could have been that he respected King Solaris for his strength and clemency when he alone favored his intellect and wisdom. The union between both Solaris and Selena did flourish and love had bloomed between them. Osiris never saw his younger sister so happy and this move, and after the changeling invasion, would bring all ponies to come together and marry to whomever they wished. From then on, he was known as the lord of love for allowing this union to exist. During the Changeling invasion, known to scholars as the Great Scourge, he helped in the defense of Canterlot and protected it with all of his might. Selena was also carrying Celestia within her and he was determined to keep them safe. Scholars said that he was transformed into an Alicorn when he was defending their last bastion within the queen’s chambers, the same time that King Solaris was changed. However, some reports were disputed and only Starswirl the Bearded knows as to how his change came to fruition, for he was there when it happened. To the dismay of the scholars, however, he would not reveal his fate until his dying day. Osiris and King Solaris, grew very close and considered each other blood brothers from that day forth. Together, the brothers worked together to bring out peace and prosperity to all ponies in Equestria and beyond. When they finally passed Quiver took his position behind them following his Royal Captain, Shooting Star. Quiver looked and saw the old war Pegasus still bearing wounds from the battle that was fought a week prior. His right hoof was slung in a sling and small scars appeared across his muzzle and face. Shooting Star was there when it all happened, he was the one who witness the murders and faced the villains that enclosed around them. It was he who was able to rally the guards and drive off the invaders and helped kill the tyrant who took their leaders. Quiver could only look ahead as the memories flooded into his mind, the only thing that kept his mind focused as he proceeded down to the lake. Their nation of Equestria came into contact with a new race, a warrior race that were known as the Griffons. These feathered creatures were out exploring when they came into contact with their nation. A month had passed and the two nations would come together for a peace deal. However, their leader, Lord Ravenclaw, had other plans. He saw the potential and the wealth of this land had to offer. His greed and lust for gold was unquenchable and he would use anything to gain leverage over the feeble ponies. When the meeting took place the Griffon leader sprung his trap, his soldiers coming into the city and were ready to strike. He demanded that Equestria submit to their rule and the craven held both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna at sword point. However, both King Solaris and Prince Osiris saved them and defied the black heart and proclaimed that Canterlot and all of Equestria would never fall to his tyranny. It was in that moment of defiance that they paid the price. Ravenclaw, and his followers nearby, shot their small poisonous crossbows, mortally wounding King Solaris. Princes Osiris went to strike at the leader with all of his might and fury, but was soon overwhelmed by their numbers and multiple bolts punctured his chest, thus claiming his life. Shooting Star rallied both people and guards and turned on the griffons, standing steadfast as they cleared the city of the griffons. When RavenClaw was killed and the last of his griffons driven off, King Solaris succumbed to his wounds and died on his bed. He was surrounded by his two daughters when he passed and they cried long into the night by his side. Quiver stopped when Shooting Star turned to him and gestured near the end of lake bed. As he followed his captain he stared out at the lake. Known as Loch Avalon the lake was both serene and beautiful. The evening sun lit upon the lake, illuminating the waters in a haze of orange and gold. The lake was fed by a large waterfall that descended from Canterhorn, where their beautiful city of Canterlot still stood. The more he looked at it the more the scenery came from a painting, a living breathing painting that could never be altered or changed. Shooting Star stopped again at the edge of the lake and gave a small nod to his lieutenant. Quiver placed himself at his captain’s right side and he took his off his longbow and readied himself. Behind him he saw many mourners filling the area around him. Many of them were nobles and the like but he saw a large contingent of citizens as well. They grieved more for the King and Prince then the nobles. More guards approached and positioned themselves on either side of them and more behind their backs. They all stood at attention and at the ready, overlooking the peaceful lake before them. Near the edge of the lake, at least twenty feet away from he stood, a pyre was settled near the water. The guards carrying the pallets gentling placed them on top of the pyre, making sure that their bodies remained still as they were positioned. As they were settled into the water a voice broke out amongst the silence. He turned his gaze and saw the unicorn Starswirl the Bearded. Starswirl, a legend he is, a grand tale or two about that old pony that defines him. He is older than the princesses and is by far the wisest this nation could ever ask for. His wisdom and guidance has helped them through many struggles. He helped shape the nation during its founding and was there when he helped