My Little Pony: Equestria Girls- Aria's Destiny

by TheFriendshipKingdom

Chapter 2: Forgiveness

At the Dazzlings’ house, Sonata Dusk was finishing putting on her night clothes. When she was done, she when to the living room where Adagio Dazzle was sitting on the couch waiting for Aria Blaze to come back.

“Aria hasn’t come back yet?” Sonata asked, it’s been a few hours since they left Aria at Canterlot High to have some alone time next to the statue, and she hasn’t returned.

“No.” Adagio sighed, she was starting to get worried about what’s taking her so long, same with Sonata.

“I hope she’s alright, should we go get her?” Sonata asked.

“How about I get her, you stay here and get some rest.” said Adagio as she walk to the door.

“Alright, good luck.” said Sonata as she went into her room to go to bed. Adagio then opened the front door and made her way out.

When she went back to the statue of Canterlot High, she realized that Aria was gone. She was in shock of whatever happened to her, she couldn’t believe that Aria has vanished.

“Aria!” she gasped, she started to get even more worried. What happened to Aria Blaze? (You should know from chapter 1)

“Where is she?!” Adagio was starting to get scared, so she decided to find the Mane 7 so that maybe they can help. So she went to the stage where she thinks the Rainbooms might be, and she actually saw them. They were just hanging out for a bit and talking. Adagio was nervous to go out and talk to them after all of the trouble she, Sonata, and Aria have caused at Canterlot High, but then the Mane 7 actually spotted her on the front of the stage.

“Hey! Are you the leader of the sirens?” said Rainbow Dash pointing at Adagio, butterflies were starting to appear in her stomach, she didn’t know what to say, she didn’t know what to do.

“…Ummmm…” said Adagio nervously, she was too shy to say anything else, but she had to say something. “Yes.”

The Rainbooms saw how nervous and shaky Adagio was, she was looking down at the floor, very quiet.

“Why are you here?” Applejack asked, they didn’t know why Adagio came here. “Is she here to insult us? Or is she here to apologize?” they wondered.

“I came here for two reasons.” she replied a bit silently, at least not too silent so that they couldn’t here her.

“And what exactly are the two reasons?” said Rarity curiously.

Adagio was ready to say the two big words to the Rainbooms, and those words were true. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth, about to say the two words.

“I’m sorry.” she finally answered. The Rainbooms were surprised that Adagio Dazzle, the leader of the Dazzlings, who were evil sirens who wanted power and popularity, was actually apologizing to them.

“You were right, you’ve got to find the music in your heart. A talent is about who you are, not just for power and popularity.” said Adagio, “If only I understood friendship”. Adagio felt very ashamed, the Rainbooms were still surprised that Adagio was starting to be nice to them, and is apologizing.

“It’s alright.” said Twilight, “Just remember, one day you'll find your true talent. And we can show you friendship.”

Then, the Mane 7 got close to Adagio for a group hug. Tears of joy were starting to come out of Adagio’s eyes, she smiled proudly. The Mane 6 broke up the hug and to listen to what Adagio is about to say next.

“So what's your name?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m Adagio, Adagio Dazzle.” Adagio introduced herself, “The girl who was on my left during the battle was Sonata Dusk, and the one from my right was Aria Blaze.”
Suddenly, it came to her again. She had to get help from the Mane 7 to find Aria.

“Speaking of Aria. Have you seen her?” Adagio asked, “She wanted to be alone for a bit, and when I came back to check on her, she was gone!”

The Mane 7 got surprised about Aria vanishing, “How did she leave?” they wondered.

“Where was she when you last saw her?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

Adagio pointed out the Canterlot High horse statue, “She was right over there, and when I came back, she was gone!” she answered.

All seven of the girls gasped in shocked, they actually realized that Aria has entered the portal, and went back to Equestria!

“What?” Adagio was confused and worried on why the Mane 7 were shocked.

