MLP Scions Unite!!

by Chrome Masquerade

Part 1 Chapter 3: Applejack Reborn!

--Jacksonville General Hospital--

I came to in a warm place. It was delightfully warm and i felt comfortable. Then just as suddenly I was being pulled from it. Being pulled suddenly into the cold and all ain't no fun, I can tell ya that!

I heard voices, too. But I couldn't make them out at first.

“C-ngr-tu—tio--! i-'s a -ir-.”

“S-e's g-rg—us! H-r fa—er w—l be pr-u-!”

Suddenly my ears popped and I could hear clearly.

“Where is he, anyway?”

“Oh, ah'm sure he would be here, but he's got duties to perform. He has his, and now...”

The speaker, I presume my mother, lifted me up and hugged me.

“Ah have mine.”

“I understand.” the nurse replied.

My mother sniffed at me. “Hmm. Odd. You smell like apples. Hmm... if ya were a
boy ah would'a called ya Jack, but in a case like this, ah think ah'll call you... Applejack. Would ya like that? Hmm?”

“A'ja!” i exclaimed.

“Now let's getcha some breakfast.” She brought me to one of her nipples and i drank greedily. It tasyed like the finest apple juice, made from only the best apples, but richer. More creamy. As I drank, I could feel myself filling with a strange sort of power. Her milk was literally making me stronger!

At length I finished. “Good. Now go to sleep, my little Applejack.”

“Ah Pul Je-k...” I said, sleepily.

This startled both women. And rightly so! A few minutes ago I had barely been able to utter a few letters of my name, and now here i was, nearly speaking it properly and much of my baby fat replaced with lean, hard muscle.
The nurse noticed a little milk on my cheek and swabbed it, putting that in a container. “I'm sending this to the lab for analysis.”

“Why? It's just milk.”

“'Just milk' that increased your child's IQ and converted fat into muscle. If we can find the secret behind your milk, we could help all newborns. If I’m correct... your milk is a natural Enhancer!”

Anyway, one Eureka later, we were leaving the hospital, soon to be several thousand dollars richer. Turns out ma could be a shrewd negotiator. She didn't want the fame, though. Just the wealth. So she asked for 35% of the take as defrayal. This sounded more than fair to the nurse. BUT she in turn insisted that if she got an award or suchlike we would have to be there to share the glory.

We were later sharing a Nobel prize, much to mom's embarrassment.

At any rate, so began my childhood. I grew and developed quickly, spurred on by my mother's very nutritious milk. By two months I was up and walking!
Though I could talk (sorta) before I was an hour old, I couldn't read until i was 4.

Eventually, though, came school.

Every year I got As in gym, science, English and drama, music, art and so forth... but for some reason, try as I might, I could barely get the hang of math. I always studied hard, but I’d be damned if I could get more than a mediocre score. Not low enough to fail it, but often just barely not.

Where was I? Oh yeah.

Anyway, my parents (mother and grandmother) ran a farm. Mostly produce like apples, plums, pears, blueberries, currants, strawberries and more.
I have to give mom credit, she could really manage her time! She instinctively knew exactly which plants needed what fertilizer, she knew just when to go and pick the produce, the optimal time of day to water them, the-

I digress.

The point is that she was somehow able to run almost the whole darn place by herself! It wasn't just a small farm, either. It was 8 acres of land. My grandmother (Granny Smith, we called her) made jams and such with the produce we brought in, no easy task either!

I helped them out whenever I could. Turns out I had a green thumb, as they call it. More like a green hand! Anything I planted grew within days, not months!

Then things started to get... interesting.

I started to come into my powers at about 5 years of age. I had supernatural strength, speed, stamina and my “green hand” extended to an arm! Plants would grow just by me singing to them. (I started with watermelons.) If I sang to them once a day, by a week's time they were fully grown!
Later on, in an instant, if I liked!

Applejack Smith learns: Green Thumb, Accelerate Growth, Verdant Creation

Also I became capable of great feats of strength. I could bench press the farm's tractor! Keep in mind, I was 10 or so at this point.
Speaking of tractors, come the summer of my 13th year I didn't bother with that noisy contraption. I just hitched the over-sized rake to me and dug the land up myself!

