//------------------------------// // Minisode 3: The Minoan Bull // Story: Forging Iron Will // by Gabriel LaVedier //------------------------------// The group of four were stunned into silence for a while, the three from Equestria contemplating the strange thing said to them, while the cowering dog tried to will away what he presumed was an apparition. In the end it was Iron Will himself who reached down and took the dog by his vest. “What are you talking about? My name is Iron Will, not Prince… whatever it was. Just who do you think you are and what kind of game is this?” The dog visibly cringed, and gave a cry of absolute terror as he was lifted up. “M-my name is Hyperion, good prince! I am only a poor sailor. I do not warrant your wrath! Please…” A hand reached up to grab at the arm, squeezing it a few times before an eye came open. “Is this… true? Do I feel flesh beneath my fingertips? Could you be… alive?” “Alive and confused and a little angry! No tell me what’s going on here!” The bull’s threats did nothing to the Diamond Dog. He seemed lost in his own contemplation. “Alive… the prince, alive! This is astounding! A miracle! Where have you been, my prince?” “I’ve… been… in the east. In Equestria.” Iron Will’s anger slowly melted away. The dog was not intimidated. He seemed… more than excited. “The land from which she raises the sun… of course! Not in the dark land beneath but in the sun. You are the bull of Minos, son of Pasiphaë. You would not submit to death, you would fight hard and live grandly, to return to us when you had completed some great task! Tell me, noble prince, what greatness have you completed in the land of the sun’s cradle?” “I… ran a successful self-help seminar series, teaching the ponies how to be strong and confident.” The dog stared a moment then burst out in a pleased, mirthful laugh. “Ah ha! You wander as a philosopher! You educate the many like an Atheralitian! But you peddle the knowledge of strength, as any good Concretan! You truly are our prince Asterion! Brothers! Fear not! This is no spirit! It is our prince!” The dogs that had scattered, those capable of hearing the call, slowly emerged from their hiding places, approaching with a trembling step until they could see the newly-risen canine patting Iron Will on the arm. Then they very boldly strode forward, cheering and thrusting fists into the air. “This was unexpectedly positive. I take it, then, that you will not be attacking us or taking us prisoner?” Rarity shrank back from the Diamond Dogs a touch, but gave her best diplomatic smile. Hyperion looked down on the ponies, as though noticing them at last. “Of course not! You are retainers to our prince, are you not? Some sort of… scribes or attendants?” “WHAT!?” The indignant tone in Rarity’s shout of rage was felt among the dogs, while the higher frequencies in her cry screeched through all their ears and made them whimper and cower. “Attendants!? Retainers!? How dare you!?” “Ummm, Rarity? That might not be the most… diplomatic way of talking to them.” Fluttershy cleared her throat and stepped in front of Rarity. “Um, we’re diplomats from the Principality of Equestria. We came with Iro… with Prince Asterion to bring him back to his father, and to try and establish a dialogue with Minos.” “Oh… you two are Sapphiric females. And you have been sent as a pair to keep the other focused on your mission of diplomacy. Welcome, servants of the dawn bringer. We will be happy to convey you to Concrete and bring you to his majesty Minos the 27th, lord of the Aegeman.” “That would be most lovely,” Rarity said, with a sigh as she brought herself back down to a calmer state, “But we also need to bring our own vessel so that we may have all of our equipment and personal guards.” “Of course. By right as messengers and diplomats you are allowed your train. Do you require a separate ship to bring across your items and attendants, and a guard for your transport?” Hyperion looked curiously at the two ponies, his expression growing more confused as they both began to laugh. - - - “By his majesty… truly the citizens of the east are astounding.” Hyperion gaped over the railing of the pony-built airship which hovered low, just above the merchant ship crewed by the Concretan dogs, most of whom were looking up in awe at their trailing companion vessel. “We have little trinkets and things, yes. Oh but I am certain we can have a mutually-enriching cultural exchange once we establish good relations with this King Minos.” Rarity was in fine form, smiling with great warmth at the astonished dog. “Why is there a bull head on everything? Signs, banners, plaster images, and your sail. I thought Diamond Dogs ruled in the Aegeman.” Iron Will hung back, his arms crossed over his chest. “It is the Minoan Bull, his majesty’s personal crest and a sign of Concretan control. Where it flies, there he rules.” “But why a BULL of all things?” “He did it for you, prince.” Hyperion let the revelation emerge with an offhanded casually ness. He seemed surprise by the stunned reaction of Iron Will. “Why do you seem so surprised? His majesty never abandoned hope that you would return. He believed, always, that you were alive, and wished for you to know he never gave in to the poisonous words of Theseus.” “Um, excuse me mister Hyperion. But, who is Theseus?” Fluttershy came up slowly, trying to be disarmingly cute. “His majesty’s advisor, quite the unpleasant dog. He is still young enough to be ambitious. He was the one sent to find you. He returned many years ago after a long journey. He found not a trace of you. From that moment forward he tried to convince your father you were dead. But he failed. And now how happy your father will be, to see he was right! He will not have to give his throne to Theseus.” “He never had another child? I would have thought… well… he’d just try again.” Fluttershy came up closer, growing more and more fascinated by the new explanations. “Oh no! Never. Her majesty queen Pasiphaë suggested it, gently, many times. But he always refused. He always feared if he had another child he would receive only sorrow, as had happened before. He could not bear losing another child.” “He cared… that much?” Iron Will was no longer looking at Hyperion. He only looked off into space. “His majesty’s sorrow was deep as the Aegeman itself; his rage more so. He did what was required. He would move sea, sky and stone to find you again. But I will let his majesty tell the tale. Behold, we arrive.” Hyperion pointed out over the ocean, to an approaching island. It looked suitably grand. The shoreline was golden, lined with stone jetties and quays, bustling with activity as ships left and arrived. Work ceased when the airship came into view, the figures on the ground staring at the arrival. Inland, the island was rolling and green, but also jabbed through with mountainous areas, looking to be cut through with active mines. It all led to the center of the island, to a high palace built into the style of the ancient Hipposian culture. The ship came to a halt before the palace, and descended. An area opened in the bottom and let down a platform. A small group of gold-barded ponies formed a horseshoe around Iron Will, Fluttershy, Rarity and Hyperion. There to meet them was a group of Diamond Dog guards in classical helmets and ancient-styled armor. All were carrying stout spears, and all were staring hard at the new arrivals. Hyperion stepped forward, through the pony guards, holding up a hand. “Hold! Hold! Let us through! I come with his majesty Prince Asterion and his companions, diplomats of the eastern lands! Let us see the king! He must see this for himself!”