//------------------------------// // Sorry, No Muffinzord // Story: My Little Pony Rangers: Enter the Nightmare // by Lance Skyes //------------------------------// Foreword: This series will have its own plot. It’s only loosely based off of MMPR. Now, the thrilling debut of the Dragonzord! Rainbow Dash stood in awe as she saw the Dragonzord advance over the horizon. “Oh, no,” she said, “the others are still in Ponyville. I guess I have to work with just the Tyrannozord.” Rainbow Dash then ran to the top of the castle, where she manually activated the Tyrannozord. It burst to life and jumped out of its fissure. Rainbow Dash flew up and entered the Tyrannozord. “It’s just you and me, big guy,” she said to the Tyrannozord. “Now let’s go steal somepony’s thunder!” The Dragonzord was being piloted by Derpy, who was attacking Ponyville as an attempt to draw out Rainbow Dash. “Call me `Derp` now, Ponyville!” she shouted as she sent the Dragonzord rampaging. The Dragonzord was about to stomp out town hall when it was tackled by the Tyrannozord. “We meet again, green ranger,” said Rainbow Dash. “Indeed we do,” replied Derpy. “Does my new ride have `swag` written all over it, or what?” Rainbow Dash was a little confused by the question, but after seeing that it wasn’t an attempt to distract her, she replied. “No, not really.” “Oh,” said Derpy. “Oh well, moving on from that... DIE!” She then sent the Dragonzord charging towards the Tyrannozord. Rainbow Dash moved the Tyrannozord out of the way and into position for a counterattack, but Derpy’s green ranger powers made her much smarter than Rainbow Dash planned for, which resulted in the Tyrannozord taking a powerful hit to the chest. The zord was damaged, but Rainbow Dash got it back up. Derpy charged, but Rainbow Dash had more than one trick up her sleeve. She used the Tyrannozord’s powerful jaws to try to get a grip on one of the Dragonzord’s arms with little success. However, that was just to distract Derpy while an attack was made with the Tyrannozord’s tail. The attack landed, knocking the Dragonzord 5 football fields away. Derpy tried to get the Dragonzord back up, but it was too heavily damaged. “I’ll get you next time, red ranger!” shouted Derpy as she teleported the Dragonzord away. Back at Ponyville, the other three rangers were still looking for Pinkie Pie. “Rarity,” said Applejack, “have you found Pinkie yet?” “No,” she replied, “my unicorn magic isn’t strong enough. If only-” “Look!” Fluttershy suddenly shouted. “I think I see Pinkie!” Fluttershy pointed to an area on the outskirts of Ponyville where Pinkie Pie was battling a group of putty ponies who tried to capture her. “Let’s go help her,” said Applejack. The three then rushed to Pinkie’s aid. They only just got there when the putties retreated. “Thanks girls,” said Pinkie, “I really needed that help.” “Don’t thank us,” said Fluttershy, “They left before we got here.” At that moment, Rainbow Dash flew in. “I saw a group of putties, where did they go?” “I’m not sure,” said Rarity. “We should get back to Canterlot and plan out what our next move is.” The five then rushed to Canterlot. Sweetie Belle was hiding behind a corner listening to the whole conversation. “Well,” she said, “this is going deeper than I thought it would. I can’t wait to see the look on Apple Bloom and Scootaloo’s faces when they find out our sisters are the Pony Rangers.” At the moon base, Derpy was talking to Zecora about the Dragonzord. “It works like a charm,” said Derpy, “But it was beaten by one zord. It needs power that rivals that of the megazord.” “This is a problem, indeed,” said Zecora, “but perhaps it is their power that we must impede.” “So, what you’re saying is that we need a way to lower the megazord’s power?” “I would have said that in faster time, but I can only speak with rhyme.” “Then I’m going straight to Nightmare Moon. Hopefully she will be less annoying.” Derpy then walked off. “It is not my fault I talk like this, but this language gives me bliss.” Zecora said that to herself and then went to work on the Dragonzord. At Canterlot Castle, the rangers were discussing what they should do about the Dragonzord. Princess Celestia and Spike were also in the conversation. “It’s a good thing the Tyrannozord was able to combat the Dragonzord,” said Celestia, “but after playing the battle video several times, I found that the Dragonzord Rainbow Dash fought may have been a prototype.” “You record our battles?” asked Applejack. “Yes,” said Spike, “but we’re getting off topic.” “Princess,” said Rarity, “the Dragonzord may not be our only concern at the moment.” “Yeah,” added Rainbow Dash, “we have to find out who this green ranger is. If she knows my identity, it could spell real trouble.” “Pinkie,” said Fluttershy, “didn’t you get attacked by the green ranger when she was de-morphed?” “Yes,” Pinkie replied, “but I think I have mild amnesia. All I remember is that she ordered a muffin, and... AND I GAVE HER A CUPCAKE!” Pinkie started bursting into tears. Rainbow Dash stood there thinking out loud as Pinkie cried. “Muffins... muffins... I think we can really narrow this down. Fluttershy, come with me to Cloudsdale. I think I have an idea as to who the green ranger might be.” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew off, leaving the others at the castle. “We should probably search Ponyville,” said Applejack. “Ok,” said Rarity. As Applejack started walking out, Rarity stopped her. “Aren’t we forgetting something?” asked Rarity, indicating Pinkie Pie, still crying over the cupcake. “Pinkie,” said Spike, “if you stop crying, I’ll give you a cupcake.” “Okay,” said Pinkie, cutting her crying and going straight to her usual happy mood. “I will never understand that pony,” said Celestia. The rangers then walked off in search of the green ranger. At Cloudsdale, Derpy had returned. “Now,” she said, “I just have to wait down here for a few more hours while Zecora finishes the Dragonzord.” Derpy then flew off. Rainbow Dash happened to be flying towards Derpy. As they passed each other, Derpy shot Rainbow Dash a strange glare. “I wonder what that was all about...” Rainbow Dash said to herself. “And it wasn’t just Derpy being Derpy, either. Something’s not right.” She then began to follow Derpy. Derpy noticed Rainbow Dash following her. “Oh,” she said, holding her iPhone, checking her Twitter, “I’d better follow her back.” She then clicked the “follow” button. Suddenly, she saw Rainbow Dash flying toward her. “Unfollow,” she said as she unfollowed Rainbow Dash. She turned around to meet her. “Hi, Rainbow Dash.” “Derpy, what was with that glare you gave me?” “Um... I’m cross eyed?” “Derpy, I need to talk to you.” “About what?” “About the pony rangers. Have you heard of them?” “Who hasn’t either heard of them or had their house stepped on by one of their zords?” “How do you know what a zord is?” “That depends... HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS THE GREEN RANGER?” “You’re the green ranger?” “Um...” Derpy, obviously exposed, then took out the green dragon coin. “So, you know who I am. Now, the question is, why haven’t you and your friends figured it out sooner?” Rainbow Dash pulled out her morpher. “I guess we didn’t expect you. Nightmare Moon must be trickier than we thought.” “Oh, she’s full of surprises.” “Well, here’s your surprise.” Rainbow Dash flew quickly towards Derpy and punched her. She then flew down to Ponyville with Derpy following her. At the moon base, Nightmare Moon had found out that Derpy had been exposed. She then shouted in anger. “ZECORA! THERE’S NO PONY TO BLAME HERE, SO I WILL BLAME THE ZEBRA!” Zecora just turned to her console. “You don’t give me enough credit,” she said pressing a button. “Aren’t you going to make one of you’re annoying rhymes?” asked Nightmare. “I would make a rhyme, but the author has no time.” Nightmare stood there for a second, then spoke. “What did that button you pressed do?” “It sent the Dragonzord to Derpy’s aid. It is improved, and ready to raid.” Back at Ponyville, Derpy and Rainbow Dash were fighting. Many ponies were watching in wonder. They took their fight past Carousel Boutique, Sugarcube Corner, and even the market. The two ended up near Sweet Apple Acres. “Huh,” said Rainbow Dash, “that worked out better than I thought.” “Really?” asked Derpy. “There’s no pony around to help you.” “I wouldn’t be too sure.” As Rainbow Dash said that, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy (who happened to be at the market when the fight passed there), and Applejack ran in next to Rainbow Dash. “It was my plot to gather the attention of the other rangers. Now, make this easier on the author and morph with us.” “Fine,” said Derpy. “Go ahead.” All the rangers (including Derpy) pulled out their morphers. “It’s morphin time!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Honesty!” shouted Applejack. “Kindness!” shouted Fluttershy. “Laughter!” shouted Pinkie Pie. “Generosity!” shouted Rarity. “Loyalty!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Thunder!” shouted Derpy. All the pony rangers were morphed and ready for battle. Derpy took the first move, scattering the rangers. Fluttershy charged at Derpy, but Derpy dodged her attack and counter attacked. Applejack went at Derpy with a volley of kicks, all of which Derpy dodged. Pinkie tried to attack Derpy from the air, which wasn’t a good idea to do on a pegasus. Rarity tried to use her magic to attack Derpy, but it wasn’t strong enough. After defeating the other four rangers, Derpy turned her attention to Rainbow Dash. The two then began circling each other. “So,” said Rainbow Dash, “I finally find that you’re the mystery mare.” “To be honest,” said Derpy, “I’m surprised you didn’t find out sooner. Now, prepare to die.” As Derpy said this, the Dragonzord that Zecora sent down earlier. “Oh, I didn’t call that, but it works.” “Rangers!” shouted Rainbow Dash, “we need dinozord power, now!” The dinozords then came out of where they were hiding. They then rushed towards the rangers, who got into their respective zords. The zords then combined to form the megazord. “You really think that will be enough for my finished Dragonzord?” “Yes, I have a feeling it will be more than enough.” The Dragonzord and megazord clashed. The megazord had more power than the Dragonzord, but it was slower as well. The Dragonzord got many hits in, but the megazord was still standing. At least until it got tripped by the Dragonzord’s tail. The Dragonzord went in for the kill, but the rangers weren’t about to give up just yet. “We need the power sword, now!” called Rainbow Dash. The power sword came down from the sky and struck the Dragonzord. The megazord then grabbed the power sword and hacked and slashed at the Dragonzord until it retreated. Victory belonged to the rangers. Afternote: Here’s where the rangers hide their morphers (for those who are bugging me): Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Derpy: tucked behind their wings. Rarity: summoned by magic Applejack: hidden in hat Pinkie Pie: hidden in her poofy-as-hell mane Now you know. Also, I KNOW I'VE MIS-SPELLED ALICORN! STOP BUGGING ME!!!