//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: The Manetown Chronicles: A Hidden Heritage // by LincolnShanna //------------------------------// “Hey, Jicxie! How are you?” Kristyn asked as she approached me. I forced a smile and grabbed my backpack. “Oh, I’m great. Just peachy.” I was glad that I was wearing my sunglasses, because behind them, my creepy eyes were glowing with blue-white light. Tomorrow was going to be a night to remember. “Fantastic! You ready?” Kristyn questioned. “Yep,” I said, holding up my small duffel back packed with her pajamas, a spare change of clothes, a pair of purple high-top boots, and my dress for Kristyn’s party. I had designed the boots and dress myself on a fashion design website. You design your shoes, shirt, bottoms, or dress, the company makes it for you, and then they send you the finished product. My dress was sleeveless and black with a blood-red ribbon outline and a red Chevron pattern on it. The hem of the dress was jagged, like a two-year-old had taken a pair of scissors to it. It had two other layers. The second layer was royal purple and it had the same type of hem as the first ruffle. The third ruffle was indigo colored and had a jagged hem, as well. The boots were light purple with a magenta interior. It had high heels that were magenta, too. The pegs of the heels were made in a 3D, rectangular shape. There were gold chains threaded across the whole length of the boots. The only thing missing from the outfit, in my opinion, was a headdress. Maybe… a crown. Beep! Beep! A car horn honked. “Oh, yay!” Kristyn clapped delightedly. “Millan’s here!” “Who’s Millan?” I asked. “Our chauffer,” Kristyn replied matter-of-factly. She pointed to the curb, where a sleek black limousine was waiting for us. Someone rolled down the passenger seat window. A man sat in the driver’s seat. He was wearing a perfectly ironed suit and his face was clean-shaven. “Hello, Miss Spellan. Are you ready?” he asked. “Hi, Millan! I’m ready! And this is my cousin, Jicxie.” I nodded. “Hi, Mr. Millan.” “Oh, please. Call me Millan,” Millan requested. “Um…okay?” I said. Even Kristyn’s staff was perky! Millan got out of the limo, walked around the front of the limo, and opened the large, black door of the passenger area of the long car. Kristyn skipped forward and climbed into the car. I slowly walked forward and gingerly crawled into the seat opposite my cousin. Millan closed the door behind me. I reached for the seatbelt, but there weren’t any! I looked at Kristyn in surprise. “Oh, you’re wondering where the seatbelts are!” Kristyn cried. “We don’t have any. This car is safe enough that we don’t need seatbelts. Plus, my house is only five minutes from here!” “Oh. I see,” I responded. I looked around the limo. The roof of the limo was glowing, and there was a mini fridge stocked with sodas and fruit. Kristyn reached forward and grabbed two root beers from the fridge. She handed one to me. “Thanks,” I mumbled. I cracked open the can, and at the same time, Millan started the limo. The long car surged forward, and I spilled soda all over my shirt. “Oh, no!” I cried. Kristyn was laughing. “That’s okay. I can fix that!” She snapped her fingers twice, and a heater began blowing on me. Within minutes, me clothes were dry. “Woah,” I sighed. Kristyn smiled. “Here we are.” The limo pulled into a circular driveway. Millan stopped the limo and opened the door for us. Kristyn and I exited the car, and as I stood up, I almost passed out. Kristyn’s house was huge! She lived in a mansion. “Wow.” “I know,” Kristyn said. “Pretty big, huh?” I nodded. We walked up the steps to the front door. Kristyn opened the double doors and motioned for me to follow her. I roamed past the giant doors and into a grand entrance hall. Hung along the walls were pictures of Kristyn and her family. There was a picture of Kristyn as a baby and sitting on her mom’s lap. Over there hung a picture of John Spellan placing his hand on a stack of old-looking books. And there, on the opposite wall was a huge, life-sized portrait of Aunt… Celestia and Uncle John on their wedding day. I had to admit, Celestia looked beautiful. Her veil was made of pure-white lace, and pink and blue threads were woven intricately throughout the whole thing. Her dress had a long train that wrapped around her