Rainbow Spark Rocks

by Shadow Master

Prologue: A New Evil

In the Realm of Human, the whitish lunar light shined below the Earth itself. Within the small cafe building, everyone had a big argument against each other while shouting and screaming in anger. All of them were unaware of the ground was filled with green mists as they were flowing to the end of the cafe's corner.

At the very end of the cafe, there were three girls; covered their faces by the hoods; sang calmly yet darkly. The greenish mists drained and absorbed into the small crimson diamonds. As soon as the greenish mists were absorbed, the three girls stopped their singing. They then removed their hoods. The first one was Aria Blaze with purple hair and a stripe of greenish in twin pigtails bind by stars while another was Sonata Dusk had blue hair with dark navy stripe in ponytail.

Aria groaned in annoyance, "That was barely worth the effort, Adagio. I'm tired of a fast food! I need a meal."

Adagio Dazzle removed hers as revealing her orangeous and a stripe of yellowish curly yet funky hair bind by her hairband huffed in anger as well, "The energy in this world isn't the same as in Equestria." Her eyes narrowed in upset and anger as she continued, "We can only gain so much power here."

Aria groaned in disappointment, "I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place!"

Adagio huffed as she shown her barely smile with her pleasant look, "Really? I love it here."

Adagio then shown her annoyance yet frown face.

"For realsies?" Sonata asked in surprise as she looked at the window, "Because I think this place is the worst."

Aria huffed in annoyance, "I think you're the worst, Sonata!"

Sonata groaned in annoyance as she turned and glared at Aria, "Oh yeah? Well, I think you're—"

Adagio groaned in annoyance, "I'll tell you one thing, being stuck here with you two isn't making this world any more -" She clenched teeth, "-bearable."

BOOM! Three girls yelped in shock and surprise. They turned to the window case. They witnessed the powerful bluish beam shot straight to the dark sky. Adagio gasped in surprise and shock. She quickly exited the cafe. She stood there as she witnessed the event.

As soon as the bluish beam dispersed, the twin spiral form of Rainbow launched and blasted up to the sky before clashed together for the moment. It then launched and blasted the powerful rainbow beam to its target. As the moment had passed, everything had disappeared. Not without the hint of a spark on Adagio's Ruby. Adagio gasped in surprise.

"Did you feel that -" Adagio smirked darkly, "- do you know what that is?"

Sonata and Aria thought for the moment before shrugged, "I 'unno."

Adagio groaned in annoyance as she grabbed Aria's hood and spoke, "It's Equestrian Magic!"

Aria scoffed, "But this world doesn't have Equestrian magic."

"It does now. -" Adagio spoke as she turned and headed to the front, "-And we're going to use it to make everyone in this pathetic little world adore us!"

Aria had her eyes rolled over, "But how are we gonna do that?"

Sonata nodded her head in concern, "Aria's right. How are we gonna find that magic? It could be anywhere. And not to mention, we're on our own. Dark Curse hadn't contact us. I had the bad feeling that he's dead."

Adagio growled in annoyance and anger, "Could this things get more annoying?!" BEEP! She took the phone and answered it, "Who is this?! What do you want?!"

"Adagio Dazzle... It is me..." The dark yet cruelty voice spoke darkly.

Adagio gasped, "Megatron? You were alive? How? The news about Chicago claimed that Optimus Prime has ripped your head apart from your body?!"

"Never mind of my death," Megatron said darkly, "but... I've received some news and reports. I have what you needed. Your so-called 'magic'."

"Yes, we are aware of that. Do you know where it was?"

Megatron chuckled darkly, "Yes, I do..."

Adagio smirked, "Can you help us get there?"

"No... I'm in process of making my own plans... But I know someone who can. Seek the leader of Dark Terrorists: Dark Curse. He will help you and me while we help him to achieve it."

"Good enough... And how do we find him?"

"You don't... He finds you... And once you did, you will had what you needed while he had what he needed, unless you take control of Humanity first. And he shall approve it..."

Adagio smirked, "Indeed. That is the plan, Lord Megatron. And we intended to fulfill our objective by fueling our hunger." She shut her phone down and spoke, "Now... we have the lead of what needed to be done. Girls, it is time to find our contact."

