//------------------------------// // Chapter2: Finding A Family. // Story: The Story To Dizzy Paws // by DizzyPaws356 //------------------------------// Made by: Dizzy Paws Chapter2: Finding A Family ----------------------------- As Dizzy Paws walks along his own path with his ears down. He has been walking through the woods for three days. The leafs have continue to dance in the air and fall onto the wet ground. It has been a long scene he had something to eat. He grows hungry. He try his best to not think of food but where to go. He comes across another water source, but this time it is not a lake or pond. It a small river. Dizzy Paws wondering why it is different the other water sources are he slowly walks to it. Clip, clop, clip, clop. Slowly Dizzy Paws leans his head down just a few inches from the small river. He takes a drink from it. Thinking he should stay near the river, he wonders if he should go the same way the river is going or to go the other way. He starts to walk into the water and walks with the current. As he throttles down the path the water he follows. In front of Dizzy Paws a loud splash, spraying water around the air and onto him. He quickly jumps back and onto his rump. When he opens his eyes from the scary moment he sees an apple. Not knowing what to do he slowly approaches the apple that is stuck on a few rocks. The rocks holding the apple still for Dizzy Paws. He remembers seeing something like it in the hospitable he left a few days ago. Dizzy Paws gently picks up the apple with his teeth, walks to the side of the river. He takes a few bites and enjoys every chew. Wondering where it came from he looks up. Seeing an old apple tree hovering over him. All the apples, being fire red and shiny as a freshly polished hoof. They sit far from the grasp of Dizzy Paws. The apple he has half way finished rest before him. Thinking of how to grab a few more for later he looks at the tree. Remembering how he pushed the door open, he pressed his hooves onto the tree. Flapping his wings to help the force to push the tree. After a few minutes of pushing the solid tree, Dizzy Paws drains his energy. He gets tired and sit on his knees next to the tree leaning his body to it. His eyes get heavy and slowly start to shut. Resting agents the tree fast asleep. The sound of the river trickling and the leafs wrestle around on the arms of the trees, Dizzy Paws sleep peacefully. A few hours passes from taking a nice nap. Dizzy Paws suddenly wakes up from hearing a thump from an apple hitting the ground. Opening his eyes from the well loved nap he sees a fallen apple. His eyes are a little blurry from the nap; he rubs his eyes with his hoof and stands up stretching. He walks to the fallen apple and pick it up gently under his wings, he walks along with the little river he has been following. As he throttles and splashes in the river. His mind getting distracted by the splish and splash. His ears up high and moving his hooves up higher. Throttling along the river and though the woods. His mind wonders around away from the scary woods. When he looks up at the sky watching the clouds move on by. Dizzy Paws snaps back into the real world. Seeing the little river leading into a small pond. He sets his apple on a small rock next to the pond and start to walk into the pond. Walking in far enough that the water gets to his neck. Using his wings to keep his head over the water so he can breathe. He slowly swims around and back to his apple. Shaking his body around getting his coat and winds to help him dry off. His apple getting a little wet, he pick it up and holds it under his wing. Quickly grabbing a fast drink from the pond he walks through the woods again. As his throttle gets stopped by the sudden stop of the earth. He slowly walks to the side looking off the egad seeing the land under his seem to be endless. He lowers his ears. The cliff is about ten feet tall but to Dizzy Paws, he sees it as it being an abyss. Dizzy Paws cannot see any other way around the cliff. So he tries to gather up the bravery to jump down and use his wings to gently land on the ground below. Dizzy Paws dropping his apple next to him he picks it up gently using his mouth. He counts to himself one... two... three... he jumps off the cliff flapping his wings hard to help his decent slow down to the ground. When all four hooves hits the ground gently. Looking back up at the cliff, he thinks if he should have or have not have done that. He just starts to walk again. Placing the apple back under his wing. seeing the day is starting to go away to make time for the night he walks faster. Coming across vary small cave just big enough for Dizzy Paws, he slowly fits himself into the hole. Dizzy Paws cuddles around the apple to keep it protected. Being a ball of fur and feathers around the fire red apple. Dizzy Paws dreams about splashing around in a shallow wide lake. Getting shook awake by a sound of a loud bag of a fast flash of light. he wakes up from the dream and looking into an endless down fall. Dizzy Paws goes to the back of the cave still tightly wrap around the apple he tries to get back to sleep. SlowlyDizzy Paws tears, they roll off the fur of him it and onto the apple. When the apple is cover with a few tears Dizzy Paws gently cleans it by rubbing his wings on it. He rest his head on his hooves and close his eyes shut as he slowly fall asleep. When the rain stops and Clestia's light glows into Dizzy Paws face. He stands up with his apple and starts off on his adventure more. Coming across a small puddle, he sits next to the puddle and rest his apple in front of him, he shiny red apple looking very tasty, he starts to eat it. As Dizzy Paws finished the apple having half of it left. He drinks from the puddle. Picking up the half of the apple he looks up seeing a fence. Thinking it's another challenge like the bridge and the cliff. He slowly walks to it. Clip, clop, clip, clop. He sees a small opening. Dizzy Paws slowly start to fit perfectly in the hole in the fence. Pulling his half red apple he gets it though with his wing. Turning around finding him in a park in a town. He sits down with his ears down, not knowing what to do. He looks back and forth. As he sits for a few minutes. Two earth ponies walking on a path that is next to Dizzy Paws . The two ponies stopped looking at him. "Honey, look a little colt. He looks lost.", Said by the light blue coat and dark blue mane mare. "We should help him out.", said the tan coat and red mane stalin told the blue mare. "He does not look like any pony we know. We should take care of him till his parents find him." Said the blue pony. "Ok.", reply the stalin. They slowly walk to Dizzy Paws. Gently picking him and his apple. Walking home with him, tearing not knowing what to do but letting him to be carried. Too tired to really do anything he slowly closes his eyes. As the stalin and mare take him there house, they put him on the couch and place his apple next to him with a warm blanket over him. Dizzy Paws is having the best nap he has had in days.