legs three times. The belt fastened around her waist was silver and gold. A golden sun made up the buckle of the belt. John’s suit was black, a standard suit for any rich groom. What caught my eye was the fact that Celestia’s eyes were wild. It looked like she was staring at something behind the person who had been painting her portrait. She seemed like she was about to say something. I walked up to the portrait and looked at Celestia’s hand that was hanging down in the picture. I placed my finger on Kalissa’s painted finger. I turned around. Kristyn was standing behind me. “This is my favorite picture in the whole house,” she told me. “Mom looks so pretty, almost magical.” I sucked in my breath. “Magical?” “Yeah,” Kristyn affirmed. “I mean, look at her! No one could pull of such an amazing dress. It’s almost like it was sewn by a magician.” “I see,” I sighed. I slowly turned to face the painting again. Kristyn placed her hand on my shoulder. “When you’re ready to get settled, just walk down the hall and walk up the staircase. I’ll be right up there.” “Okay. Thanks.” I turned to look at my cousin, but she was already walking up the stairs. I turned her attention to the painting again. Sewn by a magician? Since Kalissa was from a magical world, it would make sense that the dress would have been made by a magical creature. I scanned the hem of the dress for any kind of label or name. Finally, I found one. I read the tiny label. “Dresses By Rarity. The Carousel Boutique,” I read aloud. I made a mental note to look up whom this “Rarity” person was. For the moment, I had a plan to carry out and a crown to steal. “So, where’s the crown you were talking about?” I asked Kristyn slyly. I sat down on a cushy, pink ottoman in Kristyn’s room. Kristyn smiled. “Oh, yeah! I’ll get it!” Kristyn skipped over to her large, walk-in closet and opened the door. She entered the fashion labyrinth and walked down the isles and isles of dresses, skirts, shoes, and tops. I sat uncomfortably on the ottoman. Did I dare go through with this? Yes. Kristyn was going to get what she deserved. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Kristyn exited the closet and closed the door behind her. In her hands, she held a pink-and-blue striped hatbox. She set it on her bed and motioned for me to come closer. I stood up, adjusted my shades and baseball cap, and walked over to my cousin. I kept my mouth shut because I feared that if I opened my mouth, I would reveal my fangs and start drooling in anticipation of seeing and, eventually, stealing the crown. Kristyn opened the box. I gasped. The crown was even more beautiful in person. It was made of pure gold, and intricate designs of hearts and swirls were engraved into the surface of the crown. The ends of the crown were curved and twirled, perfectly molded to fit behind pony ears. It was a bummer that Kristyn didn’t have any pony ears. The crown wouldn’t fit her. But it would fit me. I had pony ears. The purple jewel set into the crown shimmered and sparkled like a star. It seemed to swirl and change color as the two of us stared at the gorgeous headdress. “Can I hold it?” I asked. “Sure! Have at it!” I reached into the box with trembling hands and lifted the crown off of the satin cushion it had rested on. “Perfect,” I whispered. “Just perfect.” “What was that?” Kristyn clarified. “Oh.” I placed the crown back into the box. “Nothing.” “Okie-dokie!” Kristyn looked at my. “Pretty neat, huh?” I nodded. “Yesssss,” I hissed. “It’ssss incredible.” Kristyn stared at me. “You sure you’re okay?” I nodded. “Yeah.” I forced a cough. “Just got a frog in my throat.” “Oh, well. Then let’s get you something for that,” Kristyn offered. “I’m sure that Matilda has some medicine we can get for you.” “Thankssss. Who’ssss Matilda?” “Our cook,” Kristyn replied. She linked her arm with mine. I tried to pull away. I fought back a growl. Only 24 more hours of this, I reminded myself. “Let’sss go,” I groaned. “So, Jicxie, you decided to attend Kristyn’s party after all?” I looked up from my mashed potatoes and saw my aunt smiling at me. “Yeah. Figured it wasss time to bussst out of my ssshell and hang out with other pon… people.” i caught myself before I said “ponies.” The whole “Mom’s from Equestria, Mom’s a pony princess” thing was starting to take over her thoughts. Jicxie