//------------------------------// // Sombra // Story: My Roommate is a pony? // by Meh121 //------------------------------// "This pathetic farce is boring me." Sombra yawned as he picked Fluttershy up with his magic and threw her around. Fluttershy screamed as she tried to break free. Death Jr. leaped forward and took a slash at Sombra he easily teleported out of the way, he laughed as he threw Fluttershy across the floor. She laid there struggling to get up. Pinkie tried to hit Sombra with her party cannons he simply vanished into the shadows and kicked the cannons back at Pinkie knocking her down. Death Jr. tried to jump at Sombra once again this time he struck a blow. "Quick Twilight can you teleport us to the castle?" I asked Twilight. My smile returning seeing her once again brought a warmth to my heart once again. "Are you sure?" Twilight asked stopping in her tracks. I nodded. She closed her eyes and began to cast her teleportation spell. Her horn lit up the forest lighting up in our small area. A bright flash happened but the spell didn't work we were teleported but not even close to the castle. "What happened?" I asked her putting a hand on her head. "Sombra put an enchantment that doesn't allow teleportation magic." Twilight sighed annoyed. "Perhaps you should go on ahead of us with your phoenix. He should be able to carry you...despite his small stature. They learn very quick, yours seems to learn quicker than the others I've encountered." Death stated pointing to Flame Tail. "Flame Tail quick take us to the castle!" I shouted. I looked back to see the somewhat larger than a hawk, the flame bird swooped back and charged forward to pick me up. "Aye Sir!" He shouted as he took off with me in pursuit. "Do be careful. He has all ready taken down Fluttershy and Pinkie!" Twilight shouted. I turned around to give her a wink and smirk. 'Great like that is any reassurance.' Twilight thought with a sigh. "Quickly guys right this way!" Rainbow shouted as she came back from finding where they were after Twilight's spell. "You heard her move out!" Twilight shouted as they all hurried behind Rainbow. "Pathetic the only one left standing is me.Rather boring I did hope you would put up more of a fight. Oh well time to hasten the sacrifices." Sombra laughed manically. He kicked Fluttershy down a few more times as she was the only one who was still trying to stand. He laughed harder hearing her give out a few weak cries of pain. He gave an extra hard kick to Death Jr. for giving him a scratch on his armor. The kick sent him flying. "Th..they....will s-stop you." Fluttershy coughed up. "Who your little friends? I'm afraid that every room but this one has a magic encryption that will not allow anyone to pass." Sombra laughed. "Go right through the window Flame Tail!" I shouted. "Aye sir!" We crashed right through the window where Sombra was in. "I see perhaps I should put another enchantment on the windows before that little rainbow haired one starts dropping you guys." He said rather coldly. "I told you they would come." Fluttershy smirked. I was still getting up from crashing through the windows. I looked to see Sombra give another kick to a standing Fluttershy. "Why you little whelp! I think I'll kill you just for fun!" He shouted grabbing his sword. "Light's Shield." I whispered hold my hand out to Fluttershy. Sombra brought the sword down only for nothing to happen. He swung again and again. "Why won't this shield break all ready!" He yelled. "SOMBRA I'VE COME TO MAKE YOU ATONE FOR YOUR CRIMES!" "Ahh I see the little disturbance from earlier, this is great. You'll be buried right next to her, the best part is she gets a front row to seat to watch you die. In fact I'll only seal off this room so your little girlfriend you worked so hard to bring back will get to watch you die as well." Sombra grinned. "Oh that's just great well then let's get started." "Tyler wait you don't stand a chance!" Twilight shouted. "Why can't we pass!" Rainbow shouted trying to charge through the barrier. "It's an encryption spell, perhaps I can decode the ancient text." Death pondered for a moment before nodding. "Don't fight him he is much to powerful." Twilight cried out. I looked back at her and smirked. "Remember when you and I first met? How I was afraid of you, well perhaps I was wrong. Maybe I was afraid of myself." I told her. "What are you getting at?" Twilight asked. "I think I was afraid that I would never be acceptable to change. Now suddenly we went from being some normal couple going to college, well to this now we've grown so much in a short time. Just trust me on this." I winked at her. "Touching I figured I'd let you get your last words in." Sombra cut in. "I see well my apologies for holding you up." I readied my blades as he readied his as well. "Darkness Consume Soul." Sombra whispered. The room went dark I couldn't sense him anywhere. "Tyler don't let him get a hit on you, this ability will tear your body and soul to shreds. He is opening up big, don't let him make you a quick fight!" Death shouted. "Jeez you're starting to sound like my parents, I'll show you something pretty cool I worked with Flame Tail on the flight over here." I chuckled. "I've got you now!" Sombra yelled as he was ready to strike. "Phoenix