//------------------------------// // Part 1 Chapter 2: Relocations and Revelations // Story: MLP Scions Unite!! // by Chrome Masquerade //------------------------------// Part 1, Chapter 2: Relocation. As we drove along the highway, I considered what this meant for our lives. Would this go on my permanent record? How couldn't it? That said, would i ever go to another school? Graduate? Go to university? Fortunately my mother snapped me out of it. “Twilight! What's done is done. There's no point dwelling on it further.” “But... if I hadn't...” “If you hadn't used your magic, you would have DIED, child.” Mom said, reading my mind. “What if... this goes on my permanent record? I would never be able to go to another school!” “Well, we'll have to take that chance. Someone will listen. Trust me.” We drove on, way into the night. Apparently we were going to stay with my very odd uncle Geoffrey. And I do mean he was ODD. He ran a gizmo shop and had a collection of rare tools. These were versions of hammers, screwdrivers, ratchets, pliers and more. Limited edition versions of said tools. He had, for example, a screwdriver with a grip much like a large screw. He had a hammer that on one side, the flat end for the usual hammering, on the other side was a sort of blade/spear mechanism that would shatter stripped nails and screws. Brilliant, yes. Effective, double yes, but strange nevertheless. See what I mean? And these were some of his lesser... eccentricities. Spike tried to comfort me, but mom could see that I was still bemused. She said, “I can't really help you, honey. If i knew how to contact your father, I bet he would know. But, alas....” At that point a thought hit me: If he's a god, why not pray? That should get his attention! So I prayed, “Oh, father, powerful and knowledgeable Thoth, your daughter, Twilight, seeks your aid. What is my purpose? How can I master my power, so this won't happen again? Who, or what AM I, really?” {“So many difficult questions. So many possible answers.”} “Father? Oh, thank you for answering!” {“My pleasure child. You know, a lot of your... cousins take much longer to think of this method of contacting me. As somewhat of a reward for your astuteness, I shall answer your questions as clearly as i can. The first is fairly easy. Close your eyes and think. What might your purpose be?”} “Um... all I can tell is that is has something to do with magic.” {“Yes. And since I'm also a god of knowledge, what do you think would be the best way to exercise that?”} “To.... Teach students of my own! To... unlock their power and teach them how to use it for the benefit of all!” {“Yes, child! I knew i made the right choice! Now, your third question is slightly harder to answer.”} “I'm all ears, father.” {“Listen well, my child. Several years ago you lived in another world, as did your brother. You were the very pony that you reverted to when your Mana Flare ended. She, or you, and your friends made the choice to sacrifice yourselves to save your homeland, the land of Equestria. We gods answered your prayers, and defeated the threat, at the cost of your lives. When your brother, a dragon, heard of this he more or less stopped living, himself. We brought him along because of your bond, and out of mercy. We decided that your souls should be reborn, as our Scions.”} “Scions?” {“Yes. Half god children such as yourself and your brother, who have a great destiny, are Scions. Now, your second question intertwines with the first. I shall make a deal with you, here. As you grow older and teach more students of magic, I will grant you new boons and unlock new spells and abilities for you. These, in turn, will give you more opportunities to master your magic. Deal?”} “As you say, father, it shall be.” At this my father chuckled. {“My good child. For now, here is all the power I can grant you. Are you ready for it? It will feel... strange.”} I braced myself for it. {“Here it comes! Good luck, Twilight Sparkle! Surely we shall speak again. Tell your mother I said hello!”} My father broke the contact, and a moment later I felt a rush of power flow through me. It tingled up my spine and through my arteries. Twilight gains: 1 points Strength, and Stamina. 2 points Charisma, Dexterity, Manipulation Appearance, Perception and Will 3 points Intelligence (+3 of epic intelligence) 1 dot melee, survival and medicine 2 dots athletics, fortitude, investigation, science, academics and politics 3 dots awareness, integrity, marksmanship and occult Boons: Ren Harvest: When someone speaks of her accomplishments in a favourable way, she rolls Charisma + empathy. Number of successes = legend points gained. Animal Aspect, Sekem Barrier: floods self with magical energy, forcing a surge. Sky's Grace: takes little to no damage from falls Wind's Freedom: Can jump as high or as far as she likes without penalty or damage Knacks: Fast Learner, Teaching Prodigy, Know-it-all, Social Chameleon The contact cut and I awoke. I felt even more powerful than before. I could feel the powers of ages long past flowing through me like honeyed milk, at once sweet and running quickly. “Dad says hi.” I told my mother. “You... contacted him? How?” “He's a god, so I prayed.” “That... actually makes sense.” i turned to Spike. “Why don't you try it, bro? Pray to Horus. I'm sure he'll hear.” “Okay. Here goes.” Spike said. “Oh father, wise and just Horus. Spike, your Scion wishes to speak with you. Who or what am I? What is my role in life? How may I help my sister? The answers are beyond me.” {“Ah, Spike. My newest Scion. I was wondering if you would find a way to contact me. I never expected you to choose this method. Well done.”