//------------------------------// // Standing Up/Reuniting // Story: Smeagol/Gollum In Equestria // by Oldtakufanboy //------------------------------// Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stood outside of the CMC's treehouse waiting for them to come on out. "Well?! We're waiting!" shouted Diamond Tiara impatiently. "Come on, out!" shouted Silver Spoon. The three fillies and their new member, Smeagol, peeked through the window of the treehouse. Scootaloo let out a grumpy sigh. "Who are they?" asked Smeagol curiously. " 'Bullies' are what they are. The pink one is Diamond Tiara and the other is Silver Spoon. They just make fun of us for not getting our cutie marks. They got theirs earlier than us." said Scootaloo. "What should we do?" said Sweetie Belle. "Le's jus' see what they want." said Applebloom. "Wait. What should we do with Smeagol?" said Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo pondered. She then turned towards Smeagol. "Smeagol, could you stay here and wait for us? We have some business to deal with." asked Scootaloo. "We'll stay and keep watch through the window." said Smeagol as he sat in place and smiled back. "Thanks Smeagol. We'll be back in a bit." said Scootaloo as she, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle walked through the door. As the door closed, Smeagol looked back towards the window, staring down upon the three little fillies meeting their bullies. "What do you want you two? We're busy." said Scootaloo as she walked up towards her. "Busy with what? Being cutie mark-less?" said Diamond Tiara. "No, we're havin' a new member joinin' us." said Applebloom. "A new member? Another loser joining your group? Don't make us laugh." said Silver Spoon with a snicker. "Where is she? Is she too scared to see how better we are than she is?" said Diamond Tiara. "Actually, it's a he." said Sweetie Bloom. "A HE?" said both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with surprise. "That's right. And he is far more interesting than you two. He's hundreds of years older than either of you." said Sweetie Belle standing up for Smeagol. "Hundreds of years old? HA!" laughed Diamond Tiara. "He's an old geezer! Where is he? Is he inside your treehouse? I bet it takes him twenty minutes to walk up those stairs." said Silver Spoon tagging along. "Let's see this new member of yours." said Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon walked towards the treehouse. Scootaloo rushed in front of them, blocking their way towards the treehouse. "Leave him alone. He's been through some sort of problem and we're not gonna have him going through another problem that involves you two bullying him." said Scootaloo in a protective manner. "I don't care. Get out of our way!" demanded Diamond Tiara. Scootaloo shook her head as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle joined in. "MOVE IT!" shouted Silver Spoon as she and Diamond Tiara tried pushing through the three fillies. Smeagol stood there peering through the window, down at the three fillies blocking the way up the treehouse from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. He was surprised to see three little fillies that he just met, were protecting him. He then felt something. He hasn't felt this kind of feeling since he was a little tike back in Middle-Earth. He felt…Cared. "GET OUT OUR WAY, YOU SACKS OF DIRT!" shouted Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon tried to get past the three fillies. Out of stress, Diamond Tiara then raised a hoof and smacked Sweetie Belle across her face. Silver Spoon copied by smacked Sweetie Belle on the opposite side where Diamond Tiara smacked Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle collapsed on the ground with a loud thud. Scootaloo and Applebloom's eyes went wide as they looked down on their wounded friend lying ground. Sweetie Belle then stood up shaking a bit, but collapsed to the ground. Scootaloo and Applebloom ran towards their fallen friend and helped her up to her hooves. "You guys should've stayed out of our way." said Silver Spoon. "Gross, I got blood on my hoof. I wished I haven't done that, but they deserved it for not getting out of the way." said Diamond Tiara as she flicked her hoof towards the three fillies getting tiny drips of blood on them. "LEAVE US ALONE!!! LEAVE, NOW!!!" shouted Scootaloo with fury in her eyes. "We're not going anywhere till we see your new member of the losers club." said Silver Spoon. "Why don't you three little fillies leave and let us do what we want." said Diamond Tiara. As Smeagol stood there watching with shock, seeing one of his friends hurt, he felt anger against Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. His teeth cringed as he looked down upon the two bullies. "They'll pay for hurting my friends." said Smeagol with a hiss. He walked to the right side of the clubhouse and slipped through the window. He very quietly crept over the treehouse and walked around the balcony trying not to be seen, trying to find a bush that he can land on. He then found one with yellow flowers that looked like it could leave to a somewhat soft landing. Smeagol jumped and fell into the bush, which made loud snapping and crunching noises as he made it to the ground. "What was that?" said Silver Spoon as she perked up one of her ears. "Probably a squirrel slipping into a bush. Anyway, let's go meet their friend these losers are hiding from us." said Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon headed towards the treehouse. "We doesn't want you to do that." Said a voice from the area around them. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked around and couldn't spot anypony else, but the three fillies. "Who's there?" said Diamond Tiara. No reply came from the area. "Show yourself!" shouted Silver Spoon. "We doesn't like when you hurt our friends." said the voice. There was a snap of branches on Silver Spoons left. She quickly turned her head towards the source of the sound and saw nothing. There was then snapping coming from behind them. The lot looked at the bush that was a few feet away from them. "COME ON OUT FROM THAT BUSH, YOU COWARD!!" shouted Diamond Tiara. No reply. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were starting to shake with fear. "Who else is here besides you three and the one in the treehouse?" said Diamond Tiara looking "No one else." said Scootaloo. There was another snap behind the bush. "hissssssssssss~" "What was that?" said Silver Spoon with worry. "I'm not sure." said Diamond Tiara as she began to shake. "What's the matter, Diamond? Too scared to go near the bush?" said Scootaloo. "SHUT UP! I'M NOT A COWARD!" "If you're not, why don' you two go near that bush an' see what it is." said Applebloom. "Fine. We will." Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon slowly walked towards the bush. They were starting to get goosebumps. "Don't worry Diamond. I bet it's just a squirrel." said Silver Spoon. "You might be right." replied Diamond Tiara. As they made it towards the bush, they pushed through the branches and then caught a glimpse of large blue eyes staring right at them. The being jumped straight at them. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" screamed the two fillies. The being pinned them towards the ground. The fillies slowly opened their eyes and saw a pale colored pony on top of them with anger in his eyes. The CMC's looked with surprise knowing that somehow it was Smeagol. "Pleasedon'thurtus!Pleasedon'thurt-" said the two scared fillies "SHUT UP!" screamed the pale pony. "Hey come on, We're gonna shut up right now!" said Silver Spoon. "Calm down. We're really sorry." said Diamond Tiara. "If you ever comes near our friends again-" "Oh these- these are your friends." interrupted Diamond Tiara. "Oh these three? Hehehehe." said Silver spoon nervously. "Did you know that?" "Me? Oh, I did not know. Did you?" "No of course not." "Is he your friend?" said both as they looked to the CMC's The three fillies nodded. The pale pony slowly craned his neck down closer to the two fillies. The two fillies were frozen in place not knowing what the pony would do to them. "Leave." whispered the pale pony. "Toodles" said both fillies as they slipped away from him and ran off towards Ponyville. "Smeagol, that was awesome! You stood up to us." said Scootaloo as she and the other two fillies walked up to him. "You sure are a good pony, Smeagol." said Applebloom. "Thanks, Smeagol." said Sweetie Belle with still a bloody nose. "Wait here." said Smeagol as he rushed towards the treehouse. Smeagol came back out with a handkerchief in his mouth. The same one that Sweetie Belle used for wiping Smeagol's tears away. He placed the handkerchief on his right hoof and slowly yet softly, wiped the blood from Sweetie Belle's face. "Better?" said Smeagol as he retracted his hoof away from Sweetie Belle's face. "Thank you very much Smeagol. You really are a good friend." said Sweetie Belle with a couple of sniffles as she tied her hooves around his right hoof. Smeagol hugged her back. "Your welcomes." replied Smeagol. Scootaloo and Applebloom joined in for a group hug. Fluttershy flew around to and fro searching for Smeagol. "SMEAGOL!! WHERE ARE YOU!?" shouted Fluttershy. Fluttershy then spotted two fillies running further away from the direction of the CMC's treehouse. Fluttershy flew towards the two fillies and stopped them in their tracks. "Excuse me you two, have you seen any pony with pale fur, little of hair, and blue eyes?" asked Fluttershy. The two fillies stood there shaking. Silver Spoon then pointed towards the direction from where they ran from. "Thank you very much. Also, you two should go home and rest. You both look pretty pale. It looks as if you've seen a ghost." said Fluttershy