bring many of the ponies together. When both Solaris and Osiris passed it pained him deeply, to lose his old friends that he had known them throughout his life, even when he was young stallion looking for knowledge and truth. The loss will be a terrible burden to bear. However, today he did not show emotion, he had to remain strong, not only for Equestria but most importantly to stay strong for both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s sakes. They would need his wisdom and knowledge to learn, to guide their nation and to help them in the coming war with the griffons. The old pony spoke in a calm yet commanding tone, addressing everypony in a high Canterlot voice that sounded more soothing than boisterous. He spoke about their deeds, their desires for unity and peace. He spoke how they wished for balance a united nation for all ponies, for every race to come together and to live in harmony and to be free. His words softened the ponies that have gathered and bringing fresh tears amongst the populace. As he spoke Quiver readied his bow, lowering it so that it remained ready to fire. Once Starswirl was done and after a few exchanges of words by Queen Amore, the congregation fell silent as both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stepped forward near the pyre. Celestia lowered her head first, revealing her vibrant pink mane. Her head hung low over the king’s body, speaking a few words that were low yet audible, saying that their mother will be waiting for them. She placed a kiss on his head and brought her face next to his, gentling rubbing against his cheek. From his vantage point Quiver could easily see Celestia trying her best to maintain her composure, yet he could also see the pain and sadness upon her as well. She remained that way for several moments before turning to Osiris, and doing the same thing as before, nuzzling her head into his blue coat and giving a small kiss on his head. Once she was finished Princess Luna was next. The younger princess, her light blue mane hanging low over her eyes, said a few audible words that were sincere and true and how she would miss him. She cried through soft hiccups, trying her best to remain composed. Nearby a few of the nobles fell into tears as their princess did her best to remain calm. She kissed her father on the cheek and gave him a long hug. Once done she turned to Osiris and without saying anything brought her hooves around his neck. She hugged him tightly for a long while, crying into his fur as he laid motionless. Her bond with Osiris was far stronger, but those closest to the royals knew that she always considered him a second father. The sight alone was breaking any stalwart guard into a crying fit. Shooting Star turned to hush them yet he too had tears coming down his scarred cheeks. As soon as she was done Princess Luna planted a gentle kiss on his cheek before returning to her sister’s side, the latter wrapping a wing around her sisters side. Shooting Star gave a nod and several guards pushed the pyre into the water and gently pushed it out into the open waters. As the Pyre slowly moved further out into lake the sun had now hanged low in the horizon illuminating the pyre upon the water of Loch Avalon. Every guard, every noble, and every citizen was watching the pyre drift to the center of the lake, emotion ran high among each of them as they all watched their leaders move on. “Distant shores, lad, to distant shores.” Shooting Star calmly said to Quiver, drawing away his gaze. Shooting Star gave a humble nod to his second in command and Quiver knew what he had to do. He took his position and drew his bow. A unicorn next to him brought a torch over the arrow. Quiver turned to see him and recognized the black unicorn as Sombra, second lieutenant under Captain Shooting Star. Sombra was a young unicorn that hails from Canterlot. From what Quiver knew Sombra was troubled when he was still a foal. Rumors abound that his child life was rough and didn’t get along much with others, even though he was seen as special to others. His life has completely changed when he sought Queen Amore’s council and has shared her wisdom to overcome his doubts and fears. Since that time Sombra has seized his life as his own and became the best recruit to to excel to the rank of Lieutenant, the fastest that anyone has seen in Equestria. Quiver was lucky to have him by his side, it was Sombra and Shooting Star that help deal the blow against Lord Ravenclaw. The mad tyrant threw off everypony that attacked him and was unstoppable. However, Sombra endured through the fight and with all of his strength he plunged his weapon into Lord Ravenclaw’s heart, ending his wretched life. He was to be commended a hero, but to those close to him, he felt he failed in protecting his king. Some of the guards that were near the chamber saw Sombra leaning against a wall, tears streaming down his cheeks as he heard the princesses cry out for their father. After the whole ordeal was over, he vowed that he will defend Celestia and Luna with his very life, even onto his dying day. Sombra soon lit the arrow within seconds and he brought the torch back to his side. Quiver drew back the bow aiming towards the pyre. As he aimed the bow higher, arcing the arrow so that it will make its mark, a part of him was telling him not to fire. As the arrow reach near its pinnacle point he felt guilty to release the string, a part of him believing that his leaders were still alive. He felt regret that