} “Heh. It was my sister's idea.” {“Ah, your sister... Twilight, is it?”} “Yes father. That's right.” {“Please. I would have my Scions call me by one of my names. You may call me Heru, Nekhemy, or simply Horus.”} {“Alright, 'Horus', then.”} {"Better. Now, in answer to your questions, Firstly, you and your sister were, in your previous life, inspirational figures in a land called Equestria, the majority of the populace were miniature horses, or Ponies, as they preferred to be called. Your sister was one of the leaders of the nation. You, however, were her assistant and constant companion, a young dragon.”} “Really?” {“Indeed. Your sister and her friends made the ultimate sacrifice to remove a threat from the land, sacrificing everything they had to do so. When we say that you almost ceased living yourself, in grief, we took you along as well. You were reborn not only as Scions, but as siblings.”} {“Wow... that would explain this mark on my thigh.”} {"That, in Equestria, is known as a Cutie Mark. It represents your special talent. Your Sister's represents magic in general. Yours, a dragon on a shield, represents your loyalty to your sister and will to protect her and others dear to you."} {“And now that Twilight has... Awakened, i suppose you could say...”} {“Indeed. It will be all the more difficult. But as my Scion you are a Bravo.”} {“A... What now?”} {“A Bravo. It means that you enjoy excitement and danger, and difficult situations only make you stronger and more determined. I suggest you one day take up a job in law enforcement. As to your third question, I'll make you a deal. As you grow and come into your powers more and protect more people i will give you new boons to help you to further do so. Deal?”} {“I'm okay with that, Horus.” {“This is all the power i can give you at the moment. Remember: protect the weak. Avenge the deaths of innocents and bring justice to all. One day, you two might ascend to godhood yourselves.”} “That i will do!” {“Alright, here it comes! Tell your mother that I love her, no matter how far apart we are!”} Spike gains: 1 point: Dexterity (3), Charisma (2), Manipulation (2) 2 points: Stamina (4), Appearance (3), Perception (3), Intelligence (3), Wits (3) and Strength (4, +3 points of epic Strength 1 dot: Academics (2), Empathy, (2), Integrity (2), Politics (1) 2 dots: Animal ken (2), Athletics (3), Brawl (4), Awareness (3), Fortitude (4), Melee (2), Presence (2), Science (Geology) (2) 3 dots: Survival (3) Abilities/Boons Natural Armor: Activates automatically when entering combat. Soaks 4 lethal damage, negates bashing damage. Animal Aspect: May take on, well, an aspect of his original form. Animal Form: Can take on his full dragon form if he so wishes. Judgement: Intuitively knows whether a suspect is guilty of a crime or not. Sky's Grace: Takes little to no damage from falls Wind's Freedom: Can jump as high or as far as he likes without penalty or damage Penetrating Glare: in this case causes enemies to have to roll Wits+ Integrity or be more or less petrified by his angry glare. Warrior Ideal: Scion takes on the attitude, move set and role of a warrior of some kind, be it a berserker, sniper or samurai. Knacks: Heat Immunity: Can pretty much bathe in lava and not get hurt. Mighty Heave: As a feat of strength he can lift massive objects Body Armor: Self Explanatory. Bashing damage is halved and 4 lethal damage is soaked Inner Furnace: As long as he finds SOMETHING to eat he can survive. Also can drink contaminated water and survive. Uplifting Might: Can carry objects many times his own weight Regeneration: Heals damage faster than most others. Heals 1 bashing damage for every turn he is inactive. Predatory Focus: With this Knack, he can follow his prey across *any* sort of terrain as long as the prey continues to flee and does not take significant pains to mask its scent or minimize the disturbance its passing causes. (The former entails such extremes as swimming a mile upstream in a rushing river or taking refuge inside a functioning hog-rendering plant. The latter includes little short of levitating or flying.) Refined Palate: He has exceptionally precise senses of taste and smell With a faint sniff or a tentative taste, he can figure out what ingredients compose a certain concoction, and in what proportions. He can also sniff out drugs or poisons that have been added to what he was about to wolf down, as well as detect airborne toxins by the way they make the air taste. Unfailing Recognition: He can recognize any person that he's familiar with by almost invisible hints. He can tell who it is by so little as the way they shake hands. The contact broke and suddenly Spike awoke. “Twilight! I remember everything now.” “Remember what?” our mother asked. “Our past life.” Spike replied. “Oh?” “Yeah. We lived in a totally different world. A world typically of magic and peace. I was just a dragon then and Twilight was everything to me. She was my mother, my aunt, my best friend... But now, we're so much more.” he said, hugging me. “But I remember our other Friends. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie...” I finished, “Rarity, and Fluttershy. I wonder... I wonder how they're doing...” “You think we'll see them again?” “I hope so. We can only hope.” We drove on into the distance, hoping for the best.