Applejack Smith learns Mighty Heave, Uplifting Might

At school I became somethin' of a celebrity. A quote unquote “patron saint” (or, matron saint at least) of the harvest. They would tell me of their problems with their plants and often I would tell them what to do. Sometimes their plants were assailed by weeds. Situations like those I handled by myself. I would “tell” the plants that if the weeds wanted to take them over, then they'd do the same! The plants would effectively kill the weeds and absorb their nutrients.

Applejack Smith learns Inspirational Figure, Plant Communication

At my 18th year there was an.... incident. Some corporate jerks decided that they didn't like how successful we were. They wanted a take of our profits. Somewhere in the range of... 100%. Being the strong, independent type, my mother refused. And so they flat-out tried to kill my parents! And nearly succeeded! It was only with the aid of the conveniently arriving police that we were saved.

--Hospital, two hours later--

“Are they gonna be okay, doc?”

“Yes. They should be. We got the bullets out and patched up their wounds. Your grandmother, though, I'll be surprised if she ever walks again... ”

“Who were those guys anyway?”

“I'm surprised that it took them this long to find you. They're called the Green Club. They are a mob of ruthless thugs who pose as businessmen. They make successful farmers pay for protection and if they aren't paid, they kill the owners of the place or outright burn the land.”

“Wait, WHAT?!?”

I dashed out the door and ran back home, probably breaking a world record.
Sure enough, when I got there, everything was up in flames. The house, the fields, everything. I fell to my knees, sobbing. Minutes later the fire department arrived and the blaze was under control, but everything we had worked so hard for was destroyed.

One fireman said, “Sorry, girl. It's what happens to those who get the attention of the Green Club. It's happened before and I imagine it'll happen again.”

“The hell it will.” I said coldly enough that you could actually see frost forming around me. “Where do they set up shop?”

“4th street. Can't miss the place. Trust me. But-”

“I'll be back.” I said, cutting the man off.

Another tried to stop me. "Whoa! Whoa! Is this really worth-"

I glared at him

Reflex Roll: Intimidation - 6 successes

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way." I growled.

Begrdgingly, he aquiesced.

I began to walk to the mentioned place. As I did I heard a voice.

{“Applejack. With your current powers you can't beat them by yourself.”}

“So what am ah supposed t` do?!” I shot back at the voice.

{“Become who you were born to be. Become your father's daughter. Become... my scion. And exact vengeance upon those fools.”}

“Who are you, anyway?”

{“I am Xipe Totec earth god of the Aztlani. I am your father and, if you'll let me be, your ally. What do you say? Shall we make the bastards pay for what they did?”}

“With interest.”

{“Good. Excellent. While you are on your way there, i shall tell you of who you once were.”}

“All ears, father.”

{“Good. In a past life you lived in a land of peace and happiness – for the most part. A land largely populated by Ponies.”}

“Are you pulling m'leg, dad?”

{“Truly. You were one of six heroes among them. You were a farmer, running an apple orchard with the help of your family.”}

“I'm starting to remember! Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Big Mac...”

{“Yes. You and your five friends made the ultimate sacrifice to destroy a demon more powerful than any you had ever faced. You offered everything that you were to the heavens. We decided that your souls had better uses than sustenance. Speaking of, here we are.”}

I looked up. Turns out that the fireman was right. There was an ostentatious building before me. It had a wrought iron gate and behind it a four story mansion.

“Overcompensating for something, maybe?” I commented dryly.

{“Indeed. Now, take this.”}

in my hand appeared a pendant. On it was a jade statue.

{“Throw this to the ground when you get attacked. It will summon a receptacle for sacrifices. Now follow me on this. The more enemies you sacrifice, (whole is better) the more aid I will be able to send you. Deal?”}

“Let's make some mayhem.”

{“Not so fast! First.....”}

A wave of power flowed through me. I could feel myself getting stronger.

Applejack gains