Aria and Sonata smirked darkly as they turned and stood besides with Adagio. Whoever they were, they were no friends or allies to Equestria yet ally to Megatron himself. Dawn of the New Threat had begun...

A Month Later...

At the very late night, 17-years-old Chinese Teenage Boy dressed in black hooded-jacket and the dark greenish pants while holding his black bag-pack as he continued walking on the long road with the hallway of some residents and houses. He looked down as he had lot of thoughts. He gritted his teeth while he hissed in pain. He heard some voices in his head...

"Iris! Iris! Stay with me, Iris! Don't die!" The male voice shouted in pain and feared, "you'll be fine! I promise you! We'll be together! Iris, please!"

"My love... Live on... Please... Live on..." The female voice said painfully, "don't let hate... destroy you..."

"Iris?! IRIS!!!" He screamed in pain and fear, "NOoooooooooooo!"

The boy gasped in shock as he awaken from the screaming voice. He breathed heavily, with his looks of fear and worry. He then looked up and found the familiar school in front of him.

"This must be it..." He said calmly. He activated his right com-link ear and spoke, "Mr. Secretary. I've reach the destination."

"Good... Rendezvous with your team and find them, Shadow Dragon..." The voice said firmly, "and bring them to me... I want some answers from these intruders..."

Shadow Dragon nodded his head, "Understood..."

With his earphone shut down, Shadow Dragon looked up and stared at the Canterlot High. He has his eyes narrowed in suspicious and anger. He was on the mission in uncovering something that the high school was hiding about the alien...

"Time to find out of what's really going on..."

Six Months had passed since the Canterlot High Incident, the Earth was under attacked as Autobots had met their nearly extinction, the awakening of new Decepticons and Seed of Destruction. Thanks to Cade Yaegar and his allies, they had saved Autobots before they saved the Earth from danger yet Megatron's Reincarnation: Galvatron survived and escaped the battle.

On July, leaders across the whole world had been gathered at the United Nation Headquarter of Manhattan, New York; including Cade Yaegar, Joshua Joyce, Bumblebee and Drift. Two Autobots acted as the Commanders in the place of Optimus Prime since he had left the Earth in search of the Creators and determined to end their cruelty and ruthlessly searching and attacking on him...

Within the United Nation General Assembly, the United Nation Leaders and Members seated in their seats. They argued and complained about the incident from China and Hong Kong. They were in concern, feared and upset about dealing with more of Transformers, and as well as Joshua's choice and decision about building and creating more of Transformers.

President Barack Obama sat on his Council's Chair, along with his United States' Staffs and Military Officers. Joshua Joyce and Cade Yaeger were standing before the microphone stage desk. The large screen had the picture of both Drift and Bumblebee since they were too big and large to fit in, so they had to stay out in seeing, hearing and communicating with them.

"This is outrageous," Xi Jinping shouted in anger as he stood up from his seat, "Hong Kong is completely in ruined and destruction site! It's Chicago Incident over again! This is completely unacceptable! Tell me! What can be done?! You told the world that you had the powerful weapons to protect from the aliens!"

Iran President nodded his head and shouted, "We are more in concern with your Transformer Prototype, Galvatron! He is the only creature had not been dealt with!"

Korea President nodded his head, "We must destroy him before he could destroy us!"

"If what you say is true about Galvatron being Megatron's Reincarnation," Africa President said in concern, "then we need more Transformers to kill and defeat him! We cannot let that monster to kill us!"

United Nation Council members cried and screamed in anger about Galvatron. They were in concern and feared about him. He needed to be dealt with.

Joshua was in shaken of fear and worry as he knew that the world would need his weapons for defense; but then again, Optimus Prime warned him about trying to create the artificial Transformers could bring disastrous and especially it was his first and finest creation that turned against him.

"Councilmen," Joshua spoke calmly and firmly. The Hall went in silent. They turned to him as he continued, "Yes... It's true that Galvatron is Megatron's Reincarnation. And we overlook for that fact because Optimus severed his head off. He should be shut down or dead. But we don't know how or what. But the answer to your plead is... no. I will not build and create more of Transformers."

Everyone shouted and cried in disappointment and concerns about Joshua Joyce's refusal in producing the army of Transformers. Joshua sighed in upset deeply.