before she flew past them. "Smeagol, please be safe." thought Fluttershy. Back in the treehouse, Smeagol sat down between Applebloom and the bruised Sweetie Belle waiting for Scootaloo's announcement. Smeagol looks down at Sweetie Belle's bruised face. He couldn't help but put a hoof on her back. Sweetie Belle jumped a bit then locked eyes with Smeagol. "Are…Are you sure you gonna be ok? It looks bad." said Smeagol with concern. "I'll be fine. My sister on the other hoof will flip out. What you did back there was very heroic. You're a hero in my book." said Sweetie Belle giving him a smile. Smeagol smiled back then looked towards the podium where Scootaloo finally was done making her speech. She placed both hooves in front of her. "Alrighty Cutie Mark Crusaders, I hereby declare Smeagol, one of us. Welcome to the club, Smeagol." said Scootaloo giving a round of applause. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle joined in clapping with their hooves. "Welcome to our club, Smeagol." said Applebloom. "Welcome new member." said Sweetie Belle. Smeagol gave a smile and gave Sweetie Belle a hug. The other two fillies joined in and together gave a group hug. "Smeagol?" said a feminine voice coming from outside of the treehouse. The CMC's including Smeagol perked their ears. They rushed towards the opened door and saw Fluttershy looking around the area. Smeagol took a few steps back. The three fillies looked at Smeagol with a puzzled look. "What's wrong, Smeagol?" asked Applebloom. "We doesn't want to see her." said Smeagol as he looked down towards the wooden floor. "Are you scared of Fluttershy? Why would you? She's the nicest pony in all of ponyville." said Scootaloo. "If you're too scared of her, then wait here till we get back." said Sweetie Belle. "Ok." said Smeagol. The three fillies left the treehouse, leaving Smeagol inside the treehouse as a tear fell out of his left eye. "Hi Flutters, what's- WOW! Where did you get that shiner?" said Scootaloo with surprise. "I could ask the same thing to Sweetie Belle. Where did you get those bruises?" said Fluttershy as she walked up to Sweetie Belle. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon did this." said Sweetie Belle. "Oh my gosh! Are you alright?!" "I'll be fine." "Funny, I just passed them on my way here. Anyway, I was wondering if you've seen a pony around here. He's got pale fur, little of hair, and blue eyes." The three fillies' eyes lit up. "Ya mean Smeagol?" said Applebloom. Fluttershy's eyes lit up. "Did you say 'Smeagol'? Did you see him? Where is he?" said Fluttershy as she grabbed ahold of Applebloom by the shoulders and shook her. "He's in the treehouse. He seems scared. And could you please stop shakin' me!" Fluttershy let's go of Scootaloo and flew towards the treehouse entrance. Fluttershy walked in and saw a pony looking at her with surprise as tears rolled down his eyes. "Smeagol? It's me, Fluttershy." "Please go away. I won't forgives him or myself for hurting you." "Smeagol, I knew it wasn't you that hurt me." "What does you mean?" "When you were trying to attack Twilight, your eyes weren't the same at all. I knew that wasn't you. There was something within yourself that was trying to possess you. The Smeagol I knew would never do that." she said as she walked over to him. "I still doesn't forgive him and myself. I don't want to hurt anyone else like that again." "Well don't worry. If he ever hurts me again, I won't blame it on you. I'll blame it on him. Smeagol, you are my friend. And you always will be." Smeagol got up and walked over to Fluttershy and gave her a hug. "You means it?" asked Smeagol as he sniffled. "I do. Please don't ever run from me again." said Fluttershy as she hugged him tighter. There was a moment of silence as both ponies hugged. "Awwwwwww~ That's so cute." said Sweetie Belle. Smeagol and Fluttershy turn towards the door and saw the three fillies snickering. Smeagol and Fluttershy looked at each other blushing. They then broke the hug and headed towards the door looking away from each other with embarrassment. "Could you three not spy on us." said Fluttershy out of embarrassment. "We're sorry." said the three little fillies. Fluttershy turned her head towards Smeagol. "Come on, Smeagol. Let's go reintroduce yourself to Twilight." "…" "What's wrong, Smeagol?" "Will she hate me?" said Smeagol with worry in his voice. Fluttershy placed a hoof on his right shoulder. "Don't worry, Smeagol. She'll forgive you as well. Including Rarity." said Fluttershy giving him a smile. Smeagol gave her a faint smile in return. They both walked down from the treehouse and headed towards Twilight's castle. "WAIT!" shouted the three fillies. "What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy. "Can we go too?" asked Scootaloo. "Please?" asked Applebloom. "I like to see my sister." said Sweetie Belle giving Fluttershy puppy dog eyes. "Sure." said Fluttershy giving them a smile. "YAY!" said the three fillies with excitement. The group walked further away from the treehouse and headed straight towards Ponyville. "Say Sweetie Belle, why did you get those bruises?" asked Fluttershy. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon wanted to get into our treehouse to bother Smeagol and make fun of him being cutie mark-less. After I got smacked by both of them, Smeagol surprisingly got out of the treehouse so quietly to give them a scare. You should've seen it. He told them to get lost and they did." Fluttershy looked at Smeagol with astonishment. "You saved her?" "Yes. She needed help, so I helped." "Smeagol, you are not a monster or a pony. You're a hero." said Fluttershy as she gave him a small hug. "He's a hero in our book." said the three fillies. Smeagol looked away blushing. In the throne room, Twilight sat there reading a random book from one of her shelves. Rarity sat on her throne, looking at herself through her mirror. Spike sat down on his tiny throne, bored. "Do you think Fluttershy has found Smeagol now?" said Spike after giving out a big sigh. "I'm not sure, Spike. She'll eventually come back here at some point." replied Twilight. "I hope Smeagol has calmed down." said Rarity. "All we do now, is wait till she gets back." said Twilight as she got back to reading her book. Just then, the door opened up, and popped out Fluttershy, Smeagol, and the three little fillies. "Fluttershy. You're back." said Twilight as she got of of her throne and walked towards the group. "We're back. I also brought along Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom. And boy oh boy, do they have a story to tell." said Fluttershy. "Hi, sister" said Sweetie Belle. "Hi, sister." replied Rarity as she got off of her throne. "SISTER?!" said Smeagol as his eyes lit up with surprise. "Sweetie Belle? How was school tod-" Rarity paused from shock noticing the bruises on Sweetie Belle's face. "My goodness, Where did you get those bruises?! Did Smeagol do this?!" shouted Rarity as she gave Smeagol an angry glare. "No sis, he saved me." "He saved you?" said Rarity with surprise. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were being bullies and smacked me in the face." "Then Smeagol scared them away. They ran away with their tails between their legs." said Scootaloo. "He's a hero." said Applebloom as she hugged Smeagol's left leg. Rarity walked towards Smeagol. Smeagol took a few steps back not knowing if she was gonna hurt him or thank him. "Darling, thank you. You are truly not as vile as I thought you were. Your heart is gold." said Rarity as she hugged Smeagol. Smeagol hugged her back. "Your welcomes." said Smeagol in return. "Smeagol, you are not as bad as you're other ego." said Twilight. "Other ego?" said Fluttershy. "We'll talk about that some other time." whispered Twilight in Fluttershy's left ear. "He saved Sweetie Belle? That's very cool of him. Smeagol, you sure do know how to stand up to bullies." said Spike as he walked towards Smeagol and gave him a nudge at his left side. "Thanks, Spike." said Smeagol giving him a smile. "Smeagol, as the pony that summoned you from another world, I hereby welcome you to Equestria." said Twilight as she placed a hoof at his left shoulder. "Thank you very much, princess Sparkleses." said Smeagol as he gave her a bow. "You are very welcome." "Also, we likes to say sorry from earlier. He's-" Smeagol was cutoff by Twilight holding a hoof in front of his face. "I know, Smeagol. I understand. And you are forgiven." said Twilight. "Welcome to Equestria." said Fluttershy walking up to his left. "Welcome, darling." said Rarity walking up to his right. "Welcome to Equestria." said the three little fillies. "We…We…Thanks…" Smeagol was on the verge of crying tears. "What's wrong, Smeagol?" said Fluttershy as she put a hoof on his left shoulder. "We…we have never been welcomed kindly like this in a very long time. It's…Feels good." said Smeagol giving out a few sniffles. "Awwwww~ you poor thing. No more tears, you should feel happy and should be proud to be a member of out society." said Fluttershy. "True." said Smeagol wiping away the tears from his eyes. "Anyway, welcome." said Twilight. "Oh, it just came to me. Where's dashie, Pinkie and Applejack?" said Rarity. "As I recall, Rainbow dash is getting some sun at the lake, Pinkie is busy at Sugarcube Corner, and Applejack is-" Twilight was cutoff as the door opened and popped in an orange pony. "Howdy, Twilight." said the orange pony as she took her hat off and flung it to the hat rack. "Hi, Applejack." said the lot except for Smeagol. "Boy, I had a tough day yesterday. A skinny and pale lookin' pony hijacked my cart and crashed it against a house alon' with all of my apples I bucked from my trees. I had to clean up all of that mess and throw it all away to the dump. That cart has