MLP rifters

by Element Reading

Chapter 1: Learning who he is

I am Thrain Craig, I am what they call a rifter. I can travel between two bodies, one of them is here on Earth, the other one is in Equestria.

I would normally be happy about this, but a private corporation took me at the age of 5 along with 50 other rifters. They experimented on so that we could open a portal to that world. If we do that the company will be able to take the world easily, they will use the ponies in slave labor and mine out the planet for monstrous profit.

Sadly during the first ten years of experiments 49 of us died, I am the only one alive, I am 20 now and I haven't left this facility for 15 years.

I am literally a lab rat to them, I have been fed as a dog, and dissected multiple times, I know they have taken my lungs in and out over 3 times.

Now in Equestria I am a pegasus with a blue and yellow mane, I have tan fur, and my eyes are brown. I am 20 there as well, I am also married to the most beautiful alicorn princess. Her name is Luna and she can raise and lower the moon with ease, I agree with her a lot.

My life in Equestria is dream while my life on Earth is a hell born nightmare.

I wish I could stay in Equestria forever, the experiments hurt, but I have found a way to divert the pain and think like I am now. Currently they are pumping my veins with electricity, that increases my power ten fold, I don't know why but it just does.

I am not allowing them to get to Equestria, what they don't know is that I can control if I want to use the power or not, they are trying to force my power to make a portal, but it's all for not.

Oh looks like they are about done, that's all the deep meditation for now. "Hey get up freak!"

One of the security guards picked Thrain up and dropped him on the floor, "GET UP FREAK!" He yelled again, Thrain did what he said and got up.

Every nerve of his body was aching, he walked back to his cage to sleep for the night, this was the last one today. The guard took Thrain by the collar and threw him into the cell, he said, "good night freak, heh heh."

The doors slid shut and Thrain was lying on the floor, he thought, "If only I could tell Luna, she would be able to help, but they monitor everything I say and do, if I do something to let the equestrians know about this place or me they will activate the kill switch and kill both of my bodies.

You might be wondering how I transfer bodies, well it happens when I sleep, when I do sleep my mind transfers to the other one, but the body I am not in is quite literally a corpse, though it does not decompose nor rot at all, time to sleep, see you all in Equestria."

As he said that his eyes closed and he drifted to sleep.

A second later he woke up in a bed, he was in Luna's room and in her single bed (>:)) she was sleeping peacefully on his chest, Thrain was a tall stallion, he was about Luna's height, to be exact 5 foot 2.

Although human he is over 6 and a half feet tall, he took his hoof and stroked her mane, he loved that so much, it just felt, um, um, okay I can't explain it shut up.

He kissed her on her horn, she started to wake up, he said, "morning sleepy head."

She groaned and replied, "morning Thrain." Oh ya his equestrian name is Thrain while his human name I forgot years ago, I is call number 34 there, but I prefer Thrain.

After they got up and took a bath they walked over to the dining hall to join Celestia for breakfast, Luna told him, "I can't believe we have been married for a year now, it's so wonderful." Thrain replied, "I agree, it has been a dream come true."

Suddenly Thrain dropped to ground clenching his gut in pain, oh ya in his Equestrian body he has nerves. He yelled out in pain and died, Luna tried to save him, but failed miserably.

Back in the human world Thrain woke up on an operating table, one of the doctors said,

"we have found out that you have been stopping us from opening a portal. For now on you will be going through 24/7 experimentation and you will not be allowed to sleep, activate the generator!"

5 days later:

They have been trying for a long time now, but Thrain still hasn't opened a portal there yet, he thought, "I can feel the ergh, pain surging through AAAAHHHHH, me. It hurts so much, I don't think I can AHHH, can hold back my power for much longer." He yelled out, "AAARGH!"
One of the scientists said, "subject 34 can't hold on for much longer, we are almost there."

Back in Equestria.

Luna was sitting next to her bed waiting for Thrain to wake up, she was used to his kind of sleep, but he never did that.

Celestia knocked on the door and asked, "Lulu, may I come in?"