Cade Yeager came and helped Joshua Joyce as he spoke, "Mr. Joyce has his own reason of not doing this. It's because... Galvatron may not be the only Transformer to survive from his nearly death. There could be more of Decepticons else to survive that. And if he indeed survived that and infected more of KSI Transformers, they will turn and kill all of you. So, it is best not to do that."

Everyone went in silent before chatted and muttered softly in concern and worry about Cade's and Joshua's decision about creating the Transformers.

Joshua sighed, "And there's more... Harold Attinger and his Cemetery Wind had killed so many Decepticons. That's the good thing. But they also killed our only defense of protecting our home from them. Yes, I'm talking about the Autobots. And that is the cost I had paid for bringing destruction and chaos at Hong Kong and many innocent lives."

Cade nodded his head in agreement as he spoke angrily, "We killed the very same guardians and friends, who risked their sparks to protect us from dangers and our enemies. And what we repaid them? Murdering of them and their Human Allies?! Greed?! Destruction?! Extinction?! This had led us to our nearly extinction!"

"Therefore, United Nation Council," Joshua sighed in concern, "I must deny your desperate begging. And the only way we can defend ourselves is to ally with the Autobots again. We need to rebuild the NEST Team! There are some who can still fight against Decepticons while helping the Autobots."

United Nation Council members muttered and chatted in concern and feared of what Cade and Joshua had said. Will the Autobots helped them after what they had done to most of their kind?

Cade sighed, "You've got to have faith, everyone. If I can't convince Optimus Prime, then no one can. And all would have been lost."

Everyone looked at each other for the moment as they had some thoughts to think about. For the moment had passed, they looked up and glanced at two Autobots, and even United States Staff too. It was time to ask...

President Obama cleared his throat, "Bumblebee and Drift, I have no knowledge of what he had done to you and your kind but to end the joint military alliance. I am truly sorry. But... I must ask you again... Will you help us, for old time sake? Because... I never had doubts of trusting in you for saving our home."

Drift and Bumblebee looked at each other for the moment. They both were angered and upset. Everyone and everything they had known were gone because of Harold Attinger's twisted and paranoid fears and nightmares. But at the very end, it was him and Lockdown alone for bringing destruction and massacres on their kind and friends while the others had no knowledge of it. And they knew Optimus Prime would have done something for those who know nothing about the truth.

Both Drift and Bumblebee nodded their heads in agreement. They turned to the front while facing at United Nation Council members. Bumblebee beeped for few times since he still unable to had his voice active...

Drift cleared his throat, "President Obama, despite your congress had some - 'difficulty' about us. But I know, deep in your heart; you are not a liar. Optimus Prime had requested us to be defenders of your world. And we shall work together again."

Everyone cheered and cried happily as they gave the loud applause to the Autobots. President Obama, Cade and Joshua smiled in relief and happy about it.

"But -" Drift spoke firmly and seriously as most United Nation Council members ceased their applause and cheering, "- We only accept the members, friends and family of all the NEST alone and only, including Azure Phoenix's Military and Dragon Strike Force."

President Obama smiled in relief, "It is done. Azure Phoenix predicted your suggestion. And that is why I made him and Morshower only as your liaison to me and my member staffs only."

Drift and Bumblebee smiled and nodded their heads in agreement. Joshua and Cade smiled in relief and happy.

Azure Phoenix smiled in please as he slowly got up from his chair. Joshua and Cade departed from the table stand. They took their seats. He approached to it as he made his speech and important announcement.

"Now that is dealt with," Azure Phoenix spoke calmly and firmly, "we have more important matters to deal with. And I'm not talking about Galvatron, Decepticons or Transformers' Creators. There is another creatures we must deal with."

Azure Phoenix used his remote. With the push of a button, the another screen shown various scenes of Twilight and her friends' doing and especially they had pony forms and their battles against demonic Sunset Shimmer. It happened last year.

Everyone chatted and muttered in concern and worry of what they had witnessed, and even Joshua, Cade and two Autonots. They questioned of who were they, were they in their customs or mutant dresses and wondered if there was special effects on the screen.

Azure Phoenix cleared his throat, "No... These are very real. These clips, information and sources were all came from Canterlot High and the residence. The one threat we should be more concern is these people: Twilight Sparkle, Nyx and Spike. They took the appearance of my students and creatures, just to blend in at Canterlot High. We do not know where they came from, but I know one thing for certain, they are not from this realm nor from the outer space. But they need to be carefully to deal with..."