“That’s the gateway back to Equestria!” said Twilight, the portal was now opened, so anybody/pony can go through the mirror anytime.

“Wait, that’s where me, Sonata, and Aria came out of when we were banished!” said Adagio, “How is it still opened?”

“Well, with a bunch of mechanical parts, and using my magic journal as a battery, I was able to energize and reopen the portal.” Twilight explained to Adagio.

“Oh, well. That’s clever.” Adagio nodded.

“Thanks.” said Twilight with a cute little smile on her face, “Maybe I can help you bring her back.”

“Really?” said an amazed Adagio, she felt happy that Twilight was going to help her find Aria.

“Thank you….um.” Adagio didn’t know the Mane 6’s names except for Sunset Shimmer, so she decided to ask them. “What are your names?”

“I’m Twilight Sparkle, I’m a Princess back at Equestria.”said Twilight introducing herself to Adagio.

“Wait, you’re a princess?” Adagio said surprisingly, she didn’t know that Twilight became an alicorn princess back at Equestria since she was still in the human world with Sonata and Aria when it all happened.

“Yup, the princess of friendship!” said Spike with a smile.

“Wow, that’s amazing!” said Adagio.

“Yeah, and these are my friends’ human counterparts: Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash.” said Twilight introducing the Mane 6.

“And I’m pretty sure you know me.” said Sunset Shimmer walking up to Adagio.

“Yes, I do. And I’m sorry if me and the other two were being a bit cold hearted to you.” said Adagio apologizing for the events and cruelty she and the Dazzlings have caused.

“It’s alright, maybe I can help you get Aria back.” said Sunset Shimmer.

All of the girls including Adagio were surprised that Sunset Shimmer is actually going back to Equestria to help Twilight and Adagio. It’s been a while since Sunset Shimmer left Equestria and went into the human world, but now she seems ready to come back.

“You’re going back?!” Pinkie Pie asked surprisingly with her eyes wide.

“Yes, because I want to help you.” said Sunset Shimmer to Adagio with a smile, she kind of missed Equestria, but she’s still going back to the human world, since it’s now her new home.

“Thank you Sunset Shimmer.” said Adagio as she hugged Sunset Shimmer, she hugged her back.

“I better get Sonata.” Adagio mentioned, Sonata was still asleep, but the three are gonna need her help to bring back Aria.

“Ok, good luck.” said Rainbow Dash as Adagio ran to her home to get Sonata.

When she came home, she knocked on Sonata’s door where her bedroom was. Sonata opened the door, rubbing her eye since she was asleep.

“Hey Adagio.” she said yawning, “Did you find her?”

Adagio then explained about what happened and that Twilight and Sunset Shimmer are going to help them find Aria.

“What?!” said Sonata in sudden shock, “What are we gonna do?"

“I told you, Twilight and Sunset Shimmer are gonna help us. Now hurry up and get dressed.” said Adagio, Sonata when to her room and then 5 minutes later, she came back in her normal clothes.

“Alright, I’m ready.” she said coming out of her room.

“Ok, then let’s go.” Said Adagio, leading Sonata to the door.

They went back to the Canterlot High statue where the Mane 7 was, and they spotted Adagio and Sonata.

“You’re here!” said Pinkie Pie running up to Sonata and hugging her tightly, “We forgive you!” she said with a bright smile. Sonata blushed with happiness and decided to hug Pinkie back.

“Alright, I think we’re ready Twilight.” she said breaking the hug.

“Well, I guess this is goodbye until next time.” said Twilight.

“Yeah, but I’m still coming back.” Sunset Shimmer nodded.

“So are we.” said Adagio and Sonata at the same time.

“Alright, good luck girls.” said Applejack as she and the others come in for a group hug.

“Thanks.” said Sonata smiling.

“Bye!” said the human Mane 5 waving as Twilight, Spike, Sunset Shimmer, Adagio, and Sonata entered the portal back to Equestria.

To be continued…