noticed that she was still hissing. “Well, then. Will you be staying the night?” Uncle John asked. i nodded, my mouth full of steak and potatoes. “All right, then. I’m sure Kristyn wouldn’t mind sharing her bed with you, Jicxie. Would you, dear?” Kalissa/Celestia asked her daughter. “Nope. We can totes share!” “Wonderful,” Kalissa said. “I’m sure that you two ladies are tired. It’s nearing eight o’ clock, so I’ll let you girls work out sleeping arrangements.” Kristyn stood up and walked toward her mom. “Thanks, Mom. G’night, Daddy.” She pecked her dad’s cheek with a kiss. Then, she skipped out of the room. “Goodnight, Aunt Kalissssssa. Goodnight, Uncle John,” I said. I followed Kristyn out of the room. As I left the giant dining hall, I thought I heard Kalissa chuckle. “She’s so calm and silent. Just like Luna.” “Yes, my dear,” John said. “Just like Luna.” “So, you wanna sleep by the closet or by the door?” Kristyn questioned. “Oh, well, how about I sssleep near the clossset? Seemsss comfy there.” I grinned. Kristyn had no idea what was coming for her. I looked at my cousin and smiled. “What’s up with your teeth?” Kristyn asked. She tilted her head, as if she had noticed my fangs. I immediately shut my mouth. “Oh, it’sss nothing. Probably jussst a piecssse of ssssteak or broccoli ssstuck in my teeth.” I feigned pulling something out from between my teeth. “Okay,” Kristyn said. At that same moment, Aunt Kalissa peeked in the doorway. “You might want to get to sleep, girls. By this time tomorrow, you’ll be partying and you’ll want to be well rested,” she advised. “M’kay, Mom! Thanks!” Kristyn hopped over to her mom and gave her a hug and a kiss. Celestia/Kalissa smiled and left the room. She closed the door behind her. “So, you have PJs?” Kristyn asked. “Yeah. They’re in my duffel,” I replied. I walked over to the table by the door and unzipped my bag. I removed a black tank top and a pair of blue-and-purple plaid pants. “Right here.” “Okay. If you wanna use the bathroom,” Kristyn said, pointing to the open doorway to the right. “It’s open.” “Thank you, Kristyn.” I grabbed my bag and plodded into the en suite. I flicked the light and groaned. The bathroom was a pink nightmare. The floor was made of white and pink tiles, and the wall had hot pink flower decals stuck on them. Even the glass of the light bulbs was pink, which gave the room a pink glow. I bit my lip, set my duffel on the deadly, pink tiles, and grabbed my pajamas. I closed the door and got into my PJs. When I left the bathroom, I breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, I was out of that pink, poisonous prison! Kristyn had already cuddled into the purple-and-pink spotted sheets. She patted the open spot next to her. “C’mon. Climb in! It’s nice and warm.” I eased into the bed. It was warm. I looked at Kristyn, a look of surprise on my face. Kristyn smiled. “It’s a heated blanket,” she admitted. “A plug-in, electrical one.” Kristyn has everything. A great family, lots of money, and she always seems happy, I thought. “Oh. That makesss sensssse.” Kristyn smiled and tucked the fluffy blankets under her chin. She snuggled down into her pillow and looked at me. “Good night, Jicxie.” “Night, Krissstyn,” I replied. I kept staring up at the ceiling. “Love you,” Kristyn whispered. Within minutes, she was asleep. I was shocked. Kristyn loved me? Even though we were so different? Maybe Luna was right… maybe Kristyn and I weren’t so different after all. I turned to face Kristyn. Kristyn smiled in her sleep. I managed a small side grin. I was just about to forget about stealing the crown when a little voice inside my head said, Why do you think this? Kristyn is much different from you. She is the sun daughter. You are the moon daughter. She is the one who shines, now, not you. You should be the one to shine, not the sun. The moon is more important. “What? Who are you?” I whispered into the darkness. The voice began to speak again. I am you. We feed off of each other. WE are Nightmare Moon. I gulped. “Oh.” “What, Jicxie?” Kristyn whispered in her sleep. “Oh, it wasss nothing,” I lied. Just an evil pony who is helping me. I swallowed again. One who is helping me destroy you. I closed my mouth. Pony ears, reptile-like eyes, fangs, claws, and now I was hissing. Something was definitely going on.