Radiance!" I shouted. "Aye Sir!" Flame Tail yelled as his body and mine lit up with light. "Well that certainly is new." Death smiled warmly. The darkness in the room dissipated. The other shielded their eyes due to the brilliant colors of the light and the colors of a phoenix melding together. The room was lit up like a rainbow, the light bounced off the windows to increase the intensity of the light. "You see Sombra there is no light that the dark can't touch." "You are a fool to think that your little feat means you've won." Sombra leapt through the air attacking with pure strength, he used his unicorn magic this time and fired a few blast. I jumped out of the way of his sword but a few magic energies shot me in the chest sending me flying. I was sent flying into the wall by Twilight and the others. I looked up to see Twilight look down worried. Sombra didn't let up as he teleported behind me and kicked my body sending me skidding across the ground. "Are you alright?" Flame Tail asked concerned as he flew towards me. "N-ne..never bet...better." I smirked slowly getting up. Sombra fired another magical blast, Flame Tail moved in the way and took the blast at full force. His little body flew through the air crashing next to Fluttershy. "What a shame he took that blast to try and save you, to bad." Sombra laughed as he fired another blast of magic. This green and black ball of energy felt stronger than the other ones before it. They hit me head on sending my body crashing into a pillar. Again Sombra teleported and hit me full blast with the same spell this time it was red and black, it felt stronger than the others before it. The worst part was the attack was point blank. I fell next to Twilight again. I looked up and saw she began to cry. "Stop this!" She cried out. "Don't worry you'll be joining him soon enough." "Twilight." I whispered stretching my bleeding hand out a bit. "You're still alive well perhaps you need another lesson in pain." Sombra said slowly walking over to me. "Shadow Reaper." He laughed his weapon stretched out a bit glowing with a red and black glow similar to everything about this insane pony. "The crystal ponies and soon the others will once again be nothing more then slaves. Your pitiful team up has accomplished nothing. You see the others that lay here they will soon die. Just like you!" He laughed as he stood above me. He readied his sword and aimed it at my neck. "Friends are pointless, you are a fool to put your trust into them." He called out pointing to all of them. "Sombra stop this he doesn't have to die!" Twilight yelled. The tears streamed down her face. "Well fine shall I start with you, I mean dying twice in the same day sounds like fun. In fact I'll break your soul down slowly and painfully. It'll be fun." He chuckled which soon turned into him laughing harder than before. "You said I can't put my trust into my friends, you must be a fool." I said my body glowing with the light, my wounds slowly began to heal up. "You make me sick wishing to enslave others, you are pathetic. People and ponies like you don't deserve to live!" I shouted kicking him off of me. I quickly threw one of my swords at him. "Heaven's Strike!" I yelled as the blade soon took off and impaled him in his hoof. He positioned himself so his chest wouldn't take the blow. "My, it seems like I struck a nerve with you. Is this your true power, perhaps I should show you mine." Sombra smiled as he took off his cape, his body began to glow with a red energy. He pulled the sword out of his leg and licked the blood. I looked at him wide eyed. "If you take your eyes off the fight I'll be taking your head." He whispered I turned around to see him slashing his sword right behind. "He is fast, there is no way Tyler can keep up with him." Rainbow said. "Tyler just get out of there!" Twilight shouted. "Never I can't allow someone who doesn't care about friends be allowed to walk out of here. This big wishes to enslave others, I can't stand for this. I will fight to my dying breath for the others freedom!" I grabbed my other sword from the ground and parried an attack of Sombras. He began to charge his horn for a strong attack once again. I quickly used another Light's Shield but didn't have enough time to use it properly. "Very smart he used his shield, there is no way Sombra will break through that one." Twilight said in joy, she wiped away her tears. "It's not going to be strong enough he didn't have enough time to say it out loud, you see while using the light out loud it becomes stronger. It shows your faith, it makes your enemies falter. That is how it's supposed to work, very few paladins master the art of quiet contemplation where there spells are just as strong without using the words. Though I must say that Phoenix Radiance he created is quite the feat of strength." Death chuckled. "Wait I thought paladins used spells from the light, you're saying they can create their own?" Twilight asked. "Yes every one of us has our own preferred fighting style, while certain abilities are the basics of being a paladin. They have the freedom to create their own spells, they can even teach them to others." Death said. "Twilight would ya quit distracting him so he can crack the encryption." Rainbow interrupted annoyed. Her head placed