Show, Don't Tell.

by AndromedaNova

I: Golden Opportunity

|Dear Princess Celestia,

Ever since I was a baby, I've enjoyed my life to the fullest, and now that I am a teenager, I hope to have even more good times with you and everypony else! I wanted to thank you and the girls the most, you've helped me become a young adult, and I am proud to have you as Twilight's faithful student, and our princess. I love you all undyingly, nothing will change that! You guys will never change for the worse, and that, I trust you will do!

Yours Truely, Spike~.|

Years Later

A message Spike now dispises, his world was yet to change yet, and if somebody were to tell him this would happen to him then, he would call you an extreme liar.

They were all there, the six girls, Discord, Celestia, and a few others. This was one of his most impressive speeches he's ever made. It needed to be done, this whole adventure has gotten to him, making him become a young man. Matured enough to come out with his final resolution."Do you think this is some kind of game?" Spike hollered at the princess and girls," My whole life, you all have taken care of me, made me feel good, and one day you... you.... You all CHANGED!" Fire and smoke was swarming out from his mouth, every bit of his rage was coming out in the form of words.

"S-Spike we're telling you how it is.... We've loved you since you were a baby, and the girls cared for you ever since they knew you! Why won't you believe us!?" Twilight was trying her hardest to express herself out, but was overruled by Spike instantaneously.

"You DON'T care about me! You are just trying to play me like you've done for years! If you truely cared, here's a lesson in smarts and real life--- SHOW! DON'T TELL!"

Months earlier

"Next Monday, we and the girls are going to Canterlot for Christmas. Make sure to pack, we are gonna see my parents again, first time in awhile, huh?" This is what Twilight promised Spike a week ago, and honestly, Spike was ecstatic! He loved warming up to the fireplace, eating chestnuts, drinking eggnog, watching old classics, and meeting up with family once more, the true spirit of Christmas was all in that place. This was going to be his favorite time of the year!---- Was.

Today on Monday, Spike packed some sweaters, some jewels, and generally, only stuff he wanted to have with him. He ran down to the front door, Spike saw them all, he smiled brightly as he walked up to Twilight. " So, when are we leaving? I'm so excited to go ever since I left last year!" What was expecting, was for him to calm down and that they were going soon, but somehow, they got even more shallow then they were before.

"Um.... Spike? Uh... We kinda bought tickets for the train without you..... So... You can't come with us.... I'm sorry...." Once he heard the meat of the sentence, his eyes filled with tears. His face was full of sadness and anger.

"What am I to you?! Some... Some kind of pet?!" Twilight immediatly was shocked by this, and got angry with Spike.

" That is no way to talk to the person who raised you and taught you right from wrong! You have some nerve to tell me I treat you like some kind of animal!" Spike was completely taken back by this, though he figured the others would come to his rescue, but he was wrong. They were the polor opposite of what he expected.

"Spike, you are so selfish!"

"If you act like that you don't deserve to come with us!"

"Don't be such a party pooper Spike!"

"What'n tarnation do you think you are doing talking to her like that?"

He was ganged up on with insults and hate comments. This was the final straw. "I hate you......I hate you all....... You don't deserve to represent harmony." Spike then stomped away from the doors, and upstairs to his room.

Ever since he became a teenager, they drove further and further away every single day. Would it be being neglected, not cared about, anything. For years.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Spike screamed, though, his room was so high up nobody would've heard him. Once he said this, he did something that would change his life, would it be for the better or worse. Spike took a giant bag for traveling, and filled it up with gems, clothes, identification, and a handheld game system. This was it, once he went, there was no turning back.

With no implication it would happen, Spike spat out a letter from Princess Celestia. It was for Twilight.

"How does it feel? To have something that means a lot to you, destroyed? All hope of it ever coming back, with your spirit broken. How does it feel?" Spike said as he breathed fire upon it. " You don't deserve to be Princess of Friendship, a representative element of harmony, or Celestia's faithful student. NOTHING!"

As he calmed himself down, he found a map of Equestria. "Just what I needed..." He needed to explore the world, and see the beauties of life. Spike didn't care if he died out there, as long as he died happy.

Two Hours Later

With his last hours of being in the castle numbered, he fetched as many bits as he could find, finding a good five-thousand bits. This was his final preparation. Spike exited out the front doors, leaving the door unlocked, and started walking. He didn't know where he'd walk to, but he needed to go somewhere that wasn't in Ponyville. He wasn't scared, as far as he was concerned, this was the smartest choice he's ever made in his whole life.

The dragon took flight, going east, as that seemed like it'd be his best option away from 'them'. Still unsure of what to do, but he didn't mind at this point. He was completely free, after all.

Flying was exhilarating to him, it always will be. The wind pushing against him, fresh air filling his nose, and the speed. Suddenly, he knew where he was going first. Nothing else mattered but his destination at this point, and he managed a smile at the thought of it.