Diary of a Hero

by Napa39

Entry 2

Entry 2
I am sorry for stopping the last entry so abruptly. Like I said, I ran out of pages to write my journal on and went out shopping for about one thousand fresh peices of parchment. Let me continue from where I left off.

The little blue Alicorn had woken up from her nap, and was staring in awe at the two paralyzed Pegasus guards standing in front of her.

"How did you manage to successfully stun them?" Asked a bewildered queen, "Those guards were trained to withstand stun spells."

"Yes, I could feel their resistance with my weaker spell," I replied, bowing to show respect, "But I have been practicing many forms of magic for years now, and have perfected stun spells quite nicely. I have even, uh... Created some spells."

The little night-blue filly was now curious as to who I was, and wispered something into her fathers ear. Who wispered something back and turned back to me.

"You have proven your strength in spell casting, but how about hoof to hoof combat?" Said the king, summoning two more guards. The other princess, a white Alicorn with pink hair, had woken up from her nap as well, and was curious to see my skill set.

"To be honest, your majesty," I said, faking shyness, "But I do not wish to harm anypony. This test would only prove how weak your guards are, not how strong I am."

The king seemed a little insulted by this remark. "You have a smart mouth, I see. Let's see how well it fairs against my two mightiest guards." He said, nodding his head towards the guards, who promptly started attacking.

These ones were not any smarter than the last two, because they tried the same technique. One of them charged my legs, while the other went for my head. 'This is too easy.' I thought, taking a step left to miss the guards.

I stuck out my hoof, tripping one of the guards, and lunged at the other. He jumped over me, to which I kicked above me, hitting him in the head and knocking him out instantly. This left the other guard who I tripped.

"Come at me, bro!" I taunted, luring him into a trap. He jumped towards me, and I slid under him, jabbing at his nerve clusters as we passed eachother. This had the same effect as stunning the other guards, and he was instantly paralyzed.

The royal family sat there, mouths gaping.

"T-that was unbeleivable..." The queen stuttered, "It happened so fast, I don't know what to make of it..."

She was right, the whole scene had taken about three seconds. I was amazed myself, thinking that I wouldn't have been that fast with this new body. The two princess' were very exited to have seen such a battle, no matter how long it was.

"Mom?" Asked the blue Alicorn, "Can we keep him?"

I wasn't sure if I should have felt honoured or insulted at that, so I let it slide. I took a few steps forward until I was a few feet from the thrones.

"Your majesty," I addressed the king, bowing, "I have passed your... tests, and I am sure that I have proven worthy to be a guard, but all I want is a job as a teacher, or a sitter if you'd like."

"You have proven your self a warrior, but not as a teacher," replied the king, "If you wish to prove to be a teacher, cast a spell that none of us couldn't possibly know."

I had to think. I adapted to their lifestyle so fast, and their spells seemed moderate, which limited my choices. But there is one spell that I knew that could only be cast by a creator of the omniverse; a spell of creation.

"Have you any that we do not know of, Sir Solar?" Asked the queen, now as curious as her children.

"I have one, and it is one of controlled chaos." I replied, focusing my red magic on one spot in the middle of the room. 'This would be alot easier if I had hands' I thought, 'But I can't let them know I'm human... Not yet.'

A dark orb started to form where I focused my magic. But... It wasn't dark... Nor was it bright... It seemed to absorb the light that surrounded it, and a slight gravitational pull came from it, but not enough to do anything.

"This is what's known as an uncharged Black Hole," I explained, "All it can do now is absorb the light immediately surrounding it. But if I give it charge, it could destroy all of Equestria just as easily as I took out your guards."

The royal family was once again amazed at my skill. I knew that this spell would prove my worth, since I am one of the creators of the onmiverse.

"It would seem as though you have proven me wrong once again, Solar," said the king, with a sigh of defeat, "You have proven yourself worthy of being a teacher, and your combat skills and politeness have proven yourself to be an exellent foalsitter, but I am afraid that the final descision belong to my daughters; Celestia and Luna."

The two Alicorn fillies trotted towards me, as I remained motionless. They studied me for what seemed like hours. The white one, whom I presume is Celestia, seemed a little unconvinced that I would be suitable, while the younger one, who I think is Luna, seemed overjoyed that I had passed the tests. After a few minutes of studying, the princess' stepped to the side to decide if I should protect them or teach them, or both. With my highly trained ears, I could almost hear everything they said.

"I don't know, Luna, he just doesn't seem like the teaching type to me..." Said Celestia, "And there's something about him I don't trust..."

"Aww, c'mon, 'Tia. I checked his aura, and it's the whitest aura I've ever seen! Just see for yourself."

I could see that the one called Celestia was focusing on my aura, and was not very surprised to see that Luna was right; it was whiter than any star in the heavens.

"Oh, all right. We'll accept him for now. But if something does turn out to be wrong with this guy, I'm having him thrown out."

They walked over to their parents and wispered their desision. The king stood up, bekoning me to step closer.

"My daughters have made their desision. You are now their teacher, and have the dutie of watching over them whenever my wife and I are not here," exclaimed the king, "You may pick any unoccupied bedroom in this castle as your living quarters for the time being."

"If I may, sire. What is it I shall teach Princess' Celestia and Luna?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Chuckled the king, "You are to teach them magic!"

This marks the end of this entry, and the end of the beginning of my adventures in Equestria. If you haven't already figured it out, I am writing this in my new living quarters while I have time to.