Everyone chatted in concern and worry about Azure Phoenix's latest reports about 'another extraterrestrial beings', and especially when they had Decepticons to deal with. Bumblebee and Drift looked at each other for the moment. They were all in concern and worry. There was another race came to the Earth?

Cade turned to Joshua for the moment as he wondered of what Azure Phoenix had said was true. Joshua nodded his head in confirmation since he and Azure Phoenix were partners and friends. He also knew what had happen to Canterlot High Incident. President Obama sighed in concern about the new alien to deal with.

Azure Phoenix cleared his throat calmly, "There is still no confirmation if these doppelgangers were friends or foes. But I do know one thing. They were here to study us. They were testing us. They were learning more about us. Whether you had hard time to believe in me or not, we all must be cautious of any of them in the future. Not just Cybertronians, but any creatures came from different planets, realms or worlds. We all must be prepared for anything."

President Obama cleared his throat as he spoke to Azure Phoenix through his microphone, "Mr. Secretary, what do you suggest about these extraterrestrial beings?"

Azure Phoenix smiled calmly, "All is done. Dragon Strike Force Squadron were at Canterlot High, questioning the students about these doppelgangers. They will do anything to learn more and understand these creatures. But if they're truly the threat, we must fight back. We must invade the enemies' world before they invade us. And the only way we can do that is to find the portal that allow her and her alien friends back here."

"And how were you going to do that?"

"By means of necessary to protect not only our kind but everyone we can trust than just scumbag beast Dark Terrorists! If they are our enemies and if they dare to attack any of our kind, we will fight till the end."

President Obama gulped in concern, "Azure Phoenix... I don't mean to question your judgment and trust. But I believe you should be more patient and considerate of your decision."

Azure Phoenix slammed his hands on the table stand hard as he spoke, "Our world and any world must be defended and secured from the danger. We will not let them, Decepticons or Dark Terrorists defeat and conquer us! We will not let them do as they pleased. And we will not surrender. We are the United Nation Humans of Earth! We built our countries and world as one to defend it from the Terrorists, Monsters and Aliens who wanted our extinction and destruction! I vow that no one will do as they pleased to come to our home, without the fight! I am Azure Phoenix! It is my duty to protect this world from danger. And I promise you of that! I will not bow to any creature who desire to experiment us or use us like slaves! Never again! We are the Humans! It is our duty to protect the Earth! We will not fear or our enemies. We will not let it be our extinction! Never!"

Inspired and touched by Azure Phoenix's speech, United Nation Council members cheered and gave the applause for his determination and loyalties to their world and even to the Autobots.

Drift and Bumblebee looked at each other for the moment, with the masks of concern and worry. Cade and Joshua were also in concern and feared. Azure Phoenix was concern about the creatures from another realm, and was he willing to take the fight and chance in against them?

Will he became Harold Attinger? Will he let invasion of another realm be the Humans' downfall?

President Obama took a deep sigh, "Very well... I declared... Azure Phoenix be in-charge of defending the Humanity and Autobots as well. And I also wish to request the remaining Autobots to help us as well. And if these creatures were indeed our enemies and help either Dark Terrorists or Decepticons, they are meant to be terminated as Azure Phoenix had said."

Drift and Bumblebee looked at each other for a while. They had to do it since Earth was their only home and they had to find Galvatron before he could do anything more harm or damages. They turned to the screen as they nodded their heads in agreement.

Azure Phoenix smiled calmly, "Thank you, Mr. President. And I assure you that I will not make mistake as Harold Attinger did. I trust the Autobots with my own life. I will stop this invasion. I will not let the world meet its extinction. I promise you that."

United Nation Council members gave the applause and cheering to Azure Phoenix again. Joshua and Cade looked worry and scared. They looked at each other for the moment. This reminded them about dealing with Harold Attinger, who had same dilemma of defending the world from aliens. They feared of what happen next. Will their home be saved from danger or doom to meet its extinction?

Hasbro Studios Presents:

The picture of Twilight Sparkle, Nyx and Spike arrival at Canterlot High. It then shifted into another picture where Cade Yaegar and his before-deceased friend Lucas found the old yet broken cab truck within the theater.