been in with the family as long as I can remember. After cleaning up, I used my bits to buy a new cart which was never the same as the old one." "Um…Applejack. When you meant by 'a skinny an pale looking pony', did you mean him?" said Twilight as she pointed at Smeagol. Applejack looked at Smeagol with surprise. Her jaw dropped while giving out a wide-eyed stare. "SWEET CELESTA! He's the one! He's the one that made my day gone bad!" said Applejack with anger. Applejack stomped forward towards Smeagol. Smeagol remembered her as the pony that had such delicious apples from the cart she had. Smeagol waked backwards till he cornered at the wall of the throne room. Applejack stopped a few feet away. "Listen sugarcube, either you pay me, or you work for me. Make a decision. That cart you crash'd has been in my family for many years and you destroy'd It." said Applejack with a snort of anger. "We're sorry about that…We'll do what you wants. We swears." said Smeagol as he kneeled down to her. Applejack then looked at and gave out a sigh. She was starting to pity him. "Look, I'm sorry 'bout bein' so ruff on ya. I didn' have a good day yesterday. You are forgiven. But you still owe me." said Applejack as she placed a hoof on his shoulders. "Smeagol, did you really destroyed her cart?" said Fluttershy walking towards him from his right. "…Yes." said Smeagol looking away from her. "Smeagol, you owe it to applejack for destroying her cart. You must repay for what you have done." said Fluttershy with concern. "…Ok…we'll do whatever she wants." said Smeagol. "Perfect! So Applejack, what day would work perfectly for Smeagol?" "He can start tomorrow." said Applejack. "Excellent! Looks like Smeagol here is gonna have his first job in Equestria." said Fluttershy putting her hoof on Smeagols right arm. "What's a job?" asked Smeagol. "You'll find out tomorrow. Now come, let's go home. The sun is setting." said Fluttershy as she looked towards the sunset from the window. "It's nice meetin' ya, Smeagol. Hope to see you tomorrow." said Applejack. "We'll be there." said Smeagol. "See you guys around." said Fluttershy as she waved back at everyone. "See you around." said the lot in return as Fluttershy and Smeagol waved back in return. Smeagol stood near the window of Fluttershy's cottage and stared at the crescent moon. "Smeagol?" said Fluttershy trying to get his attention. "Yes, Fluttershyses?" said Smeagol turning at her. "Time to eat." said Fluttershy as she pointed towards the table. On the table was warm porridge waiting to be eaten. Smeagol walked towards the table and sat down. He looked down upon his bowl and slowly lapped down the porridge. Five minutes have passed as they just finished their last bit of porridge. "How was your porridge?" asked Fluttershy. "Tasty." replied Smeagol. "How about you, Angel?" Angel replied by giving her a nod. "Alrighty time for bed." said Fluttershy. "Good night." said Smeagol as he walked over to the bed and laid down. "Uh, Smeagol. Are you fine without a blanket?" asked Fluttershy. "We're fine. We've slept all the time without a blanket." "Well, I'm gonna have to tuck you in anyway. You could get cold at anytime." Fluttershy walked over to one of her cabinets and grabbed a blanket. She then walked over to Smeagol and tucked him in. "How do you feel now?" asked Fluttershy. Smeagol shifted a little. "Very warm." "That's good to hear." "Um, Fluttershy…What's a job like?" asked Smeagol with curiosity. "That's for you to find out. It'll be an adventure." "Oh…well, it sounds exciting." aid Smeagol with a grin. "Oh, I bet you'll enjoy it. Anyway, time for sleep. You'll need it." "Good night, Fluttershyses." "Good night, Smeagol." As Smeagol closed his eyes shut, he felt a very soft peck at his left cheek. His face went warm. He then heard Fluttershy's hooves walking further away along with Angel's small hops. She turned off her light and walked upstairs as Angel tagged along. The room then, went silent. Fifteen minutes have passed and Smeagol hasn't fallen asleep. His face still felt warm as his heart was beating a bit to quickly than usual. "Are we….Are we in love?" thought Smeagol. "Smeagol and Fluttershy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." snickered the Gollum persona within Smeagol. "Leave us alone. Fluttershy looks after us now. We don't need you."said Smeagol. "I'll always be with you. You can never escape from me." "Shut up. I am your master. This is my body and I control it. Not you." "Whatever." The room became silent again. Smeagol then stared through the window, looking at the starry night skies. He then saw a shooting star passing by as it flew to the left. He hasn't seen a shooting star like that in a very long time. He thought it was a very beautiful sight to see one. "Tomorrow will be our first job. Let us sleeps." said Smeagol as he began to doze off into a deep sleep. TO BE CONTINUED...