Golden Flash

by rikkuidol

Remembering You Hurts


"What the Hay!!!" said rainbow dash in her mind
"someone as fast as me? maybe even....." before rainbow dash could finish that train of thought Golden Flash was right next to him.

"i must commend you on being this fast, heck your Almost as fast as me!" said Golden Flash with a Grin on his face.
"HEY! FLYBOY! we're at the same speed your not faster than me, let's see you keep up!" with that last sentence said, rainbow dash Picked up speed and so was Golden Flash they both are going to break the sound barrier in a few more seconds.

"WOWIE ZOWIE!! look at those two GO!!" said Pinkie Pie while holding a Banner saying (GO RAINBOW DASH!)
"By my Gran papi's Hat, i never thought i'd see the day wer some pony can match RD, Wehll "that" some pony is from the Wonderbolts! guess they do live up to their name!" said Applejack.
"they're amazing! we'll get to see a double rainboom! that's not even in any speed record boo....."
before twilight could even finish her sentence the two already achieved the Double Rainboom,

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooow" all was in awe of the sonic rainboom, but something seems wrong, one line of the double rainbow is moving more forward and is heading upward to the direction of the sun.

"This CANT BE!!!" Thought Aloud by rainbow dash with widening eyes
"we both achieved the rainboom... BUT he's still gaining speed!! IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE! i'm wayyyyy more Lighter Than Him! is that even possible!? it does'nt add up! and what is he trying to do??"

Golden Flash was going faster and faster heading up to where he calculated and that the ponies below are looking at him going near the sun, well not exactly the sun itself but just the naked eye view of the sun.

"Now for the final step.. focus your speed!" said golden flash in his mind.
for a split second he stopped then did a quick "L turn" from the naked eyes view of everypony pony below form the sun and did a sonic rainboom again, due to the sun's light, golden flash's mane and the rainboom, the trail he left was not a rainbow any more but yet a Golden trail...

Every ponies eyes widened and mouth agape, INCLUDING the princess, she knew a rainboom is achievable with pure speed, but combining the sun's light, a ponies mane, the right calculation and placing of the eye, it was pure Genius. Inside her own Private Chambers, Princess luna was at awe when she saw the double rainboom, but her jaw dropped when she saw what happened next,

"A Golden Trail.... wow!" gaspped luna.
"they we're right when they said that the gold was at the end of the rainbow" said luna with a smile.

everypony was shocked, but not because they saw a double rainboom or the golden trail but because some pony was faster than rainbow dash, most of equestria knew that Rainbow dash was the fastest pony around, even the princesses knew little of what Golden flash can do or what his true capabilites was.


"Try to keep up Rainbow Crash.........hahaha" said a small filly's voice
"HEY! it's DASH!! not CRASH!!"
"you dont need to tell me twice! try not to crash instead so that i won't call you that!" said the filly's voice



"That was amazing FLASH!! you never did that before!!" said soarin.
"So you have these kinds of tricks hidden huh flash?, but this was supposed to be Rainbow Dash's Audition/Recruitment! did you have to outshine her like that?" said spitfire with a sigh.

"well....i just wanted to show that mare that.....that..... ughh!, my head stung a little! ouch" said golden flash while holding his head.
"You ok there flash? is it hurting again? wanna go to nurse redheart?" said soarin with a worried look on his face.
"nah i'm good..i'm good..."said golden flash "everytime i think something about rainbow dash or the past my head hurts like crazy! dang it.." thought golden flash.

"RD GIT YOUR FLANK OVER HIR!!" screamed Applejack. Golden Flash quickly turned around and saw a depressed rainbow dash slowly flying away...
"calm down dear, it must be hard on rainbow dash knowing all this time that she was the fastest in equestria, this sudden realization that there was somepony faster than her must have hit her hard." said rarity
"But this was supposedly her time to shine, some! pony should have been more considerate of a mare's! feelings before showing of like a horse on a mule!! and another thing...." grumbled Applejack but before applejack could continue her sudden fit of rage she was sweeped with a sudden gust of wind behind her.