he was chosen to give his king this send off. He felt that another pony should do this task. However, as the pyre neared the center of the lake, and with the whole of Canterlot watching, he knew he had to fulfill his duty, regardless of his thoughts. With a calm breath he drew back the strings to their farthest extent, a single tear trailed down his cheek as he let loose the arrow. It was silent as it left his hoof, arching high into the sky, higher to where only the birds would fly. The arrow soon went downward, and in the middle of the lake, struck the center of the pyre. A perfect shot. The flames slowly spread upon the pyre and it would be minutes before the whole thing was set ablaze. As the fire spread around the wooden structure he heard a small cry emanating from Princess Luna. He watched as she took a step forward, her hooves entering into the cold water. She paused, staring out at the pyre that was slowly setting ablaze. Fresh tears streamed down her face as she watched her father and uncle burn. Princess Celestia moved into the water with her. She leaned her head towards her, speaking a few soft words of assurance. Princess Luna nodded and Princess Celestia took a few steps back away from her younger sister. Princess Luna breathed deeply, taking in several breaths to calm herself, despite the wave of tears that remained on her countenance. When her body was calm and still she stared out to the wooden pyre, which now was engulfed in flames. A soft low hum escaped her, a low tone that drew Quiver in. After a few moments of sustained humming, she slowly began to sing, her steady and tender words did pierce his very soul and to everypony around them. “From Dust, from dust, we ponies born, To Earth, we all return, Father, Father's, we’ve Sworn, we’ve sworn, To guard this rest you’ve earned. The foe did reveal his hidden face, And would destroy us with hate. Be filled with greed but we with grace, For they did seal their fate.” As Princess Luna sang her lament Shooting Star did grasp his sword. As he did this the royal guards began unsheathing their weapons as well. “We, sound the horn of winters past, To call all ponies forth. We free folk gathered, united at last, And we will remain henceforth.” The ponies who carried the banners began to lower them at half mast, aiming toward the burning pyre. The Royal guards still held their weapons, waiting for their captain to raise his own. “Their frail leaders from across the sea, Our Armies they shall see. From Horseshoe Bay to the Everfree. We’ll defend Equestria from thee.” Shooting Star lifted his sword, moving with the tempo of the slow beat. Once raised he held the steel of the blade, the hilt pointing toward the sky. He held it up to the sky, giving a send off to his leaders. One by one, the other royal guards around him did the same, raising their weapons to honor their fallen lords. Quiver raised his bow into the sky, his heart did ache as her passionate words filled the holes in his heart. “The Tyrant did seize us in his grasp, To claim us as his prize. Our Fathers freed us from Ravenclaw’s clasp. And would defend our lives. And defend with their lives!” Quiver’s body shook slightly, a soft chill from the wind greeting him, as he held his bow equally as his brothers and sisters. He didn’t dare turn his head, for he knew that all of the guards had the same feeling as he did. Both Captain Shooting Star on his left and LT Sombra on his right, did shed many tears as they watched their kings pass on from this world. More fresh tears were running down his cheeks as he stared at the burning pyre. His lords sacrificed everything for the safety and peace for all ponies. With their passing, he knew he would give his all to defend the new rulers of Equestria. But now, like all of the royal guards, he could only watch the pyre continue to drift on, as Princess Luna finished the rest of her powerful yet emotional song. “Fight on, Osiris, and Solaris the Brave, Old gods bear steel with you. Our lord's, our kin, a hero’s grave. Till life will grow anew. Still life will grow anew.” As the last of the words died out from Princess Luna, everypony was silent except for the calm wind that greeted them. Everypony stared out at the pyre that was engulfed in flames, and the ash ascending high into the evening sky. Princess Luna turned and exited the water, tears still streaming down her cheeks as she went to her sister's side. Princess Celestia, overcome with emotion, hugged her younger sister with wings an hooves, where the latter was softly crying into her sister’s chest. Queen Amore, compelled at their dispirited state, went over to the sister’s sides and wrapped her large hooves over the two siblings, softly cooing them as their soft cries filled the silence. All of the Royal Guards remained as they were, staring out the the lake of loch Avalon, watching the pure burn before them. As their kings have passed, they shall remain. To continue the duty that has been bestowed upon them. Their lives they will gladly give, to serve under the regal sisters. To help them in their most dire need. But most of all, serve them as they have their fathers, who showed nothing more then complete passion and love for all of their people. But tonight, however, they will remain where they stand. Sad, yet vigilant. Heartbroken, yet faithful. Openly crying, but with pride. For each one bore tears of gratitude and love to their fallen kings, as the burning pyre drifted off towards the far distant shores.