against the wall trying to break through it. "Oh you see I all ready figured it out, you see it can't be unwritten until this fight is over. So we just have to hope for the best. Sombra is stronger than the boy, but I will say he has heart." Death noted. "You've got to be kidding me!" Rainbow yelled annoyed her eyes went wide with rage. She tried pounding on the wall. "Flutters don't you die on me! You can't I love you!" Rainbow shouted. "Rain..Rainbow." Fluttershy smiled warmly as she began to stand up slowly. She charged with all the energy she has left, her rage guiding her blow as she charged Sombra into the wall. "Quick heal your phoenix partner, I'll move the others into safer distance." Fluttershy told me, I nodded swiftly and ran over to Flame Tail. "Did you just say you love her?" Twilight asked with a blush. "Look, I know what I said, you don't have to rub it in anymore." Dash blushed as she hid her face. 'I swear only mortals can be this happy while one of their friends is fighting.' Death silently laughed. "Light's Blessing." I whispered as a ray of light came out of my hand, it began to wake up Flame Tail. He jumped straight up and saluted. "Reporting for duty Tyler." Flame Tail said. I pulled him closer and whispered a plan to him. "Aye sir." He said as he took off to the ceiling circling above. "That was a cheap blow." Sombra said teleporting again. I could sense it this time and took a slash at his armor. "Light's Blades!" I shouted as I took another slice this time slicing his armor off of him. "Well now I see that's how you want to play it." Sombra said taking off the rest of armor. "That hoodie of yours is almost like using a coat of fur, I see perhaps you are stronger than I've taken you for. You've fought all this time and with no armor. My you are quite fun." Sombra smirked. I took off the sweat shirt revealing my chest and back. My phoenix tattoo was glowing brightly as I took my stance. "I say now that you mention it you are pretty pathetic, this great being of darkness being taken out by a novice paladin. Hell I'm not even in great shape, yet you've failed to kill me it's pathetic." I laughed as I looked up above and saw Flame Tail glowing brightly as he began his descent. "Phoenix Claw!" We both shouted as I punched him and Flame Tail took a swipe at his face. "Was that your almighty attack, distract me for just that, sure the cut burns but that is it." Sombra sighed annoyingly. "Quick Flame Tail use your fire on his wound." "Aye sir!" Flame Tail flew down and used his flame breath into the wound. Sombra jumped out of the way so that only part of it would touch his face. He grabbed Flame Tail and threw him next to Fluttershy. "You did good little buddy!" I yelled. "Well your little attack didn't really help you all that much now did it." Sombra smirked as he took a slash at me. I dodged most of it but part of the attack still hit me slicing some of my skin. 'I can't use any more of my energy to heal wounds I have to go straight on the offensive.' "Heaven's Strike Double Attack! Light's Blade, Phoenix Radiance!" I shouted all spells worked with unison I had to hope they would deal enough damage to him. My body gave off the same glow this time directly aimed at Sombra he screamed in pain as the light burned his eyes a bit, I took a slash at his chest and legs. He fell to the ground as he yelped in pain. The sounds of him hitting the ground echoed through the air. His black blood leaked out slowly. "Well fought paladin." He whispered before his body began to turn into a black ash. The others came bursting through the door now that the spell was broken. Twilight picked up Flame Tail and quickly ran over to me tackling me to the ground. She began to cry as she hugged me almost giving me a death grip. "Is it true what you said?" Fluttershy asked looking up at Rainbow. "Of course it was. I could understand if you didn't feel the same way though." Rainbow sighed kicking the ground nervously. Fluttershy pulled her down and gave her a kiss. "I love you too." Fluttershy blushed, Rainbow quickly followed suit. "It looks like the fight is over and it looks like once again the brave heroes have defeated Sombra who was suspected behind all the evil behind the forest. This is Anchor Mare, Windstrider signing off from The Equestrian New Network." The news cut off giving to a commercial. Katie paused the T.V. and gave a quick look at who was in the shot. She gasped seeing Twilight and I. "Why that idiot he almost got himself killed! Mom I'm going to Equestria!" Katie shouted, her mom gave a typical mom response of bring warm clothes and to be safe response. 'I've wondered where they went off too.' Katie thought as she grabbed some clothes and cash. She looked into the mirror before giving a wink and taking off. "So does anyone care to explain why you guys were being sacrificed?" Death asked the small crowed of humans and ponies. "It.....it was to hasten the return of an old god. That's what Sombra said. He told us we should be grateful for being used to bring back an old one." A scared pony said. "Wait a second professor are you okay? I asked. He gave off a weak nod and smile. I gave a sigh of relief. 'Sombra you fool you forgot that friends make you stronger, it's a shame that it had to end this way.'