"What the hay?" said applejack.
"well even though he's no gentlecolt, he sure is not oblivious to a mare's feelings" said rarity.
"yup! even if he might look or act like a jerk, he has his own way of things." added soarin.

"YO! Rainbow Dash! Where you going?" screamed Golden Flash.
"....go away, i'm no wonderbolt material i ate what i said earlier..." said rainbow dash head hung low flying slowly
"c'mon RD! your not like that?! giving up so easily" said Golden Flash
"SAY WHAT?! do you even know me?! HUH?!" screamed rainbow
"'s just that......ouch......."
"Hey! you ok there Flyboy? you...." before rainbow dash could finish her sentence, golden flash suddenly stopped flying and fell. Quickly Rainbow Dash Chased the falling Golden Flash!
"FLYBOY! FLYBOY! HEY!! OPEN YOUR FREAKING EYES!! WHAT"S WRONG" screamed rainbow dash, with the sudden turn of events she could'nt catch up to the quick falling of golden flash.

"Rainbow dash....rainbow dash.... every time i hear her name, my head hurts, who is she anyway? who....."
"......yo flash......."
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!" golden flashs' eye's popped open! he was in bed in a small room.

"where the hay am i? soarin? where am i?" said a confused golden flash
"you're in the hospital you silly colt! you passed out while talking to Rainbow" said soarin
"did i now?" said golden flash with a blank look on his face.

"is he awake now?" said a familiar voice behind the door of the room

"yep, 'Flyboy' is awake now! hehehehe" said soarin, "come on in.."

"hey flyboy, i mean! golden flash.... sorry bout earlier i was just depressed and all didnt meant to break out on you" said rainbow dash with her head hung low and apologetic.

"nah! it's ok, it was my own fault" said golden flash with a weak smile.

"better leave you two alone" said soarin

"WHAT!? i'm going too, i just checked up on him" said rainbow dash with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"nope! you aint going nowhere missy! you need to talk to your "Judge" if you passed or not" added soarin with a grin

"judge?? who?.. him? for what?" said a puzzled rainbow dash

"what? did you forget bout the audition/recruitment for the wonderbolts?" said soarin tilting his head

"yeah dash i will give you my decision" said golden flash

"there you have it, gotta go! some apple pies are waiting for me outside" said soarin, and with a wink to golden flash, he was gone.

with a sigh rainbow dash came closer to golden flash and sat next to his bed.

"so.. judge? how'd i do" said sarcastically by rainbow dash

"let me see here..." as golden flash somehow took out a clip board and glasses.

"speed... check"

"well it seems here we have a tie on the stats" said golden flash raising an eyebrow

"what the hay? what kind of scoring is that" said rainbow

"well you did'nt pass for a crash dummy, but for a wonderbolt well, look outside" said golden flash

"what do you mean?" said rainbow dash, then she flew a little and looked outside and saw her friends where out there with a big banner saying "CONGRATULATIONS RAINBOW DASH!!"

"What the hay is going ON HERE!!" said rainbow dash with a smile even though looking confused.

"well it seems that you where outside my room the whole time i was in this bed and didnt bother to go outside" said golden flash

"well! yeah!! i don't leave anypony hanging even if they are jerks!" said rainbow dash with a grin

"i know rainbow 'crash'.. i know..." thought golden flash but why he said that made his head hurt again all he said was
"You pass the test RD go to your friends Spitfire will brief you on your next test when you meet her outside"

"omygoshomygoshomygosh... I CANT BELIEVE IT!!" said rainbow dash

"better believe it, now go, your friends are all waiting for you" said golden flash

"you don't need to tell me twice!" said rainbow dash and with a wink

"whaaa...that's was...." said golden flash but before he could finish his sentence, rainbow dash flew from the opened window and went to her friends...


To be Continued