The Rainbooms: We used to fight with each other
(Oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh)

Hyper Linking Dragon: Transformers!

The picture of Twilight standing up for Fluttershy in against Sunset Shimmer. Then the second picture revealed Cade, Tessa and Shane stood before Optimus Prime and his remaining Autobots.

The Rainbooms: That was before we discovered
(Oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh)

Hyper Linking Dragon: More than meets the Eyes!

The picture of Applejack drinking her Apple Cider, Pinkie Pie decorating the hall in party while Rainbow Dash scored the goal by kicking it very hard to goal net. The third picture of Optimus Prime and his team stormed to KSI Headquarter at Chicago as they faced at Joshua Joyce about the attacking his deceased friends. Optimus Prime battled against Galvatron before got shot by Lockdown's Gun Mode. Then, the last one was Cade, Shane and four Autobots charged and jumped on the ship to rescue their friends.

The Rainbooms: That when your friendship is real
(Oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh)

Hyper Linking Dragon: Transformers!

The next picture revealed Twilight Sparkle and her friends rallied the students in standing up and unity together for her to be the Princess of the Fall Formal, not Sunset Shimmer. As for the next picture, Optimus Prime and his team escaped from Lockdown's Bounty Ship by using the Legendary Knights' Ship.

Sunset Shimmer became the demonic version of Anthro before she battled and fought against Twilight and her friends. Galvatron awakened the army of newly yet powerful KSI Prototype Transformers into his personal Decepticon Army before charged straight to Hong Kong.

Twilight and her friends transformed into their Anthro Ponified as they unleashed their power and magic of Friendship at Sunset Shimmer. Autobots mounted on four Dinobots as they battled and fought against the numerous numbers of all Decepticon. Optimus Prime and Cade Yaegaer battled and fought against Lockdown.

The Rainbooms: Yeah, you just say what you feel
And the music, yeah, the music

Hyper Linking Dragon: Robots in Disguise!

The Rainbooms: Gets us to the top
As we learn how the rainbow...

Rainbooms and Hyper Linking Dragon: Rainbow Spark Rocks!

Hyper Linking Dragon: Transformers
More than meets the eye
Robots in disguise

Applejack: You can pick up the bass

Blazefist and Saber Dragoon: Transformers!
More than Meets the Eye!

The Rainbooms: (Oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh)

"Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle"

"Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime"

"Matt Lanter as Shadow Dragon"

Rainbow Dash: And you can play the guitar

Tailtech and Shorty Thinking: Transformers!
Robots in Disguise!

The Rainbooms: (Oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh)

"Ashleigh Ball as Applejack & Rainbow Dash"

"John DiMaggio as Crosshair"

Pinkie Pie: You can bang on the drums

Laxtinct, Aquastroke and Icy Princess: Transformers!
More than Meets the Eye!

The Rainbooms: (Oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh)

"Adrian Libman as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy"

"John Goodman as Hound"

Twilight Sparkle: Or you can sing like a star

Shadow Dragon: Autobots are watching over You!

"Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity"

"Ken Watanabe as Drift"

Hyper Linking Dragon: Autobots wage their battle
To destroy, end the evil forces
Of the Decepticons

"Cathy Waseluck as Spike"

"Rebecca Shoichet as Sunset Shimmer"

"Daveigh Chase as Nyx"

"Jesse McCartney as Lance Justicestrike"

"Mark Walhberg as Cade Yaegar"

"Nicole Petlz as Tessa Yaegar"

"Jack Reynor as Shane Dyson"

The Rainbooms: And the music, yeah, the music
Gets us to the top
As we learn how the rainbow...
Rainbow Spark Rocks!

"Latham Gaines as Dark Curse"

"Josh Keaton as Swipestrike/Drake Blackstar"

"Frank Welker as Megatron/Galvatron"

Hyper Linking Dragon: Transformers
More than meets the eye
Robots in disguise

"Maryke Hendrikse as Sonata Dusk"

"Diana Kaarina as Aria Blaze"

"Kazumi Evans as Adagio Dazzle"

Rainbooms and Hyper Linking Dragon: As we learn how the rainbow...

Rainboom: Equestria Girls...

Hyper Linking Dragon: Transformers...

Rainboom and Hyper Linking Dragon: Rainbow Spark Rocks!


To be continued...

Review and Suggest...