She replied, "yes Tia." She used her magic and opened the door, she stepped in with Shining Armor and Princess Mi amore Cadensa aka Cadence.

Cadence said, "Luna we heard about what happened with Thrain, we came as soon as we could, we can't stay for to long. Our little bundle of joy is back in the Empire, has anything changed?"

Luna replied, "no, he's still in the deep sleep. I don't know what happened." Just as she said that Thrain's hoof moved a little bit and fell on the night stand.

Shining said, "his hoof Luna!" She looked and saw it on the night stand, she said, "wait, he want's me to open his personal drawer, I think?"

Celestia, Shining, and Cadence walked over to the stand, Luna opened the drawer, they expected to find some playcolt magazines (lol right). But all that was in there was a small recorder, Celestia said, "wait, why does he have a record player in there?"

Luna placed it on top of the night stand and pressed play.

"If you are getting this then the company has almost used my powers to open the portal to this world.

There is something I haven't told you because they would kill me and maybe you, I was born on the planet Earth before my body here was born, I can transfer my conscience between bodies, it happens every time I sleep.

There were 50 of us, at the age of 5 they took us and put all of us in experiments, I am the only one who has survived the experiments. Everyday they try to force my powers to open a portal that will lead them here.

Their intentions are to kill/inslave your kind and use how every many of you who survive for slave labor, they will hollow out this planet. Why, because they want money, this will generate a lot of money for the company.

I have been holding them back for about 15 years now, I barely had enough time to make this recording.

Please, if any humans come through a portal with weapons and saying that they are part of a corporation, run as fast as you can, they can't be stopped. They have to much money and, oh god they have almost fixated on me I got to go, I will always love you Luna, that is why I have gone through 15 years of torture/experimentation."

The recording stopped, Shining asked, "what did we just hear?" Celestia replied, "I don't exactly know, but the Thrain we thought we knew has another life, literally."

Luna said, "I think I know what's happening, no time to explain, but we need to make sure we don't let them come here."

Back on Earth.

Thrain was now having radiation pumped into his blood stream, he was yelling out in pain. He yelled out, "PLEASE STOP! THIS IS INHUMANE!!!"

One of the scientists walked over to him and said, "it would be if you were human, freak. Pump up the radiation to max!"

The nurse ran over and told him, "sir, that much could kill him, the company won't like that one bit." The scientist replied, "I don't care, if he dies we go and find more rats, now crank it up!"

The radiation was now flooding into his system, Thrain yelled out, "ARRHHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!"

As he said that a green portal started to form, after a minute it was just big enough for two people to walk through with no issue.

The scientist yelled, "STOP THE RADIATION NOW!" The radiation stopped and was being pulled out of his system for further testing, he said, "alright you two security go through and make sure it's okay to send reinforcements."

They nodded and just as they were about to cross the portal shoved them back with an invisible wave, one of the guards said, "sir, we can't something is stopping us." Thrain replied, "it needs me to go through, once I go through it will stabilize."

The scientist said, "alright you two take 34 with you, don't worry all the radiation was pulled out of him and he is to weak to do anything."

Over in Equestria.

They were talking about what to do when Thrain's body started to hover, Cadence asked, "what is happening?!" His body shot out a green pulse that stuck to the wall making a portal, it fell back down on the bed.

Luna said, "oh no, they got him to open the portal." Right after she said that 6 beings came through, 4 of them looked like they were soldiers, one of the humans in the center had a lab coat on and threw the one dressed in what looked like underwear covering his privates.

He looked beat up, damaged, and abused, it said, "I'm sorry Lulu, I tried, but they pumped to much radiation into me." Her eyes widened, she asked, "Thrain, is that you?"

Sadly just as she said that the one in the lab coat said, "kill them and wait for reinforcements."

They nodded and pointed their weapons at the ponies. Celestia, Shining Armor, and Cadence all teleported away, Luna first grabbed pony Thrain and then teleported away.

The guards were shocked, the scientist said, "search the castle, kill all of those.... ponies, but leave a few alive for future studies." They all nodded and left the room.